Aries Horoscope |Powerful Tarot for December Week 3

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-reading-for-december/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live today we’re doing your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to do two uh energies then we’re going to go straight into um the two tarot and then we’ll see what else we have with the last message that comes through for you okay so let’s go and see what we have for you here all right what’s the first message that we have for Aries Pleasers don’t want me to cut it say cut it it is not argue with that this is the main Arcana card what main Arcana card are you they going to give you Aries for the next 7 to 14 days one card for Aries please thank you the empress Aries a beautiful creative card a card of abundance of of nurture of caring of love this is a mother card for those of you that want to fall pregnant you are in Peak period right now of fertility it’s a fertility card that brings a lot of love a lot of nurture a lot of caring and a lot of um abundance creativity and abundance so many of you may get really really creative in the next week or two creative about what you want in life creative about how you want what you want for 2024 what is it that you’re starting to think about being really creative about what you want how you want it and what you’ll do it’s going to be a special time too and it is going into the festive season obviously so you’ll spend a lot more time with your children and loved ones and you’ll show a lot of love it’s like that nurturing caring love

so around the festive season you’ll find that you have got a lot of love coming through holiday season there’s also transformation here something happens in the next one to two weeks that helps you transform your thoughts your feelings what you want and Detachment look at that for some of you here you’re working on your self-love on your Detachment from others on your time to allow yourself to be who you want to be be creative in what you want it’s an end of a cycle of looking after others and bringing growth to yourself many of you here are starting to think about or or you’re starting to think about what is it that I can do that’s going to help me in future what is it that I can invest in what is it that I want to do despite what everyone else wants me to do what is it that’s important to me it’s you detaching from other people’s needs and wants and starting to look at your own starting to see what’s important for you let me know if that’s you Aries let me know if that’s you have you started thinking about what’s important to you and not so much for everybody else sometimes we get carried away with other people’s needs and wants that we forget what needs and wants we have and what’s important to us and here the Detachment is like you’re letting go of a cycle of others depending on you so much you may be moving away a little bit more from family or people that drain your energy I don’t know if you feel that Aries but it’s definitely there let’s see what we have for Aries please what is it that you want to tell Aries for the next 7 to 14 days what have we got it’s time to rest it’s time to rest and to connect with who you are to look at the possibilities that you have to look at what it is that you want to decipher through what I I need versus what I want and what I need to do for myself versus doing what I’m doing for others it’s now you making time for yourself time to rest gain that peace nurture and Care your for yourself Aries many of you here are starting to look at and and decide that the most important person here is you you need to look after yourself you need to give yourself time to care and have that nurture within yourself you’re always there for everybody else it’s you starting to look at what do I need to do for myself resting is one of them many of you here have been through battles in 2023 you’ve been through some hardships you’ve been through some battles with people in the family or a marriage or children or or you’ve been through problems in relationships or career even whatever it is cuz everybody’s journey is different and everyone’s story is different whatever it is that you’ve been through this year you’re now taking this big deep breath in and saying now it’s about me it’s time that I look after myself it’s time that I nurture and take the time out to rest and be at peace with who I am and where I’m going and what is it that I need to do for me detaching yourself from other people’s problems look at that you’ve even struggled financially this year Aries for those of you that have struggled financially this year it’s like you’ve been through a battle where you couldn’t make ends meet no matter how hard you tried no matter how hard you worked it seemed like every penny that you earned was spent bills came in things broke it was just a Never Ending Story it was a time of you losing a bit of Faith some of you here have lost a little bit of faith and here you need that welld deserved rest it’s like you’re going into the holiday season and the festive season saying I need time out it feels like I’ve been on a marathon let me know in the comments if this is you Aries let me know if this this is how you how 2023 suited you look at you for some of you you are leaving your current location you’re leaving your career that no longer serves you you’re leaving a home or a house that you’ve been living in that no longer brings you happiness you’re leaving a circle of friends that no longer fulfill your life with happiness you’re leaving a relationship or a Social Circle that you no longer see that being being part of your life you want peace now and for many of you here you’re looking for a peaceful place to lay your head you’re looking for that peace and Tranquility that you so crave it’s a time of being very very um honest with who you are what you want and what you’ve been through this taught you a lot this year Aries this Detachment this this nurturing that you’ve had to care for yourself you’ve had to do things for yourself whilst no one else was there you were alone for many of you you battled a certain thing in your life on your own whether that be a financial struggle whether that be healthwise whether that be a career that drove you insane for many of you you did this all on your own and you’re tired look at that you’ve worked extremely hard and you look back and you think I’ve worked so hard but yet I don’t feel like I’ve got what I deserved I don’t feel like I even though I I gave it my all and I earned all this money this is all I’ve got at the end of the day i’ I’ve worked for all of that but at the end of it that’s all I had left it’s like you were Forever on a a merry go around where the more came in the more went out but not because you spent it but because things broke or or there was you know bills that came through challenges that you had to face look at that I just separated this deck and the first thing that came out was a broken heart and the tower which means that some of you here or one of you has is is going or has come out of a relationship with a broken heart they destroyed your your your Tranquility your peace and tore your heart to pieces in some case left you by yourself and with not much there tell me if this is you Aries if you can resonate with this story but there is somebody here that has been through a hard time this

year of being left Aline when you most needed [Music]

somebody of having to fight for yourself and with that you now decide I’m done being in this place doing this thing being part of this this circle I need out the temperance look at that not only did you get it once but you’ve got it twice in both decks it is now time time that you’re evaluating what’s important to you and where you want to go next you’ve had patience and you’re still going through that patience of understanding that things take time but you are very very aware that you are need to make decisions that are going to take you out of

this the world it comes to an end Aries whatever it is that you’re deciding whatever it is that you’ve had to be patient about it comes to an end that cycle is now ending and we said that that Detachment that you made or you’re making it comes now to an end I do feel here that this could be for somebody that is leaving a relationship and you may have

children this is why it’s taken you so long to really grasp for at least one or two people that’s exactly what’s happening the page of Pentacles you’ll start a new you will start a new career a new life a new look on where you want to go and what you want to do it’s like 2024 is bringing on a new chapter for you you’re closing 2023 off with with satisfaction that it’s gone that it’s done you’re going to to celebrate Aries believe it or not after the year that you’ve had once this cycle finishes and You Begin your new life in a new place with someone new maybe you will find that you are no longer lonely in despair or in financial struggle you’re going to find your place again it’s like you have hit the bottom of the pack but now you’ve got up you’ve dusted yourself off and you’re going to give another The Red Hot Shot it is going to work Aries whatever it is that you’re going to do or involve yourself in in the next 7 to 14 days or even Beyond is going to bring you to a new phase of Life the King of Swords you understand today who was beside you who wasn’t who you want in your life and who you don’t you have thought a lot about your story you’ve thought a lot about where you want to go and what you want to do you took time out to see things you couldn’t see before you took time out to evaluate who deserves to be in your life now and who doesn’t for many of you you’ve thought about this leaving this situation leaving this place leaving this circumstance for a long time and you’re ready to take that next step you’re ready to let go of all the hurt and the pain that’s caused you and go elsewhere and look at that for some of you there’s a couple here the Queen of

Swords for some of you here there is a couple here and you’re both either here you could be dealing with a Libra gemini or Aquarius

Aries and this person has taught you a lot but has also taught you to stand on your own two feet and be the strong person that you are for many of you here you are dealing with a Gemini an Aquarius or um a

Libra enough of suffering enough of me having to deal with situations that no longer serve me let’s see what the last message for is please let me know in the comments Aries if this if you resonate with this one more one message thank you embrace the flow of Life go with the flow allow yourself that’s full moon in Gemini allow yourself to feel the freedom that you haven’t had in a long time to finalize get on to finalize that chapter that no longer belongs to you to find your feed again and make life work again it’s now time for you to let go of the past and what hurt you and what held you back no longer are you going to allow yourself to be in that position because that Detachment card is 10 1 and N is 10 which is the end it’s the end of a cycle of Torment the end of a cycle of

suffering no your worth look at that know your worth Aries new moon in Taurus for some of you here you lost yourself you lost yourself to somebody who may have manipulated you may have questioned your worth made you feel like you were little made you feel like your thoughts and opinions didn’t count you’re getting rid of all that now Aries you’re freeing yourself from that that person that situation that part of your life that you didn’t no longer want to take in 2024 and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got take a breather that’s what you need to do Aries take that breather you need it it’s time to regain your thoughts regain your mind regain the strength and the self nurture the self-care the self abundance and love

Aries I hope that’s helped somebody here please share this subscribe and like as someone may need to hear this story lots of love and light thank you so much


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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