Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for March Week 2

by | Apr 10, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March Week 2 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for March Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of March and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your reading for the next 10 to 14 days apologies for the settings as we will be in our normal setting next week so in the meantime it’s just important I’ll bring you the information that comes through so cancer what energy are we in this week what energy do we have for you this week the snake

the snake and on the bottom we have the

Mountain Cancer I don’t know how many of you are going to resonate with this but I feel I’m speaking to someone here that has not given up in a situation you’ve had to face some hard hard times and you’ve had to battle your way through certain things but here I have someone who is not only powerful but also is transforming their life or who they are to get to the top of that mountain it’s like you’ve had to face certain things in your life and deal with certain situations and people that has has brought you challenges you have faced challenges in your life for someone who’s going through a health problem right now and you feel like like you’re climbing this mountain there is going to be care or medication here that helps you but that’s only for one or two people that that that will resonate with the others it’s your transforming who you are your beliefs what you want and where you want to go after all the hard times you’ve had to deal with transforming your life to a more tranquil time let’s see what the T tarot has here and it’s someone that didn’t give up and it’s brought you a lot of growth you know as much as you’ve had to F face those challenges and the hard times you’ve grown through each one of those hurdles you didn’t give up and that is a reward in itself cancer let’s see what else we

have the seven of Wands you’ve had to stand firm in certain situations you’ve had to stand up for yourself and make things work you’ve had to defend yourself against others or certain situations but you didn’t give up you remain strong for someone else here and this is only one or two people you’re defending yourself against someone who is an energy sucking person they want your energy they want to take things from you they’re very conniving very manipulative and you’ve got to stand up for yourself in this situation so I don’t know who that’s going to be for but the message came through so I had to pass it

through the three of Pentacles it’s like here you’re you’re starting to save your your you could be saving um in your finances you’re starting to stand up for yourself or you’re starting to want to be part of something here join a team um be part of something else I don’t know if you want to start a new job and you want to join another team or if you want to start a new project with somebody else but there’s something here that you’re doing with something somebody else and that could be another two people at least it’s like I’ve had to do this on my own but now I’m going to join forces or I’m having the opportunity to join others in something to be able to achieve what I need or get information for some of you here you may go and study something or be part of something else look at that The Wheel of Fortune your fortune will change here all those battles all those hurdles you’ve had to go through cancer it’s not by mistake that you’ve got the star underneath look at that you now see things clearly you now see Solutions get answers you see a way out you see that there are things that you can do to change the situation or you have come a long way that now you see people for who they are and situations for what they presents elv to

be look at that on the bottom of the deck I’ve got the Ace of Pentacles it’s a new beginning here it’s a new beginning it may have been hard to get here but your luck is about to change the Wheel of Fortune says it’s now time for you to have what you deserve after everything you’ve been

through it’s like you’ve had to transform into someone else something else look at that it brings you the Sun come on Leah remember I said whatever it is that you’re doing is going to be exactly what you need to be doing you’ve got the right idea you know where you’re going and that transformation that you’re you’re doing at the moment and when you didn’t give up when you really had to fight and get that internal power to push through the hard times your son is now going to

shine it wasn’t easy was

it look at that New Horizons New Opportunities new places a world out there waiting for you new people to meet new countries to visit a new opportunity that presents itself where you allow yourself to imagine what it can be like how far you can

go the hermit for a long time there you may have isolated yourself from certain people from certain situations so that you can get a grip on what needs to happen next but you have found your answer and you’ve been either welcomed by other people to join them or you’ve made a decision here that working as part of something else is going to be the key here to making your

success the transformation in the Snake Here didn’t come by mistake the snake is also Cur you are finding your internal cure your your your health regenerates look at that the five of Wands this Wheel of Fortune comes to take you out of a place that is not for you you’re you’ve come from a place of arguments disagreements having to fight for everything that you have having to fight for your rights your opinions having to fight for what was yours you win this battle you win this battle Leo sorry cancer you may be dealing with a Leo because I don’t know why Leo came here but you may be dealing with a Leo as part of these arguments there’s more than one person there you’ve had to fight against or you’ve had battles

with Le what Le Jesus why about Leo cancer cancer what did I say remember I talked to you about the

sun the sun will shine in your life again look at this after all the battles the situations you’ve had to fight for and against you have the victory card here in the six of Wands the Sun is going to shine sh bright and you’re going to have your

Victory cancer it’s time now for you to enjoy that Victory you’re at the top you will find the top of the mountain the Pinnacle of the success that you are after was it hard absolutely did you go through hard times yes you did but that didn’t allow you to give up and you know what on the bottom of the deck I have no more there’s blank cards and blank cards on the other side that victory card is what they wanted to be your last card so I’m going to show you that again up close because that is the key in this reading so if you had doubts please don’t

Leo I hope this has reached somebody lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye


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