Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March 2024
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for March 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your March horoscope so your monthly March horoscope for 2024 so let’s see what we have for cancer please messages for cancer unlock the magic within cancer unlock the magic Within in what that’s saying cancer is you’ve got some valuable information or a gift that you need to unlock because the world needs to see it your community needs to be part of it and you’ve got something that people want and need there’s a magic within you that you may not be utilizing as as much as you
could oops no too many too many
cards energy for cancer please [Music] cancer no cancer this is a bit of a mess hold on one sec let me just shake it again might still have energy from the one
before I’m love the magic
within okay let’s see last energy for cancer please okay feel loved and
comforted so here in March cancer you are going to release something that you hold within that could be a conversation that could be a gift that you have that you share with others that could be knowledge experience that you communicate with other people and other people are going to appreciate you and love who you are for what you are they’re going to love what they get from you they’re going to learn from you and they’re going to appreciate you so here I feel that there’s someone here that’s got lots to say to show and to do because you hold a gift that’s magic within you and with that you’re going to see that other people appreciate that even though it may be something small to you it’s going to make a difference in other people’s lives it may just be what they needed to hear it may just be someone they needed to have information they
needed cancer please cutting for cancer thank you I’m going to put the cards out cancer and then we’ll go through it okay the seven of
Ariel the eight of
Raphael the whe beautiful love it New Beginnings
mhm eight of
Gabriel the king of Michael my favorite and on the B look at that the world the
world cancer you know what I get here I the minute I off I’ve got actually Goosebumps everywhere but what I’ve actually got here is that you’re going to start something or be part of something either a group or something you may be a volunteer you may be working as a teacher as a I don’t know what it is that you’ve got but you’ve got something that’s magic within you and that you’re stopping that from coming out because you’re doing something totally different and I think in March you’re going to realize that you can utilize that gift that you’ve got within to make a difference in people’s lives you’re going to put an end to something that you’re doing right now that is not utilizing your gift you’re going to realize that only you can make the difference here and with that knowledge you’re going to start something new now that may be a YouTube channel that you teach people how to cook that you teach people how to speak a certain language how you teach people anything but you’ve got a special gift within you that needs to be shared and you’ve got a special way of delivering that news of being that person that makes the difference in people’s lives or brings them information that helps them and you know you’ve got this gift but for some reason you’ve been doing everything else but not having enough time to go about doing this and this may be because of fear you’re you’re worried about what people will think you’re worried about how it will come across you don’t see your gift as being valuable whilst others are craving that sort of information but whatever it is cancer in March it’s important that you use that gift wisely to teach people because there’s something better out there for you and you’re going to find that when you put this into place you’re going to find yourself not only feeling amazing and free and acknowledged but you’re going to feel feel loved and comforted by those who most appreciate you those who most appreciate your gift and what you have to
offer so you may know what gift you have but what needs to happen is that you need to now get out of a situation that is not you at all you may be doing something at the moment that’s got nothing nothing to do with your value your
gift and when you realize that you’ve got more to offer that people want that’s when the change happens and The Wheel of Fortune here is bringing in a new idea you’re putting a new the minute you put that idea into practice on how you can deliver how you can bring forward that gift and that magic that you have within you start the world turning and that’s going to bring you a lot of satisfaction love prosperity abundance because you’re now doing what you’re meant to be doing people don’t get this gift or magic that they’re given to have locked away you need to unlock that magic that’s within and share it with the world and make the change that people want and people need so one brilliant idea of yours is exactly what needs to take place and if you don’t want to leave what you’re doing right now whilst you start this new then don’t leave where you are now but that will come to an end because what you have is going to be far more valuable and in March I feel that’s where you’re going to either one realize that your gift is valuable that your gift is wanted or you’re going to start that in
March hope this makes sense for somebody here but someone needs to hear it because what you have is
special be pray proud of yourself and the reason this card came out remember I said to you you’ve been holding off on sharing this for fear for fear of what others will think and and not giving much value to the gift you have but you should actually be proud of yourself for knowing this information for having this skill for utilizing this gift to help others be proud of who you are and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks because nobody else puts food on your table nobody else pays your bills nobody else is going to pay for your welfare so that’s why other people’s opinion and thoughts and judgment shouldn’t
matter do what’s right for you cancer do what’s right for you you’ve got what it
takes why have we got [Applause] this and it’s like these cards have been stuck and the first ones were stuck too it’s like you’re stuck you don’t know how to go about this just do it do it with the little that you have grow it later just the important thing here is that you do
it that doesn’t need much explanation from
cancer just shine my love shine shine with that beautiful special gift that you hold just let yourself
shine and don’t be scared because you’ve got something amazing that others need to hear to have and they
want shine cancer shine lots of love and light your way thank you so much for sharing this information with me and allowing me to get this information cuz what a beautiful reading thank you
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)