Cancer Horoscope by Marie Rose | For the Next 6 Months

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope for the Next 6 Months of 2023

FREE Cancer Horoscope for the next 6 Months of 2023. I have also be released the Cancer Horoscopes For the month of July and the Love & Relationships For July 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and here we’re going to do your six-month forecast I don’t know if you saw the shorts but I did draw two energies out for each sign and yours the first one was attachment which is number five which is change with the attachment cancer it just says that some of you are feeling like you are locked to a place or old memories or you feel that you are stuck to certain people or you’re stuck to certain situations and you feel like you can’t move forward there are a lot of cancers here that want to move forward but they feel either through fear of moving forward or guilt about moving forward and how are people going to be how are situations going to work themselves out or cancer what the universe is trying to tell you here is that the attachment may all be about you you need to leave that mask you need to do away with things that you feel are blocking you from moving forward maybe it’s a relationship that you’re in that you’re feeling um that you owe that person something you’re afraid to break that relationship for some reason out of fear of where to go what to do next or you fear that actual person how they’re going to react to you breaking things off for some of you here you feel like you are tied to a family maybe and that you don’t get to do what you want to do so you’re feeling this blocked feeling of not being able to move forward in some way shape or form others here it’s you might be in a business or in a project that you no longer enjoy but you’re afraid to take that step of that decision to close that current business to stop that current project if that’s something that you’re not enjoying if you’re in a situation right now cancer that you’re not enjoying whether it be a situation that you’re in or with a person that you’re with or with people that are around you you need to move away from that you need to take off that mask that no longer fits you you are putting on this Persona of being happy when genuinely really deep down there is an emptiness and a fear of what is next and I feel that for the next six months there’s going to be a lot of cancers that want to make a change you don’t want to live this way anymore you don’t want to live in the form of being blocked or stopped by anyone from doing what you want to do so a lot of growth there and a lot of change their cancer here we’ve got the card of the flowers and in number nine is reassessment a lot of you will be reassessing where you are right now where you want to go and what’s next for you the next six months is going to be a lot about deep thought of where do I want to go what do I want to do what’s right for me the flowers is all about you finding your inner peace you being in that place that you love you being with that person that you adore you being free to do what you want and not feeling obliged to do what you don’t want not feeling guilty or scared to move forward but I feel here that for the next six months you’re going to really go into deep thinking about what it is that you need to change in your life there’s going to be a lot of reassessment about where you are and where you need to be or where you’d like to go let’s see what the tarot brings for cancer with those two cards Universe please tell cancer what you want to tell them about the attachment Speak Your Truth Ace of Swords it’s a new beginning for you to be true to who you are you need to speak your truth cancer you need to feel that you can be who you came here to be you need to feel that you can be as honest as you possibly can with what you stand for and who you are speaking your truth to those around you or in situations is going to be Paramount for you to let go of that mask that no longer serves you no longer fits you

speaking your truth is going to be absolute important for you to let go of things that are holding you back what else would you like broken heart a lot of you are disappointed in in yourself at times for being scared or for not allowing yourself to be who you want to be for allowing others to take advantage of your kind nature for letting others take advantage of your kind being a lot of you here are have been deceived in some manner or or many of you here have questioned whether you are in the right place with the right person and this breaks your heart and disappoints you because you feel like this person or this situation makes you feel guilty or scared to move and do what you need to speaking your truth is going to be very important even if you need to break a few hearts at the end of the day cancer what it’s saying to you is living in truth is a lot better than living with a broken heart that you carry every day [Music] comments if you can relate to that [Music] this reading will bring a lot of things forward so if at the end it doesn’t resonate with you check your ascendant your men sign the Chariot the you gain you gain self-confidence and strength somehow to move forward you’re no longer going to allow yourself to live the way others want you to live the way I’ll expect you to live the way others expect you to talk to be that’s not you anymore cancer remember we’re taking off the mask here and we’re allowing ourselves to be our true selves even if that means that we’re going to hurt someone in the process sometimes you need to question whether you’ve been in this relationship or this situation and you’ve been in it for so long that now I don’t think you’re at the point where you you know that you’ll hurt someone but you need to speak your truth and that is above and beyond how people are going to accept the truth you are now finding the Inner Strength after all this time of feeling blocked to speak that truth

moving forward with what you truly want to do

the Queen of Swords make no mistake you are in it and you are going to say exactly the way you feel even if that means cutting situations or people out of your life you’re going to speak your truth you’re ready for that now you’ve forever lived in a box that everyone wanted you to live in that everyone saw you that way and that’s how you had to live some of you here you’re going to release yourself from Customs from our family expectances you’re going to release yourself from being what they want you to be you’re actually going to then move to be who you came here to be not the the square that they want you to fit in you’re a circle trying to fit into a square [Music] and now it’s going you’re you’re about to release yourself cancer

for some of you you may be dealing with people in the air sign or you have the ear sign very strong in your birth chart but you know Aries Libra or Gemini you may be dealing with some people like that

Queen of Pentacles I feel that I’m speaking to a cancer here who’s very wise with their money very in control of who they are and what they can take with them where they can go they’re not financially bound it’s more of a fear bound or a guilt bound it’s not Financial I feel that the person I was connecting with here is financially stable it’s more the fact that you feel you need to be someone that today you’re not [Music] quincia there may be a baby and be a female in your uh in your surroundings that is very strong very direct and you’re afraid to break their heart you’re afraid of what the consequences are going to be if you speak your truth

many times you have been on your knees feeling like you’ve gone through a battle at times you’ve had to fight for what you want fight for your opinion fight to explain to others how you see things and why you see things the way you do at times you’ve had to make sacrifices to fit in with everyone else’s world and you’ve had to do this but now you are exhausted you’re at the point now where you’re reassessing everything and how it all makes you feel for some of you here I feel that you may leave home if you’re living with your parents and especially a strong woman like your mother um you may feel that it’s time to move on it’s time to leave although you love them dearly you’re finding it now that you are now going to reassess where you’re at and you’re going to make that move for many of you here you may also um be cutting people in situations out but that is because you’re at your Wit’s End you’ve come to the point where you’ve tried to work things out with others but for somehow they’ve brushed you off or brushed your ideas out and now you’re putting into place your truth and you’re standing by what you believe in

the bottom of the deck here the five of Pentacles for many of you this has made you feel like you your worth is very little You’ve Lost Your self-confidence you’ve lost your power You’ve Lost That drive that you had and for many of you you’re feeling that you’re isolated there’s no one to talk to that’s going to understand you for some of you here you may decide that you come out with your sexuality and this may be for one or two people but for someone here you may be um you may be challenged to tell your family about your sexuality and that may not be something that they agree on however you’re going to free yourself you’re going to speak your truth it’s enough of you living a lie of you living like someone you’re not

can’t they just accept me for who I am can that they not accept my opinions for what they are

and here I have no doubt that many of you are going to move away from people that are negative in your life or that don’t see your value that don’t see who you are for real [Music]

okay let’s see what the moon card has does the moon card have for cancer please [Music]

a lot of cancers are breaking free from what they know today

in the next six months and that change is going to be important for your well-being two messages here okay look at that release your blocks first quarter moon in Scorpio are they going to be challenging times sure there is

but you’re released in your blocks is never easy cancer releasing your blocks and speaking your truth may not always be easy but it’s something that you need to do in order to release yourself be the person you want to be not what others want you to be like or what others want you to be and more card please thank you cancer open up to change look at that what did I say to you it’s time for you to make the change that you need to make new moon and Aquarius I don’t know if you know any aquarians and I did say that you may be taking on the taking on the air sign and Aquarius is one of those but aquarians are very strong in their beliefs they speak their truth they can’t hide from being who they are and here you’re going to take on that Persona of this is who I am I am going to change my situation I feel a lot of cancers here have realized that nothing’s going to change unless you change it yourself unless you make the changes that you need to make to release you from the circumstances that you see yourself in today from the relationship that you’re in today you’re going to release that person that is yearning inside to come out I feel many of you here are yearning to come out your your soul is screaming to come out

so we have the cancer please thank you 28 the man more cards please thank you the woman I feel this could be a couple here there’s a couple here that are the one you’re dealing with or two you are going to release yourself from that you’re a couple right now and that is not suiting you in any way shape or form I feel that whilst they love you you’ve fallen out of love or you’re someone else today that you’re not that you’re not that person that fell in love years ago you’re now wanting to release yourself from this relationship that doesn’t bring you much that doesn’t bring you the love and the and the excitement the passion that you need

for too long you have sacrificed who you are and what you believe in or what you want out of that relationship number nine is reassessing I feel that you’ll be reassessing who you are today who you what you want in your life who you want to keep in your life and what situations you want to be part of for many of you here like I said you’re releasing yourself from a mum and dad that um no longer are you going to live like they want you to live no longer are you going are you the person that they raised you’ve now got your own opinions and your own thoughts

finding New Paths you’re going to find the paths that interest you now number 22 is a master cancer it’s a master number many of you here are yearning to take New Paths New Roads to a new future to a new you no longer are you that person that was once upon a time you’re now got different thoughts different feelings different you’re you’re totally different person and in the next six months I feel that through the sacrifices that you’ve made in the past you’re going to make that decision that changes the only way that you’re going to release yourself and take that mask off that no longer belongs to you you’ll go in love but you’re reassessing

say one more card for cancer place but there’s a lot of changes coming through cancer and it may not resonate with everyone so please check your ascendant and your moon sign look at this clean it up do a big cleaning of what suits you and what doesn’t clean your surroundings of all the people that no longer fit your circle clean up all the circumstances and situations that don’t allow you to be who you are well two and one is growth you have grown quite a lot cancer and for this this cancer these cancers that I’m talking to they are no longer who they used to be it’s cleaning up your surroundings to now fit in with who you are truly Who You Are not the person that everyone else wants you to be but the person that’s going to speak their truth the person that’s going to stand up for their beliefs and the person that has come a long way to today know who they are

cancer if you want to be part of the reading that we’re offering in July which will be drawn in August please put yes in the comments below I hope this can resonate with a lot of people if it doesn’t please send it to the universe and check your ascendant and your moon sign pass on this to other cancers that need to hear this because it’s a quite it’s quite a powerful reading and change for the next six months thank you so much lots of love and light bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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