Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June

Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For June Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-june-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days remember it’s a general reading so if you want a private reading there’s details below on how to contact me um and book online let’s see what energy we have here for Aquarius if this doesn’t resonate Aquarius check your moon and your ascendant sign what do we have for Aquarius

place what do we have for Aquarius place they said reshuffle thank you reshuffle for Aquarius pleas

there might have been some energy here from the past

beautiful okay what energies do we have for Aquarius please see see the seeds grow Aquarius I don’t know what it is that you’ve planted but now’s the time for you to see your seeds grow for some of you here you may have planted ideas started new projects started a new career started a new relationship I don’t know what it is that you’ve started new but someone here has started something new and what they’re saying is just wait and see because those seeds that you planted are going to start growing your time and energy wasn’t in vain even though I get the energy here that someone’s thinking that it’s not going to work it is going to work it takes time sometimes and sometimes it’s not our time Aquarius

please stay rooted and grounded it just means here to stay grounded stay real stay sure stay confident don’t doubt who you are don’t doubt your capabilities don’t doubt that what you’ve put out there is going to grow stay very grounded be real with what you expect out of this and be real that you know who you are don’t let anyone else question you don’t let anyone else block you from moving

forward you know who you are Aquarius you know who you are shift your perception we just spoke about that it’s now time to see how good you you are and your capability and your

strength shift your perception to start believing in who you are truly not thinking that you’re okay knowing that you’re great do you see the

difference what do we have here for Aquarius please what does Aquarius need to know right now please thank you Aquarius

yes Page of Cups a messenger that brings you a message of Love of consideration of care of nurture someone here is going to bring you something send you something but there’s a message here for you and it comes with love so someone will appreciate you someone is going to offer you something and it’s important important that you stay grounded that you stay very real with the proposal or the or the proposition it could even be a new relationship that comes into your life and this person will come with love care and nurture but what they’re saying is stay very grounded don’t let your mind race ahead of what’s happening or ahead of yourself

Two of Wands which decision do I make what path do I choose are you at a Crossroads at the moment Aquarius where you don’t know which way to go are you confused about two people are you confused about two paths two opportunities two proposals

one of them is

real Six of Swords you may have to move to another location you may have to move to another

place for something to happen here what I’m feeling is that these choices these decisions or these two paths or these two people out of the two one you’re going to need to move to another location leave what you know behind if it’s a new job proposal a new business proposal an opportunity that’s amazing it’s going to require you to leave your current

location move to another location where there’s more need for what you have or this other person doesn’t live anywhere near

you nine of Cups that’s where you’re going to find your happiness that’s where you’re meant to be this new place is not by mistake this new adventure this new proposal this new opportunity was always meant to cross your path so stay grounded and go with it it’s like don’t don’t get over excited and ahead of yourself go one step at a time especially when you’re

unsure they’re saying don’t have fear here Aquarius everything you asked for it’s about to happen look at that someone definitely is traveling here there is definitely travel here looking ahead trying to determine the future trying to see things that haven’t even happened your mind is racing quickly and they’re saying stay grounded Aquarius stay grounded don’t let your mind race too far don’t let your your hopes run away from you have a vision yes but stay grounded it every step is a positive

one and on the bottom there is definitely someone here making a move making a move to start something new somewhere else and building a new life somewhere else meeing a new person somewhere else for some of you you may be going on a holiday and meeting this person but it’s going to bring you a huge amount of happiness

okay what else do we have for Aquarius please look at this card upside down trust your instincts trust your instincts if it feels right Aquarius more than likely is if it feels wrong you’ll know it you’ll know it

what else have we got for Aquarius

please look at that trust in the higher forces You are not alone you are not making this decision alone you are not making this move alone your guides your mentors your higher Creator are guiding you to where you need to be it’s not by mistake that this proposal that this person that this uh opportunity crossed your path it’s not by mistake you are being guided to where you need to

go and I feel here it’s to do whatever you’ve asked for that’s what’s coming forward for

you make PL and focus that’s why they want you to stay grounded remember this card stay grounded because now they’re asking you to make plans and stay focused don’t get ahead of yourself just make the plans stay focused stay on your path believe in yourself and believe that you have the capability to achieve anything if this is a relationship stay focused on the here and now don’t overthink things don’t overthink whether they’re going to hurt you down the whether they’re going to hurt you whether they’re going to treat you like your your previous partner did if you’re going to marry this person don’t allow your mind to race in different places

embrace the energy of Peace absolutely stay here in the now now that’s all you’ve got to worry about not what’s coming not what you’ve left behind but stay in the now and Ride The Challenge the opportunity the proposition for what it is now

and on the bottom choose your path look at that choose your path you’ll be able to choose your path we said that here and that’s what we had on the bottom choose your path know that you’ve got the choice and see that Circle in the middle that’s the circle of life that’s the the what we call the Wheel of Fortune in the tarot everything has its ups and everything has its Downs allow yourself to live in the now and make the decisions that you need to make as you go through

it don’t be scared or think ahead how things will be because you may just surprise

yourself what else do we have here Aquarius place

and you know what Aquarius I had the wrong deck here but it’s not by mistake because all this information was meant to bring you this information now look at that leaving old things behind that no longer make sense people behind that weren’t true situations that you weren’t happy with it’s like you’re taking the mask off because you’re no longer the person you used to be you’re no longer that person that accepted little you’re no longer that person that had to be a certain way to make others happy this is the new

you wow it’s for th connecting your mind and body together connecting how you’re feeling with how you’re thinking and staying in the now look at the time allowing yourself to connect and feel at peace within the now don’t worry about time that time is

still take the time now to connect connect your body and mind as one being on the right path don’t overthink things don’t over get emotional about things allow things to flow and here we have the seven of water which is align your chakra and your Truth All Is One feeling peaceful comfortable in your own skin in your own place where you are right

now because I do feel here Aquarius that there are a lot of things that are going to happen and the opportunity and the proposal that comes to you it would be too or the person you meet it would be too easy to get too excited too soon and so they’re asking you here stay in the now enjoy the

Journey perception just be careful where you are Aquarius that you don’t perceive things to be a certain way when they’re not see things real for what they truly are if they don’t feel right they’re probably not but if they feel amazing live the moment and appreciate it it don’t be scared of it sometimes when we meet someone amazing we start to look for The Faults we start to look for things that can go wrong and they’re saying change the perception change your perception of wanting to look out for what’s wrong or what could go wrong look at things with great with peace and for what they

are beautiful Aquarius what can I say to that what a

reading get

ready look at that go for it don’t be scared don’t doubt yourself and don’t let any anybody make you doubt yourself go for what you want to go for go and start a beautiful new relationship with that beautiful new person that comes into your life go and start that new job in another country go and take that opportunity that you’ve been given go for it they’re saying it’s your time now nothing crosses your path by mistake attend to the details just make sure that everything is above board when you’re reading documentation when you’re signing documentation when you’re moving homes when you’re signing anything anything any paperwor whether it be a new that you’re moving into a new home whether it be that you’re moving to a new location a new proposal a new contract just double check that all the details even the small print more than anything is above board and you agree with that take your time to dissect the contract to dissect the paperwork attend to the

details look at that be proud of yourself Aquarius be proud of yourself it’s time now for you to be very proud of the person you’ve become how far you’ve come everything you’ve had to deal with and

yet your achievements your person your being is

admirable be proud of who you are and Taurus is a great grounding one too so make sure you take time out to thank your guides your mentors the universe for the gifts that are coming your

way Aquarius with that I’m going to close that beautifully lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye

Pisces Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June 2024

Pisces Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June 2024

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast Horoscope for June Week 2 2024

Pisces FREE Monthly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For June Week 2 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-june-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/pisces-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi beautiful Pisces thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and if it doesn’t resonate Pisces please check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be messages for you there let’s go place we’re doing for Pisces let’s cut for Pisces

please Pisces thank you energy for Pisces please thank you release the old and rest it’s time now Pisces to let go of anything that’s old and no longer suits you and this is a big cleanup it’s a cleanup of your surroundings of your home of your um thoughts your vision anything that no longer suits you needs to go you need to clear out everything around you that you don’t want to see anymore and allow room for the new to come

in beautiful powerful card there Pisces it’s it’s cleaning up everything that doesn’t serve anymore choose your path now is going to be the time for you to choose your path after you’ve cleaned up everything from the past things that don’t belong in your life anymore and you’re ready to make that start you’re going to see doors opening you’re going to see new opportunities present themselves and here this is where you need to choose your path this is the hard bit not the cleaning up you know what suits you what doesn’t suit you you know what you want to keep and what you don’t choosing your path is going to be important for

you perfect what have we got for Pisces please Pisces what have we got for

Pisces so release the old and choose your path now that you want to follow that you want to keep what have we got for

Pisces the child the child talks about new it talks about creating new opportunities accepting new opportunities the child is about not having fear being innocent being vulnerable it’s okay to be vulnerable it’s okay to be excited it’s okay to cre to be excited to start something new a new opportunity a new career a new love life something of huge importance it’s a new

chapter the mother this is either you giving birth to a new idea a New Prospect a new opportunity or this is you having a child for some of you here you may have um you may have had trouble feeling pregnant and now you’re getting ready you’re nesting here you’re nested getting your home ready getting everything ready around you to have that beautiful child of yours for other people it’s you’re cleaning your area to let the new proposals the new opportunities come in changing your scenario changing your Social Circle changing your vision and your dreams and your goals to more powerful more

abundance creating the opportunities the two of air this is a card that talks about uncertainty decision making not everything is black and white White having [Music] the having the Curiosity to find out what’s the gray area in all of this it’s not so black and white that’s not life black and white what is the middle ground that’s you finding the middle ground there is always a gray where there’s black and white involved

it’s you see how they’ve got scales here down the bottom it’s you balancing what’s right and what’s wrong what makes you feel this way and what doesn’t make you feel this way anymore but in between can you negotiate between certain things that you want and you don’t want negotiation is going to be key here and that’s why there’s lights there stay true to your heart stay true to yourself negotiate contracts negotiate opportunities to suit you don’t accept that somebody tells you it’s this way or that way no let’s go and negotiate what’s the in between what’s going to be good for both of us what’s going to be good for me and good for where I’m going or who I’m dealing with

and on the bottom we’ve got the seven of fire which is an opportunity of a lifetime that’s going to present itself when you least expect it a Lotus grows in the muddiest water the dirtiest water and out of nowhere comes this beautiful lotus plant which you would never imagine would grow in something like that so be prepared Pisces that you may have an opportunity or a a proposal from where you least or who you least expected to come

from it’s not so black and white there’s also


wow so someone here is thinking that something may happen a certain way but you’ll be surprised how it works

out 10 of Cups you finding your abundance this new project this new proposal is going to bring you a new vision a new goal and a new opportunity that’s it’s not only going to benefit you but also your

family for someone else here it’s you finding that special somebody that you’ve always been looking for the minute you let go of any ill feelings in regards to ex-boyfriends ex-husbands the minute you released your energy from the past that you left behind you open doors for new partners new opportunities to come your [Music]

way look at that upside down the five of Wands this wherever you’re going or whoever you meet is not going to be a battle anymore the battles are over this now this opportunity this proposal this person this group is going to bring you more peace and Tranquility into your life after everything you’ve been through this is not now going to bring you chaos and conflict though that stays in the

past the Two of Pentacles I feel here that someone here upside down Two of Pentacles came is it’s time now to be certain about what you want to be certain about what’s good for you it’s about you not being indecisive anymore making a decision and sticking to that decision allowing yourself to love and be loved allowing yourself to grab that opportunity with certainty and not fear not doubting your capabilities not doubting how much you are

worth for someone that was so unsure before Pisces you’re not going to feel that anymore look at that everything becomes clear to you and that card fell on both of those that were upside down everything becomes clear to you now the star is the beginning of you seeing things a different way of you being healed from everything that you’ve been through in the past it’s a time of healing it’s a time where you realize that not everything is black and white that there are good people in the world there are opportunities that you’re going to have that are made for you it’s where you are it’s where you need to be it’s who you need to be with it makes all the difference where when we’re in the right

place queen of cups I did tell you that there’s someone coming into your life a person who has posture of charm resilience and a lot of love to give someone who comes in peace with a lot of care and nurture who has the right attributes that you’re looking

for you know that Lotus where you least expect it is where you find it that’s this person here everything becomes clear and I feel that this person is going to bring some beautiful qualities into your life that you’re not going to even understand why you hadn’t met this person before the page of cups on its side do I or do I not at first you’re going to be surprised and you’re going to be surprised by this person by the opportunity that’s being offered to you by the message that you receive what that means to you and and your life you’re going to be shocked just like this girl is looking at that Lotus it’s like I want this so much but is this real yes Pisces it is it is just be careful that here you don’t lose an opportunity you don’t lose an opportunity or make a decision that’s not right for you stand still you’ll see things clearly when you stay put don’t make any major decisions don’t make any M major moves the minute you ask yourself is this meant for me these two came upside down it will be a very clear decision on what you need to do but if you don’t take the time out there is a possibility that you could make the wrong choice you may decide to go a different way you may decide to walk away from someone who could be your soul

partner what else have we got for pces

pleas breathe through the tension anytime you feel tension anytime you feel uncomfortable in a situation or with somebody just breathe through it some of you may suffer from anxiety some of you may suffer um from panic and when you’re scared or you’re unsure or you’re in surprise or shock breathe through that tension So you you’re able to see things clearly

make time for selflove the most important person Pisces is you so it’s important that with everything going on with this new life you’re about to enter this new relationship you’re about to go into new people new Social Circles new careers new business make time for self-love don’t forget number

one embrace the flow of Life what’s that saying that’s saying that Embrace meeting new people embrace the flow of life means don’t try and control let things happen as they’re meant to sometimes we try and control control through fear and that’s human nature we try and control things so they go a certain way they they fall a certain way and what the universe is saying here is Pisces it’s time to let go and just go with the flow allow life to take you to where you need to be beautiful I hope that resonates with somebody here Pisces if it doesn’t check your moon and your ascendant sign lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye

Are there Better Days to go for Psychic Reading?

Are there Better Days to go for Psychic Reading?

There are better times to get a clearer reading? OPEN MIND!

Choosing the right day for a psychic reading can enhance the experience and potentially provide clearer insights. While there’s no definitive “best” day universally agreed upon, certain days and times might be considered more favorable based on various factors:

Astrological Influences

  1. Moon Phases:
    • New Moon: A time for new beginnings and setting intentions. Good for readings focused on new projects or starting fresh.
    • Full Moon: Known for heightened intuition and clarity. Ideal for deep insights, emotional readings, and bringing matters to completion.
    • Waning Moon: Suitable for letting go, releasing negative energy, and resolving issues.
    • Waxing Moon: Best for growth, planning, and gaining momentum.
  2. Days of the Week:
    • Monday (Moon): Associated with emotions and intuition. Good for readings related to personal matters and emotional insights.
    • Tuesday (Mars): Ruled by Mars, it’s a day for action and decision-making. Best for readings about conflicts, challenges, and taking initiatives.
    • Wednesday (Mercury): Ideal for communication and intellect. Great for readings about learning, travel, and business decisions.
    • Thursday (Jupiter): Ruled by Jupiter, focusing on expansion, abundance, and spiritual growth. Suitable for career, financial, and spiritual readings.
    • Friday (Venus): Associated with love and relationships. Best for readings about romance, partnerships, and beauty.
    • Saturday (Saturn): Ruled by Saturn, it’s about discipline, structure, and long-term goals. Good for readings on career, responsibilities, and life lessons.
    • Sunday (Sun): Linked to vitality and self. Ideal for readings about personal growth, health, and self-improvement.

Personal Factors

  1. Personal Cycles:
    • Life Events: Choose a time when you are relaxed and open, not rushed or stressed.
    • Personal Milestones: Birthdays, anniversaries, or significant personal dates can be powerful times for readings.
  2. Emotional State:
    • Calm and Centered: When you are emotionally balanced, you can better receive and process the information from the reading.
    • Clarity of Purpose: Knowing what you want to focus on in the reading can make the session more productive.

Practical Considerations

  1. Psychic Availability: Ensure the psychic you want to see is available and not rushed. Booking in advance can help secure a good time slot.
  2. Avoiding Distractions: Choose a time when you won’t be interrupted. This allows for a more focused and meaningful session.

Spiritual Beliefs and Practices

  1. Cultural and Religious Practices: Some cultures or spiritual practices may have specific days that are considered more auspicious for divination and readings.
  2. Personal Rituals: Engage in personal rituals or meditation before the reading to set a clear intention and open your mind to the experience.

While there are days and times that might be more favorable for psychic readings due to astrological influences or personal factors, the most important aspect is to choose a time when you feel ready and open for the experience. Whether you align your session with moon phases, days of the week, or personal cycles, being in a calm and focused state of mind will enhance the quality of your reading.

You can also book directly for your processional reading at https://tarotreadingslive.com/

Learn More : Read https://psychicslive.com.au/category/free-star-signs-horoscopes/

Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

You’re waiting for something to happen before you make a move you’re waiting for something hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au bringing you your reading today for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies and going to the tarot then the Leno M and followed by the Moon deck so let’s see what we have for Aries place for today for the next 7 to 14 days energies for Aries please calling in my guides mentors and angels to bring you the message Aries thank you so much to all the beautiful subscribers for commenting for liking the video it means the world to the channel thank you okay energies for Aries please energies for Aries oh two straight away trust your instincts trust your instincts in the next 7 to 14 days what you’re thinking what you’re feeling is right so if it doesn’t feel right that’s because it probably isn’t and if something feels fantastic then it’s great your instincts will tell you which way to go what to do who to who who to be with and what what’s next if you’re in a place of decision making your instincts are going to play a big role in

that stand your ground Aries stand your ground stand firm in what you believe in stand firm in who you are don’t worry about other people’s judgments other people’s gossip and what other people think and say and do stand your ground and be true to

you look at that the bottom unlock the magic within look at that unlock the magic you have within you and don’t let anybody stop you block you make you change your mind

you’re not there to please anybody Aries you’re there to do what’s right for you and provided you do that you’re turned around fine and the one that was turned around was the moon and the

hierophant are you questioning a marriage are you questioning your relationship with people a cont ract your

in are you

scared have you got

doubts trust your

instincts okay Aries place what do we have for Aries please

eight of Wands movement there a movement here either you want to make a move to a certain place to another place but there’s movement here some of you may be going overseas on a

holiday there’s travel here involved

nine of

Swords I don’t know what’s going on here Aries but I feel like you’re moving away from something or someone is moving away and that’s making you worry and lose

sleep there’s movement here and there’s a huge amount of worry here to the point where you’re not sleeping

properly king of

Pentacles for some of you you may have to move for work for others you’re moving away from

somebody and I feel that this person could be either a Virgo a Taurus or a Capricorn if you’re dealing with somebody but it’s like you’re going you’re moving away there’s movement here let’s see what else we have yeah it’s no lie there’s a car look that’s the Chariot definitely movement here forward you’re moving away from something you’re making a move you’re you’re either working you’re going to work in another location and you are worried you’re worried sick about what awaits you how it’s going to be living in another area out of your comfort zone leaving loved ones behind but there is movement here if for those of you that it’s not work it’s like you’re moving away from somebody to start new somewhere

else two and they come out chaos and conflict look at that there’s some it’s either you’re in having an internal battle dealing with this situation or there’s been a lot of chaos and conflict in your life so there’s two versions here some are going through a huge amount of conflict within themselves about making a decision and others it’s about moving away from chaos and conflict that you don’t want to deal with

anymore look at that the hangman upside down the hangman usually comes like that you see clearly now what you couldn’t see before you See Clearly Now what needs to

happen you’re starting to see things for what they are trust your

instincts page of Wands you’re absolutely going to another location you’re traveling here Aries there is no mistake you’re making decisions to leave a place and relocate or you’re going for work or you’re going to move away from somebody here and this is worrying you it’s causing you a lot of anxiety and what they’re saying is use your instring trust your instincts if it feels right it is if it doesn’t feel right it may not be

look at that that’s you evaluating where am I going what what what awaits for me what am I waiting for for some of you here it’s like you’re waiting you’re waiting for somebody or you’re waiting to leave you’re waiting for something to happen before you make a move you’re waiting for something here for some of you could be to do with

money look at that there’s no mistake that someone here has been asked to relocate for their job they’ve got a great opportunity or they have been promoted and that involves relocation and it’s going to bring you a lot more money and it’s going to take you forward in what you do however you’re questioning very very deeply about whether you’re going to be okay in this new place in this new role and you’re worried what if it doesn’t work out what if I don’t like where I’m going

look at that the victory card there’s no mistake here the internal are the internal battle that you feel right now is actually going to be the victory you need for those of you that are battling against somebody and you’re leaving a certain place or a certain situation or a person you’re going to find a brand new life that await you for those of you that are worried about leaving or being relocated for work it’s actually it’s actually going to surprise you how good this place and this job is going to be for

you so I don’t know if this is a confirmation reading for somebody here let me know in the comments if you were waiting for this answer look at that the Queen of Pentacles the two of Cups and the four of Swords it’s time to rest now making a decision while you’re tired and exhausted is is not going to help but there is definitely a huge opportunity here for you to start new for you to make more of what you do for you to to grow in many

ways l m we have oh the fox the changes you’re very curious about how these changes are going to to fit in with you and with the life you have now do I make these changes is it worth making this

change some of you are very curious about what awaits you in the future what awaits you at this new

place look at that five and five look up angel 55 please Angel 55 is going to have an answer for you you’re wondering this this is like you’re self sabotaging yourself here in worry in despair it’s really really getting you down this decision that you’re you’re going to make or this move that has to be made it’s not an easy decision it’s not an easy move I don’t feel here that this is going to be easy for you

and on the bottom we’ve got the two left four left Clover number two decisions that you need to make that’s right for you the decision you make needs to be right for you stand your ground remember if you don’t want to do something stand your ground and trust your

instincts but there are decisions here that have to be made Aries and they’re going to be decisions that you need to feel comfortable

with what’s the last message for Aries here

please no I’m feeling agitated Aries go deeper to get a clearer understanding of what’s right for you go deeper asking yourself what it is that you want where it is that you want to get to what you want to

achieve I don’t feel this is an easy move here let me know in the comments

Aries relax they’re saying relax sometimes we worry about things far too far more than what they deserve to be worried about about sometimes we have this huge picture in our head of we we create this whole movie in our head of something that we don’t even know anything about even before we make a move we start to picture what we think it might be but you may just surprise yourself remember I said to you it may just be the move you needed in more ways than one I think it’s going to be a lot lot better than what you think I think you’re going to be a lot better off than where you are now believe in your good luck look at that the bottom of the deck for some of you you’re worrying about something so much that you’re not looking at what if it works out what if I love this place what if my life changes after leaving this place or this person what awaits for me out there there it could be the best move in my life but you won’t know until you make that decision but you’ve got to make that decision no one can make it for

you I hope that makes sense for somebody here Aries let me know in the comments lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye

Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Taurus Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

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Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Taurus Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Taurus Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Taurus Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Here it’s saying as that Mystic power you have within you when you’re making decisions you’ll know what to do the minute you connect with your spirit thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings life and psychics live.com.au we’re going to do your 7 to4 Day forecasts today using energy tarot Leno mind and then the moon deck to finish off your reading so let’s see what we have for beautiful Taurus light up our candle to bring light into Taurus’s reading thank you with all my guides mentors and Angels please bring the messages you’d like to give Taurus today thank you Taurus thank you so much for the subscriptions the likes the comments it’s all means the well to me so thank you so much okay energies for Taurus please energy for T oh feeling stuck Taurus are some of you feeling stuck Retreat and recharge it’s time if you’re feeling heavy if you’re feeling stuck or blocked or there’s something that doesn’t feel right it’s time now to retreat and recharge allow yourself the time to connect with your inner being connect with your soul I have a few Tauruses here that now is the time for them to re-evaluate everything they have in their life what they have done or what they want to do it’s time to retrieve from all the people all the situations around and in your life to allow your yourself time to think The Hermit which is a Virgo card what else do we have here for Taurus please thank you harness Mystic power absolutely here it’s you harnessing the Mystic power that’s within you it’s now time to retrieve and get in contact with your true spirit and your soul allowing yourself to understand who you are what you want and where you want to go harnessing Mystic power and Retreat and recharge is all about going within and allowing your inner wisdom your inner strength and your inner power to have rest relief and recharge

what’s going on Taurus you’re feeling overwhelmed someone here is feeling overwhelmed thank you tarot for Taurus

please a lot of things turning it’s like there’s things that are turning in your life Knight of Cups moving in a New Direction taking time to think about whether moving in this new direction is for you and what direction is that you want to move locations or move jobs or there’s something about you that wants to move on look at that the Five of Swords you want to move away from the chaos and conflict in your life you want to move away from all the negativity that people or situations are bringing you right now it’s like you want to isolate yourself from what’s happening around

you Ace of Swords facing the truth speaking your truth facing the truth new thoughts new ideas about a certain situation different ideas different perspective now of something that took place you want to be true to who you are you want to leave your truth but I feel that living your truth is moving away from certain conflicts certain chaos certain people or situations therefore the need to retreat and recharge it’s like someone here is going through a a tough time with somebody else or in a

situation Two of Wands which path do I take what decisions do I make

now something needs to change in my life right now but where do I go from here and that’s why the universe is saying it’s time for you to retreat to take time out to

evaluate use your inner power inner wisdom to make those decisions Three of Swords a broken heart either through disappointment deception

disillusioned here Taurus that’s what I get here it’s like I thought things were a certain way and they’re

not that’s why the chaos and the conflict

here they’re saying before before you make any decision make sure you take time out to reassess what you’re going through to reassess the situation to really think about what brought this on is there any way that you can solve it add to it Two of Pentacles decisions that need to be made decisions that are going to impact not only you but others around

you if you move forward if you leave a a relationship or a certain place certain people or a situation what are the decisions you need to make where will you go what will you do I feel that someone here is at the the end of a cycle here gaining Mystic power here it’s saying harness that Mystic power you have within you when you’re making decisions you’ll know what to do the minute you connect with your spirit and your soul your intuition will tell you what path to

take oh no they don’t want those sorry they flew out they’re saying that’s not the cards okay that is page of Pentacles the beginning of something something new for some of you you may be leaving a job a career that no longer suits you a place of work and employment where there was a lot of chaos and conflict you leave this place and you look for something new or you’re looking for something new to get out of this chaos and

conflict some of you it’s to do with work for others it’s a

relationship standing your ground in truth look at that you stand your ground and you stand up for what you believe in you stand up for who you are and you do it with truth and integrity you’re now starting to look within and starting to see things for what they truly are you’re starting to be honest with yourself about what you’ve been living what you’ve been going through and you know now that after taking this time out you’ll understand that you need to stand your ground and make some firm decisions that are right for you it’s going to take you to think rationally not

emotionally I feel that emotionally it’s blocked you from moving moving but now you’re taking the rational side of it thinking with your heart and not your head sorry thinking with your head and not your heart High Priestess freeing yourself this these two opportunities or New Paths that present themselves to you is to free you from this situation from this relationship from this chaos and this conflict you’re going to have a couple of choices and the decisions you make are going to be important to set you

free the Three of Swords what’s that explain the three of swords to us please what’s Taurus going through ACE of Pentacles for some of you here you may have lost your job and you’re looking for a new job you asked to leave or you left cuz you couldn’t take it anymore and as much as you need a new job which you’re going to get a new job for those of you that left a career or want to leave a career there is a New Prospect a new opportunity here I feel that you’ve left somewhere or you want to leave somewhere because you don’t want to be part of that that circle of people work for that environment work for that company anymore they’ve disappointed you in many

ways you’re going to find something else Taurus there’s something else here for you look at that the magician The Hermit again you’ve got the hermit twice here and the four of Swords it’s time to have a rest meditate seclude yourself from others and everything in order for you to make the best decision for you you are the magician you’ve got what it takes you’ve got everything you need you’ve got the skills you’ve got the knowledge the will the determination to change your life around so it’s about you re-evaluating what’s important and leaving a situation that no longer serves you what do we have for Taurus please here with Leno m

message you’re going to receive a message that is the end of a cycle so you may receive a proposal or an opportunity to leave this situation you may receive a message that’s going to make you aware of something you didn’t know before something is is going to be sent to you or there’s a message that’s being related to you either by conversation by message by telephone but this message changes

everything the snake for some of you here it’s you were tricked or manipulated by somebody body and it it’s not only once this has happened time and time again but you now decide to change to move to make that change that you should have made ages ago you’re in the hope that it was going to get better but when someone’s a snake they don’t change they may change their skin but deep below they are who they are for somebody else it’s you changing your skin you changing your circumstances your

life this card flew you’ve got a friend that you can count on Taurus and I don’t feel that this friend is nearby I feel that this friend is far from you but it’s someone who you can count on someone who you can talk to someone who is always there to listen to

advise isn’t that funny 979 979 look up 99 and look up angel 9 there’ll be a message for you and look at that all you want is peace and Tranquility in your life that’s all you want this change is about you being in search of peace and

Tranquility what’s the last message we have for you’re stronger than what you think Taurus the first card that fell out was attend to the details when this information comes through through have a look clearly at all the details understand what this conversation or what this message entails and where does that leave you attend to the details that you

receive reflect on your priorities absolutely that’s part of the hermit which you’ve got not only once but you got twice it’s reflect on your priorities what’s important to you now where do you see yourself Taurus how can you change what this circumstance that you’re in how can you bring peace and Tranquility into your life and what do you need to do to find

that detoxify it’s now time to retreat to take time to detoxify from all the negativity the chaos and the conflict you’ve been dealing with the minute you walk away from this place these people or this person you’re going to be able to detoxify that is what is going to be needed for you to find your peace and your Tranquility I feel someone here has gone through trauma over this it’s really really affected you in a strong way where it’s not something you’ll forget

overnight this is full moon in Taurus which is your sign detoxifying is going to be needed required and met as soon as you leave this

situation Taurus I hope this makes sense to somebody here unfortunately it wasn’t the the most uplifting reading but I do have to pass on what message they’re bringing for me lots of love and light thank you so much Taurus bye-bye

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