Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for JULY Week 1 2024
FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for July Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of July and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings life and psychics today we’re going to bring you reading for the next 7 to 14 days and whenever you reach this reading take it from them okay if it doesn’t resonate Aries release it check the other signs that you may have strongly in your chart okay what have we got for Aries please first card Five of Swords battle the battle Aries who’s going through a battle
here Five of Cups wow five five please check message number 55 in Google there’ll be a message for you you’re you’re you’re at a crossroads right now Aries you’re at a Crossroads the Two of Pentacles
not sure about what to do in this situation the queen of
Cups the Knight of Wands and on the bottom the King of Swords wow Aries you know what I’ve got here the King of Swords is someone who’s very strategic very intelligent but very manipulative at times the King of Swords thinks very rational very rationally look at that and underneath you got the king of Cups you’ve got two figures here two figures one of them is loving is adoring the other one is very straightforward and there’s no question about that it’s like there’s two people coming here together or there’s two major people in your life the queen of cups I feel is you um and that energy of loving and caring and nurturing whether you’re man or a woman I feel that that’s you and here you may be dealing with two other figures one of whom is very cold calculator strategic doesn’t show much emotion where the other one is so loving so nurturing so caring and these two people here there may be some arguments or some battles between these two people I feel here that for some reason the Five of Swords is about arguments it’s about chaos it’s about conflict it’s about Battle of Egos and here we’ve got the Five of Cups which is you feeling lonely and Abandoned and not knowing what to do and not not knowing what to do in this situation there’s decisions that you’re going to make here this is decision time it’s like I can’t deal with this anymore I need to decide what I’m going to do here which way do I go what do I do next and I do feel here that there’s going to be some news that comes through in regards to something that’s happened between these two people or it’s information that comes through that causes the arguments between these two kings here the king of Cups and the King of Swords someone else here could be dealing with one person who is very bipolar one minute they’re loving they’re caring they’re dear they’re nurturing the next minute they’re very straight forward they don’t care how you feel they don’t care about emotions and you may be dealing with someone who is bipolar someone who’s got dual personality someone who could be um mentally sick to be honest and this is not for everyone but someone here may be dealing with someone like that here you may be dealing with a Pisces Scorpio or a cancer or you could be dealing with a Gemini a Libra or Aquarius here but it’s someone who changes personality quite frequently and this leaves you not knowing what to do you you you’re done with living in a in a in a world of fear one minute it’s great the next minute it’s terrible so it’s very much up and down there’s no balance here and this is where what do I do in this situation how do I handle this
person okay let’s see what else we have for Aries please what else do we have for Aries please this
situation the moon the doubt the doubt the you know you you’ve got a huge amount of doubt you’re looking at this situation and thinking really is it worth it what am I doing here you’re questioning you’re questioning the these arguments these
battles The Chariot look at that I am feeling abandoned here I am feeling alone I am feeling like I am not worthy I need to get out of this situation I need to get out of here because it’s taking a toll on my health on my mental status my well-being as a
whole you’re now contemplating moving out of this [Music] situation look at that the 10 of Wands I’m tired I’m exhausted I need to make a decision here because I am tired and I’m exhausted of this situation I can’t deal with this anymore I can’t keep going like this it’s tearing me
apart the instability the the dramas the chaos the world there you go look at that I put an end to this chapter I have come in love I’ve given everything I have but today I’m closing a chapter that no longer serves me I I am now going to make a decision to put an end to all of this because if I don’t it’s not going to change for too long you’ve hoped and dreamed of a a different change but you’re not seeing that [Music] change look at that the five of Wands it’s constant chaos you know just when you think things are changing along long it comes again and the chaos and the drama starts again and this may be after some information that you received
there’s someone coming your way giving you support to get you out of this chaos and
conflict and this person is a wands so this could be an Aries like you a Leo or a Sagittarius someone here is coming to your rescue to get you out of this this chaos and conflict all the time look at that the four of Pentacles I’m done I’m finished I’m over it’s over I am not holding anymore I’m not holding on to this anymore I am letting go I’m going to cut this out of my life once and for all I am not hanging on in here to deal with this situation because if I stay here I’m going to go mad I’m going to lose I’ve already lost my self-confidence I’ve already lost who I am I need to regain my power I need to find myself again I need to redo my life again I can’t be living in this
situation again Aries make no mistake you’ve got you’ve got five of Wands you’ve got the Five of Cups you’ve got the Five of Swords then you get the Five of Swords again the arguments the chaos the conflict again that’s with the moon in between it’s like you’re trying to understand and make sense of why this is all happening but you know you now know it’s not going to change it’s not going to change look at that the eight of swords as much as I feel that I have made decisions in my life that’s put me in this situation where I don’t feel that I can move out of it I am going to put the I’m going to get the courage and I’m going to leave this situation I’m not going to stay here in a place that I don’t feel happy I’m not happy I’m forever sad I feel like I’m I’m being used I’m being
abused it’s time to put an end to these Aries that’s what they’re saying that’s how you’re feeling the Six of Swords time to go time to go I make a decision here that after all this heaviness and the tiredness and the exhaust the exhaustion that I feel it’s time for me to
go eight of of Pentacles I will dedicate myself to my work I will put an end to this situation I’ve got a lot of love and a lot of nurturing to give and I’m going to dedicate myself I’m going to close this chapter and regain my confidence and dedicate myself to my
work King of Swords again King King of Swords and the King of Swords look at that you’re now going to take on that that that energy you’re going to take the energy now of cutting out anything and anyone that no longer makes sense in your life it’s like I’m going to move away from negativity I’m not going to allow myself see how here it’s a fighting it’s got the sword up in the air here enough is enough I know what I need to do I know what I’m going to do
to look at that the five of Pentacles you’re feeling abandoned alone you’ve lost everything you know you’ve lost the person that you thought was a certain way and became someone else that you don’t know you’ve lost your selfesteem you’ve lost your self motivation you’ve lost your self power and yourself within this situation it’s like now I need to rebuild who I am for from
scratch tell me if this is you Aries you’re going to you’re you out of all people you out of all people are going to get out of this situation you’re the fire
sign take time to reflect it’s important that you reflect on everything that you’ve been through know that it’s not your fault someone else has to carry that baggage not you and reflect on what’s important to you now where you’ve been what you’ve been through and where you’re going to go
now wait for important information there is important information coming here remember I said to you here that there’s going to be someone that comes your way to help you out of this situation and that’s it there’s going to be information that is is going to be important for
you if it doesn’t fall I don’t take it track down your fears and desires understand what you’ve been through it’s okay to feel scared it’s okay to feel um down it’s okay get in touch with those emotions of yours and track down what makes you scared now and what your desires for the future are what is it that you want to do what’s important to you trust your talents in changing times you need to trust yourself in this time of changing times you need to trust that you’re strong enough that you’re able that you’re capable that you’re wonderful and that you can do anything that you put your mind to you can change the circumstances you’re in you need to believe in you first second and third everything else comes next at the moment it’s about you putting yourself at the Forefront and making plans for you that are going to change your situation to take you to the place that you deserve to be Aries I hope this makes sense to somebody that needs to hear this story I hope it doesn’t resonate with a lot of people because whoever’s going through this has been going through chaos and conflict and dramas and to the point where they are lose they’ve lost themselves already and they’re trying to find themselves and get out of a situation that hasn’t been the best lots of love lots of love your way Aries thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)