Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast AUGUST 24

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For AUGUST 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for August 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of August and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics today we’re here to bring you your horoscope for the month of August and we’re going to go straight into an energy for the month then we’re going to do career relationship and finances and at the end we’ll have a message for you so let’s see what we have for cancer please energy for cancer for August please energy for cancer for August it didn’t fall I’m not taking it energy for cancer please energy for cancer for

August energy for cancer for August thank you 10 to the Small Things cancer so in August you’ll be dealing with all the little things that matter on a day-to-day basis but it’s nothing huge so a lot of a lot of you may feel at the end of August that you’re having a achieved much but you would have have you would have achieved a lot it’s just all little things that you’re going to have to um look at or um work with so you may be in August tying up all Lo ends making decisions for this one for that one for the household uh where you want to go what you want to do what needs to happen next it’s all those little things that you need to attend to okay how does career look for cancer please for August career for August thank you three of Pentacles working as a team it’s going to be teamwork in August cancer teamwork in August working together with somebody working with another two people on a project or something here look at that the five of Wands be careful at work cancer in August as there may be some someone who is causing chaos for you there’s someone in the team that you work with that may be causing uh a little bit of drama and you don’t need that right now I feel here that there’s a troublemaker there’s someone causing trouble or gossip in your

workplace seven of Cups making choices having choices you’re going to have choices in August in regards to your job you’re going to have choices to make in regards to either the position you’re in or to do with your work let’s see what else have we got one last card for cancer please The Hermit someone here is contemplating either moving careers because of somebody in their workplace it could be two other people that are trouble in your workplace and this is something that you’ve been thinking about for quite some time you’ve had enough for somebody here that you don’t want to work with these people anymore there’s constant ego trips here or or constant chaos and conflicts here and I feel that you’ve been thinking about this for quite some time look at that the two of swords on the bottom of the deck which means I’m confused I don’t know what to do but I don’t want to be staying here someone here wants to leave their current role their current

job you’re going through a process here of making decisions cancer let’s see what we have for relationships relationships for cancer please relationships for cancer for August the tower reconstruction something has to change something has to change in your relationships what are we talking about here for cancer please what’s changing in Cancer’s relationship in August there’s a change Happening Here the temperance getting balance back into your relationship you want balance you want fairness someone here is feeling that they’re not getting the the they’re getting the raw end of the stick so you’re asking for Fe aess you’re asking for balance back in that relationship or you’re doing things to bring the balance back into a relationship maybe the relationship was out of out of balance for a while you weren’t seeing eye to eye with each other or something was taking place and because you’ve had pressure in your career you may have been taking that home which puts excess pressure in the relationship Eight of Cups someone’s walking away for someone here it could be only one or two people but someone is walking away from a relationship and you’re the one asking for the the separation you’re the one asking for the separation here cancer you’ve had enough you want you want your peace one more card please the cancer I’m connecting to here in relationships wants to find their Pace they’ve had enough you’re you’re sick of all the promises you’re sick of all the the I’ll change I will change give me a chance I will change I’ll make it happen I’m going to do it differently and it doesn’t change the seven of Pentacles money there could be arguments in regards to

money I feel that money here is putting pressure on this relationship and I feel that someone here isn’t pulling their weight this is what I’m getting here someone is not pulling their weight in the household with financially and you’ve had enough so you’re thinking what am I doing here providing for somebody that doesn’t even care about the rest of the family nurturing somebody who is not a child anymore I’m done I’m finished I’m I’m done I’m walking I’m

out Two of Wands I’m going elsewhere I’m finding a new place I’m finding a new location I’m moving country I’m doing whatever I have to do but I’m not staying here there’s someone determined remember we said about 10 to the details all that is going to help in any of these situations so at the moment Virgo you know what I’ve got here that someone here is going through a hard time at work and someone here is going to walk out of a relationship that they’ve had enough of they they’re feeling like they’re always the one that has to support the family or they’ve got to support somebody else and the other person has just taken them for a ride okay what how does the finances look for cancer wow cancer you’re not McKing around in August you’re Drawing the Line in the Sand you’re going to get news soon some news comes your way what else have we got news about finances so you may either have to pay money or there’s a debt that you you that that’s going to come through there’s a bill that’s going to come through for a debt or you’re going to receive money but there’s news on the way oh look there you go magic moments and commemoration in your finances so I feel here you’re going to get a a pay rise or you’re going to get paid out you’re you may leave your job and get a payout which is going to help you uh with your finances in August a pay rise for some you may get a pay rise at home you may choose to work from home now you may have authority to work from home which is going to solve somebody’s issue here it’s like you’ve you’ve asked for a job or you’ve applied for a job that allows you to work from home and you’re going to get that that news here at home or you’re going to receive money at home you may get a check in the mail but there’s oh look good luck look at that there’s definitely luck around finances in August you may you may get money through uh a win or uh something to do with your job that comes through or a check that was owed to you but someone here ow you’re going to get money either from somebody from something or a situation it’s going to bring you money so you’re going to come into money and look at that the higher Divine is looking after you they can see you struggling here cancer for somebody here you are struggling and they can see that you have asked for this you have wished and prayed and they’ve heard you so out of it could be out of nowhere or it could be that you’ve been waiting for this money and it’s been taking forever well in August it’s going to be sorted out what’s the last message we have for Virgo please sorry Virgo why why did I say Virgo you may be dealing with a Virgo or a Virgo is involved in giving you this money cancer what have we got here for cancer please last message for cancer please why does Virgo come up something to do with Virgo here abundance look at that what did I say there’s your abundance card it’s not by mistake there’s something that you’re doing that they don’t want you to stop something that you’re fighting for or something that you’re doing right now don’t stop Don’t Turn back whatever it is that you’re doing Don’t Turn back because keep keep going with what you’re doing because if you keep going that’s where your Luck’s going to change the the chapter is going to start as of new so everything you’re going through right now I feel that there’s a huge energy around you that shouldn’t be there and they’re saying don’t stop Don’t Stop Believing don’t stop doing what you’re doing keep going because when you keep going everything’s going to change the abundance starts to happen your life starts to become more easy the stability starts to increase so keep going keep going cancer lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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