Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/gemini-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/gemini-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

You’re being compensated for all the hard work the energy whatever you have to offer whatever it is that you do other Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings life and psychics life.com today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days starting off with an energy then going into to tarot Leno M and also a message from the Moon deck at the end for Gemini so let’s see what we have for beautiful Gemini what is the energies that my guides angels and mentors would like to bring in for Gemini please Gemini thank you so much for all the subscriptions the likes and the comments you are amazing thank you let’s see what we have for Gemini please thank you first one trust your instincts trust your instincts if it feels right it is and if it doesn’t feel right it’s it may not be your instincts will tell you what path to take what decisions to make and where to go next so if you’re in doubt connect with your instincts and don’t ignore those

what is your soul telling you Gemini what is your soul telling you you know I feel here huge agitation it’s like you’re agitated about

something track down your fears and desires it’s now time to delve deep inside what are you scared what scares you what are you scared of what do you want what is it that you’re striving for in your ideal world what would be your wish your dream your goal it’s about connecting with who you are and asking yourself what is it that I want out of life what is it that excites me that inspires

me look at that the eagle see from a higher perspective if you’re not sure about something allow yourself to have a helicopter view of what’s happening around around you when making decisions make them with all the information that you have and see things from a bigger higher perspective sometimes when we’re too close to certain situations we don’t see we don’t see what we need to see or we don’t see them in the vision that we would see them if we took the time out to see him from

above the other thing I want you to think about too Gemini which I usually tell my clients is whatever situation you’re going through if a friend of yours was going through exactly the same thing what would you say to them because sometimes it’s easier to give advice when it’s somebody else going through something but we failed to see that advice when we’re going through it let’s see what we have for Gemini three of

Pentacles a team a team effort striving to achieve

something and there’s more than one person involved here there’s three people involved here nine of Cups

celebration nine of cups is you being

happy you you’re finding your you you’re finding

your place your purpose

there’s something here involving three people and I don’t know if you’re going to get some news about one of these people but there’s three people involved in this

situation seven of Cups choices whatever’s going on here Gemini whatever you’re striving for whatever you’re wishing for here it’s like it’s a team effort there’s about three people in involved in this situation but I feel that there’s going to be movement in this situation and you’re going to have to make some

choices trust your instincts that’s why you’re getting

that Three of Wands for some of you you may have to relocate or you may have to take a trip I see someone here going on a trip and that’s part of the choices it’s a celebration that involves two other people as well but that’s going to bring you to make a decision to travel

to Temperance look at that choices again you know what I get here Gemini it’s there’s going to be something that takes place in the next 7 to 14 days that’s going to make you realize something’s going to become real something comes to fruition something that you’ve invested your time your energy and your money into comes to realization that it’s taking place something here is taking place and I feel that then you’re going to have to based on this information you’re going to have to make some choices and one of those choices will be to take a trip to make your way to something to

somebody to make a

decision or you’re going to have to make a decision I feel here that someone has waited for this for quite some time

time this is something you’ve been waiting to hear you you’ve been waiting for this

information don’t know what this is but something something scares you in all of this Gemini something scares you because it’s saying track down your fears and

desires trust your instincts you could be a business proposal someone offers you something to become Partners in something or offers you uh an opportunity here but I feel here that you you you’re going to have to make a choice or make

choices the empress look at that for someone here one of those people could be your mother for someone else it could be a spouse a sister an auntie for someone else this could be a new beginning of a new creation a a creation a new opportunity a new purpose to start something new here and it’s

creative working alongside other people or another two people

I feel that this is an offer or an opportunity that someone offers you to be part of a team and it’s something that you’re creative on it’s services or a gift that you have that they need look at that 10 of Pentacles there’s money coming in here to you and a celebration there’s there’s an achievement here in the next 7 to 14 days you may have accomplished something you’ve wanted to accomplish for quite some

time there’s there’s a completion here there’s Prosperity here it’s an offer that’s hard to

resist or something that you’ve done brings you something that you created helps other

people look at that the Five of Swords for many of you you’ve doubted this or you’ve you’ve had to fight your way through this you’ve had to invest so much energy it’s like you finished off a [Music] battle you’ve made choic es that were not easy that at times you felt like you were fighting an

army it wasn’t easy whatever it is that you did whatever it is that’s bringing you these choices it wasn’t easy it was a constant battle

or you’ve had to battle with someone in regards to some money but there’s going to be a conclusion to this and I feel that you may have to travel to conclude this cycle The High

Priestess it’s going to give you Freedom whatever this is is going to allow you to expand into other countries into other cities into other states which you may have to travel to but I feel here the high priestess is about allowing yourself the freedom to

succeed allowing yourself to make the choices freely to expand

what are you doing Gemini oh look at that and you’re going to have a proposal you may even have two and out of those two you need to make a choice but I feel that you’re going to make the right choice there may be two offers two opportunities here for you two paths for you presented to you and that’s why they’re saying trust your instincts trust your instincts when making

decisions some of this may worry you at first but they’re saying what are you worried about here

Gemini look at that the two opportunities here again the two paths before you make any decisions allow yourself to take time out to think about this and think about this in a a way of Peace meditate if you need answers but here I see you taking that opportunity and deciding which path to take what decision to make

I don’t know what it is that you’re doing here Gemini but it’s got It’s Not a Bad Thing This is whilst you’re scared of making these decisions it’s going to be a time that you whatever you

decide go with your instincts they will tell you which way to go who to trust what to do next

the mountain remember I said to you it’s a battle look at that it wasn’t easy to get to where you are it wasn’t easy the path was not easy it had a lot of ups and downs there was some dark days during this path but now it comes to a conclusion the fight is over the battle has been won

this situation has brought you a lot of growth within

yourself a lady why is this lady coming up you may have a mentor or a guide that’s guiding you for someone else this could be a decision in regards to a relationship this woman may be one of the two PE the three people I mentioned at the beginning this lady may have an impact or is part of this

solution look at this message you may re receive a message from a woman in regards to the final the final decision that has to be made here

but I feel that it was hard dealing with this woman however now things are going to conclude and there may be money involved here opportunity to close an offer and that comes through a message

here don’t know what this is Gemini let me know in the comments if this resonates if this doesn’t resonate with you check your moon and your ascendant sign because this is a general

reading reveal what needs to be seen there’s something here that may have been hidden or something here that needs to be revealed and

seen in emotionally emotionally how this made you feel because it’s moon in Scorpio Scorpio is all about the feeling they they’re a water sign how does this situation make you feel that’s why you got the fears and desires step into your power don’t let anybody or anything Veer you off from what you believe or what you want to achieve in this step into your power and stand strong don’t allow people to sell you something or or offer you something that is way under what you’re worth what you have is worth don’t allow small proposals or small

opportunities determine how valuable who you are or what you are or what you have they’re saying step into your power knowing who you are what you stand for and what your value

is don’t let anybody sell sell you off short of what your value is honor your feelings understand why you feel the way you do the fears that you have the desires that you have connect with your feelings and go with your instincts it’s now allowing you to see things and people for who they are how they make you feel and why are you feeling this way what do you want out of this circumstance or

situation what is it about this situation or this person that makes you feel this way

lots of love and light I hope that makes sense Gemini if it doesn’t please check your moon and your ascendant sign thank you bye-bye

Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Cancer Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/cancer-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/cancer-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

This may be that you get offered a new proposal it could be thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days starting off with some energies tarot then going into Leno M and then finishing off with the moon de as your last message to come through so let’s see what we have here for cancer Place calling you my guides and mentors and angels to bring the messages that we have for cancer pleas what energy is for cancer for the next 7 to 14 days one 2 let’s have a look the first one move in a New Direction cancer it’s now time for you to move move in a new direction for some of you you may be wanting change this is either moving to a new job a new home a new relationship a new place living in another country another city another state for everybody here it’s going to be something different but here the traveler you may be going on a holiday and moving in a new direction to a new place

relocating to another

place be open to Healing information for someone here you may have some information given to you on how to heal what you’re feeling you may be in despair with something that you’re feeling or you’re not feeling well in one part of your body and someone is going to offer you some information that may be more valuable than what you first think it will be it may be a remedy a natural remedy that someone tells you to try be open to that

information on the bottom trust your instincts if you feel that something is right then it probably is if you feel that something is not right or someone is not being true then you’re probably right too so trust your instincts in the next 7 to 14 days and go with what your intuition is telling you they usually say if you follow your intuition you can’t go to cancer thank you

page of Wands the traveler you had the traveler here and this is you going where do I go to now where will I move to now in a New Direction starting a new life someplace else to where I am now beginning a new adventure a new area it’s like a journey you’ve always wanted to make visiting a place that you’ve always dreamed of being able to relocate and allowing yourself to start new this could also be a new home a new job but some of you here are moving there’s movement here huge feeling of movement here for cancer look at that that’s there’s no Li here leaving a place that no longer serves you leaving a situation that no longer makes sense to you leaving a relationship that you’ve outgrown and you don’t see any sense in keeping that anymore going to find your new place where your soul is pulling you towards

for many of you you are leaving a relationship you’ve left loved ones behind or you’re leaving loved ones behind you’re leaving a certain person behind of all the disappointments of all the illusions that I had of these people of this person of this place of this career of this home it’s no longer where I want to be I decide now to follow my heart follow my soul and find my

new Knight of Wands A New Beginning a new passion a new life I’m ready to make the move I’m ready to find one new I’m ready to start this New [Music]

Journey making choices having choices I make my choice I have AO choices and now I’m going to put those into place I’ve made my choices I know what I need to

choose look at the bottom of the deck Three of Wands movement holiday relocation everything is pointing to you moving

everything for some of you you’ve had to fight your own battles you’ve had to agree to disagree you’ve had to fight battles that were hard that were strenuous that were energy eating I I feel here that you’re deciding to move from a place that only brought chaos and conflict into your life people that only brought negativity into your

life it was a constant battle to be

here this could be someone leaving their job their current job to go and work elsewhere and it could be an overseas an overseas or in another city queen of

cups I gave everything I had to these people to this person to this place but now it’s my time to leave I went in good faith with a good

heart the past

I want to leave my past behind I want to leave past circumstances situations people of my past behind I’ve had enough of being disillusioned by people who I cared about who I loved especially one person maybe but I’m leaving my childhood what I know or what I’ve known behind to find my

you don’t know if you can hear cancer M dog but he is snoring

away the hant a new contract a new purpose a new reason it’s now my time to make my new life in another place and this may be that you get offered a new proposal it could be in a marriage you may have married and now you’re moving away from everything that you know to relocate in a new place for someone it is marriage you’ve married and now you’re relocating you’re moving for others you may have a soul contract somewhere else in life in another place to start a new Journey it could also be a new work contract that takes you to another

place nine of Pentacles for many of you you’re making a choice to follow your abundance for some of you it is a new job and you’ve made the choices you’ve made to go and get more money elsewhere for others it’s you following your heart heart to make your abundance

elsewhere you’re going to be very happy in this new place cancer it’s going to bring you a lot of prosperity a lot of fulfillment financially and in your

well-being look at that celebration you’re going to celebrate an opportunity that comes out of nowhere for someone it’s an opportunity the last after all the disappointments you have this one last offer that is so

enticing and you have thought about this in a rational

manner but here I see you celebrating it’s a celebration of success it’s a celebration of determination to change and a new proposal or opportunity that you’re willing to take else do we have here with LOM M be open to Healing as well I feel that this person that’s going needs time to heal needs time to gather their thoughts their emotions and reenter themselves to be able to move on in a comfortable manner with no regrets I don’t know why they told me to say that but that’s a message that came here the ship the Sailing Boat it’s time to move it’s time to let sail to make the move that’s going to bring me a lot of growth the end of a cycle I’m closing a chapter to start my new


for someone it’s someone getting married and you’re closing that chapter of the single life the place where you grew up and you’re moving to a new destination with your new

husband changes I’m making changes changes that I still have a little bit of doubt and I fear and there’s a lot of talk about this move and change of mine but I need to do what I need to

do fora Clover number two this is you making the decisions to look for your new life which can bring you a lot of abundance in a new place that has a lot of prosperities a lot of opportunities I don’t feel like you’re going to a country where or a place where it’s deserted or very few people live there I feel that this is an area that’s going to give you a lot of opportunity to grow in many ways in many

ways tell me if this is you cancer cancer

please relax look at that new moon in your sign Cancer relax just enjoy the ride and let life take you to your new journey of where you’re meant to be nothing happens by mistake cancer nothing we either go to another place because we’re meant to go there and live uh a different Journey or we go to a place to teach us things that we need to learn in this lifetime nothing is by mistake so allow life to take you where you need to

go let your fears dissolve we spoke about that just go with the flow and have in the back of your mind this trip this decision this Destiny is meant I’m meant to cross this I’m meant to experience this I’m meant to do this there’s there’s a reason for this that will help with the fears and helping them

dissolve look at the bottom card open up to change open up to change allow yourself to live a new life allow yourself the change it may in it may even be the healing that you need this change may be exactly what you

needed cancer if this hasn’t resonated with you please check your moon and your ascendant sign if it has let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye

Leo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Leo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024

FREE Monthly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Leo Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june-2024/

and horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

These people are going to offer you an opportunity and one of them is going to be when you least thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies then go into the tarot then the Leno Mart and then finally with the moon deck to give you the final energy so let’s see what we have for Leo please what do we have for Leo for the next 7 to 14 days what energies do we have for Leo thank you Leo for all the beautiful subscriptions the likes the and the comments much appreciated thank you energy for Leo please thank you see your seeds grow I don’t know what you’ve planted Leo what you’ve work towards what you’re working towards but now there’s going to be a turn here where you’re going to see all your efforts being praised or turning into

abundance whatever you’ve planted is going to about to come your way when we work extremely hard Leo we put everything we have into something and now it’s starting to turn drop your Shields allow people to get close to you allow situations and opportunities to enter your life what this card is saying is open your mind and your spirit and your soul to receiving different things in life sometimes you may receive something that wasn’t what you asked for and that may baffle you but that thing is exactly what’s going to take you to your

success sometimes we envision or we have thoughts of how things should be but Spirit and the universe has different ways of showing us or getting us to where we need to

be trust and Thrive trust that you’re on the right path trust that anything that happens within the next 7 to 14 days is meant to be trust that any circumstances or situations that take place just know that they’re meant to be something’s going to take place when you least expect it or the in in the way you least expected it to happen what do we have for Leo

pleas Leo pleas thank

you Ace of Swords new ideas New Beginnings a new truth you’re going to learn of some new information a message that comes to you to allow you to see the truth in

something honesty

that’s why they’re saying open drop your Shields it’s like you’re expecting something a certain way but the way it’s going to come to you is a different way so allow anything that happens to you in the next 7 to 14 days to come and teach you

something Two of Wands a decision different paths another opportunity that you didn’t see before it’s like Archangel Michael who’s the sword he holds the sword of truth someone here is helping you see something a different way

giving you options eight of Pentacles look at you working hard the universe is giving you what you gave it it wants to present you with two opportunities not one and out of those two opportunities one was where you when you least expected it

your return is going to come through Leo everything you’ve put in you’re going to receive look at that the victory card hello Leo look the victory card you went through battles you lost energy sleep determination the energy took you to get here but it’s all going to be worthwhile more than that it’s going to give you more

opportunities there’s a victory in the making for everything you’ve put in seven of Pentacles look at that it’s you collecting your fruits collecting your financial abundance that you deserve collect collecting what’s rightly

yours what we put in is what we

receive and this is a Leah that has just committed themselves through and

through and now bigger opportunities present themselves here

Leo tell me what are we talking about here what’s this Ace of swords king of Pentacles look at that for some of you here you’re going to get a promotion or you’re going to get a bonus or you’re going to have an opportunity to start something new it could be a new business a new proposal that comes through for you but there’s someone here offering you money for your services for your product for what you have done there is abs absolutely money here for a new A New

Beginning a new

idea you’re on the right path you’ve done the right things oh look at this the king of Wands please remember I said to you Leo there are two opportunities here look at that two paths now you have two kings here these people are going to offer you an opportunity and one of them is going to be when you least expect it and it’s going to come from Left Field you didn’t see it coming so one of you may be dealing with someone who is an earth sign who is a Virgo a Capricorn or a Taurus and the other one is a fire sign just like you Leo an Aries Leo or Sagittarius but there are two offers here with two very knowledgeable strong determined people and they either want to partner partner with you offer you a new opportunity or are going to want what you’re offering your product your

services tides are turning the tide is to oh that’s no look at that the decision look at that you’re going to need to make a decision take your time it’s like you’ve been waiting for this opportunity for so

long take your time time at deciding don’t rush you’ve worked too hard now to rush things your work is now being

recognized all the hours the effort and the determination is now being being illuminated appreciated

there is two offers here Leo come back and tell me or have you had those offers already the four of Wands you just want to be happy with what you’re doing and you want to make your family happy you want to have a good

life you want to move forward with Clarity determination but you want to be successful you want your product your service to be recognized and this here this here is exactly what you’ve been waiting

for was it easy no if it was easy everyone would do

it this is going to allow you to have what you and your family have dreamed of look at that the Knight of Swords you lifting up your sword in Victory ready to Take On The World this opportunity these two opportunities that come your way are going to allow you to be free freedom to have and to do things that you’ve always wanted to do or wanted to have

this money this proposal this offer this

opportunity is going to open up paths for

you look at that Leo look at that for some of you here you’re it’s like your life is going to change overnight the to here is it’s going to throw things where you least expected it opportunities are going to come where you least expect it the amount that you’ll make that you’ll you’ll have is going to be different to what you’ve had up until now the celebration of this Tower it’s like the universe is giving you back what you’ve invested and there you are the Magician of all working your

magic this is going to open a lot of doors and this is only the beginning this is only the beginning of that that wonderful ride

Leo what a beautiful reading Leo please tell me if this resonates with you are you waiting for a proposal to come through are you waiting for offers to come through are you

hoping see your seeds grow remember and drop your shields for some of you you’ll even question whether this is real you’ll question what people are offering you is that real wow let’s see what l no M has for Leo what a beautiful reading Leo oh sacrifices you made a lot of sacrifices Blood Sweat and Tears to achieve what you have

today it wasn’t easy and I said that before a woman

you may you may have either a partner or a businesswoman or a business partner but there’s going to be a woman here involved or your partner is involved with you in this offer in this opportunity for some of you you may even marry this person or propose to this person

it was worth the sacrifices that’s what I get here many of you are going to be discussing with your partners or with somebody here of huge importance to you it was worth the sacrifices look at that there’s your star you never gave up you never gave up believing that one day your world was going to

shine that’s where they

are you may be dealing with someone who’s an aquarius because the woman came as a energy this is woman or man and then the Stars this person could be an aquarius they’re ruled by the [Applause] star look at that the mountains it was a hard slog it was hard going there were times where I was thinking of giving up there were times where I felt I wasn’t appreciated or what I had was not good enough but that all brought you growth the patience the determination the will to fight was all part of the growth and now now there’s your sun the sun that’s going to shine bright you had an intuition that what you were doing was right step into your power accept accept that this belongs to you you own it you deserve

it you are capable

pardon me Leo sorry step into your

power take the rins by the horns and don’t let don’t move anyone away drop your Shields you’ll see that you can actually trust these people or trust this proposal that’s coming through honor your feelings if you’re feeling

excited you know what I get here it’s like you’re you’re feeling this [Music] huge unbelievable feeling of success of Wow Wow honor those feelings honor the way you feel because you deserve it you deserve to feel at your

highest ATT tune to the Divine is on the bottom and this is you letting the emotions set in of how far you’ve come how much you’ve achieved and allowing yourself to be grateful for everything you have or everything that comes into your

path Leo I truly hope that someone here can resonate with this reading because it is an amazing reading lots of love and light and thank you for share for allowing me to share this reading with you thank you bye-bye

Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

In the next in the next s to 4 days that’s going to bring you a lot of stability and a lot of thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au so we’re here today to do your 7 to4 Day reading starting off with some energies the tarot then we’re going to Leno M and then we’re doing the last message with the moon cards so let’s go and see what we have for our beautiful Virgos which is also my moon sign so remember Virgo if it doesn’t resonate with you to check your moon and your ascendant sign as well which is also your Rising Sun thank you so much and thank you to everybody that subscribed commented and liked it’s with pleasure to have you here at the channel so thank you okay calling in my mentors guides and angels to bring the energies for Virgo o dream and journey what dream do you have Virgo what dream and journey do you want to accomplish what is it that is in your soul in your heart that you want to

do it’s time to work towards that dream to work towards that Journey trust and Thrive trust that you’re on the right path trust that you can accomplish anything you want and Thrive through that if you’re worried about starting something or if you’re worried about taking a different path starting something new following that dream and that Journey that you envision now’s the time to let go of that fear and trust and Thrive to get to where you want to go this is a huge message even for me Virgo who’s my moon sign everyone has dreams and everyone has a journey that they want to accomplish and and you need to trust that you can accomplish that and Thrive to accomplish that make plans and focus it’s now time to look at your dreams and the journey that you want to accomplish put plans in place towards achieving those goals and dreams and focus on those until you’ve accomplished

them I like that Virgo what is it that you’re dreaming about what is it what is your journey what is your hope what do you wish for what’s the tarot got for Virgo Queen of Pentacles for some of you you’ve got a uh dream of achieving something financially buying your own home your own car going on a holiday there are things here that you wish you could accomplish and now it’s about you being or getting control of your finances working towards saving to get to that goal or that dream

highly focused on your finances Virgo King of Swords you may also have someone beside you who is a Gemini a Libra or an aquarius someone who is very true to who they are but may may have different opinions to you you may be this is a couple here and I don’t know if you and your partner are on the same page or if you’re hoping to be to meet someone who is on the same page as you but I’ve got someone here who is focused on their their money their finances and someone who is who is dreaming and planning where they want to get

to someone who’s very strategic here about how you want want to achieve this what you want to do three of swords

wow Virgo you know the energy I’m getting here some of you may be disappointed with someone in your life with a partner or with someone who you connected with and for some reason it’s like they don’t share your dream they don’t share what you want out of life they’re not the person you imagin them to be they’re not the person you hoped for or they’re not the person that today you see eye to eye with you may at one stage have been great together but time goes on and people change and I feel here that some of you are questioning this partnership this relationship that you have it’s no longer what it used to be it’s no longer what I want for my life we’ve grown in separate

ways 10 of

Swords Virgo this is you you may be feeling right now that you’re disappointed in thinking that what you had planned or what you imagined would happen the goals and the journey that you hoped would

happen is not going to happen or is come to an end for some people a journey that you plan together promises hopes dreams that you plant together have all come crumbling down either you’ve grown in separate ways or you’re no longer the people you used to be there are cracks in this relationship or this relationship has

ended which has left you brokenhearted and in despair to think how what you imagined is not what you have

today looking at things in their true form having an understanding and being true to who you are having to create new ideas Now new thoughts because everything that you thought and hoped for is no longer you’re standing in truth now seeing things for what they truly are or what they truly were seeing someone for who they truly are all those promises all those hopes all those dreams and they are

shattered do we have for Virgo please

Virgo remember the trust and Thrive the one thing that you need to remember in all of this is that trust that the Universe knows what’s taking place everything happens for a purpose and a reason and although you may not see that purpose and reason right now you will understand that this person may have just come into your life for a certain period of time for you both to have experiences lessons that you can now take with you for future relationships Partnerships and life

experiences five of

Wands I feel here that you may there may have been a lot of arguments or conflict or you are having internal conflict within yourself but something here doesn’t feel right it’s not

right everything that you

imagined didn’t turn out anywhere near what you’d hoped for some of you you may be arguing about money

you’ve worked hard the thing I get here is fgo that you have worked hard to earn your money and your right to dream and want that Journey that experience that

Adventure judgment look at that there’s a calling now that you need to be true to who who you are you need to think about life and experiences and your dreams in a rational manner understanding that some people come into our lives but their time is up and they leave our lives for a purpose and a reason and sometimes it’s the hardest thing to understand how could someone that I built a life with have dreams with plan and our journey and all that’s come to an

end it’s now time to start thinking about you and what you want what excites you what are your dreams and goals Virgo what Journey do you want to go and experience

five of Pentacles someone not only broke your heart but they left you abandoned and lonely

disappointed everything that you imagined everything that you dreamt of

isn’t what you had or what you

have someone may still be living this life and it’s it’s not the life you want to

live seven of Cups you’ve got choices to make although these choices may be the hardest choices of your life it’s choices that need that you need to make to get you out of this place of sadness of disappointment of illus Illusions you know like it’s like how did I not see this we are two totally different people it’s like we live on different planets

I don’t see this person anymore like I

did the hermit you know what Virgo this is your card The Hermit and this is time now for you to take time out move away and when I say move away you don’t have to do that physically but you need to take time out to really evaluate what you have what you want and what you imagined are they all the same thing I don’t think so this is you looking at this situation with true Vision no rosecolor glasses taking the time to evaluate and connect with what you truly have not what you imagined you would

have and on the bottom we’ve got seven of Wands the Three of Wands and the Knight of Swords it’s time to lift your sword in your truth and integrity to

yourself many of you wondering what else is there for me out there there has to be a life that I want to live there has to be more to my life that I want to experience there’s more for me out there which path do I take what choices do I make and standing firm in your beliefs your

wants and in the Direction you need to go standing

firm wow and the universe here is saying don’t let go of your dream and your journey that’s

yours Virgo in life we come to this world on our own and we leave on our own you need to accomplish your dreams and your journey is what the universe is saying here and trust and Thrive even if it’s on your own don’t ever give up on you or your dreams or your goals and that beautiful Journey that you had envisioned

powerful Virgo powerful betrayed you feel

betrayed two and three is changes you need now you know within your heart that there are changes that need to be made I’m not going to give up on my dreams and my goals because I was betrayed and lied to by someone or people who are

trusted A New Beginning Virgo I’m going to cry A New Beginning this is you walking away from all those empty promises the empty vision the Betrayal the

lies and making here a stand on A New Beginning Full of

Light number

two look at that the four lifea clover and the stability look at that you’re going to receive a message Virgo in the next in the next 7 to 14 days that’s going to bring you a lot of stability and a lot of hope that your dream is not dead that your goals haven’t gone this message that comes through is going to bring a lot of stability and growth for you

hope of being able to make decisions and choices that are right for

you let’s see what we have for the final message for Virgo please that we’re connecting with if this reading doesn’t resonate with you please check your moon and your ascendant sign take a re reality check look at that this is you being real we spoke about that throughout the reading it’s being real with what you have is what you have real is what you have what you need and what you want is what you have or

had what you want for your future

go for it don’t let anything or anybody stop

you don’t allow others to block your paths to stop you from being who you want to be don’t let others hold you

back it’s time to go for what you

want and on the bottom work through your feelings take time to understand how you feel how it made you feel what you want to feel and I and go through all those feelings of understanding what got you

here I hope that’s made sense to somebody here Virgo and this is a huge huge growth reading here you won’t know yourself after this because what you have and what you’re starting is going to bring a lot of light into your life lots of love and light thank you Virgo bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

The ice stands firm stands true with true Integrity with new ideas new B beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychic live.com.au today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with the energies tarot then go into to Leno M and a final message at the end so let’s see what we have for our beautiful Libra thank you Libra for all the likes and subscriptions and shares and comments so much appreciated let’s see what we have for Libra please energy for Libra calling in my sides and Angels oh see beyond the current situation I don’t know what it is that you’re going through right now Libra for everybody’s going to be something different but they’re asking you to see beyond that you may be seeing something a certain way right now but they want you to look ahead and try and see beyond this situation what do you IM imagine yourself after this situation see beyond something it’s like something may bother you or or something may be bothering you right now but they want you to look ahead from what’s bothering

you look forward look forward they’re saying here there’s more to the situation there’s more to this than just what you can see look Beyond there’s more possibilities there’s more opportunities

we got here so you may not be happy in your current situation be brave and honest it’s now time Libra to stand firm with your beliefs with what you want and what you deserve are you allowing others to give you less than what you deserve are you getting

minimal from other people or from situations that you’ve dedicated yourself

to Now’s the Time to look at people at situations and what you’re doing with Clear Vision that’s why they’re saying to you here see beyond the current

situation having a look at things and people and your situation for exactly what it

is sometimes we don’t want to see certain things but this is what they’re challenging you to do see things for what they


are okay and it’s going to take some strength and bravery to be to look at things

honestly strength what did I say it’s going to take strength and bravery now is a time for you to grab the inner strength that you

have and really ask yourself what is it that I need to change who is it that I need to let go of who no longer completes me who no longer deserves to be part of

me Knight of Swords and that was upside down for some of you here you’ve hesitated making this Choice you’ve hesitated following through what your intuition has been telling

you due to fear due to the

unknown no too many too many you know what I have to take it they’ve asked me to take it and this is somebody that has had a huge battle within themselves you know what I get here Libra that you within yourself know that there is a situation that is eating you that is costing you your well-being your your physically well-being your physical well-being and your mental wellbe you’re going or you’ve been through a situation that you ignored or put to the side to deal with later but that’s eating you inside there’s this constant Battle of not feeling comfortable not feeling at

peace unless and I feel here that someone here is hanging on to someone or something because that’s what they know it’s a comfort blanket

you’re not seeing your life beyond this situation and how good it can be you don’t want to look

Beyond and in the meantime you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t because if you do you don’t know what’s out there for you but if you don’t it keeps eating at

you seven of Wands this is someone who eventually makes the decision to walk away from anyone or anything that no longer suits their them someone or something that no longer plays a an important part in your

life you’re done with the arguing you’re done with the internal battle you’re done with having to deal with certain things you’re done with walking on eggshells you’re done with someone not seeing you for who you are the value you have the beauty that you PR present

someone that doesn’t deserve you or something that doesn’t deserve

you remember this card Libra be brave and honest and when you’re brave and honest and you look at people and you look at situations for what they truly are and you ask yourself how can I allow this to destroy me how can I allow this person to have this huge hold on

me three of Pentacles for some of you here you’re a team at one stage you you had the same goals the same inspiration

I feel here that for some of you you looked after other people and not yourself the Ace of Swords you know here we didn’t want to do the Knight of Swords you didn’t want to look at it but guess what you will you will and the the Knight of Pentacles is a smaller card then the ice the ice stands firm stands true with true Integrity with new ideas new wants new needs and you’re not taking any rubbish with you you’re not taking any all those illusions of things getting better all those thoughts and promises you’re going to cut those is

now what you imagine to

be you now make the decision of what stays and what no longer

belongs there’s certain things you kept to yourself and maybe security is one of the worries that you

have but there’s a lot that you hold close to your chest that you don’t discuss that is

priceless look at this seven of Cups you have a lot of of choices it’s you realizing and seeing beyond the situation to how much your life can change for the better the minute you see things for what they

are and why do we do that Libra the reason we do that is because sometimes we don’t want Libra Libra is not a sign to create chaos they want peace but living in this state where you’re at your Wit’s End you’re on the floor and you don’t have much strength to get up anymore it’s time for choices you can’t live like this and you know that this is you talking saying I cannot live like this anymore

cuz the only person that can make that decision is you and there is no judgment everyone does what they want at their time when they are ready and there is no wrong or

right the nine of Pentacles you’re going to be prosperous Libra when you walk away from this situation or this person you are going to gain abundance not only in finances but you’re also going to expand who you are you’re going to get life back into you again happiness a huge abundance of believing in yourself again how strong and determined you are you’re going to get that mojo back of this is who I am and for too long I lived as a different person or I lived a lie being someone that I

wasn’t wow look at the bottom of the deck everything’s going to become clear to you of what’s right and what’s wrong look at that you’re going to move forward and you’re going to find beautiful Partnerships beautiful

friendships with L M for Libra please HRA my

mind number four the house there’s a new home here for somebody or you’re going to sell a home or you’re going to move to another place and live in a New Home But whichever way you do it there is a new place here for you

this a woman figure here this is either the partner that you’ll be leaving or this will be somebody that helps you along the way that helps you through this process of yours there will be a woman that plays a huge role in this movement of yours

Libra I don’t need to say anymore look at that look at that and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the clouds it’s like the clouds are now moving for the new to begin what you couldn’t see clearly before for you’re going to look at it with a

different set of eyes that you you know when something is we think something’s good and we look at it and there’s you know rosec colored glasses we see things Rosy and beautiful when they’re truly not I think many of you here are going to take off those rosecolor glasses and let go of anything that is not secure for you anymore that you don’t want anymore of you’re going to be brave and strong and determined to change your life

around wow Libra there is some con reconstructing going on in your life last message for Libra please

last message for

Libra speak your world into being the way you look at the world will reflect what you receive so everything that happens to you just know that there’s a purpose and a reason for everything nothing is by mistake if you’ve had a tough relationship or a relationship that didn’t fulfill you a job that you didn’t like and you didn’t like going there every day that situation or that person taught you certain things now it’s about you speaking into being what you want from Life you’ve had the lesson let that go now if you want a new change you need to make movements and act like you want a new change plan out what your next steps will be and allow yourself to go in the direction that’s meant for you

on the bottom is be humble there is no point in looking back

and blaming yourself or someone else because they only gave what they had or what they knew and that was nowhere near or you expected or wanted so take the learnings and move forward in a humble way not wanting bad with anybody forgiving yourself because it that’s not your baggage to carry and allowing yourself to be at peace with who you

are I hope that makes sense to somebody here Libra if it doesn’t check your moon and your ascendant sign lots of love and love thank you

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