Cancer Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Cancer. This week’s Cancer Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Cancer Horoscope can also be viewed here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days my name is Marie Rose from Tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me and if this doesn’t resonate please check your ascendant and your moon sign so let’s go message for cancer please message for cancer and accept a beautiful thank you the hangman the hangman cancer what does this come to say this is saying to you it’s time to stand still it’s not time for major decisions right now it’s not time for you to move either left or right it’s time for you to stay put in where you are and make no major decisions right now one and two is growth if you stand still you’ll see that things are going to happen that’s going to allow you to grow quicker than what you imagined if you make a step right now when you’re in the hangman position it says that you may regret that later on or things will change and circumstances may change that you didn’t see coming so the universe is saying for a lot of cancers here make no moves right now whether that be in a relationship at work or in a personal situation with family just let it be for now and just watch how things start to pan out because there’ll be a lot of changes coming through in the next 7 to 14 days and you’re going to think thank God I didn’t act
this is a blessing in disguise there you go be patient and have faith that your angels have this situation under control what will come is far better than you dared to dream cancer these energies are not by mistake do you understand why they told you to wait be patient and have faith that your angels have this situation under control what will come is far better than you did to dream so when when there are better things coming for us the universe says to us it’s time to stand still don’t make any decisions right now because any decision you make right now may put you in a different position to what would have been had you just waited that little bit longer that just have faith that things are going to fall into place like they should let’s find out because I’m curious now to know cancer what it is that’s coming your way that you need to hang on to why it’s asking you to not make a change but then it’s saying a blessing in disguise and remember I said to you at the beginning that you’ll be glad you’ll be looking back at this situation and thinking thank God I didn’t act
okay more information please thank you taro new job maybe that’s what it is a new offer a new job a new opportunity and you Prospect here that’s going to bring you a huge amount of financial abundance maybe had you taken the job that that you already know about you wouldn’t have this opportunity to come to you or you would not be able to get out of that situation of signing contracts with a past employer to now start a new job things sometimes happen in a weird and exciting way cancer but the energy is there and it’s saying just wait so for those of you that are starting or wanting a new job maybe you’ve applied to 10 jobs out there and you’ve already heard from someone or you’re going to very shortly but just stand still don’t give them an answer straight away just tell them that you need time to digest the offer and digest what needs to happen
mm-hmm the ten of Pentacles this new beginning and this new offer that comes to you that you may not know about us yet is the fortune that you are looking for is the job that’s going to take you maybe they’re not going to offer you that fortune up front maybe they will depending on what you’re doing but this is the job that’s going to take you to a treasure full of financial abundance sometimes it pays to wait cancer it pays to wait for the right opportunity to show itself and sometimes the right opportunities take their time in coming through and not because they test us but because they want to see or that they come in their right time however your time is not the universe time so the universe knows what they want to give you but how patient are you going to be
things happen for a reason all the time I feel that you’re going to have a woman figure here that gives you two options and it may be a May or it can be a male this is only an energy but it’s an energy that comes to offer you something that is going to be very hard to resist and there’s two offerings here cancer there’s two offers here that come and out of those you’re going to have to make a decision but whatever that may be you’re going to pick the one that’s right for you there are going to be two choices but I feel that this person is the person that’s going to offer you the job that’s going to be Prospect prosperous
three more cards get three more cards yeah absolutely one two I’ve got that energy three thank you the first one that fell down was the high priestess release yourself from the pressure you’re feeling right now to make a decision Release Yourself from that anxiety and that anguish that you hold inside about finding something quickly because when we have that energy we’re not thinking straight release that energy and think what do I have to lose by waiting another one two or three days what difference is that going to make it could make a lot of difference for a new opportunity to make its way to you
moving forward the page of Wands a new movement forward something that comes there is someone he offer you are going to receive a new message you are going to receive a message and email or a WhatsApp and it’s going to say we have considered your application and you have been successful this is the movement forward that you are after this is worth the wait
for some of you here there is a yeah stand your ground you need to be smart about how you do things cancer and you need to wait there are going to be different opportunities in different parts you can take but you need to be in control of which one of those you’re going to take with you for some of you here this is another lot of cancers you may have an opportunity to free yourself from your current situation or relationship and start something new there is something that comes towards you and I feel that this could be to do with career as well but it’s a different one here but you’re going to stand you’re you’re going to need to stand your ground with the offer that they make you I don’t know what that is but it’s another one they’re saying it’s a different one
this new opportunity is going to lead let you live freely it’s going to bring you freedom and that’s what you want it’s going to bring you that that freedom and success that you have been wanting
The Chariot moving forward you are moving forward with certainty once you once you understand all that um all that’s there on offer you’re going to move forward and you’re going to know exactly what decision you need to make but waiting is going to be super important cancer now too many cards too many I’ll take that one seven of Wands for some of you you’ve been through battles well they want me to take that one some of you want have been through battles in the past and now you’re wanting to take on the new for some people here you have you have been through a battle here in regards to some finances someone here has taken off with some of your money an investment you made or or something that’s gone wrong in your finances for some cancers there has been some money that’s taken away been taken from you foreign take that leap of faith believe in yourself and believe in what you are capable of achieving you are not small cancer you have got a big heart and you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to the fool is here for you to take that leap to take that that chance to take that risk do what it is that your heart is asking you to do but wait for a minute do not do it right now do it when you feel the time is right but right now the universe is saying just hold hold it and on the bottom we’ve got the victory card so there you go cancer whatever you’re waiting on is going to be worth the wait and you’re going to see it as a blessing in disguise thank God I didn’t make that move when I did thank God I didn’t make that decision when I did because things turned out better for me waiting having waited changed my whole Direction and brought Victory into my life beautiful cancer let’s see what Angel the universe is going to bring you for this circumstance let’s say what they’ve got in mind for you the cancer place what Angel are you going to send tanza thank you the angel of encouragement you are going to feel this huge amount of support and encouragement and you’re not going to know where it’s coming from but just know you’re not alone you are being guided to this decision you are being guided to this place and this angel of encouragement is there to do exactly that to encourage you to keep going to encourage you to make the right decision but above all encourage you to take that victory that so belongs to you cancer
cancer I hope that I’ve resonated with some people here because this is a powerful reading and it would be amazing if I could just reach one person that needed to hear this reason lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)