Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Messages December 2023

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the Month of December 2023

FREE Monthly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that is only happening now, which you can evaluate to see if it has happened or is currently happening, as some readings may happen straight away or can take time to take place, depending on each persons journey. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re doing your December forecast it’s going to be a round table with each each element of each house in the zodiac chart for you to get a feeling of how December is going to be overall let me know in the comments if you like this sort of layout any comments that you have please share with us as it’s vital that we keep doing what we’re doing to help everybody and if I reach one person I’ve done my job it’s not going to resonate with everyone as you know because it’s a general reading so feel free to go and see your moon and your ascendant sign which could have certain things there for you as well today we’re going to do main energy first then we’re going to go into the tarot then the last message for your December forecast okay so let’s go what have we got for cancer main energy for cancer I’ve mixed all these before so with the energy of cancer cancer main energies please for the beginning of December main energy for the beginning resilience it’s about cancer you being strong with something that you’re doing or it’s going to bring you a lot of growth I know that it may it may be hard what you’re going through right now or the beginning of December may be a little bit challenging but it’s going to be things that bring you a lot of growth a lot of of knowledge and a lot of learnings and things will become lighter this is as heavy as it gets so you may feel that you’re overburdened with something something that there’s so much going on and so much that you need to do that the beginning of December may feel quite heavy for you and it doesn’t necessarily have to be with bad things it could just be that there’s so much going on and going into the festive season and holiday season you may feel that straight away in December in the beginning of December mid December for cancer place what have we got for mid December abundance there’s a lot of abundance around you and it could be financially yes but it could also be a lot of love a lot of nurturing a lot of new ideas and things that come to you that really make your heart sing there’s going to be a lot of abundance around you mid December beautiful news that comes for forward things that make you smile really and it could be that you are abundant by a raise or a bonus that your boss gives you for for the holiday season but there is going to be a lot of abundance around you mid December okay for the final for December at the end of December around the festive and holiday season what’s the energy for cancer there at the end of December for cancer thank you the path and cancer when I get this card as the path being for the end of December that energy that you’ve got it’s about you seeing where you’re currently at and where you’d like to go places that you’d like to visit where is it that I’d like to go and see you know it’s like I’m in the old same old same old everyday routine that I want to do something new I want to see something new I want to be part of something new I want to do things that I haven’t done before it’s you wanting that New Path that’s going to empower you to say I’ve been there done that and I’ve experience

that okay let’s go to each house of the astrology chart please cancer I’ve already mixed these but we’ll give it one more mix and then let’s see what we have for house number one which is all about yourself what do we have how’s cancer going to be feeling within themselves in December cancer house one December house thank you the moon for some of you you’re going to be unsure about certain things you may be worried about certain things or you may just have this unsure feel feeling about certain things or people for that matter you’re in a place of uncertainty unsure you you’re in a place of some of you may be scared or fear some fear some change that’s coming through or you may be scared or worried about a certain situation but in majority it’s about you’re just not sure what you want you’re just not sure how things are going to play out in December there’s a bit of uncertainty there there’s a bit of just not sure if that’s right just not sure if that’s what I want you know that’s type of energy okay what have we got for income and finances for cancer house two income income and finances for house two for cancer December December for cancer has two a change there’s a change coming through for you in your income and finances cancer and this may be that you either have a new opportunity a new possibility or opportunity presents itself and brings more money this could be a few winnings um through a lotto ticket and you don’t have to spend much cancer can I just tell you this like some people think that they need to invest a lot of money in gambling or a lot of money in buying a lotto ticket uh-uh you can buy one one ticket and one is going to make the difference because when it’s meant for you it’s going to be for you so don’t go out and spend big money on things that you’re you’re wanting to try your luck on small may still be the the winning ticket that you needed because when it’s meant for you it’s going to be it doesn’t matter about the quantity it’s the quality in the and that’s going to come through also here there’ll be changes in relations to your income maybe you’ll change the way you see how you’ve spent your money you’ll change the way you invest your money you’ll change the way you’re doing things with your money and buying things that you need rather than what you want little things like that maybe you’ll set a budget for yourself I don’t know but there are going to be some changes around your Finance es and your income and you may set them yourselves or they may be caused by outside influences you may have a change in the way you you get your money not sure everyone will be different communication house three what have we got for communication house three for cancer in December thank you the devil and the devil talks about just be careful not to get involved in Gossip be careful that what you say is not something that you’ve heard that shouldn’t be discussed um it’s just an awareness of be really careful about the commun how you communicate with people and what you say because sometimes we say things without thinking about it and cancer usually doesn’t do that because they’re very in tune to making things Pleasant making things happy but sometimes there may be another influence that makes you communicate in a certain way that’s not you so cancer just be aware of that that in December there may be things said or communicated that aren’t as pleasant as what they should be or misunderstood even you may say something a certain way but someone has misinterpreted that communication just be careful as well with communication that um anything that you communicate is very clear because in December with the devil card there it something that you say may not be clear or may uh someone may perceive it as being something else and that may cause a little bit of un a bit of chaos or a bit of um unwanted negative energy there so to speak okay okay what’s the home life look like for cancer you rule the home life number four this is your area so what has cancer got the house for for home standing firm stand firm in your decisions around the home stand firm in what you want to do how you want to have your home what you want to do at home who you want to have over the things that that are around your home with the people you live with stand firm in the decisions that you make um and be very precise and communicative and and this is where the communication plays key be very communicate show Communication in a way that’s very clear to everybody so there’s no misunderstandings otherwise you will have to use the

firmness okay romance what have we got for romance for house five for cancer please house five cancer romance thanks heavy burden 10 of Wands cancer for some of you here you may be carrying a relationship that’s had it used by date a relationship that’s causing you a lot of pain and worry and a lot and then and a relationship that has caused you to question yourself quite some quite many times for some of you you’re carrying someone else you’re you’re you may be dealing with someone that doesn’t want to work doesn’t have much interest in life and you’re carrying all the burdens around the house doing all the chores working to keep the house afloat and and day-to-day life afloat providing for others that aren’t doing their bit uh chores that need to be done and you’re doing it all rather than getting people to help you so you may be carrying a lot of burden in your romance and feeling that your partner is not com coming to the table with the same energy and with the same um effort as you you may feel for some of you you may feel that Ro the romance you’re in right now is really heavy that it you’re questioning whether this romance is real and whether it gives you what you want or are you carrying this romance are you the one putting all the effort in for those of you that are looking for romance you may feel that the energy is quite ahead at the moment but there’s no one out there that is capturing your eye and if they are they’re not they’re not what you expect or not what you want for your life so it’s going to be a very month a a very heavy month as far as romance is concerned or heavy is in you feel like you’re carrying all the burdens Wellness what’s in health for cancer for December what have we got for December for health in house 6 house 6 for

health cancer the tower something may happen in December please be careful of what you eat what you drink um not exercising there’s things there that you can help your health in there’s things there that you can help your well-being you need to be more attentive to what is not agreeing with your body and things that you’re doing that are not good for your body and here there may be um a time in December where you feel like you’re super super tired and exhausted or you feel really sick and if that’s the case you need to go and see a practitioner get results get results on tests done and action it from there on but if you’ve been hanging on and ignoring a certain issue that’s been going on for quite some time time now is not the time to let that go December you need to action it if you don’t action it it’s only going to get worse and you may even um get let it get to the point where there’s no return so please go and see a practitioner with things that you’ve been putting off with uh routines that you haven’t been doing like blood blood tests um cholesterol tests what whatever it may be please keep on top of your health in December and action anything that needs actioning ASAP and when I say ASAP I mean just don’t let it keep going because it’s not going to be good if you let it keep going action it now so it’s it’s done you know and you can rest in peace that everything’s okay it for some of you you you’ve been putting off something for quite some time you need to bite bite that time and go and now is the time to go okay partnership and friendships house seven what have we got for friendships overall and this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s romance it’s friendships and Partnerships beautiful Queen of Pentacles for many cancers here you may find that there’s going to be a bit of prosperity or ideas or abundance that comes to you from Friends ideas that you haven’t thought of before that you may be talking to a friend and they say something and it triggers a new thought a new idea to create abundance for some of you you’re going to feel that your friendship and your partnership is blossoming in a beautiful way you’ve got beautiful friends around you you’ve got beautiful Partnerships around you Associates that you deal with that are going to be quite Pleasant so I don’t see any issue there cancer for friendships or Partnerships in that manner okay intimacy and Joint resources which is house eight and that’s anything that you share with others whether that be finances home um work you know thoughts ideas conversations what has house eight got for you intimate beautiful the star and the star comes to say in house eight in your intimacy with others and Joint resources it’s going to be quite beautiful nothing there to to worry about things will be clear things will be true and you’ll see things clearly for what they are there’s no hidden agendas hidden secrets in this area and highsight for you is going to be quite powerful okay what else do we have for adventure and Higher Learning House nine that’s all about Adventure what doing new things learning new things growing in different ways what is it that we have for house nine for cancer cancer house n thank you cancer you may want to learn certain things in December or you may put into place something that you want that’s new a new adventure a new place but you’re keeping that very quiet to yourself it’s something that you know what you want but you’re not discussing it with out out uh outside energies and what I’m saying by that is for example you may have in mind with you and your family to go on a spectacular holiday and have an adventure that you’ve always wanted to do but you’re not going to discuss that with people outside there may be something that you want to learn but you’re not telling anybody anything until you’ve actually made your mind up and you’ve put things into place um it’s you being very aware that other people’s opinions or or judgment may change your mind so you’re not saying anything to anybody you’re keeping what it is that you want to do very very close to your chest so to

speak okay what else have we got sorry just dro the card okay career house 10 career house 10 for cancer please house 10 for cancer for career thank you house

10 the death which is beautiful it’s a transformation card in your career you may decide that what you’ve been doing up until now has been great however it’s time for change it’s time for you to expand your knowledge it’s time for you to let go of what where you’ve been up until now it’s time to broaden your horizons and see what other possibilities or opportunity present themselves to you in December you’re going to have this urge to want change you want change or you want to transform what you’re doing you may be introducing new things into your business and transforming it from what it is today to where you want it to be you may be looking at your career and saying no I want more out of this I need to go back and study so I can broaden my horizons I I may want to change locations where I work I may want to it’s you expanding and transforming what you’ve got now wanting more of what you’ve got or more of something else that’s new okay Network or long-term wishes which is house 11 this is something that you’ve wished for for quite some time and you network with others or to make things happen to fulfill your wishes what is it that we have for house 11 for cancer oh traveling maybe you want to travel maybe what you’re doing here is putting plans into place for you to be able to travel maybe you’re putting you’re taking care of your finances making the changes that you need to make which we spoke about here in order to allow you to see different things experience different things be able to make different decisions you’ve done a lot that you’ve wanted to do but there’s so much more that you want to achieve in your life and your wishes are going to be looked at carefully in December you’re going to look at those and say what do I need to put in place today that allows me to fulfill my wishes later or in the next few years or next year what is it that I need to do right now in this point in

time okay what else have we got what’s in your unconscious mind and this may be something that you’ve been thinking about or you’ve put on the back burner and you don’t want to think about it it’s in your unconscious ious mind something that may be worrying you or has worried you and you haven’t dealt with it or you haven’t wanted to think about it let’s see what’s in the unconscious mind of cancer pleas in December unconscious mind has 12 your sentiments how do you really feel about something how what what are your real thoughts about something okay for cancer in December your unconscious mind is for you to be able to celebrate something you want to celebrate life for what it is you want to celebrate something that been on your mind for quite some time and this may be that you want to go on a holiday for your anniversary or you’re just putting that on the back burner and seeing if your partner comes up with that something that’s been on your mind for quite some time that you want to do but you’ve put on the back burner for different reasons maybe you couldn’t afford it maybe it wasn’t the right time maybe you had other responsibilities but it’s something that deep down you’re wishing for and you’re hoping for it’s in your unconscious mind and in December that will come forward there’s either going to be discussion about that or you really have this urge to accomplish

that okay cancer I hope that that’s been informative for you for December we’ve got a last message here for you so let’s see what comes out remember to comment and tell me what you how you feel about this layup and if it does if it is informative for you because it does take longer cancer I’m also going to um after I do the December forecast in the 2024 forecast I’m also going to do um I’m also going to put a schedule together of when your horoscope is out what day and what time every single week because I’m finding it that I’m working super hour super long hours to do this sort of thing and um keep up with my private readings that I do so it I need to set certain days and times for everything and I’m going to go into 2024 with a more uh schedule with a more proactive schedule on when things happen and when they happen okay cuz I do need to take a step back from working too much all right let’s see what the final message is for cancer please cancer final message for December thank you follow your voice of your soul remember I talked about the unconscious there follow the voice of your soul be true to how you feel and what you want put things into place that you’ve always wanted and be follow the voice of what your inner voice is telling you sometimes we ignore our inner voice because there’s too much going on and we’re too busy and our schedule is over complicated but this is saying take a step back cancer and follow that voice um of your soul in December it’s important that we listen to what we really need what our soul is trying to tell us and that that’s important important it’s intuition it’s the need to listen to our our body our soul and our spirit how do we really and truly feel about different things well cancer I hope that’s helped somebody here lots of love and light your way let me know in the comments and check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be something there for you lots of love

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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