Cancer Horoscope with Psychic Forecast until the End of August
FREE Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast until end of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for AUGUST Monthly Forecast and the Cancer Horoscope for the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful cancer how are you today my name’s Marie Rose from and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days thank you to all our beautiful subscribers as always sending you lots of love and light and to those that haven’t subscribed yet we would love you to be become part of our family and our team and our Channel as your subscription would mean a world to us and the reason for that is that we’re trying to get to a thousand subscribers so that we can share our videos to millions and millions more people that need to hear our messages so for that thank you so much for your subscription if you feel in your heart that you’d like to subscribe okay what have we got let’s get some light on because I didn’t turn your candle on
See it cancer, we need light for cancer here
okay okay
waiting for cancer please thank you so much peace okay what messages do you have for cancer please music for cancer thank you power cancer power don’t give up one in six is seven which is don’t give up keep going keep going with that power of yours finding your power and using that power that inner power and when I say that I don’t mean power as in tear everyone else down no no that’s not what it’s about here the universe doesn’t tell you to do that what it says is use your inner strength and power to achieve what you want to achieve you have got the power you need to do what you need to do you believe you have because you do cancer [Applause] the power of the full moon you know how that lights up everything it’s a full moon power the unexpected cancer you may look that’s another seven don’t give up the unexpected when you least expect it I don’t know if someone is sick here that’s the message I’m getting here sick um I don’t know if someone’s sick here but it’s saying if if you are sick please use your power as the unexpected can happen you can find a resolution a medicine or something that’s going to help you with the way you’re feeling with what is happening so don’t give up you got two sevens 77 look them up that is a huge powerful number cancer if you are sick and you are starting to doubt whether you can get to the next level guess what the universe this message is for you you this message is saying use your power as the unexpected can happen you may just come across something that is going to help you fill a whole lot better for others of you here if you’re going through a tough time right now it’s saying don’t give up in the situation and in the place that you’re at right now just know that the unexpected is going to happen and you’re going to have a shoulder to lean on it is going to be an unexpected movement that allows you to get out of your current situation the situation you see yourself in right now I don’t know what that is cancer for everyone it may be something different for others it may not even resonate and if it doesn’t check your moon and your ascendant sign but listen to the reading is this a lot of messages coming through today so use your power to do what you need to do as you just don’t know what’s around the corner the unexpected good news that may come through
okay cancer mixing for cancer mixing for cancer thank you
cancer thank you
okay that one wanted to stay there was one card there that wanted to stay there and that’s a huge message what is it the one card that wanted to stay in that pile was love cancer know that you are loved know that you have got a lot of love around you a lot of help around you and love conquers all money comes and goes and a lot of people get hung up on on how much money they have and how much they can achieve and how how that’s going to brighten up their life and I know a lot of people a lot of people that have got a lot of money but they’re missing that K element love love conquers all love is priceless love is
amazing there’s no word for love it’s just this emotion that you can’t explain that no money can buy and when you have it you are rich the richest of rich
king of Fire here it’s the king of Wands which in the normal Terror which is moving forward for someone here you’re going to take the bull by the horns you’re going to make things happen you believe in yourself that you have the power that it takes for you to move forward and if you don’t someone here in your life does because this person and this energy here is not one that’s going to stop at nothing this is a person that is dominant powerful determined and just won’t give up there is nothing that gets in their way and if there is they find a way to get around it
use your intuition in all dealings use your intuition in all cases
do I need to say anymore
the wisdom card for many cancers here you may have taken time out to really gather your thoughts and your feelings you’ve dug deep within to find Solutions and here you start to see your light you start to see your light cancer the unexpected happens just when you thought all was lost just when you thought there was no way out of this situation or there was no way around this situation
you use your wisdom or someone here next to you uses their wisdom and makes things happen
the unexpected happens and look at the three cards we’ve got here you know powerful cards powerful is not the word love the king of fire and wisdom
and you’ve got power and the unexpected I could just close off your reading right now cancer without a doubt because whatever you’re going through today whatever you have gone through and you couldn’t see a way out make no mistake there is a way out the unexpected will happen just when you’re least expect it
and love is what drives that the love you have for yourself the love you have for your family the love that you have for others that others the love that others have for you
you’re going to find your light make no mistake you are going to find your light
here I feel that someone here was being tricked for some it could be just one cancer here the dealings that you’ve had to deal with the the hurt and the pain that you’ve had to go on that you’ve had to go through was from someone that played tricks on you and when I say that they either misled you lied to you or Dishonored you or could have been unfaithful to you as well you thought that this person was someone and they became totally different they wore a mask they had things hidden in their sleeve there was untruths there was lies there was manipulation to some extent narcissism
and that I feel came from a partner or someone that you hold dear
someone that you held dear for others it could be another situation but for this group here it’s someone that betrayed your trust lied and hid things from you
Heaven and Earth for some of you here cancer you’ve got a connection with Heaven and Earth and you’ve got a guide a mentor the higher Creator or someone that has passed that you dearly loved that is showing you truth that is showing you a way forward that is guiding you to move forward you’ve had help from Heaven to Earth this is someone guiding you cancer to see the truth for what it is and to move forward more determined than ever before someone here someone is sending you the unexpected so please don’t give up
there’s a huge connection here within with a loved one that has passed or it could be a very strong Mentor that’s guiding you for example my biggest guide is Archangel Michael I love Archangel Michael and you and God and Mary obviously but the person that I ask is Archangel Michael so you may have someone that you ask for guidance you ask for protection and this could be that person or this could be someone on planet Earth that is helping you your guide your angel on Earth helping you get through the situations you’re going through or have been through
Integrity I make no mistake sorry I’ve got to cover that because there’s nudity and YouTube delete videos with nudity Integrity there has been an absolute trickery here with Integrity someone wasn’t honest someone in your life that you loved was not honest
for some of you you’ve already gone through it some of you you’re going to go through it some of you have been through it quite some time ago but everyone’s on a different journey and different timelines
use your wisdom cancer use the wisdom that you’ve got use that wisdom foreign oops let me pick this up sorry that’s it oh I can’t get this card use that wisdom that you know how to work
and look at that your light just went out one sec
cancer when there is something that has to be said it’s going to be said and the universe is saying to you light your fire light that fire and passion within you because you have got the wisdom that you need to take it to the next level to get yourself out of this situation to move away from this person that hurt you to gather your life again and become the best that you came here to be
you might hear my dog snoring over there I don’t know if I’ve already said that this is the sixth of air and the sixth of air is your very undecided and at the moment you’re seeing things vary either black or white with no gray areas and for some of you here you’re questioning whether this person is lying to you you’re still in that stage and for others you’re saying you’re in or you’re out there is no in between you either did it or you didn’t you betray my love or you didn’t which one is it for some of you you’re still undecided to whether you’re going to stay with this person or leave or you’re still trying to find out if this person did the wrong thing to you
the truth always comes out cancer always no matter what
the three of Fire you on your way for some of you here you’re going to leave to another place another location you’re moving out from where you are or you’re moving to another country state city or even suburb but you’ve packed and you’re leaving a certain situation A Certain relationship or a job that have has betrayed you in some way someone in the job could have betrayed someone in your career could have betrayed you here you’re it’s going to be very clear that whilst you’re undecided you know what you need to do the unexpected will happen and you’ll be shown you’ll be shown what you need to see
this one is the eight of air
here I can move this card over now sorry you’ve got the wisdom card you’ve got integrity and you’ve got the eight of air for some of you here you’re looking at some good sites and you’re looking at some not so good sides you’re seeing the good that this situation this relationship this job gave you but you’re also seeing how much it hurt you too I don’t know if you can see that but they’ve got blood there on one of the swords the other one is up one is facing down with blood so there were good times and there were bad times in this situation but now you’re starting to see things clearly you’re starting to see that the Integrity which we have here that’s nudity and the reason it’s nudity is integrity is bare you either have it or you don’t the integrity and then you’ve got the aid of air so for many of you you’re going to get your truth I have no no questions about that you are going to find your truth you’re going to know what it is
and use your power to deal with this situation because you may need that but I do feel here that you’ve got a strong mental or a human let’s say that can help you through this through this whole situation but I really feel that it may be an ancestor of yours or a guide or a mentor that you have that’s going to help you move out of this situation
cancer let me know if this makes sense to some of you if it doesn’t resonate that’s okay go and see your moon and you’re ascendant I can only tell you what messages I get here and today this is the message it’s asking for this person to to maintain with their power because the unexpected is going to happen and this is going to be a good thing it’s not a bad thing the unexpected is not a bad thing it’s going to put you in a better position
a position of of seeing things clearly for what they are and seeing what you need to do next and using that power and strength for you to move or to do what you need to do okay two cards please answer please answer thank you third one okay the one that fell on the floor was a hermit loneliness unattached soul-searching time needed or time alone now that fell on the floor and it’s time this is over the hermit is similar to here you’ve now come from that and you’re now understanding what needs to happen the loneliness the unattached and the soul-searching you need to go through that if you haven’t already or some of you have already gone through that and you’re at the stage where you need you now know whatever situation you’re going through this could be a betrayal at work it could be a betrayal within the family it could be a betrayal with your partner it could be a TR it’s someone that you love that could be anything or it could be anyone and you may have loved your career your job
I’m not going to put that one I’ll put that to the side but the ones that came up were two of Swords peace Harmony needing to take the blindfold off
peace and Harmony needing to take the blindfold off keep reassessing the situation at hand remember I said to you something is going to become very clear to you that’s that blindfold coming off the Knight of Swords young man to 25 years Speedy situation or finish I don’t know what that is but you could be dealing with someone under the age of 25 years or this young man that helps you could be the person that helps you through
could be a son could be your partner could be your brother in the family it could be your nephew it could be anybody someone here is going to help you
okay let’s see last message for cancer please oops okay Sisterhood of the Rose Beauty and devotion Priestess Mystic and teacher you are beautiful within yourself cancer and the devotion you have to your family your friends is explainable really you are as honest as they come you’re pure you do things for others you’re a huge on family huge on family and to have someone betray you or betray your trust or do what they did I don’t know what that is but you are going to find a solution for your your purpose and you’re going to be a teacher to others making others realize uh what you went through and what to look out for and making others understand that they don’t need to put up with things like that you’ll be teaching other women or other men in your life what’s happened to you and avoiding them going through the same thing the same circumstances the same situations the same um dishonest dishonesty
so for you this was a lesson that was taught sorry this was a lesson that you went through and one that you will teach to somebody else
I hope that makes sense cancer thank you so much for being here today lots of love and light and excuse my dog snoring over there he’s loving life I’ll talk to you soon thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)