Cancer Horoscope for October, November and December 2023
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope for October, November and December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for coming here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and I hope everybody is well today we’re here to do your forecast for October November and December so let’s see what energies we have for cancer for October November de December let’s see what we have and remember if it doesn’t resonate visit your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun action cancer in the next 3 months you may be required to action either action something that’s outstanding action something that you need to do or it’s going to require some action from you let’s see let’s understand what else we’ve got acceptance
for for someone it may be that you need to action accepting a certain situation or a certain person in your life accepting that somebody is different or a situation is different to what you expected it’s an acceptance It’s going to require action from you as an understanding to accept anyway let’s see what else we have let’s see what this unfolds cancer what else to we have for cancer for October November December
please the three of
fire you’re going somewhere cancer are you leaving to another location moving homes moving jobs leaving a relationship behind moving forward with your life to a new beginning is are you planning on moving in
any let’s see what else cancer
Place Temptation there’s going to be an offer or a Temptation that’s going to require you to move or you’re going to be given a proposal or something comes forward for you that you’re going to have to either accept an action but it’s going to be quite tempting as much as it may be an issue what else interesting Tower this is a destined move cancer this is something that is going to take place this may be either to do with you or someone in your family or someone you’re dealing with that may get accepted to do a certain thing and it’s going to require them to action it by moving to another location Another Place Another City another country the temptation’s too big and that’s going to be brought in so it happens and what you’re going to do with this I don’t know this could also be very much you that’s got to make a decision based on something that’s really tempting and may have Financial abundance involved that’s going to require you to move to another location another job another place the queen of
water for something that’s going to create something that you love for some of you here it’s an opportunity of a lifetime that is either your or someone very close to you will be given it’s an opportunity that it will require action to be taken you’ll have to accept that this this situation or this person is tempted even though you love them dearly it’s now time to let go it’s now time to let go of your either comfort blanket if it’s you or let go of that person that’s in your life that needs to go and live their life does that make sense cancer I don’t know this could be for you yes you making a decision but you’re going to have to leave a place or someone that you love behind in order to achieve this thing you’re going to have to accept that whilst this offer or this situation or this person may be tempting that it’s going to require you to leave another relationship situation or
place and you’re going to require strength so it’s not going to be an easy task cancer in the next three months something that happens is going to happen for a good reason it’s not a bad thing I don’t feel here that it’s a bad thing it’s just how you react to this happening or how you’re going to action it will require strength so it’s not going to be uh very easy decision it’s going to require some decision making some thinking some deep delving into your soul and
spirit it’s going to require you to be strong about the way you think about things the way you action things the decisions you make that you’re going to have to live with
it’s going to require strength it’s not for the and look at that I really feel this has got to do with money I went to put the deck down and this one was standing up was the oh there’s one other card there but this one was right at the top of the deck the messenger of Earth which is you bringing it’s it’s a message that comes through for a new beginning in a new job or prosperous situation it’s got to do with prosperous
situations abundance
security okay what else decision time cancer decision time what do you going to accept acceptance are you going to accept it are are you going to action it are you going to be
tempted to take on this new opportunity that could set you up or bring new beautiful things into your life and allow you to be at peace with yourself in
[Applause] Tranquility what else have we got for cancer Place cancer that’s what we got for cancer look at this the two of fire the decisions that need to be made you’re not sure whether you want to go or not you’re not sure whether you want to leave where you’re currently at you know that there’s going to be pros and cons to whatever you decide you know that whilst it’s tempting this situation that it’s going to take a lot of a lot of thought on your part but more so emotionally it’s going to be more emotional than
rational you’re it’s going to affect you emotionally whether you take this or not whether you go to this place or not whether this happens or not the
union it’s about you finding the Best of Both Worlds how do you make a decision still keep very aligned with your purpose but make it work so that either side is balanced tricky tricky cancer
which way do I go I’m in the middle with my balanced chakras all the way up I don’t know which way to go if I don’t know which way to go is there a way that I can work this where both sides work to some extent or is this temptation worth
taking is this temptation worth risking what I’m leaving
behind wow wow it’s going to be decision time cancer in the next three months I don’t know how many people are going to resonate with this but there’s someone here that needed this message the three of
air and the three of air is you really doing your homework on all the pros and cons on all the possibilities that could be and might not be what can happen and what might not happen if I go this way what if that happens if I go that way what if that happens it’s you doing a lot of homework and research before you make a decision it may be a proposal that whilst it’s great it has rocked your world to some extent the tower comes to rock our to rock our world and say you’ve got a decision to make how much do you want this how much is this worth to you or are you not willing to risk that Free Will Free Will is what we have is there a right or a wrong no there’s no right or wrong it’s how you see it and perceive it and want it the queen of Earth make no mistake we got two queens here you may have two either it’s a female that’s offered you this role or this opportunity or you may be between two females here that could also be that if you’re if you’re making a decision between who do I want in my life it’s going to require some action on my behalf to make my mind up but I can’t have two partners because it’s just not right and it’s going to blow up up in my face very very quickly so who do I take do I take the queen of Earth or do I take the queen of
water the one that’s more financially driven powerful knows what they want is very grounded says it the way it is or do I take the queen of water who is loving and beautiful and soft but can also have a lot of doubts and is not sure and gives me a little bit of
insecurity cancer if this is you deciding between two people that’s going to be hard work whilst you’re tempted to go a certain way is that what you’re going to do if this is to do with a job what are you going to take are you going to take something that’s going to pay you more or are you going to take something that you’ll love doing
more okay what else have we got for cancer
please the seven of air which is this is something that had to happen your decision making on whether you stay or go with who you stay or go with is going to be a decision and a lesson that you’re learning it’s a lesson that has been brought to you for a purpose and a reason this decision is not just any decision it’s a decision that you’re going to have [Music] to somehow live with later on knowing that you made the best decision possible at the right time at the right place and not having regrets it’s you standing true to your yourself to your move and to your
M look at that this is you opening up and asking for guidance the 10 of air it’s you knowing now that there is nowhere else to go I need to make this decision and I need answers now this is a desperate desperate ple for help of I am at the end of my tether with this decision I although it’s tempting and it’s a union that could work whether it be through work or a relationship but I need to sort this out now peacefully before it destroys me because I real feel there’s someone here
that is suffering to a certain extent making this
decision for someone here this if this is a relationship and you’re trying to determine between two people just know that the Universe threw you this Tower so you can sort it out because they’re saying cancer you cannot keep going like this and dragging two people with you this is a lesson you need to learn so we’re going to throw you a tower and make you choose because if you don’t it’s going to backfire and you’re going to know how hard it is to get out of that then so they’re making you make a decision cancer something that I feel that someone’s may have been avoiding here isn’t it funny that we we had the the the messages that came through first were about work and yes this can be about work and it also then turned to someone that is is doing this with a relationship a choice between two with a relationship the Ace of air look at that what idea what new idea are you going to use or what what are you how are you going to get yourself out of this situation and what are the new ideas and new new ways of thinking did you come up with new ideas that are going to take you to a new level of understanding now what needs to happen now you see things truly for what they are you know now that whilst it was
tempting is that the way you’re going to go I don’t know cancer I don’t know only you know this circumstancial
the Five of Swords look at that it’s you taking off a mask and being true to who you
are it’s now come to the time where you can’t ignore anymore the non-action it’s it’s come to the time now where you need to make a decision and those people here that it’s about a relationship because I know that there is someone here that has got two people that they need to decide between that’s going to be where you take off the mask and look at things truly for what they are you may not know right now what you’re going to do but in the next 3 months that mask and that blindfold will have to be removed and you you’ll be able to see things truly for what they are and make the appropriate decision that you want to
make wow what a reading cancer for whoever it may
be okay let’s see what else have we got for a relationship what else do we have for or single or married cancers please or [Music] Partners anyone in a relationship anyone that’s not in a relationship let’s see what have we got for can oops okay Heart to Heart conversations how appropriate cancer honestly discuss your feelings with each other and maybe that’s how you’re going to make the decision cancer on who you keep what you do where you go the hardto heart conversations may be the breaking point of where it allows you to make that final
decision past life relationship you have known each other
before cancer this may seem a little bit out there for it’s not for everybody cuz some people don’t believe in past life experiences but the reason you’re having a difficulty for this person that I’m connecting to that is about a relationship between two people you you’re obviously with someone who means the world to you but you’ve met this other person and you’ve fallen for that other person as well only that you don’t understand that that other person was your past life relationship that’s why it seems so natural that’s why it seems so true that’s why you can’t decide between the two and that’s why you’re having a hard
time and underneath pay attention to the red flags the signs are cautioning you cancer there are signs here that you’re either ignoring or you’re not seeing but the universe is saying here allow yourself to see those red flags take a step back from the situation and allow yourself to look at it from a different
perspective all right what else do we have here for cancer please to close off this reading thank you cancer October November December thank you
there’s something better cancer there’s something better I don’t know what this message is and for everybody that’s on a different journey is going to be a different thing but there’s something better that you’re not seeing there’s something better that needs to be looked at before making a
decision cancer I hope this has made sense to somebody here let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way and thank you for allowing me to do this for you [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)