Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for June Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

You’re waiting for something to happen before you make a move you’re waiting for something hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics bringing you your reading today for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies and going to the tarot then the Leno M and followed by the Moon deck so let’s see what we have for Aries place for today for the next 7 to 14 days energies for Aries please calling in my guides mentors and angels to bring you the message Aries thank you so much to all the beautiful subscribers for commenting for liking the video it means the world to the channel thank you okay energies for Aries please energies for Aries oh two straight away trust your instincts trust your instincts in the next 7 to 14 days what you’re thinking what you’re feeling is right so if it doesn’t feel right that’s because it probably isn’t and if something feels fantastic then it’s great your instincts will tell you which way to go what to do who to who who to be with and what what’s next if you’re in a place of decision making your instincts are going to play a big role in

that stand your ground Aries stand your ground stand firm in what you believe in stand firm in who you are don’t worry about other people’s judgments other people’s gossip and what other people think and say and do stand your ground and be true to

you look at that the bottom unlock the magic within look at that unlock the magic you have within you and don’t let anybody stop you block you make you change your mind

you’re not there to please anybody Aries you’re there to do what’s right for you and provided you do that you’re turned around fine and the one that was turned around was the moon and the

hierophant are you questioning a marriage are you questioning your relationship with people a cont ract your

in are you

scared have you got

doubts trust your

instincts okay Aries place what do we have for Aries please

eight of Wands movement there a movement here either you want to make a move to a certain place to another place but there’s movement here some of you may be going overseas on a

holiday there’s travel here involved

nine of

Swords I don’t know what’s going on here Aries but I feel like you’re moving away from something or someone is moving away and that’s making you worry and lose

sleep there’s movement here and there’s a huge amount of worry here to the point where you’re not sleeping

properly king of

Pentacles for some of you you may have to move for work for others you’re moving away from

somebody and I feel that this person could be either a Virgo a Taurus or a Capricorn if you’re dealing with somebody but it’s like you’re going you’re moving away there’s movement here let’s see what else we have yeah it’s no lie there’s a car look that’s the Chariot definitely movement here forward you’re moving away from something you’re making a move you’re you’re either working you’re going to work in another location and you are worried you’re worried sick about what awaits you how it’s going to be living in another area out of your comfort zone leaving loved ones behind but there is movement here if for those of you that it’s not work it’s like you’re moving away from somebody to start new somewhere

else two and they come out chaos and conflict look at that there’s some it’s either you’re in having an internal battle dealing with this situation or there’s been a lot of chaos and conflict in your life so there’s two versions here some are going through a huge amount of conflict within themselves about making a decision and others it’s about moving away from chaos and conflict that you don’t want to deal with

anymore look at that the hangman upside down the hangman usually comes like that you see clearly now what you couldn’t see before you See Clearly Now what needs to

happen you’re starting to see things for what they are trust your

instincts page of Wands you’re absolutely going to another location you’re traveling here Aries there is no mistake you’re making decisions to leave a place and relocate or you’re going for work or you’re going to move away from somebody here and this is worrying you it’s causing you a lot of anxiety and what they’re saying is use your instring trust your instincts if it feels right it is if it doesn’t feel right it may not be

look at that that’s you evaluating where am I going what what what awaits for me what am I waiting for for some of you here it’s like you’re waiting you’re waiting for somebody or you’re waiting to leave you’re waiting for something to happen before you make a move you’re waiting for something here for some of you could be to do with

money look at that there’s no mistake that someone here has been asked to relocate for their job they’ve got a great opportunity or they have been promoted and that involves relocation and it’s going to bring you a lot more money and it’s going to take you forward in what you do however you’re questioning very very deeply about whether you’re going to be okay in this new place in this new role and you’re worried what if it doesn’t work out what if I don’t like where I’m going

look at that the victory card there’s no mistake here the internal are the internal battle that you feel right now is actually going to be the victory you need for those of you that are battling against somebody and you’re leaving a certain place or a certain situation or a person you’re going to find a brand new life that await you for those of you that are worried about leaving or being relocated for work it’s actually it’s actually going to surprise you how good this place and this job is going to be for

you so I don’t know if this is a confirmation reading for somebody here let me know in the comments if you were waiting for this answer look at that the Queen of Pentacles the two of Cups and the four of Swords it’s time to rest now making a decision while you’re tired and exhausted is is not going to help but there is definitely a huge opportunity here for you to start new for you to make more of what you do for you to to grow in many

ways l m we have oh the fox the changes you’re very curious about how these changes are going to to fit in with you and with the life you have now do I make these changes is it worth making this

change some of you are very curious about what awaits you in the future what awaits you at this new

place look at that five and five look up angel 55 please Angel 55 is going to have an answer for you you’re wondering this this is like you’re self sabotaging yourself here in worry in despair it’s really really getting you down this decision that you’re you’re going to make or this move that has to be made it’s not an easy decision it’s not an easy move I don’t feel here that this is going to be easy for you

and on the bottom we’ve got the two left four left Clover number two decisions that you need to make that’s right for you the decision you make needs to be right for you stand your ground remember if you don’t want to do something stand your ground and trust your

instincts but there are decisions here that have to be made Aries and they’re going to be decisions that you need to feel comfortable

with what’s the last message for Aries here

please no I’m feeling agitated Aries go deeper to get a clearer understanding of what’s right for you go deeper asking yourself what it is that you want where it is that you want to get to what you want to

achieve I don’t feel this is an easy move here let me know in the comments

Aries relax they’re saying relax sometimes we worry about things far too far more than what they deserve to be worried about about sometimes we have this huge picture in our head of we we create this whole movie in our head of something that we don’t even know anything about even before we make a move we start to picture what we think it might be but you may just surprise yourself remember I said to you it may just be the move you needed in more ways than one I think it’s going to be a lot lot better than what you think I think you’re going to be a lot better off than where you are now believe in your good luck look at that the bottom of the deck for some of you you’re worrying about something so much that you’re not looking at what if it works out what if I love this place what if my life changes after leaving this place or this person what awaits for me out there there it could be the best move in my life but you won’t know until you make that decision but you’ve got to make that decision no one can make it for

you I hope that makes sense for somebody here Aries let me know in the comments lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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