Aries Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 17th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Aries. This week’s Aries Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. The Monthly Aries Horoscope can also be viewed here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for coming here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and I’m here to do your reading for the next seven to ten days Aries I don’t know if you’ve had a reading from me before but if you haven’t the way I work my readings out is that I don’t probe for questions I tell you exactly what I see and at the end I ask questions and usually there’s no questions because the readings are very direct I’m going to use a similar format today so this may not resonate with everybody but that’ll be an important message that someone needs to hear if it doesn’t resonate with you please check your ascendant and your moon sign and let’s go anyone that wants a private reading there’s information in the description below thank you so much and let’s go Aries
thank you Universe what have we got for Aries what message thank you the crumbling Aries what are you clinging onto I feel that there’s some areas here that are scared to move forward because they’re holding on to something they may be holding on to someone or something that is very very important to them whilst they know that if they leave that place or they leave that person that their life will be better however they’re very very scared to to leave the uh the known the unknown scares them too much and so this is a particular message for maybe only one areas I don’t know but whoever it is is actually finding it hard to let go of their current situation or relationship due to the fear that they have to move on to something that they’re not sure about what else have we got what are you Clinging On to Aries let me know what is it that a lot of note here there’s a lot of nervous energy areas someone’s really worried about doing something that’s different to what they’re doing now wait postpone pause and say no you may that the areas I’m connecting to or some people here may have a proposal that they’re not sure about a movement of home that they’re not sure about a movement of location that they’re not sure about and that they haven’t voiced their opinion and if they have they’re very much sitting on the fence at the moment they want to do it because it would be something new but they’re also very scared to leave the known what they know the unknown scares them and what the universe is saying is if it doesn’t feel right Aries postponent and wait give it a pause and say no if you don’t want to do it you need to be true to who you are and here they’re asking you to do exactly that
if it doesn’t feel right that you’re going to leave a place or a person or a situation that you’re not comfortable with leaving then that is telling you exactly what to do don’t leave right now if you don’t have to just wait postpone it until you have more of a clarification on where you’re going to or what you’re doing that’s different but this is definitely someone or a group or some people that are going to make a change that they’re not a hundred percent comfortable with let me know if this is you where is what else do we have for Aries what other messages do we have for Aries and a lot of you here are crumbling you’re afraid and I could feel the energy when I was doing the cards there’s a bit of anxiety involved here a little bit of anxiety with fear mixed into it a lot of you have lost sleep over this decision because you’re just not sure if you’re ready to make that move if you’re ready to take that next step
you’re clinging on to something that feels very comfortable to you and the thought of leaving that really worries you okay energy for Aries please thank you wow they just jumped out wisdom use your wisdom in this situation Aries you are very intelligent you know exactly what you need to do this is the same card as the hermit in the normal tarot and it’s time to take time out for yourself put down all the pros and cons the rights and the wrongs and the yeses and the no’s and have a look at that list if you’re not ready yet to make that move then don’t go with your intuition use your wisdom to guide you if something’s not feeling right it’s because it’s not and it might be still right for you just not at this point in time
emotions absolutely there are a lot of emotions involved here this may be someone that’s been asked to travel for work and they just don’t know if they want to take that new position in another country another state or another city that will mean leaving behind what they know leaving behind a support system that they have that is very strong for them and that that’s family and here you’re you’re contemplating whether you do make this move or not because whilst it would be a great thing for you and a huge growth and even more money it you’re leaving a comfort zone that you’re not so comfortable in doing so this could also be that your moving locations with your partner and it means moving away from your support system [Music] it doesn’t have to be with work for some it is work it’s moving away from what you know for work others it’s starting a new beginning your partner wants you to start a new beginning somewhere else and here see how here you’ve got someone standing there but there’s someone else here on the ground and they’ve got their hands on their forehead saying I just don’t know what to do this is you Aries at the moment and you’re trying to balance this poll what do I do it’s someone that is very very unsure and this situation has affected you emotionally to the point where I feel that some of you here have found it extremely hard to sleep at night you felt that it’s it’s caused you a lot of anxiety as such
let’s see what else we have what’s the tarot going to tell us about this there may be other messages here too so if this doesn’t matter it’s still stay because there may be other messages for other people here there’s a calling look at that calling here for you for you to who you are there’s a calling that would be great for you to move for those of you that want to move but there’s also a calling for you to just be true and if it’s not right then so be it this move will actually be good for you however you may not feel that it’s good for you now or you may not feel emotionally you’re ready to make that move you may not feel that it’s it’s something you want to do right now
it’s caused a lot of arguments or it’s caused a lot of internal conflict this is either you arguing with someone else if for those of you that want to the partner wants you to move your partner wants you to move there’s been some combat there between the two of you about one wants to go and the other one’s not so sure if this is to do with a job a moving location or doing something totally different then you’ve got an internal battle going on about what’s what you should do and what you shouldn’t and what feels right and what doesn’t
take time out absolutely we had this card here with the wisdom and this is the same the four of Swords comes to say to you it’s okay for you to take time out you don’t have to decide anything right now you can take your time like this card said to pause and postpone it if you have to
also we’ve got the Aries place thank you
there are messages here but they’re messages that I’ve got you thinking and this page of Swords it’s time for you to start being true to what matters to you but internally not with others I I think here it’s time to take time out for you to really question what is going to be good for you what is it that’s going to make you happy at the end of it what is it that you need to take time out to think about whilst there’s new beginnings and there’s new chapters to be had there’s also a time that now it you need to think about it there may be some decisions or messages here that come through that has you thinking more about the situation
the tower look eventually this move will probably probably happen because you’ll be forced if not on your own the universe will shake your your surroundings up a little bit and make you make a decision you’re either in or you’re out there’s no more sitting on the fence for this there is here that is sitting currently on the fence which I got that feeling before the universe is saying you can’t sit there forever you need to make a decision and you need to go with what you want to do so if you sit on the fence for too long we’re going to make you make a decision and we’re going to cause you some chaos in your surroundings that you will decide yes this move is for me or no I’m going to be stay put in where I am I do not feel comfortable in going and this is what I need to do
thank you there’s also changes here for some of you for some other areas there’s some changes that are coming through and that could be in the family Dynamics or it could be to do with um looking after somebody and I don’t know why I got that here but I wanted me to mention looking after somebody there’s been a calling here for you to look after an elderly person and you’re just not sure whether you’re capable of doing that or not you’re starting to think how that’s going to impact your life today the way you live today how that’s going to change things because I feel that this elderly person needs constant care
however the universe is saying you cannot sit on the fence with this decision it’s a decision you you’re going to have to make and this might may be a hard decision to make because it could be your mum or your dad that you’re being asked to look after or they’ve got to a stage in their life where you don’t want to put them in a retirement place but you you’re just really have an internal battle about how that’s going to impact your life today
there’s some decisions that need to be made whatever it is Aries whatever the circumstances there are decisions that need to be made there’s a calling the nine of Pentacles for those of you that I said this is to do with a job and a relocation this is that calling it’s saying here is an opportunity for you to take a job that’s going to be extremely well paid something that’s going to make you grow and give you the abundance that you’ve always wanted that you’ve always desired an abundance that’s going to allow you to do some special things in your life so this is a tough one Aries for these people that are relocating with work it’s a tough decision because there is quite a lot of money involved
the magician you’re going to find a way to do this you will you will know what it is that you need to do through the internal battle that you’re going through or the battle with somebody else about a certain circumstance you will come to a solution you will come to a solution on how things will work on how you will agree to make this move you’re a magician here you’ve got all it takes you’ve got all the tools you need and all the um the allowance for you to make this move or make this decision so after you go through your internal battle and you take time out to think about this situation you will find a solution to all this issue you will find that the internal battle has made you think of other things in other situations that may just work
new ideas you’re going to come up with new ideas here and this is when you take time out to think about what it is that’s worrying you so much Aries you take time out and you come up with some Grand ideas not only good ideas but ideas that are going to bring peace to your situation peace to your decision we’ve got the dove of Peace there in this thought in this sword the sword comes to say it is right now you it’s so it is right the time is right now for you to speak your truth speak what you think about new ways of doing things but whatever it is I feel that whatever decisions you make and whatever things happen around you that you’re going to bring the peace into the situation but you do need to take time out like this card said here you need to postpone if it’s not right right now that’s because you need to think it through you need to think of all the options that that you have all the opportunities that are coming your way and look at that the eight of Wands it’s a card to move forward it’s a card that says you need to make that move you will make that move someone here receives a message that makes them more comfortable about making that move some of you here will get a message that says now it’s the time to move and you will feel comfortable at this stage that you have thought it through enough and you’ve got solutions that are going to be peaceful for everybody
this time to think and follow your light your light not somebody else’s ideas but follow your light listen to your intuition when this message comes through you’ll be ready to make that move and here we have the queen of cups you you need to face here we’ve got the tower we’ve got the emotions for some of you it is going to be emotional this move but you will you will find the love in this situation you will approach this situation or these decisions with the utmost love that you have you don’t do this without thought you don’t make those decisions without emotionally feeling it but I really do think that emotionally it has you’ve weighed up all everything with your emotions what do I do the tower has come which is time to make that decision and now you’re at peace with what decision you’ve made because you’ve done everything in love and you’ve done it to the best of your knowledge and using your wisdom through this decision making what decision are you making Aries because this is a big decision it’s not just a little decision that is going to be something little this is an impact it’s got an impact on you for some reason it’s very emotional
for others here I’m getting if you’ve been in a relationship that’s been causing you a lot of grief of light and
and what I mean by that is I feel here that there may be a few areas here that they have met someone that is living in another country or another city and there is a decision here to leave your support system behind to go and live with this new person it’s been emotional because you just don’t want to leave that support system as I said before and you don’t know whether this relationship is going to work but here the universe is saying you’re never going to know if you don’t give it a go you’re never going to know and this person here with the tower may say to you if you don’t come I don’t see a reason for us to continue on with this long-distance relationship I want someone that’s going to be here and that is going to cause you to make the decision
I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with but let me tell you it’s it’s a message that’s there and someone needs to hear it maybe one person alone but there is a message that needs to be heard there is okay let’s see what the universe what angel is the universe sending areas oops
the angel of inspiration the universe is going to send you the angel of inspiration Aries to inspire you to think differently and we said that to come up with new ways of doing things this is all going to be guided for you through your rest time those inspirational ideas that come to you are going to come out of nowhere and you’re going to say why didn’t I think of that why did I just get this idea now and that’s because you’ve got an Angel that’s helping you through this the universe is looking at you and saying I wonder what decision she’s going to make let’s go and Inspire her for some here you’ve asked the universe to show you the direction for some of you here you have prayed to see the light to see the right path to decide on what’s going to be best and the universe is showing you that and it’s saying this is an opportunity you are going to do well in get a lot out of
so with the angel of inspiration you will find that inspiration that you didn’t have before and decide that it’s now time to make that move or never
Aries with that with that I hope this I hope this helped somebody even one person would make it all worthwhile but thank you so much for being here lots of love and light your way and also go and check your ascendant and your moon sign because there may be a message there for you lots of love areas thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)