Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 1 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for For April Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today I’m bringing you a reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies and then go straight into the tarot so let’s see what energies come out for Aries please guides mentors and Angels please bring me all the information on here tonight for Aries for their best and highest guard of themselves please give me protection for the best and highest good of myself say thank you energies please for Aries the void Aries the

void missing something are you Aries you’re feeling surrender

surrender some of you here the masculine your energy here and patience look at

that Aries we’re going to go into each card with the tarot to clarify it but the First Energy I get here is that somebody is wanting something you’re wanting more out of your life you’re wanting to know more and here it’s like you’re wanting a new life A New Path A New Beginning what’s missing is the new in your life a new purpose a new reason to get up in the morning you know that there’s more out there for you and they’re saying have patience be patient because the void that you’re feeling at the moment is going to happen if you look at that the acceptance you’re going to receive something in the next 7 to 14 days this can be information this can be a gift this can be a job proposal this can be meeting someone new in your life you are going to have an acceptance someone is going to accept what you’re offering or what you’re willing to give and here they’re saying surrender surrender to the universe what it is that you want share with your guides your mentors and your higher Creator what is it that you want talk to them ask for it and at the same time use your rational thinking when you are um trying to find stability Sometimes using too much emotion and and not thinking straight will confuse you and what they’re saying is use the rationality everything will make sense if you think about it in a logic way taking the emotions out of it so I don’t know what it is that you’re emotional about here but whatever it is is saying to

you surrender sorry I’m trying to listen at the same time as I’m talking to surrender to the Divine and think rational about it what you surrender what you say you know you can only do so much that’s what they’re saying you can only do so much to help a situation once you’ve done everything that’s in your power you then need to surrender it to the universe and say I’ve done my bit now I need your

help and try and control the emotions in it and have patience because the void that you feel right now is going to be filled let’s go and see what we’ve got what is the void card doing here for Aries please what is Aries missing in their life at the moment what’s the void that they’re feeling what’s the void that they’re feeling upside down the king of Pentacles the control of finances having the finances that you need to live to pay your bills to have a comfortable life to have the stability you want some of some of you here you’ve either lost a job or you’re finding it hard to find a new job and you’re you’re struggling financially what else is it you don’t know what to do you’ve put your resumés out there and you’ve given it everything you have you feel like you’ve you’ve done what you can do but there’s still this void of not having a job not having a purpose not having a reason not having the financial stability that you

need what else have we got for the

void seven of Swords it’s like I don’t know who I can trust I don’t know what to do do next I met a standstill here I need somebody’s help and I don’t know where to get that help I don’t know what to do next I’ve done everything I can do I’m now waiting for this opportunity or doors to open for me I feel like I’ve been through a battle and I’m walking away not knowing what to do next I don’t know who I can

trust what’s the surrender surrender to the Divine what is that what do you want them to surrender what is it that you want Aries to surrender

oh high priestess have faith have faith that everything is going to be okay have faith that the right time will come that you’re going to find yourself in a better place have faith and know it know it Aries start saying thank you for giving me everything I have today and I know that I I need to get myself back on my feet but I know that you’ve got my back and I know you will not let me live this way for too far

long surrender to the

Divine someone here has tried to hide this and try because you’re Pride you’re proud and you’ve never found yourself in this situation page of Swords you are going to find you’re going to get a message from somebody who is very straight you’re going to get a sign that says everything is going to be okay you’ll receive a message the message that you’ve been waiting for of truth that brings you

stability the page of Swords is truth it’s not messing around it’s stable they they’re not here to play games the messenger here is not a game player the swords messenger the page of Swords is straight to the

point you’re going to be able to set yourself free what have we got

Aries Aries Aries look at that 10 of Pentacles and The Chariot if you are ever in doubt whether this reading is for somebody for somebody’s confirmation that you’re going to be okay then you have it the 10 of Pentacles is not going to be something small you’re going to be highly compensated for your talents your knowledge your experience it is going to happen I know that you may be in a place of Despair right now and losing faith but do not lose faith it is coming your way so those of you that the void is your finances and your stability you are going to find that in the next 7 to 14 days you receive a message that sets you free believe

believe the masculine what have we got with the masculine why is this masculine figure here the masculine figure is the Emperor in the normal tarot which is someone who is confident who has a lot of knowledge who has a lot to of experience to share someone who thinks rationally someone who’s in control what is the masculine card doing here oh celebration look at this you are going to celebrate Aries have make no mistake come back and tell me come back and send me a message or put it in the comments that you found your job that you are now

celebrating you’re going to get two offers two two offers not one two and out of those two offers you’re going to choose which one you want to go and do what path you want to follow and you’re going to take control of that you’re going to be very very oh in tune look at that the change is happening and it’s coming fast this card flew over it’s like get ready the change is coming you might see yourself at the bottom of this feris will but you are about to be taken to the top make no

mistake make no

mistake the change you have been asking for is here patience tell me about the patience and acceptance look at that this is you accepting a new new job in a new place that’s meant for you nothing that leaves Our Lives wasn’t meant to go everything has a purpose and a reason and everything has timing in our lives if we’ve lost something if we’ve reached the bottom of a pit there’s a reason for that and it could be that we need to acknowledge how lucky we’ve been in the past when we may have complained about things that we should have been grateful for and I’m not saying that that’s your case but that’s an example of what happens sometimes so you are going to accept an offer here to change your life just have the

patience and I know you’re doing it tough but believe and be grateful already for what’s coming because you speed up the process when you start to think that card came upside down the Five of Swords I don’t have to battle anymore I don’t have the energy to battle and I don’t have to battle anymore I get the job of a lifetime now that takes me out of this battle having to battle through life every day on how I’m going to pay my f pay my bills pay my way through life the Battle Is Over the battle is over Aries the battle is over what else have we got for patience your battle will be

over this fell this way the nine of Swords which is you losing a lot of sleep you’ve been losing a lot of sleep of worrying about this situation not the minute you wake up you think about it the minute you go to bed you think about it you wake up in the middle of night thinking about it that is

over ah look at that they just want to jump out now no I’m not going to take it I’m not going to take it if it’s meant to be it’ll come back out what else have we got for Aries one more card look at that you may have to make a decision which way do I go remember I said to about the two parts they’re here here the decision which one do I take what a beautiful decision to have what a beautiful decision and position to be in having choice to get out of these battles and losing sleep you’re going to find your happiness again with your family you’re going to have happiness again in your life a completion the void will be completed with a new beginning a new proposal a new opportunity look at you there the new beginning I didn’t even see that

card Aries where you are now you will not be in the very near future you will not be and I feel it’s sooner than what you think got a feeling here in the back of my head yeah they’re saying no you’re not going to have this problem

anymore look at this surround yourself with protective energy don’t surround yourself with people who are negative who never see the bright side of things protect yourself against those energies don’t be a sponge to negative people protect yourself away from negativity focus on the positive talk positive think positive vibrate positively and anyone that’s negative stay away from or Veer yourself as further away as you can you don’t need that vibration right

now or walk around with headphones if you live with this person that’s negative Aries please let go of the need to be right for some Aries they’re giving you they’re giving you what’s coming but they’re also saying to you let go of the need to be right the masculine energy is an energy of I know I know what I I I know a lot more than you do the masculine energy the emperor in the tarot is someone who is very dominant very opinionated and what they’re saying is don’t go down that energy be open to listening to other people be open to accepting things that you may not have wanted to accept before be open and have an open mind because other people what they say or what they do May teach you something there may be a purpose and a reason for everything that is said or done around you so have an open mind in the next s to 14 days and let go of the need to be right in certain circumstances in certain situations with people around you sometimes being right isn’t always right sometimes we need to listen to others and we may find that something they say or do is exactly what we needed whether we like it or not and on the bottom of that look at this connect with your emotions it’s okay to feel happy or sad it’s okay to feel defeated or a victory it’s okay for you to feel the way you do don’t blame yourself don’t regret anything connect with your

emotions and allow yourself to feel what you feel there’s no need to prove to other people you need to be a certain way there’s no need to be a certain way to prove that you’re worthy be who you are and feel what you feel with that Aries lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here



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