Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for April

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 5 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 5 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/cancer-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/cancer-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychic.com.au we’re here today to bring you your reading for the next 10 to 14 days and let’s see what we’ve got for cancer please what energies do we have for cancer clean it up clean it up cancer that’s your first what you what do you have to clean up what is it that you need to concentrate on what is it that you need to finalize finish it up Message in a Bottle so there’s something here cancer that’s going to come to you in the next couple of days um that you need to clean up and there’s a message coming through for you so there’s something here that some of you have to clean up and finish off it’s like tying Loose Ends but here you’re going to get a valuable message within the next seven to 14 days so let’s see what that is all about in the meantime let me just put your candle cuz we’ve had that one turn off one

sec this is real live video so there you go let’s see that we need caner to have their light thank you so much what are we cleaning up here cancer what’s going on we’re going to do past present and future so we’re going to see where you’ve come from what’s been bothering you in the past where you are right now and what’s going to happen in the next few weeks so let’s see what we’ve got for cancer where have they come from what what have they been doing in the past please past for cancer thank you first one 10 of Cups beautiful

five of

Pentacles and the Seven of Swords wow cancer I said beautiful to begin with cuz that that is a beautiful card it’s a card that presents love happiness Prosperity um togetherness um a bond that is so strong and I feel here that something here has fallen apart and this is a relationship more than likely that it’s Fallen apart and left you on your own you feel abandoned you feel um you may have felt cuz this is the past remember you may have felt that you were disillusioned in a relationship you thought the relationship was a certain way however it turned out to be a totally different way to what you thought you feel abandoned you feel upset you’re you’re um you’re very worried about what’s happened and how it all took place and here I feel that you’ve left a situation and if it’s not a relationship it’s a bond it it could be a workplace somewhere a good friend um something like that if it’s not a a love relationship it’s definitely a relationship of some kind but this relationship is broken down and I feel here that you didn’t expect this to happen you this was unfor it’s something that you couldn’t see coming you didn’t expect it from this person that’s what I feel here it’s like a shock it was like you you you were left in shock here and now I feel that you’ve got to clean this up clean up the ill feelings that you’ve got around you clean up all the pain here what they’re saying is everything that this person did to you or what you went through with this person in this relationship whether it’s a love relationship a family relationship a friend relationship whatever it is it’s time to let go of that ill feeling it’s time to let go of that regret it’s time to let go of that blame and move forward because you can’t move forward if you don’t leave something behind that doesn’t belong to you anymore you’ve learned a lot in the past yes you have and take those lessons with you but don’t take that that animosity that huge heaviness that you’ve been carrying let’s see where you are now cancer please cancer it’s something that extreme upset you quite a lot and you lost faith in in people you lost faith in in human race the king of

Wands the six of Cups the past and the Ace of Swords absolutely it just comes to say exactly what we’ve said before it’s time to take control of your life and leave the past behind it’s time to leave that past behind and I feel that you’re working extremely hard on that right now because this is your present so anything that’s happened in the past needs to be left in the past and I feel here that you’re cutting all those cords that once held you together all those beliefs all those um wants and needs that you had with this person you now understand what happened and you’re very you now have an understanding when you look at the situation from a strategic point of view rather than an emotional point of view and here I see you cutting a lot of those cords that once held you together whatever this relationship was you’re cutting them out of your life the past is going to be in your past and you’re working extremely hard at trying to move forward now with your life leaving behind all those things that don’t belong to you anymore and it’s exactly what we said so what’s coming up for cancer please what have we got coming up for cancer so leave yeah beautiful taking control of your life again look look at that yeah cancer here we’ve got um you trying to take control of your life again in the next 7 to 14 days you’re going to take a stance on a particular thing you’re going to make a huge decision and that could be that you move to another place you start a new job you invest into something new but here it’s you taking back the Reigns that belong to you you taking control of your life again and starting to look at it as that taught me a lot but today I’m a totally different person than what I was back then I’m now more wiser more experienced and more determined to be the strong person that I truly am and here we’ve got the moon card and the eight of swords and with these two cards cancer it says that you’ve still got uncertainties and fears from that past experience you still hold a lot of unknown you’re worried about change because you don’t know how that’s going to make you feel you’re worried about letting people in because you feel like you you don’t know who you can trust but that’s put you in a situation of solitude of feeling um isolated feeling like you can’t trust anybody anymore and that’s brought in a lot of uncertainty a lot of fear you’re a totally different person today and although you’re going to take control of your life now um in the next 7 to 14 days you you you may still have that feeling of who can I trust and who can’t I trust what else have we got for cancer oh okay one more please thank you this one flew out so it’s a definite Wheel of Fortune look at that the will of Fortune cancer here I feel that you’re going and look at that The Hermit another major Arcana card what have we got here seven of Wands standing up for yourself I okay here what we’ve got cancer is this you may receive a message in the next 7 to 14 days that changes everything it changes it brings a lot of changes for you to own your own space this may give you a huge up in your life it could be a job that you’ve been waiting for it uh an answer for it could be a a solution or or an answer that you’ve been waiting this is something that you’re waiting for to happen this is a change that you’ve been wanting and this change comes in and you’re going to feel a powerful um relief from this this change so I do feel that there’s something here that changes that gives you that certainty that you’re on the right path you’ve taken a lot of time on your own to understand your circumstances what you’ve been through where you are now and I do feel that in the next 7 to 14 days everything that you’ve learned everything that you’ve thought about and everything that you’ve become is going to put you in a very strong position where you’re going to know how to stand firm with people you’re going to know how to say no because I do feel that we had a few cancers here that always had a problem saying no and standing up to people that’s not you anymore you’ve you’ve had a a lot of time to think to rebuild who you are and to find that power within that you’re not going to give to anybody else anymore so I do feel here that you know who you are now in a more certain way and look at that Queen of Pentacles this could be a new opportunity that comes through but you’ve got two queens here so someone here is going to offer you an opportunity of a lifetime something that you’ve been waiting for a new job that’s going to allow you to live the life you want to live after all the hurt and pain that you may have been through the isolation you now receive something of huge importance to you and this huge importance is going to set you free to build your life how you want it does that make sense to anybody here let’s see are you waiting on anything let me know but there is a message here for you and I do feel that you’re cleaning up everything that you you’ve been through let’s see what we have with the Gypsy cards what have we got with the Gypsy deck please first one oh loocks it all

out cancer there’s the sun your days are going to get brighter from where you’ve come from to where you are now the storm is over storms don’t last forever and this is you coming out of that storm now you See Clearly where you need to go now you have the answers and the solution and the new job or the new home whatever it is that’s new in your life that’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity getting you out of that area of uncertainty of hurt of

pain so expect change in the next couple of weeks but this message is going to be super important for you look at that the Mountain you climbed this is you clim you had a mountain to climb with all the issues you had but I feel now cancer that you’re at the top of that mountain all those curves all those uplifts and all those pushes that you had to do to get up that mountain all that um perseverance and self self-reliance you relied on yourself to get yourself out of this feeling of Despair and here I feel that you you’ve reached that top of the mountain you see things now that you couldn’t see before and the and the Sun is there to clarify that everything becomes clear now you have a very clear in very clear perspective of where you’re going next and look at that don’t let fear hold you back don’t let the anxiety hold you back don’t let it eat you inside all those feelings need to stay there where they belong and that’s in the past now that you’ve spent time clearing yourself and understanding yourself more now than ever you’ll need to let go of everything that happened in that past and bring the learnings with you but that’s it that’s going to be the challenge is you allowing other people in in time in time when it’s your time when when you think it’s time allowing people back in but very cautiously which you’re going to I’m sure okay cancer I hope this makes sense to a lot of people here lots of love and light thank you so much and keep going with the great work bye-bye


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