Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Forecast For January Week 1

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next um sorry not for the next if for January 2024 so we’re going to make this uh quicker reading not so detailed as the round table what I’ve done because I have got quite a lot of appointments that I need to complete um before um before I can move on to anything else so the first thing we’re going to do is start off with an energy then we’re going to go straight into the tarot and then lastly but not least a message from the Moon deck for you so let’s see what we have for cancer please the direction we’re going to use today is from Archangel Michael who is my absolute favorite Archangel and um and we’ll get an indication of what January has for you cancer for anyone needing bookings cancer um I am totally booked out um up until March the 17th I’ve only got one or two windows open now for January and that is it apart from that totally booked out until the 17th of March so any bookings um go to tarot readings and you can book there and pay via Paypal okay be honest with yourself cancer it’s now time for you you it’s calling for you to be honest with yourself all your feelings even the difficult ones have a message for you accept your truth and let Source take it from there so it’s time that you look deep within make the changes of understanding who you are and where where that’s taking you what what is happening within you being honest with how you feel about different people and different situations seeing things for TR truly what they are rather than looking at things with rose-colored glasses so the universe is calling upon you cancer to be as honest as you possibly can with yourself and see people and situations for their Truth The Way Forward is open it’s it’s now the paths are open for you cancer to do with whatever it is that you want to do with whatever you want to do you’re not trapped possibilities and opportunities abound I will guide you to personal and spiritual freedom and I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but you’ve got two fives two fives as you can see so you got five there and three and two which is five so that that’s saying to me that the minute that you open up and you’re honest with yourself a lot of changes are going to happen within you and for you paths are going to open up when you start to see things people situations for what they truly are and not what we want them to be or we want to see in people then things are going to start opening up for you because you’re going to have a very clear perspective of what you see and what you’re going

through and for some of you that feel that you’re blocked in this and you can’t move forward the universe is saying here Archangel Michael saying you’re not blocked at all all it’s how you’re looking at the situation that’s making you feel blocked let’s see what we have for cancer here please the tarot tell me if you’re feeling blocked cancer tell me if you’re one of those that are feeling look at that the perception the perception card came falling out it’s changing your perception to see things as they truly are changing the perception to see how capable you are of changing any anything in your life it’s all about the perception opening up your mind to think a different way and here we’ve got the eight of fire which is the eight of

um the eight of fire which is all about you taking control of your movement forward taking control once you perceive things for what they are you you will make Leaps and Bounds forward you’re free to do whatever it is that you please you just need to know that you’re free and understand and feel it so someone here is feeling blocked about a certain situation or in a relationship and they’re saying you’re not blocked it’s all about that perception of yours it’s time for you to look at it from a different perspective and free yourself from that look at that you may be in situation or dealing with someone where things are good sometimes but then they’re terrible other times so it’s not like you’re they’re good most of the time they’re just good

sometimes aligning your chakras understanding who you are being aligned with your truth with what you grew up with with your beliefs with your everything to do with you not changing to fit in with others it’s about you having a very clear mind and ideas and opinions of what really matters to you aligning yourself to your truth not what others want you to be or the way others want you or want what it it’s like cancer this is like I’m doing what others want me to do to keep the peace and I’m doing what I think I should do to keep everyone happy and they’re saying no that time now is over for you to be able to open up your paths you’re going to need to be honest with yourself what matters to you what drives you what makes you determined to achieve what’s important to you what are your opinions

Destiny you create your own destiny everything here is ready for you the paths are open all you need to do is be honest and and open this Destiny card to allow you to follow the path that you want the path that you believe in you create your destiny

here and on the bottom look at that it’s like you’re full of ideas but you feel like you’ve got to be Here There and Everywhere you’re always putting out fires for everybody you’re doing what everyone wants you’re you’re making it sure that everybody is happy you’re accommodating others but how about you cancer when is a going to be about you you’re everywhere at the moment your mind you’re running on time you’re you’re running versus the

clock when are you going to do what’s important for you that’s what they’re asking here cancer so in January there’s a big big look at who you are what you stand for and what your beliefs are what else have we got for cancer please than thank you nine of Cups it’s about time that you start championing yourself looking at yourself and saying this is what I want to do this is what I feel I should do changing the perception to not about others but about you if you want to go on a holiday then go for it don’t let others hold you back don’t let others stop you take time out to move forward use your intuition and move forward with that go and visit family friends elsewhere you’ve been disappointed throughout 2023 in some cases you’ve got a lot to live and Many Adventures to look forward to start now cancer it’s about


oh jeez I can’t take this many I can’t take it I’m going to take this one look at that for some of you here it’s a marriage or it’s a contract or it’s a bond it’s something that is sacred to you sometimes it’s good but sometimes it’s absolutely terrible this is a relationship a marriage a Bond a a union something that you or or it could be at work it’s something that bound bounds you to something or someone else and it’s time to put an Ender that it’s time to look elsewhere to find another job to move away from a toxic partner to move away from a toxic environment or people around you

January is going to open your eyes up a little bit cancer you’re going to have that feeling of I need to do what’s right for me you could be quite successful you’ve got Grand ideas you know what needs to happen you know what you need to do it’s about you feeling aligned and powerful enough to do what it is that you need to do I’m not talking to someone here cancer that is not capable I’m talking to a cancer here that is very very capable of taking life and matters into their own hands but at the moment you’re feeling bombarded and you’re feeling that you’re so spread out amongst everyone else and everything else that you forget what’s important to you the minute you align yourself you’ll start to see that different ideas start to happen and that you’re really not blocked into a situation the way is forward it’s

open oh wow if you don’t look after it cancer the universe is saying we’re going to throw a tower in and force you to deal with it your destiny relies on you creating what you want the tower comes to shake things up and sometimes we prolong things and we don’t want to see things so we don’t create chaos and conflict within our surroundings within our family within our work but guess what it’s saying cancer either you do that or we’re going to do it for you because the way you’re living this situation or with this person is not healthy for you or for them it’s time to take charge the Des your destiny reli I on you being strong enough to put an end to a chaotic situation chaotic conflict or a toxic person that you may be dealing with your destiny will depend on you shaking things up a bit and look at this look at this these two cards fell together and this is It’s Time to create that chaos and conflict it’s time to shake things up be in control and be the master of your destiny cancer it’s up to

you and for some of you here look at that the five of Wands it’s a a situation of arguments chaos conflict ego ego conflict everyone’s right and no one wins at the end of it how are you going to change this cancer that internal conflict that you have within you see sometimes when we do too much for others and we don’t take time out for ourselves which we all do because this is not a judgment this is every human has done this is we put others first and we keep on doing it and doing it and then we we start to form this internal conflict within ourselves and then hatred and rejection starts to come in that you don’t have time for you because of everybody else and you start to hate what you do for others you start to dislike what others stand for and you try and then the nitpicking and starts to happen before it gets to that you need to take that control of your destiny your you’re very spread out at the moment you’re very spread out in what you do for

others versus what you really want to do it’s you taking the control of your destiny here cancer let’s see what else we have for cancer please what else do we have for cancer oops wrong deck I got Archangel Michael there I’m going to take one they’re saying take another card out there’s one card here we need to we need them to listen to okay you do as you’re told okay done open your heart no one is perfect stop judging yourself and others and let love heal this

situation for some of you you’re thinking you’re not capable of changing your situation for some of you your you’re looking you’re feeling important in everybody else’s life but you’re not opening your heart to yourself and here we’ve got be the real you remember I said before and this was quite strong this feeling within me was that someone here is trying to make everybody happy and keep the peace in in everywhere apart from yourself inside you need need to be the real you because that is going to be true to you you’re going to be honest with yourself and when you’re honest with yourself you’re you’re perfectly fine with that and others may like it or they may not but that’s when you know who’s real and who’s not anyone that loves us cancer wants the best for us so anyone that’s not happy with the way you change and start looking after you that’s because they were never there to worry about you they were only there cuz it suited them cuz you’re doing everything for them I couldn’t have said up about myself look at that look at that full moon in Aquarius be real be real that’s all that is all and with that card also came up lighten up look at things from a different perspective you don’t need to be everyone’s everything you need to be

you and if they don’t love you for being you then they were never meant to be there or they’re not real and you’ll see that very clearly cancer I hope this has made sense to somebody here lots of love and light and all the best for January thank you so much much all the best


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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