Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For February Week 1
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for February Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so let’s see what we have for cancer pleas oh the star the star cancer okay I need to put a crystal on that because there’s a bit of nudity there and you cancels all the video oh wow 10 of Pentacles cancer the 10 of
Pentacles oh king of
Cups I’m not going to take those cuz I fell on the floor cancer
place if they may come out they’ll come
out the eight of Pentacles and on the bottom we have the two of Swords cancer here what I’m understanding here is something to do
with I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate if it doesn’t release the energy and go and check your moon and your ascendant sign but this is someone here that’s been working extremely hard in their career and it’s it’s everything that you’ve wanted to do you’ve dedicated yourself to it you’ve given it everything that you want that you wanted to give to it you’ve done everything that you could and here I do believe that there’s someone here offering you something that’s hugely abundant and this could be not only are they offering you Financial stability but they’re offering you they come with love and genuine offering and you’re not sure how to take this it’s like a one of your bosses or one of your Chiefs your CEOs someone who’s a Pisces Scorpio or um cancer yourself here being able to make more money being able to find your abundance and being given an opportunity of a lifetime but you’re just not sure what to do you can’t see what to do you you it nothing’s clear to you you’re scared you’re worried and here you you’re right at the bottom of something it’s like it’s like
you’ve created your abundance and you’ve created things to you’ve created your wealth really here and someone may come to you and offer you something however you’re finding it hard to find a way forward and that’s bringing you a lot of doubt it’s like you know what I’m getting here cancer it’s like you’ve come into some money you’ve come into some money but I do feel that it’s it’s to do with work a promotion something here that is Welles deserved something here that is fantastic for you but you’re finding hard to believe and you’re scared because you’ve come from a place of nothing and all of a sudden you get given this big chunk of money and you’ve had to work for everything that you you have you’ve worked extremely hard but I do feel cancer that for someone here there’s going to be a sum of money or a position or an opportunity offered to you where you come into some abundance a promotion let’s see what else we
have someone here offers you something like it could be someone offers you a position or an opportunity to make money or someone has offered you OPP opportunity to make money and you couldn’t you didn’t see that it was a scam for someone here you’ve gone through a scam where they promised you the world and you worked extremely hard for somebody only to find out that they were a scam that they everything you were promised is not delivered and there’s someone here in financial ruin for for one or two people they’re in financial ruin over something that they invested their money into thinking it was going to be a good investment and now it’s clear that it wasn’t the truth is told
here for others it’s a new opportunity so I’ve got two groups here a new opportunity for those of you looking for a new opportunity to make
money and it can be from someone that’s a Scorpio a cancer like yourself or a Pisces the world putting an end to something that no longer serves you moving away from a job to start something new M moving away from a someone that did the wrong thing by you to move to a new job that’s going to be very prosperous for
you the Eight of Cups it’s exactly what you wanted and what you’ve been waiting for to close that door to start something that’s going to be prosperous bring you abundance happiness fulfillment there’s a new opportunity here cancer and for some of you you are scared to take this opportunity because in the past you’ve been
robbed by someone who you
trusted your hard earned money was lost and now there’s this new opportunity this new offering and you’re in doubt look at that do I or do I not do I trust this person or do I not is this going to work or is it not do I close the door and move forward but what
if and the Queen of Swords you cut out anything and anyone that held you in a position of despair of doubt and of fear this is you cutting out things that no longer serve you things that robbed you things that made you feel like you didn’t belong you’re W you weren’t worthy you cut either relationships or old careers or projects out of your life to start something totally new you may have hesitation yes there’s a hesitation here to move forward because of what you’ve been through because you’ve worked too hard to lose money again but there is an opportunity here that comes from someone to say to you would you like to invest into my business would you like to work for me would you like to to
expand you are going to be very very honest with this person because you’ve come from a place of hurt and pain trusting other people with your money earned money well earned money hard earned
money there is doubt but what they’re saying to you is cancer have a look at this opportunity not everything and everyone is the same just look at it and if and if it makes sense do it if it doesn’t then don’t do it but listen to your intuition for someone here this is a dealing an opportunity that someone’s offering you but because you’ve had bad experience in the past you’re questioning whether this is
real get more information if you’re not comfortable get more information so someone here make come to you and offer you something but what they’re saying is get more information before you agree to do anything you’ve been burnt in the past and you’ve been taken for a ride meditation brings answers let your intuition speak you’ll know if it doesn’t feel right cancer don’t do it if it feels right you’ll know look for a sign ask the question to your guides your mentors and your angels they are going to send you a sign if you’re in doubt ask for a sign do I do this or do I not do I get involved with this person or not do I take this opportunity in this job or
not show me feathers show me something that’s different make me understand something bring it in a dream I need a sign from you please come in and tell me what I need to do give me guidance show me a path they will be there the minute you ask for help they will interfere if you don’t ask them for help they will never
interfere I hope that makes sense of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)