Aries Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast AUGUST Wk 2 #2

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for AUGUST Week 2 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for August Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of August and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics we’re here to bring you your message today for the next week next 7 to 14 days if it doesn’t resonate with you Aries Please Release the energy and check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be something there for you let’s see Aries what have we got for Aries

please ask for help from others don’t be afraid to ask for help there are people only willing to help you it’s now time if you’re struggling to ask for help Aries it’s okay everybody needs help we have all needed

help don’t be too proud to ask for help

improving health for some of you here you may be going through a health issue and with that you may need help for others to help you while you’re going through this more fragile period of your life when we’re sick there’s very little energy that we have and who hasn’t been sick who hasn’t been sick here you know how how hopeless and how fragile you feel when you’re sick especially when you’ve gone through surgery when there’s something even bigger than that wrong but we need to have the courage and put our ego aside and say I need help can somebody help

me in a year from now you’ll be in a different place you might be going through a tough time right now but ask for help so that you can recover and take your time at getting better in a year from now things are going to be totally different you may be the one helping

others look at that the three of swords someone here is totally heartbroken and on the other side I’ve got the two of Cups which means you might be heartbroken with somebody who you had a lot of admiration

for who means a lot to you someone’s hurt you here oh look and it’s not mistake that it came out again and I put that back I mixed it and I went to uh shake it and deal with it and there you go three of swords someone is absolutely heartbroken here

heartbroken either you’re feeling lonely in the time of need or you’re feel feeling that nobody cares right now or you could have been in a relationship that broke your heart the sun it’s going to you’re going to be better you’re going to get better I don’t know what it is right now if you’re mending a broken heart if you’re having health issues if you’re going through some tough times but you’ve got the sun Aries you’re bigger and stronger than that

the moon there’s uncertainties here look you got the Sun and the Moon together which means some days you’re okay but others you’re not you go through good periods and then you go through terrible

periods the Queen of Pentacles someone here is very secure in who they are they’re very financially stable and Aries unfortunately we may have family and friends around us and you know what they say sometimes friends and family are only there for good times not for all times and unfortunately unfortunately there are family like that so here you may have to pay to have some care but if you do that you’re spending the money that you’ve earned and you’ve got every right to spend it on you getting better less for others that don’t care so don’t be heartbroken do what you have

to on the bottom of that deck we’ve got the nine of Pentacles look at that you’re going to be prosperous Aries you’re going to be prosperous and I feel here that this areas I’m talking to is prosperous you’ve got enough money to look after yourself I get that someone here is heartbroken from how they were treated or how they’re being treated by those who they love those who they dedicated their life to unfortunately we can’t change how people are we can’t change how people behave or what they do when they don’t do but what we can do is look after

ourselves this is obviously not going to resonate with everybody but you may not be sick it might it might be another situation but this is something that you’re wanting help with or you need help with and there’s no one there to help you even though you dedicated your whole life to people people in the past helping others and now when you need it most it they’re not there to be found Aries

please the death card look at that with the three of swords and the death card doesn’t mean that someone’s died here it can but it’s not that it’s transformation the death card is making you realize with The Three of Swords you need to walk away or close the door to things that no longer serve you people or situations that were not there for you when you needed at most you need to walk away from that you need to transform how you see relationships and who you thought was your everything to when you being need was your nothing so here there’s a huge transformation going as much as you’re hurting you’re learning you’re transforming into a new person into a person that understands more today than what you did before because you’re seeing at face value who you can count on and who you can’t

the four of

cups people may have disappointed you there may be at least three people who have really disappointed you but you may be surprised there’s someone here willing to give you the care the love and the nurturing that you need someone is going to step up and they are going to be the ray of sunshine in your life right now someone here who you have a lot of admiration for is going to surprise you and it may not be the three people that you

thought it may be a friend and not

family I think this is going to open your eyes a little bit here Aries to a lot of things

the devil look at that the moon with the

devil this is people are only interested when there’s material things around when things are great when you’re doing the big dinner parties and you’re celebrating and you’re bringing everyone

together but when you’re alone you’re there on on your own looking into the moon and questioning where are these people that I gave so much to that I dedicated my life to someone this is not going to resonate with everybody but this person knows what I’m talking about it’s time to look after you

Aries the 10 of Wands you’re tired and you’re exhausted and if you need to spend money on your recovery if you need to spend money and time to recoup to get your health back in order then you do that because every cent that you spend is a cent less that they get left with one

day and Aries you know I don’t I know who I’m speaking to here because this is very personal here but the message here there are so many people going through this sort of thing so many clients I’ve had that find themselves on their own ask for help to improve your

health the king of Wands look at that you’re going to be able to get yourself up again and you’re going to travel you’re going to spend your money on you you’re going to look after you you’re going to look at a world map and you’re going to say where am I going to

next I you know what I get the feeling here Aries that somebody here is so disappointed with their family or close friends that they thought they had through good times and bad except now you’re learning that they were only there for the good times and it’s someone who is going to change transform the way that they act and feel and are with people in their lives from here on in the disappointment has taught you a lot

I don’t know who this message is for I really don’t and I’m sorry if it hasn’t resonated resonated for you but check your moon in your ascendant sign Please Subscribe like and in the comments put a little heart there lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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