Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for For April 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings Live and Psychics live.com.au we’re here to bring you your April horoscope and the forecast for April so I hope this resonates with you remember if it doesn’t to release the energy check your moon and your ascendant sign and um like the video even if it doesn’t resonate like the video video YouTube are not pushing videos forward to other people that are Aries if there’s no interaction in the video so it’s important that you like the video that you you would like to share with other Aries just in case there’s one person that needs to hear this so thank you in advance for the other people and for myself and the channel at large thank you also Aries I wanted to let you know that as of the 20th of March we came into Saturn and Saturn is the type of energ for 2024 that will emphasize times two the energy that you put out so be very careful that if any obstacles you’re facing anything that you’re that you’re going through try and find it even one little thing that’s positive in all of that see the reason and the purpose for everything that’s happening it’s important that you try and remain as positive as possible because Saturn will give you twice as much of what you’re putting out so if you’re putting out good energy you’re going to get twice as much of that if you’re putting uh low vibration and negativity out then that will come twice as hard to you so just be really careful in 2024 that you project out as much positivity as you can and plant your seeds now for things that you want to harvest later I also want to say happy birthday Aries lots of love and light your way with lots of beautiful things coming to you in 2024 so happy Happy Birthday to everybody here thank you let’s start off by going into energy for Aries for April then the tarot then some messages at the end so let’s see what we have for Aries please for April 2024 for Aries let’s see mixing for Aries thank you Gods mentors and higher Creator bringing in the energy for Aries place for April

2024 thank you a Aries milk and honey beautiful things ahead goals dreams achieved you putting yourself out there you accomplishing things that you’ve always wanted to accomplish doing things you’ve always wanted to do I feel that this Aries is going to just enjoy life in 2024 like it was their last they’re going to love like it was their last they’re going to have fun like it was their last they’re going to do things they’ve always wanted to do you know that that that list the bucket list you’re going to go through that and you’re going to tick off a few things this year especially in April you start to realize how lucky how abundant you are in many many ways and you’re going to put things into place that you want to do so April is going to be a a turning point for you Aries it’s going to be a turning point of you realizing how much you need look at that the Deep knowing it’s like here Aries and look at the bottom of the deck we’ve got come to the edge look at that it’s like you’re going to have this switch that gets turned on in April and you’re going to think I know what I need to do I know what I want I’ve got so much to give I I’ve got so much to be grateful for I need to take some risks in my life I need to do what I want to do I need to tick off things that are on my bucket list and it starts now it’s like someone is going to to see this year as a year of expansion a year of putting into place things that you want to do and being grateful for every opportunity you get that’s the feeling you’re going to see things in a different light healing for some of you you need this it’s like you’ve been through your tough times you’ve had challenges in your life and this year or in April you start to see things in a different format see that owl there owls have got the best vision and they see things from afar they see things in a different light to other birds it’s like you’re going to have this knowledge and this capability of seeing things outside the square and this is going to be bring you a lot of healing this transformation of who you’re going to turn the page to in April is going to be the start of a new you the start of a new life tell me if you’ve got that urge to do that Aries cuz I’m talking to someone here that is like that’s it I’m drawing the light at the end of the the light sorry I’m drawing drawing a Line in the Sand and I want to find the light at the end of the tunnel I want to find my purpose my reason look at that I’m going to take off the mask of who I may have portrayed to be or who people think I am and I’m going to take off that mask that doesn’t belong to me anymore I’m going to move away from people that are not positive in my life I’m going to leave situations behind that have only been a torment to me that have made me lose sight of who I really am and I’m going to put back my face of who I truly am I’m going to allow people to see me for who I truly am no more am I going to do things because others want me to do that no more am I going to hide away and not put myself out there no more am I going to worry about what other people think this is me now Look at the dragonfly there transformation this is

me the king of air speaking your truth standing up for what you believe in speaking your truth speaking your truth seeing things from a different perspective looking at people and seeing who they truly are it’s all about truth it’s about new it’s new ideas a new me a new life with new people around me new circumstances new

situations you taking the ball by the horns in April and saying I want my milk and honey I want my prosperous

life for some of you here you’re going to do study or something that gives you more information you’re going to find out more information or want to know more about about certain things in life cultures countries I feel here that there’s people here that’s going that are going to travel work overseas be live a different life I’m excited with this energy look at these the Lotus where you least expect it that’s where you’re going to find your gift your your journey your purpose your reason in the hardest time of your life you flourished you’re going to find an answer where you least expect it the Lotus comes out of the most dirtiest water and yet the last thing you’d expect is for this beautiful flower to Blossom in this dirty swamp and that’s you finding your answer where you least expect it finding who you are finding your purpose and your reason where you least expect it

something here will take place Aries that’s going to make you realize that you need to be who you want to be and not what other people see you as time for your

truth look at that look at that golden egg Aries what else do you want me to say you know that milk and honey that’s it there when you transform into this huge power that you are you’re a fire sign Aries you’ve got this passion to be different a passion to to want to know more a passion to have more you expect more the minute you find that you transform into that true person you really are you will find your destiny and purpose you will find the answers and the solutions that you’ve been looking for it’s like when you change that vibration of yours from where you’ve come after everything you know then you’re going to start vibrating in a huge High vibration and that’s going to bring you more Prosperity more happiness so important in 2024 Aries that you vibrate in the highest possible manner look at that you’re done with the fighting the chaos look at that walking away from people that only cause negativity chaos and fights in your life you’ve had to argue with people you were trying to be someone for somebody else and all you got in return was unappreciative Behavior you tried to accommodate others but all that got you was arguments and chaos and people not appreciating you so now you remove the mask and you say no more am I going to argue with you no more am I going to put up with your rubbish no more am I going to allow you to dominate you dominate me manipulate me in any way shape or form I now take control of my own

life Wow Wow Aries let me know if this is you this is one powerhouse here this is one Aries that is a power look at that the thought you’re going to have you’re going to have a huge idea Aries and I don’t know what what this idea is for everyone it’s going to be different but I feel here that you’re going to come up with some new idea that you’re going to want to share with that or you’re going to grow with that it’s like you’re you’re going to find out more information you know the Deep knowing it’s like you’re going to find something out and from there you’re going to know your truth you’re going to speak your truth I don’t know what it is that you’re studying or what it is that you’re looking for answers Solutions but you’re looking for some information the Deep knowing something you find out in April is going to change everything who you are the way you think think what you

do you’re going to realize in April that whatever it is that you whatever thought you have whatever idea you have is what you’re going to follow and it’s going to be more successful than what you think so if you have a new idea of business of some creation or a project follow your heart follow your heart and your mind because you’ve got a huge idea here that’s going to be prosperous they’re both thinking cards so it’s a thought an

idea tell me about this seven of air please look at

that for too long for too long you’ve had your ups and downs and you couldn’t find an answer or a solution to your issues you dealt with people or a person or a situation that there was instability you never found yourself stable happy it was always ups and downs there were some good days but God there were terrible days here and now you see a way out now you see an answer or a solution that you were looking for to get you out of this situation that is is so chaotic that is so up and down that is so manipulative I don’t know where that is for you Aries but you’re finding a way out of here a new idea that’s going to allow you to escape this up and down and look at that look at you here that’s you I may not have much but with the little that I have I’m going to go and find my purpose and my journey I’m not going to stay in a place that is always up and down that I’m not certain of that doesn’t give me any stability doesn’t allow me to be who I am I might go with one little bag here with my little belongings but my life from here on in becomes an adventure an adventure that’s going to open my mind and ideas to a new life in in a new

place and April is going to be the Turning Page for you April is going to be the Turning Page for you you’re after your milk and honey that new idea that you have you may be leaving a job and going to do your own look at this look at this you’ve got a lot of wisdom

look it’s like I’m no longer going to work for that person I’m no longer going to be in that place it doesn’t bring me happiness I need to make either my own journey to a new job a new project my own business but I’m going to find the light at the end of the

tunnel for some of you here it’s a relationship leaving a relationship that’s chaotic that has that has brought you a lot of pain and disappointment man ipulation

narcissistic what else have we got for Aries

please work through your feelings look at that last quarter moon in Aries and the last quarter moon to completion you’re on the path to closure the last quarter moon is I’ve been through the first quarter moon the half moon the full moon and now I’m on my last quarter moon it’s my last journey to change my life it’s the last bit that I need to free myself from something that’s not for

me look at the bottom of this card open up to change open up to change the minute you open up to change the minute you know within you that change needs to happen you find your milk and honey it’s up to you Aries to make that change to allow yourself to think outside the square to do what you need to do to make your life

happy know you are loved you’re never alone Aries you’re never alone when you think you’re traveling alone think again because your mentors your guides and your High Creator whoever it is that you believe in is pushing you forward saying come on Aries let’s go and find your milk and honey let’s go and find the life you dreamt of the life that you belong

in I don’t know who I’m speaking to Aries but please like this video because this needs to get out to other people that need to hear it lots of love and light your way thank you Aries bye-bye


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