Cancer Horoscope | Forecast for END of September

by | Sep 18, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope with Psychic Forecast for the END of September

FREE Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for the END of September. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for SEPTEMBER Monthly Forecast and the Cancer Horoscope for the 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer how are you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days stay with me till the end it won’t be long reading and there’s a lot of messages that come through so let’s go cancer thank you cancer Go the Distance cancer Go the Distance and don’t stop you’re nearly at the Finish

Line I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but take that big leap don’t give up it’s I I feel like I’m talking to someone here that’s getting tired look at that blessed the powerful number of blessed number 22 is the universe saying to you you are amazing you’ve got this you are blessed take the opportunity and don’t throw it away whatever it is that you’re doing you’re nearing at the Finish Line don’t give up don’t give up on that new job that you’ve started don’t give up on that career don’t give up on that new project you’ve started don’t give up on that relationship it’s only going to get better whatever it

is so cancer I feel that you started something here and they’re saying go to go the distance nothing happens overnight and I feel that some of you that someone here has lost faith or lost hope of achieving what you went out to achieve and they’re saying don’t don’t lose hope things happening good time in in the universe’s good time oh jeez lot of energy look at

that n to Mi been told to mix caner let’s mix it again one more okay one more a lot of nervousness here cancer why are you feeling nervous someone’s feeling nervous or agitated agitated is more the word cancer please what have we got for cancer thank you the sun cancer make no mistake things are becoming clearer you’re going to see the sun shine again for those of you that had given up or were thinking of giving up do not give up do not give up the sun is there for a reason the seven of Swords some of you here may have fought a battle with someone or something and the Queen of Swords look at that for some of you here you may have had a battle in the past or you may have been dealing with one strong person in the past or a situation but they’re saying don’t give up up speak your truth and stand strong for many of you you’ve thought about leaving something or leaving a situation you’ve given up on M on even having hope that something would work and they’re saying Speak Your Truth and you have had a battle to deal with yes but all those processes happened for a reason all those processes were to teach you to become stronger at what you were doing the Queen of Pentacles look at that for some of you here you may be dealing with someone who’s an air sign which is a uh Libra Aquarius or Gemini and they’re very very straightforward they don’t show much emotion they speak how it is and because I feel that this this Queen of Swords it it can be a boss it might be a boss or someone at work that is tormenting you and they’re saying don’t give up because something is going to happen that’s going to be a blessing in disguise don’t give up I do feel they might that you may be in a job that you love so much but because of all the torment that this person has brought you you have felt like you want to leave there you you want to leave and they’re saying no stick with it whatever it is that you’re doing stick with it because something will happen that and this could be a male or a female that you’re dealing with but I do feel that it’s got to do with finances or your job or your career or a new project and you’re dealing with someone that’s very rational that says it the way it is doesn’t have much emotion is very cold and calculated and that person can be an a sorry um a Libra Aquarius or Gemini that you might be dealing with and they’re very much straight to the

point the nine of Swords this person or this situation has brought you to many loss of many nights of loss of sleep there’s been there’s been many nights where you’ve gone to bed and you can’t get it out of your head if keeps it keeps bothering you this situation this person this place this circumstance whatever it is it’s been worrying you for quite some time the Knight of Pentacles look at that there may be a new opportunity that comes for you that takes you out of working for this person you may be referred to another department in where you work Another Place Another another city I don’t know what it is but there’s going to be some movement in the next week or two in regards to moving forward to a new proposition a new possibility look at that six of Wands the victory you are going to win this battle cancer you are going to win this battle so that’s why they’re saying Go the Distance and feel blessed because you’re going to win this battle speak your truth

Speak Your

Truth look at that two of swords for some of you here you couldn’t see how you were going to deal with this situation because I do feel that this situation is affecting your finances in some way shape or form it’s got something to do with money I don’t know what it is let me know in the comments but it’s for someone here that couldn’t see a way out how you going to solve this situation in regards to your finances they’re saying whatever you do don’t give up whatever you’re doing keep doing keep doing

it you may this also may be cancer someone that is an Aries gemini or a Libra that comes to help you in a situation that you’re in this could be a worry that you do have if this is not a boss this is another set of circumstances for somebody else as everyone is on a different Journey but the other possibility that I do have here is that someone here is going to help you you may have either one lost your job or two you’re doing something and it’s not helping you at the moment with your finances it’s draining you and you may find that you meet someone or you have someone close to you that is a Libra gemini or Aquarius and they help you get out of this situation they will see things for exactly what they are they’ll see the possibilities they’ll see where the problems are they’ll help you work through the situation for you to get back your victory for you to be able to achieve what you need to and remember it doesn’t have to be a female it can be a male as well so someone that’s around you that’s a Libra an Aquarius or Gemini that comes to show you how to do things differently shows you the answer that you waiting for see how this cat here is looking at this bird and it’s the bird is being sent to tell you this is how to do it this is what you need to change this is the way you have to go to get what you want because youve got victory card here so you do get news for some of you here you do get news or something happens in the next one or two weeks that could bring you just the answer you’re waiting for cancer what else have we got for

cancer look at that spiritual guidance the hofan you’re going to see things a lot clearer those those nights where you couldn’t sleep that’s going to put be put to rest there’s a new contract a new Poss ability a new decision that gets made and news that comes through that changes everything for you

cancer look at that The Wheel of Fortune make no mistake there are changes that are going to change that circumstance whatever it is that you’re going through right now cancer there is going to be changes that come through to help you through this situation so please don’t don’t think that there’s not look at that the Queen of Wands you’re going to move forward with certainty for some of you here you may also get help from an Aries Leo or Sagittarius but I do feel that this is your energy after the change cancer after the change you are going to move forward with certainty and you know that powerful stance that now I know what I need to do thank God things turned out the way that they did I knew I needed to make that change than you know you’re going to be grateful for not giving

up you are going to gain your power back the power that you lost the worry that was driving you and nuts you know you had this huge worry and when I’m saying power I don’t mean that in an ego way I mean that power of being able to feel comfortable within your own skin and be comfortable within your finances be comfortable in who you are what you’re doing look at that the 10 of Cups cancer for those of you here that were worried about a situation to do with finances or in a relationship just know that this new change that’s coming through is going to empower you in many ways many ways and if you haven’t found someone you’re going to meet someone beautiful if you are looking for an opportunity financially you’re going to find that whatever it is that was draining you whatever it is that was driving you insane and was making you lose a lot of sleep it’s now clearer don’t give up and look at that you’re blessed in many ways go that distance and please don’t give up there’s your cards look at that

and on the bottom of the deck we have the the two options here I’ve got either you’re going to meet someone beautiful cancer that comes and on an equal balance to you respects you loves you and wants you to be part of their world or there’s going to be decisions that are made look at that new opportunity after all the battles that you’ve been through there are new possibilities here a new message a new person a new relationship whatever ever it was that was worrying you cuz everyone is going to be different it’s a general reading here whatever it was that was worrying you that’s the end of that you’re going to find your answer you’re going to find your person you’re going to find the possibilities of changing your finances and your stability or you’re going to find that beautiful person that brings you the happiness and the Fulfillment that you were looking

for changes changes changes Gemini there are changes make no mistake Angel for cancer please and Angel for cancer I don’t know if I said Gemini before you may also be dealing with a Gemini I did say that cancer you may be dealing with a Gemini I don’t know if I’ve mentioned Gemini

before Angel of the limination look at that looking at things in a different way looking at things differently Going the Distance will bring the blessing that you want the angel of in of IM imagination is going to force you to look at things differently look at things in a different way in a different form someone comes out of the blue and helps you look at things and sometimes it’s it’s we’re having a conversation with someone and you realize wow something that they said is exactly what you wanted to hear you might be in a coffee shop and you hear someone talking you think what a great idea it may just be that something out of the ordinary or this person here the Libra Gemini or Aquarius has the answer that you need brings you the answer to empower you again to keep going forward cancer I hope that’s helped somebody here lots of love and light your way thank you so much [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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