Aries Horoscope |Powerful Forecast For February 2024

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for February 2024

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for For February 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-forecast-for-january-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful people my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live.com and we’re here to do your February horoscopes we’re going to start off with relationships then career then finances we’re also going to do it a little bit different this month and go straight into how your zodiac sign is going to get along with other people in other zodiac signs for the month of February stay tuned hope you enjoy And subscribe like share and comment as that all help hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to do your horoscopes for February and we’re going to start off with an energy then two tarot and then the moon card to finish off we’re going to go into relationships we’re going to go into career and finances and finally we’re going to see how other zodiac energies are are going to incorporate with yours in February in 2024 so let’s see what energies we have for Aries place in 2024 oh sovereignty look at that Aries jeez that’s you taking control of your life in February you being in control of what happens of what you do of what you want jeez what a card the changes you make you you make prominent changes in your life in February to make a real big impact in what happens next you’re not going to allow anybody to push you over in February Aries you’re not going to allow things to happen that you don’t agree with you’re going to stand your ground and stand firm you’re going to use your wisdom to make your dreams and your goals come true you’re going to take control of what happens you’ll be very much connected with what’s true with what’s real no fakes no secrets no masks

Purity beautiful Aries jeez and and Master number so you changes and then you’ve got a master number you’re the master of your destination your goals and your dreams in February what a month Aries what a month for you

wow Aries let’s see what we have for relationship for Aries what do we have for relationships in Aries there’s no one that’s going to push you off your throne there’s no one that’s going to get you off balance look at that you’re absolutely in control of your abundance what you want what you need and what you get you’re no longer going to put up with people’s rubbish with people’s secrecy with people people’s manipulative thoughts and ideas and actions you’re going to stand strong you’re going to call the shots and if you don’t like it you’re going to tell people about it you’re going to determine who is abundant in your life and who’s not and look at that there’s no self- sabotaging here I go out of my way to get the relationship that I want and I deserve I’m no longer going to put up with rubbish in my life I’m no longer going to put up with people saying things and doing things that I don’t agree with with I’ve learned a lot in my life and I’ve learned that I’m no pushover and I’m not going to allow others to do that to me in February 2024 there’s a huge change here Aries for you nine of Wands too long for too long I’ve taken people’s rubbish I’ve taken people’s opinions and judgments of myself for too long I’ve put up with things that I shouldn’t have I’ve turned a blind eye to a lot of circumstances and a lot of situations in my life and from here on in that’s where it stops so all relationships love relationships family relationships anything anything here it now becomes clear of what I want and who I am and under any no circumstances at all am I going to put up with rubbish in my relationships some people have brought me to my knees in fear in tears and in sorrow in heartbreak and in pain but no longer do I allow them to do that to me

anymore wow I am the Magician of my life what I let others get away with is what I have to suffer and I’ve learned through everything that I’ve been through that the only person that matters now is me I need to create my own magic in my relationships in my family with my partner with with people I meet with new prospects that come my way I no longer want second best it’s either the best or nothing at


wow I’m not putting up with any more of that what have we got for career and finances for Aries if this isn’t the most straightforward reading I’ve seen Aries career and finances are you on fire in that section too absolutely Ely here’s your change I no longer want to be a part of things that I don’t like I no longer want to be doing things to keep the peace I no longer want to be working somewhere that I’m not happy I no longer want to do what I don’t have

to it’s time now to rule this wheel and spin it as hard as I can

look at this the hangman usually comes this way yours came that way I see things now that I didn’t see before I know things now that I didn’t know before and I now know that nobody nobody is going to manipulate me or discriminate against me I change things because now I see what I didn’t see

before I know that I spend a lot of my time working hard and giving it everything I have and sometimes I feel like I’m either not appreciated or taken for granted and I decide to leave a situation that I’m no longer happy in if I need to leave I will if I need to make a move forward I will if I need to Rock the Boat I will but this is me taking action into my life now and in February 2024 that’s where it all changes everything

changes and I speak my truth I speak my truth and I have some great ideas that I need to implement and now I’m going to do those I’m going to do what I feel is right for me and I’m going to speak my truth about circum senses that I’m not happy with and I am going to set things straight once and for

all Aries after a long battle I know who I am I look B back at my past and I think the only reason that all happened to me is because I let it I let people take me for granted I let people take advantage of me I let situations overrule me and I kept the peace throughout the whole time now I don’t keep the peace I take control of who I am and my life with everything that I’ve leared and the master that I’ve become of my own

life does this make sense to somebody here Aries please tell me if this resonates tell me if this is your thought process right now because I can tell you why it is powerful it is someone taking the power back to

them clear your mind it’s now time for me to clear my mind it’s now time that I’m going to clear everything that held me back blocked me from seeing things and I need to have a very clear mind about moving forward in the right direction and that clear mind’s going to te tell me me what I what I need to do and who I am know you are loved you are loved Aries you’re not alone you go for it and they’re encouraging you to go for it the only person that can change your circumstances is you the only person that can make the difference is you the only person that can do the best for you is you and here I feel that this Aries has understood that go for it they’re saying Aries look at that new moon in Aries go for it new life new you new circumstances new

everything Aries what a reading let’s go into the next section where it says how other zodiac signs are going to work with you in February 2024 because I’ll tell you what you’re not going to take anybody’s rubbish so it’ be interesting how other signs are going to to look forward to that let’s see what we’ve got Aries please other signs with Aries so Aries with Aries if you’ve got another Aries around you look at that Aries there is no no question that you’re going to move forward you’re going to change what you’re doing there is no way you’re looking back there’s only one way for you and that’s forward this is you and if you’re dealing with another Aries I can tell you now it’s going to be a Powerhouse because February 2024 is going to be your time to move forward if you’re dealing with a Taurus Six of Pentacles you’re going to weigh up a lot of what Taurus says and what Taurus does so if you’re dealing with a Taurus you’re going to be very aware of what they’re up to and what’s what they what they’re maneuvering around you you’re going to balance all the words and all the actions from a Taurus Gemini Gemini you’re going to leave Gemini out in the cold if Gemini doesn’t behave because here you’re not going to put up with rubbish for too long maybe a Gemini has given this to you made you feel worthless made you feel abandoned made you feel that you didn’t count this is where now you’re turning the tables on Gemini and saying no

more cancer eight of Swords there may be an eight of that sorry there may be a cancer around you that’s going to challenge you or a cancer in the past has challenged you m making you feel like there was nowhere to go and that you couldn’t make a decision and you felt blocked and in the one space this is you letting go of those chains around your wrists and getting rid of those swords and freeing yourself from anyone that wants to stop you and I feel that there may have been a cancer that was holding you back in the past Leo three of Cups there’s going to be a celebration with someone who’s a Leo so here I feel that there may be a celebration to do with someone that’s a Leo in February 2024 something a news that a Leo brings to you or something about a Leo Virgo Three of Swords a Virgo that disappoints you in February 2024 something that they say or do that disappoints you or brings you into a lot of pain and you’re not going to put up with that anymore Aries you’re moving forward in this in this aspect and a and a Virgo here may be the person that does bring you that that power within you to move forward and do what you need to do this there is a disappointment here from a Virgo Libra the Judgment there’s a calling here a message an email or something that comes from a Libra that makes you pay attention and here it’s something some information that a Libra brings you of importance say something here important from a Libra Scorpio nine of cups You’re Going to um with a with a Scorpio you may even celebrate a a particular Victory or a or some news that comes through or information and you’re going to be excited for that

Scorpio Sagittarius the empress you may be dealing with a mother or a a sister or or someone of importance here with Sagittarius or you’re going to create something amazing with this Sagittarian there may be a Sagittarius in your life that’s been away from you for quite some time and comes forward with care nurture and love and something that reminds you about your mother with this Sagittarius something to do with Mother maybe it’s your child and you the communication between you and your child or maybe it’s someone in your family or someone around you that reminds you of of a mother figure or you’re the mother figure Capricorn Two of Wands if you’re dealing with a Capricorn there’s going to be choices to make out of two options there is one that you need to choose so it’s one way or the other with a Capricorn here Aquarius t 10 of Cups you’re going to celebrate something so special with an Aquarian here and an aquarius is going to bring you some heartfelt warm news which you’re going to prosper and be and be beautiful feel beautiful and loved in the surroundings that an aquarius gives you in February 2024 and Pisces you’re going to see things differently about a Pisces here a hangman usually comes that way you’ve got it going this way so here I do feel that something important you see a someone of a Pisces in a different light now what you had imagined Pisces to be is not who they are or not what they’re making out to be now it’s like I I thought Pisces was a certain way but they’ve either actually one disappointed me or two surprised me but there’s going to be a surprise or a disappointment in regards to a Pisces and that’s going to take you by surprise or disappointment Aries your reading was short sharp and to the point there is no McKing around with you in February 2024 so I hope that that makes sense to somebody here because that reading was someone taking the power back to themselves and knowing who they are and what they deserve lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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