Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days so we’re going to start off with some energies for you today thank you for participating in this reading and let’s go what energy do we have for Virgo please please energy for

Virgo you feeling a bit stuck

Virgo you’re feeling a bit stuck in

something see set your sights higher for someone here it’s like you’re you’re accepting small things from people or situations it’s like you’re you’re you’re not setting your sights High high enough you’re better than what you think you are you’ve lost confidence you’ve lost how valuable you are and you’re settling for something less than what you deserve whether that be with a partner in your career in what you do how you accept the way people treat you it’s like set your sights higher than what you’re actually looking at right now the minute you give yourself more value and more um the minute you value yourself more and have more confidence in who you are the higher you go the higher you’ll go in achieving what you want and Achieve and attracting the right people or opportunities that you’re

Desiring look at that learn from spiritual experience this is my favorite card Virgo it’s you being set free after learning things along the way you’ve experienced different things you’ve learned different things with people through situations through experiences that you’ve had and they’re saying here learn from those spiritual experiences learn what it’s teaching you learn the value that you have within you don’t look elsewhere to be happy that’s what I don’t know who that’s for but they said don’t look elsewhere to be happy be happy


wow look at this trust in the unknown it’s like here you’re stuck in something and you don’t know which way to go you can’t see forward and you don’t know what’s up ahead but what they’re saying here is trust in the unknown don’t fear going forward don’t allow yourself to stand back and not be given or not chase the opportunities that come your way so trust in the unknown sometimes we don’t know what’s up ahead not some times 99% of the time we don’t know what’s going to come up none of us can say 100% I know what’s going to happen you can feel it you can Envision but you don’t know that for sure so sometimes we need to trust in what we can’t see or what we can’t

hold does that make sense to anybody here

Virgo are you feeling stuck scared about what’s up ahead are you feeling unsure about a certain situation a person see what we have for Virgo

please what is it the Virgo needs to know Faith look at that look at that beautiful card have Faith have faith that everything’s going to work out just how you want it to or how you Invision it working out have faith that your mentors your guides and the higher Creator or whoever it is that gu you have faith that they are beside you have faith that things are going to work out

even though look at that she’s sitting on a tortoise even though life may be taking its time or things are going slower what than what you’d like or things didn’t work out as quickly as you’d like them to have faith that you’re on the right path that you’re going towards the right thing

and set your your set your um sights higher what is it that you want to

achieve seven of air which is the seven of Swords this is you here learning from those experiences this card and this card are exactly saying the same thing learn from the experiences the secret the experiences that you’ve gone through that book is closed they’re saying it’s now time to open that book Virgo revisit what you’ve leared in life revisit who you are the value the opinions that you hold you’ve got a lot that you could teach others based on your experience and your knowledge

for someone here you may be wanting to do something but something is holding you back it’s like I I I want to do that I know that that would help others I know I could help I know I would be good at that but for some reason you’re questioning yourself you’re settling for Less thought you’re going to have a thought Virgo in the next 7 to 14 days and that thought is absolutely going to be for a purpose and a reason sometimes we think of things and we thought and we think to ourselves why didn’t I think of that before it’s going to be that type of moment where there’s going to be a thought that’s the secret to your success the secret that you need

queen of Earth and not only is that going to be a beautiful thought that thought is going to take you to prosperity it’s something that you’re doubting will work something that you think about that comes to you and if you follow that through you may even be prosperous through that thought nothing comes to us by mistake everything has a purpose and a reason and I feel here that someone here if you don’t know where you’re headed or you don’t know what you’re doing next then have faith that a thought is going to pop into your mind a a dream you have a thought that you have out of nowhere that’s going to take you to your

Prosperity queen of water just whatever you do they’re saying here do it with your heart go with your heart when you go with your heart you can’t go too far wrong sometimes you can when it’s when it’s you you over use your heart and not your mind it needs to be a balance act between thinking the thought and the heart there’s a balance act here that needs to happen you you’ve got to do with what what you love so that thought may be exactly to do with something that you’ve either wanted to always do or you’ve dreamed of

doing but I feel that this has got to do with

career and what they’re saying is think think about how big this could be plan for growth don’t plan just for now plan to where you see yourself going set your sides higher than what they start off

as what else do we have here for Virgo please Virgo thank you the 10 of swords someone here is really lost you’re lost in your thoughts in your in the way you feel you feel like your world’s falling apart that you don’t know how to get yourself up you don’t know which way to go you don’t know what’s going to work and what’s out there for you it’s like you’ve hit the bottom of the barrel

here and for some of you because you’re so down on you’re accepting you’re accepting little things that people are giving you rather than saying no that’s I I’ve got more to give than that the Judgment call decision there’s going to be a decision that you’re going to need to make and that decision is going to be based on that thought process that you have the learnings that you have use what you’ve experienced and what you’ve gone through that’s what they’re saying here that thought is going to be about what you’ve gone through and what you’ve

experienced you know Virgo can I just tell you something that when people are in this situation when you come out of that you may be in the storm but when the rainbow comes after the storm that’s when you’re your strongest that’s when you realize I’ve hit the bottom there’s no further I can go but when I get up stand out of my way move over because I’m not hitting this bottom again that gave me lots of learnings and experiences that I now understand how much I’m worth how how much determination and will I have to survive and to

conquer we usually become our best selves when we’re in our worst situation the

tower Virgo this is definitely definitely going to be a teaching when everything falls apart there’s only one way to go and that’s up it doesn’t matter how many times life experiences people have knocked you down what matters and the test is how many times can you get up how many times can you get up with the learnings that you’ve had to face the experiences that you’ve had to go through

your intuition is going to be very strong in the next 7 to 14 days look at

that going through a tough situation or if you’ve going through it or you’ve been through it and you’re still going through those motions just stand still now’s not a time to make rash decisions or make major moves it’s not a Time for you to react a certain way or to take revenge or to think about how you can get even now is about a time to stay put in your own area in your own self and evaluate everything that’s happened how it happened and accept that it’s happened and when you get to that point you’ll learn a lot more than you imagined you would you will learn how strong this has made you you will learn that it’s not everyday little occurrences that’s going to blow you over because you’ve had some hard lessons to learn

being still is going to give you the perception of how strong you are how valuable you are and that you don’t deserve little bits you deserve to set your sides higher than ever

before decisions which path am I going to take which way am I going to

go whatever comes next Virgo remember I said the rainbow comes after the storm you’re going

to have a thought remember I said to you whatever this thought is it’s going to take you to abundance and prosperity look at you picking your fruits from your hard

work having what you deserve getting what you

deserve don’t allow others or situations to give you less than what you deserve

does this make sense to anybody here Virgo tell me if this makes sense to

you this is about you valuing who you are what you’ve been through and understanding that you can change this find a balance find a balance between what you want how far you’re willing to go and allowing yourself to think and feel what you truly want being at peace with your decisions being at peace with what’s

happened be proud of yourself I love this card now’s not a time to look back and and give yourself a hard time for allowing things to happen or being in a situation that took you there no no no be proud of how you’ve conducted yourself how strong you are how determined you are the value you have inside you is priceless be proud of who you

are and on the bottom I open up to change make the changes you need to make the changes that are going to make you happy change your location change your wardrobe change where you go the circle of friends you have change what what no longer suits you a new you a new version of You a New Life for you and a new vision for you open up to change allow it to happen don’t try and control it so it’s a certain way or something happens a certain way no open your wings and allow the wind to take you where it’s meant

to wow Virgo what a powerful reading thank you so much for allowing me to do this for you I hope this makes sense for somebody here check your moon and your ascended if it doesn’t please like share and comment the video and subscribe lots of love and light thank you so much virgo bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au let’s see what we have for Libra today please what energy do we want to bring for Libra today thank you too straight away shift your perception what is it that you need to change what is it that you need to do Libra to change your perception shift your perception is look at things in a different light for someone here you’re either trying to achieve something or get an answer on something and they’re saying look at it in a different dimension look at it from a different perspective sometimes when we look at things or we do things the same way we end up getting the same answer or the same result so what they’re saying to you is change things around shift your perception of what people want of what you need to do of what you want if you’re trying to achieve something or you’re trying to find out something Go a different way about

it you may find the answer or the solution then harness your Mystic power Libra you’re very intuitive very int intuitive and what they’re saying here is you harness that Mystic power you have within you your intuition speaks volume to you that inner voice of yours is gold so harness that Mystic power of yours to connect with what your soul and spirit are telling you that voice sometimes you ignore or that voice that speaks sometimes you think oh no that’s just that’s just crazy bu it may not be it may be exactly the path the decision or the solution or answer you’re looking for does that make sense to anybody here and on the bottom love and let yourself be loved love and let yourself be loved for someone here you may have a perception that you’re no longer lovable that you’re not worthy of love that you’ve got all the bad luck in the world when it comes to love and what you’re actually doing is drawing that energy to you you’re not allowing to see love as a beautiful thing that two people share and it may or may not work it’s like it’s like playing Um poker you don’t know what the other person’s got and they don’t know what you’ve got unless you share share each other’s thoughts feelings wants and needs that’s when you may even feel that you have found someone to love and let them love you back so I know it’s a silly example but that’s the sort of feeling I’ve got here it’s like someone has shielded themselves away from being loved or or allowing themselves to love somebody in fear of being hurt or it not working out you need to shift that

perception does that make sense to somebody here Libra please what have we got with the tarot for Libra please what have we got with the tarot for

Libra it’s like somebody’s been hurt in the past and you’re holding back from allowing yourself to find that Mr or Mrs Right body and mind connecting your body and mind together as one your head says something but your heart is yearning for something else here it’s about you connecting your heart and your mind together so they work in synchronously and you bring your thoughts to a loving a loving level not a neg negative level if you if you consolidate your heart’s feelings and your and your thoughts together everything will make more sense so you will feel different your perception will

change the 10 of water you want love you want to be loved D you want that that you have a desire to find that beautiful person but the minute you think of that you also think of oh no I couldn’t go through all that again I couldn’t let someone hurt me again I couldn’t allow myself to get to that level again

the 10 of fire it’s about aligning your beliefs your wants your needs all is one and allowing yourself to find the passion within you to light up a new you what they’re asking here Libra is allow yourself to feel live laugh love it will give you a whole whole fulfillment and a new passion for life if you just allow those barriers or those preconceived ideas or perceptions go a little bit harness that you are a strong cookie you are

strong as much as you’re scared to let somebody in as much as you’re scared to allow somebody in in case they hurt you there’s also another side to that coin and that is that you may just find the person who will love you and nurture you and care for you like never

before Integrity do it with truth Libra integrity is hugely important to this person I’m talking to here you want to people to Bear all and you want to Bear all with somebody it’s like sorry I’m covering this because it’s nerdity and YouTube will cancel the video that’s all it’s like you want to be bare with somebody you want to be an open book but you also want to meet somebody who’s going to give you that as well where there’s no hidden agendas there’s no false uh thoughts or actions you are you want someone real that what you see is what you get and I feel that this Libra is that and that’s what you

want I need to hide that card somehow

here so I have a Libra here that I just want want Integrity I want look at that this is what you’re scared of the trickster look at that the five of um Earth which is this is you saying sorry look at that look at that someone in the past has hurt you someone in the past took you for granted make promises they could never keep LED you down a golden path only to leave you in the most vulnerable position of all this is what you’re scared

of tell me if this is you Libra is this you is this what’s stopping you from finding that beautiful person or allowing yourself to love and be loved

Libra Place why have I got the the King of Swords for some of you you may have dealt with a Libra gemini or

Aquarius this was somebody who you trusted somebody who you gave everything to if they may not be that sun sign but somewhere in their sign they’ve got that sharp thought they’ve got that sharp action they think very rationally without without thinking about how they can hurt people and it may be that you are involved with a Gemini a Libra like yourself or an aquarius but it was someone who was very rational and now they’re saying you need to think rationally and connect that rationality put your sword down you know here see how the sword is facing down it’s time to allow yourself to feel and think at the same time but there’s no need for you to have your sword up because not everybody’s the

same what else have we got for Libra look at that Libra for someone here you are going to meet that beautiful person or you have met that beautiful person already but you have kept your distance and you’re not allowing them to get any closer than what you feel comfortable with allow yourself to love and to be loved you may surprise yourself because after the battle after every storm there’s a

rainbow Libra please

look at

that the Two of Wands this may be a decision between two people that you’re you’re you’ve got to know or two people who you’re talking to but you haven’t decided who’s right and who’s wrong and what they’re saying here is harness Libra harness your Mystic power within you will know who’s right and who’s not right for you look for the details and change your perception of what you may have wanted to what you have or you’re getting now sometimes we want people to be a certain way but has that in the past brought you what you want so they’re saying are you going to look at this in a different way to what you have in the past are you going to take A New Path a new way of thinking of things a new way of meeting

people sometimes what I wanted wasn’t necessarily good for me the look at this there it is the king of Cups this could be a female or a male but this is the person who comes with Integrity genuine love care nurture someone who’s willing to give you their

time this person not only is going to bring you what you wanted but you’ll find that you are at peace all your chakras are going to be aligned this person not only is going to bring you comfort care and nurturing they’re going to they’re going to light up a new passion in you allow you to see what real love is all

about seven of Pentacles for someone here you’re going to feel like you won the lotto you’re going to feel like this person has brought so much abund abundance into my life this person is exactly what I needed even though I may have thought I wanted or needed something else or someone

else that’s why the perception change shift the way you look or shift the way you think because that may not have brought you what you wanted in the past but if you just give people the opportunity or someone here an opportunity you may just find that they’re exactly what you want and what you need look at that oops I’ve got to hide that card the queen of cups You’re Ready to Love you’re ready to love you’ve got so much to love you’ve got so much love inside Libra you have got a heart of gold where you just give you would even give some one half of your last

meal it’s time that you find that person that does exactly that for

you does that make sense for anybody here libron tell me if this makes sense what’s the last message we have for Libra please get ready Libra because it’s not by mistake that this reading has coming come up look at this embrace the flow of Life Embrace embrace it Embrace who the universe is sending into your life it’s not by mistake that this personal will or has crossed your path embrace the flow of life without fear without trying to control how things work out without fear of it not working out because having that fear of not working out is you you’re putting a negative energy even before that relationship starts so embrace the flow of Life Go With It allow yourself to just go with where life takes

you reflect on your priorities what’s important to you Libra what’s important to

you reflect on

that look at this keep your heart open remember I said to you about Shifting the perception that who you think think you need isn’t necessarily who you really need sometimes we want a certain person to be a certain way and then we meet someone different and we go no no no no no they’re not what I imagined they’re not going they’re nowhere near what I thought if you just shift that perception and keep it open heart you may just find the prince or Princess where you least expect it when you least expect it where and when you least expect

it tell me if that makes sense Libra to somebody here lots of love and lot your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye

Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics life.com today you today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days remember beautiful Scorpio that if it doesn’t resonate check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be message for for you there let’s go what energy do we have for Scorpio please

wow stand your ground Scorpio it’s a time now to believe in who you are believe in what you want and stand firm with your opinions stand firm with your beliefs and your wants it’s okay to State what you want and it’s okay to be frank about what it is that you desire what are your wants and standing your ground in certain situ ations that challenge that so that’s the first one there what else have we got trust your talents in Changing Times even though things change all the time you adapt to that quickly Scorpio so I don’t know what it is that you’re doing right now but you’ve got certain gifts or certain talents that you have that you can change at any time depending on what people want depending on what what situation you’re in and what they’re saying now is trust your talents even though you’ve known something for so long with changing times you’re very adaptable and you can change what it is that you do in accordance with today’s society today’s wants today’s

needs I get here you know what I get here Scorpio that there’s going to be some idea that you’ve got that you’ve had you you’ve been doing something for quite some time but now you’re going to come into contact with an idea that changes what you do what changes the way you do it to meet today’s wants and needs from the market from people and on the bottom track down your fears and desires don’t be scared don’t be scared to implement whatever it is that you want to do don’t be scared to State your opinions or do something different to what everyone else is doing believe in your product believe in yourself believe in who you are and what you have to offer okay let’s see first message from the tarot for Scorpio please what do we have look at that choice that card was upright which way are you going to go you’ve got choices here to make which way sounds better to you which way do you feel more comfortable so choice is going to play a big role in whatever it is that you’re doing be comfortable with that choice even if it’s a little bit left filled or if other people don’t agree that’s not your problem your problem is that you need to believe in what you have believe in who you

are death and rebirth there you go it’s like you’re starting to see things different you’re starting to understand things a lot more than you did before and that’s going to bring you to have different choices it’s like I used to think this but now I think this and you’re evolving with time things are changing so people’s perceptions change people’s ideas change and I feel here that I’ve got a Scorpio who’s um transitioning into New Times transitioning in your beliefs transition conditioning in who you are in what you want what you used to want 5 years ago you now don’t want that things have changed self about yourself so this a lot of this can be to do with career but it can also be very much to do with yourself you’re no longer the person you used to be you’re no longer believe in uh what you used to believe in this is you perceiving now that you’ve changed a lot as time has gone on situations people everything that you’ve been through has changed the way you see the world today the way you want things to be what you want for yourself today has changed so it’s someone here who is evolving evolving to make things better for

themselves what did I say perception look at that you take hold now of your perception everything that used to be or everything that I used to think now I think differently my whole demeanor my whole being my whole belief system has changed what I was taught as a child I now no longer see it that way I’ve got my own point of view I’ve got my own uh religious beliefs I’ve got my own um beliefs in everything so this is like you’re changing your perception on certain things that you may have been taught as a child or through things that you’ve gone through in life your perception of things have changed you may have thought uh when you were younger that you know marrying was going to be the biggest thing in the world for you it was your dream it was your goal to have a family to have children now today you don’t see it that way you don’t feel that you have to get married you can have a partner without getting married these days where before it was um not not a sin but a lot of people before especially in the European um cultures you didn’t live with somebody before you got married that was the old belief that’s only an example but today every lives with their partner before they get married even so that they want to make sure that that person’s right so that was only an example that came to my head right now but that’s the sort of thing it’s like what used to be is no longer what how you feel or what you think and on the bottom look at that the two of fire today I understand that the decisions I’m making right now the places I’m going to the the transition I’m making is taking me to another level to another place to another understanding this is someone that’s growing out of their shell the shell that they Bel believed in for so long or that they grew up with for so long this is someone taking their own belief system their own Vision their own idea

and that’s why they’re saying trust in your talents in The Changing Times the way you’re feeling and thinking right now is right for the new times ahead and stand your ground in your beliefs you may get challenged here by people in your family by your partner by your children you may get challenged how you became who you are or how your thoughts and processes changed two of cups the choices that I make the decisions I make in regards to love in regards to having a partner in regards to um having someone beside me is now all changed and this is very much about what I just said in the example I gave you today my perception of my other half is different I no longer want someone who’s going to be housebound I want someone who’s going to be successful who’s going to uh help me conquer a project want want to be with me in every step of the way I no longer want someone who’s going to be a home body looking after children I want someone who is going to challenge me who’s going to drive our business who’s going to totally different your your perception of what um a good partner was now has changed your perception of what what a good life was today it’s changed so you make decisions and choices based on that the star everything becomes clear now the minute I let go of the old I then have the capacity to go towards my new a new life a new perception a new

feel letting go of old the old the Sun looking at things from a different perspective has opened up my world to seeing more to seeing things differently but being more abundant seeing things

clearly being able to live the life I’ve always wanted to something you know this is for one person only Scorpio but this is for somebody that may have had um a sex change too this one person here it is it’s like you’ve been hiding your sexuality from your family when now you’re not going to hide that anymore you feel free and you’re going to change the perception you’re going to be strong in who you are and you’re not going to be ashamed or afraid to put yourself out there and say this is me take it or leave it in the past you may have you may have been very uh uh scared to come out and tell tell your family and

friends pardon me Scorpio that got my throat chakra then it’s like there’s so many times here that somebody has wanted to face their family or friends or partner and say what they truly believe in and say what they truly want for their life that it’s no longer what you were taught but for some reason you choke and you don’t allow those voices to come out it it’s like you you get ready you get um energized to go and face these people and say this is who I am if you love me you’ll accept me for who I am today but the minute you get there things change and you swallow what you are going to say the strength you’re going to find the strength you’re going to have self strength now to say what you think and not worry about what other people think this is someone that’s grown standing your ground is like no that used to be it’s not who I am today I used to hide I used to hold back what I felt and my opinions the way I used to see things is not necessarily right today it’s you challenging the status quo the belief system you grew up with the page of Pentacles this here is it’s going to bring you a lot of enrichment it’s going to be the start of you freeing yourself to be who you want to be who who the person or the people I’m connecting to here are definitely coming out of their shell coming out of the shell of what they’ve been brought up to

believe for too long you lived a life of untruth for too long you had this Vision that certain things had to be a certain way for too long you had a vision of this is the way it’s meant to be this is the way I’m meant to do it this is the me the way I’m I am meant to behave this is who I meant to be and no longer you’re going to free yourself now Scorpio free yourself from your old beliefs your old Chains It’s like it was chaining

you does this make sense to anybody here Scorpio this is you coming out in full force and trusting your instincts trusting that what you have who you are and what you want to do next is exactly what you should be doing last message for Scorpio

please attend to the details plan it out whatever it is that you’re changing here whatever it is that you’re um putting into practice what you’re voicing just attend to the details have a look at people’s reactions or certain situations that brought you here really evaluate the finer details and that’s going to help you get through

this what else do we have for Scorpio

please think it through look at that think it through if you’re if you have an enormous amount of fear to change or you’re not sure whether you should voice your opinion out of fear think it through what do you have to lose why is it that people make you scared or who is it in your family that make you scared to speak up H why is it that you’re not able to voice your opinion or voice your

truth things will become a lot clearer when you’re making your decisions if you question what makes you feel the way you do go deeper somewhere inside you something has happened in the past even as a child child and something that was said or done has made you be a certain way or think a certain way or behave in a certain way they’re saying go deeper and understand where it stems from where does that fear stem from where does that belief stem

from and look at that on the bottom of the deck scor look at that be real be real with yourself be real with what you want be real with your opinions your voice your loving nature they’re saying be real and just do what you want to do the way you want to do it be who you want be who you want Scorpio I hope this makes sense to somebody here let me know in the comments sub subscribe and like lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)

Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June

Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you a reading for the next 7 to 14 days it’s a general reading so remember it won’t resonate with everybody if it doesn’t check your moon in your ascendant sign if you’d like a personal reading all the details are below in the description so let’s see what we have for Sagittarius please what energies are going to come through for Sagittarius no too much Sagittarius please okay that’s better stay rooted and grounded Sagittarius it’s asking you to stay grounded in a certain situation stay real don’t allow people or situations to take you to places that are not real that are not that are all fantasies or Illusions stay grounded and see people and situations for what they truly

are let go of the need to be

right what they’re saying here it’s not a time now to want to just be right it’s a time now to listen to what others have to say and maybe they may have good opinions have good conclusions have good uh Solutions or answers to what you’re looking for wanting to be right all the time sometimes blocks you from listening to some good advice having some good direction or allowing others to share with you things that you may need to

know sometimes picking your battle is what I’m getting here know which battles to fight Sagittarius and know which battles to leave alone Be gra graceful in movement and action absolutely now it’s about you acquiring your peace and Tranquility it’s not about being right you can be right but then how’s that going to make you feel that battle that you had to fight to prove your right is that worth it is that worth your peace and your Tranquility is that battle that you fought going to change the

world be graceful in the movement and the actions is saying pick your right pick the battles you choose to fight and if it’s not worth your peace and if it’s not worth your in your sanity then don’t worry about

it what do we have here for Sagittarius please I’ve got a headache I just got a headache all of a sudden or dizziness is that how you’re feeling are you feeling pressure around the the the front of your head Knight of Pentacles a new proposal a message of a new proposal a new career a new opportunity may be coming your

way two of Swords a lot of uncertainty you may have to make some decisions or you are uncertain WR about a proposal or an opportunity that’s been offered to you here there’s a message that you receive in the next 7 to 14 days that you may question the Integrity of that message or that offer it may be too good to be true remember stay rooted and grounded something that is offered to you that may be way too good to be true you need to question that and that may bring you into uncertainty whether it’s true or

not the two of Cups fell upside down if there’s someone who contacts you within the next 7 to 14 days whether it be a new person you’ve met or a partnership or someone who wants you to join and become a partner in any way shape or form question that because I feel here Sagittarius that somebody is going to try and they may try to promise you the world and not be able to deliver it but I feel here that you’re going to be able to sense that or feel that the minute you ground yourself and see see the proposal or see the person for what it truly is or who they truly

are the three of swords upside down if you make the right decision here and you see people or situations for what they are what they present you will save yourself a lot of Heartache this is a warning this this here this reading is a warning Sagittarius to open your eyes wide don’t worry about being right the whole thing is here see people or situations for what they truly are not wearing rosecolor glasses and wishing or dreaming that someone or something could be great when truly they’re the opposite or they don’t have what they are offering you something that is way too good to be true and they will not be able to offer you that so if you are very aware of the signs and you get in touch with your true self in regards to this situation you’re going to see through it which is going to save you a lot of

Heartache there you go there it is for some of you it’s a job for someone else it’s a relationship so look at that moving forward and a group setting some of you it’s a job and they’re promising you the world and you’ll see that what they’re promising they cannot keep they’re not going to keep that promise this they’re promising you more than what they’re ever going to be able to give you if it’s somebody they want you to move forward in a relationship or they want to make a move or they want to take you out but they’re nothing of what they’re promising themselves to be they don’t have the capability of making a commitment like they’re saying they’re going

to stay

grounded that’s a warning here

Sagittarius and sometimes it’s better to not argue with somebody or want to be right if you know that it’s a losing battle don’t don’t involve yourself your s in things that will never be a certain way for example there is no point fighting with your partner if they’ve not made no no moves or have no intention of making your relationship any further than what it is now if they don’t want to get married if they don’t want to have children sometimes it’s not about being right sometimes it’s about seeing them or the situation for what it is and making your decisions based on that Integrity what did I

say Integrity someone’s not being real or something that’s being offered to you is not real be

careful wow just going to put this card over that for now cuz there’s a bit of mudity here and then I end up losing the whole video because look at that this is not a lie Sagittarius I love the tarot this is the trickster if you fall for this person or what they’re promising if you fall for this relationship and what they’re telling you if you fall for this

situation they’re going to trick you into believing something is a certain way when they have no intention of going all the way with their

promise look at the cards

there the Integrity that this person has or this situation stands for is not real it’s not true

the five of water very emotional for someone here I don’t know if you’ve gone through this and if you didn’t see it coming but someone here is in a place of Abandonment of disillusion of disappointment of feeling alone never saw this coming someone has fallen for this person someone has fallen for the promises made in this

situation this is already happened to somebody

here tell me in the comments if this is you Sagittarius look at that the six of water you gave everything to this person you offered your love your support who you were you gave them a helping hand in more ways than one you offered everything you had you offer them your heart your love your nurturing your

support and that is what’s

heartbreaking if you haven’t fallen for this be aware be aware this is a warning reading here so they want me to pass ask this because they want someone to be aware queen queen of water guard your heart guard your heart look at this the king of Cups this is a couple

here Sagittarius this is a couple here the queen of water is the queen of of Cups and I’ve got the king of Cups

here someone here may had have just found out that their partner was not being loyal was not being true was hiding something in that relationship

that’s why you’ve got stay grounded and rooted and here it says let let the let go of the need to be right this person or this situation is not worth your effort to prove them right to prove you’re right it’s not worth your effort or your determination to prove that they are wrong it’s their baggage they need to carry it what you need is truth peace and Tranquility in your life they’re not worth your time and effort to even prove them

wrong I don’t know who I’m talking to here obviously it’s not going to resonate with everybody so let me know if this is you for other people here check your moon and your ascendant sign

if you haven’t gone through this already you may come across it but it’s like you already know it’s like you’re trying to prove that you’re right you you’re sensing it you’ve spoken to them about it already and now you’re trying to prove that you’re right they’re saying you know you’re right stay grounded and look for the actions step into your power don’t allow yourself to go to the lowest platform of where this person is because someone that cannot be true to you or overpromises you things manipulates you treats you with narcissism they’re not worth your power they’re not worth your time so step into your power know who you are know your worth and know that you don’t

deserve this

treatment reflect on your priorities what’s important to you what is important to you out of everything when you reflect on what’s important to you and what are your priorities you will see that this situation or this person no longer belongs in your life with your time with your effort and with your love

no more messages that’s it that was the last thing they want me to tell you Sagittarius someone here will resonate with this story please let me know in the comments if this is you lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye

Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast June

Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast June

Subscribe to my channel today and get instant notifications when I release my weekly horoscopes – https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast June Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-june/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days remember Capricorn if this doesn’t resonate with you check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be more information for you there this is a general reading and if you’d like a private reading details are below in the description okay energy for Capricorn please thank you drop your Shields it’s now time Capricorn to drop your Shield drop what what are they saying here it what they’re saying is allow people or situations to reach you sometimes when we go through some hard times or we go through something that’s out of the ordinary we put up a shield and that’s a shield of protection to protect ourselves from others or a situation that we may have gone through and what they’re saying here is drop your Shield a little bit and allow good people and good situations to come your way not everybody is the same not every Situation’s going to hurt you or not every situation or person is going to damage you so allow yourself the free Freedom a little bit to open up to receiving information receiving new people in your

life what else do we have for Capricorn F thank you oh Capricorn you’ve got my favorite card learn from spiritual experience is that a beautiful card it’s you learning from every everything that you’ve been through every lesson every circumstance every situation people that crossed your paths people that disappointed you learn from those look at it in a different light look at it in a more peaceful light and although that may be the hardest thing you need to do learn what they taught you what they taught you may have been I don’t know for everyone it’s going to be different but they could have taught you what you don’t want in your life they could have taught you how valuable you are that you’re not going to be that same old person that accepted all that old stuff that you’re used to allow yourself to learn from the old lessons to be a better version of you

beautiful and on the bottom we’ve got ignite your passions believe you are capable of following your dream your goals and don’t ever allow anybody or anything to set you back to tell you you’re not worthy or to tell you you cannot do something ignite those beautiful passions that you have inside and the world is your

oyster what else do we have here for Capricorn please with the tarot thank

you what a beautiful start to that reading Capricorn tell me in the comments if you can resonate with this so far oh no no cut it again this maybe still some energy on the cards from the past

reading clear the deck thank you

better decision time collecting the fruits of everything that you’ve done who you are being the person with that information that you’ve leared with that knowledge that you’ve gained from your past experiences it’s about being ready having the key to success you’re a different person today Capricorn you’re a person who has more knowledge more determination and more get-go than ever before

you’ve learned a lot through your experiences with other people and in

situations look at that removing the old she’s taking off a mask here and it’s you removing the old and seeing things truly for what they are you’re seeing people truly for who they are situations from exactly what they present you’re not going to be tricked by anybody anymore you’re not going to be lied to you’re not going to be manipulated anymore today you are a totally different person to the person you were

before the strength The Power Within you’ve gained a lot of strength this is someone who is now stronger than ever you’ve you’ve gained this strength within you to not only protect yourself but to protect yourself from getting into situations or dealing with people that remind you anything of the past

the scars are there aren’t they Capricorn see how he’s got blood scars there can you see that scars that you’ll always have but scars that made you who you are today king of fire the passion allowing yourself to love to live and live every day with excitement with passion with determination starting things that you want to start that you’ve got a passion for allowing yourself to dream and have goals again finding the internal power of passion

again Capricorn please what have we got for Capricorn with the tarot

king of Cups you may meet somebody Capricorn in the next 7 to 14 days who comes in love in pure love in honesty in Integrity someone who’s willing to share what they’ve been through listen to what you’ve been through and help you as as much as helping themselves get through everything that happened so now I feel here that it’s time to drop your Shield when you meet this beautiful person and this person may be a Pisces a Scorpio or a cancer someone who is very um not soft but someone who has a beautiful heart who is spiritual who is sensitive who is loving that’s who’s coming your way and this could be a female too it’s only an energy we’re talking about here not an actual man or woman Victory allow yourself after all the battles to sing your praise the victory here is you coming to terms with everything that you’ve been through but not allowing that to affect you that is Victory they may have I may have fallen I may have fallen once twice three times but I got up every single time and here I am today standing firm with pride in

Victory oh okay the

Judgment it’s like the music is calling for you to allow yourself to be who you need to be to make the decisions you need to make to change what you want to change the timing is now allow yourself to free yourself from all of that past and open up yourself to the new that’s about to

enter someone here is going to meet someone absolutely beautiful and this person not only is going to open up your mind your spirit to believing again that there are beautiful people out there but this I feel is going to be somebody who’s going to stay around for a long long long time not somebody that comes and

goes seven of Cups making the choices you need to make today you make different choices to what you did in the past because of the strength that you gained your choices you’ve opened up so many doors or there are going to be so many opportunities that come your way once you allow yourself to be who you came here to be without fear look at that the Chariot The Chariot is ready to go I’m ready to move forward I’m ready to do what I need to do I’m ready to take a leap forward and give this person this opportunity this proposal

ago I’m ready to move forward look at that for some of you here you may be joining a new group or there is a group effort here that’s going to take you forward a new group of friends a new proposal that put you in a a position with two other people at least

it’s your time to shine now Capricorn your time to

shine assess the situation if you’re ever in doubt about a certain situation about a certain proposal or about a certain person assess the situation and ask yourself how much can this decision damage me and if worst case scenario could I live with that so have your plan a and your plan B in any decision that you make make sure you’re comfortable with Plan B if a doesn’t work so assess each situation and make decisions that may help you make the decision

step into your power now is the time to move forward I said that here look at that that’s the same thing step into your power now and take the ball by the horns and change your life to what you want it to be making the decisions you want that are going to be right for you

look at that the bottom of the deck is Step Up And Lead it’s your time to be the leader in all these situations it’s your time to say what happens and what you don’t want to be a part of Step Up And Lead follow those dreams set those goals

and don’t let anybody stop

you Capricorn that is beautiful lots of love and light your way thank you so much bye-bye

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