Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days for all our beautiful subscribers thank you so much for all your support if you haven’t subscribed yet and you’d like to we’d love to have you also like and share the video so that we can reach millions of other people that need to hear it thank you Aries in advance message for Aries please for the next 7 to 14 days what are the energies surrounding Aries Aries please one okay

two storm warning Aries the end of a storm the end of a cycle the end of a chapter that you want to close it’s the end of a chapter that you’re willing to close and move away from I think that here what they’re saying is you’ve been through your storms you’ve been through your difficulties you’ve faced adversity you have challenges that you have had in your life that you just want to forget and move on this is the end of those the end of a cycle of Torment of pain and of Sorrow storm warning it’s the end you may have one here what they’re saying is that the warning has gone it’s the end number 10 it finishes fifth chakra Archangel Gabriel the throat chakra the fifth chakra is here in it’s it’s in your near your throat where you where all the communication happens something that you’re holding back something that you haven’t said and you’re about to I I feel here Aries that you’re about to let out everything that you feel and everything that you think and everything that you what is going to be discussed here you’re you’re no longer going to hold things back you’re no longer going to worry about how other people perceive you or what they think about you or how they talk about you you’re going to let out exactly how you feel and this may shock some people I feel here that it’s time for that storm you know I I get the feeling here Aries that you’re going to release everything that you think and feel and you’re going to create a storm but you know what sometimes we need to have those storms in order for us to release ourselves from things that are not true to us look at that you’re giving you you’re you’re forever giving you’re constantly giving and giving and giving and you you share your love you give your knowledge your experiences to others you help others but I feel that here someone has taken you for

granted that’s the feeling I get here you give everything you have you give everything you

own the

maiden it could be children it could be a daughter it could be one of your children you give everything to and for some reason there’s something happening here that you’re you’re either going to find out or you’re going to want to express

here you’re sick of dealing with goods and bads with good times and bad times and the bad times really hurt very few times they you do share some good times together but when you when they hurt you they hurt you deeply

the journey it’s like it’s been a constant Journey it’s been a big Journey it’s like you’ve you’ve forever battled to tell people how you feel or tell this person how you feel or how they make you feel it’s a constant journey of good times and bad times but I feel here Aries that you’re about to release something within you and this could be a hurt that comes from childhood you may have faced these same things during your childhood and it’s got to the stage now where you’re not dealing with that

anymore someone may have treated you in or you’ve experienced hard times in the in during your childhood and what you’re experiencing now reminds you so much of that childhood it takes you back in

time you still have scars from all the hard times all the things that were said and

done you’re going to plant your seed now it’s a new chapter I am no longer going to put up with things that I don’t agree with I’m no longer going to be the slave to a relationship that doesn’t value me I am no longer going to be the victim of somebody else’s ways somebody else’s dreams I’m never going to be I’m not going to allow myself to be the victim of somebody else’s anger self-doubt

I have thought about this every day I have new thoughts new ideas I have a new life that I want to live and it’s not living like this I gave everything I had to this person I gave everything I had all the love the care the

nurturing and I constantly got cold back you may be dealing with someone who’s a Gemini Libra or Aquarius but more I feel here it’s someone who’s very cold you felt the coldness of somebody here what you gave is not what you

got there are some truths that need to be said

here or some truths that need to be revealed destiny what I experienced in my childhood I didn’t want for my destiny however I see myself in a position now I’ve experiencing exactly

that I had I have dreams I have I had dreams as a teenager and I I really want to follow that Destiny I really want to follow that those dreams

thought you know you had you think about about all the good times but you so know that the bad times hurt a lot more you remember more of the bad times than what you do the good and I feel that now is going to be the time that you’re going to discuss exactly this

the union look at that you’ve had a long journey with this person you’ve had a long journey with this person but the journey that you’ve had does that fulfill you anymore does that make you happy

anymore are you enjoying your journey now or are there things that need to be discussed in this Union in this in

this look at that

now what I what I nurtured what I cared for what I gave my life to now don’t look after me I gave everything to my children to my husband to my life to making my family happy I gave birth to this beautiful person that I gave my life to that I share my life with but I don’t get what I give I don’t get what I want from this person and it’s now time for me to say how I feel that is what’s going to bring the storm enough of living a lie enough of living a life full of misery that I haven’t

expressed wow Aries look at that the five of air a constant battle that I face I face constant battles all the time with my truth of who I am and who people want me to be I’m forever being what others

want I’m taking off this mask that no longer belongs to me I am setting myself free from this person that everyone wants me to be I am freeing myself from who they want me to be to who I truly am and I’m going to remove the truth that someone was holding back I was holding my truth back and now I release that I’m uncovering that somebody who I loved somebody who I had a lot of admiration for was a different person to what I

imagined I need to align myself with the truth I need to allow myself to be true in who I am despite if I hurt others or what I say hurts

others I’ve got a choice to make I’m do I suffer do I keep suffering here or do I speak my truth that’s the choice you need to make Aries I hope that makes sense to somebody here good luck with that and speak your truth always be be who you want to be lots of love and light thank you Aries bye-bye


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