Aries Horoscope by Marie Rose | JULY 2023

by | Jun 30, 2023 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Monthly Horoscope for July 2023

Aries Horoscope: Changes are taking you to new levels in July 2023. Watch the video from beginning to end as there are quite a few messages for you. I will also be releasing the Aries Horoscope on Relationships and Career for JULY 2023 shortly. If you would like to get them as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

I would also suggest you to look back at the June Aries Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive in July 2023. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries, thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to go and do your July horoscope for 2023. I’m not sure if you had a look at the shorts but I did announce these major energies for your July the first one is the new moon in Aquarius open up to change it’s so important areas that you open up to change things don’t remain the same forever and here the universe is asking you to take change and open up to the change that’s coming through open up to the new ideas the new possibilities the new places the new um circumstances that happen in your life open up to that change change takes us to a better place sometimes when we’re in somewhere for way too long we stop the change in our life we stop the momentum in our life and we stop to think differently in our life meet new people in our lives so this change with the new moon Aquarius and Aquarius is a sign that puts themselves out there with the new moon there it’s open up to change there’s new beginnings new circumstances new things coming into your life you just need to be oh open to them open up to the possibility of having something different of doing different things of meeting new people this is all about bringing in that change that excitement that new adventure so July 2023 Aries remember to open your heart to change open up to that change the other one that came through the other energy that came through is no peace like home no matter where you go in life or what you do there is never going to be anywhere like home see how five and zero that’s five which equals change five is all about change and the changes are coming through as we know because we said open up that open your heart to change and then you’ve got change here again but here like home means that wherever you go and whatever you do you’ll always have your home to come back to I feel here that there’s areas that are going to take on new adventures um open up themselves to new places new people new opportunities but you’ll always call home your base that’s where your core is and there is no peace like home although the world can offer us a huge amount of Adventure we always love to come back to our home where we feel most comfortable and the thing here is that it’s more like a comfort zone for you Aries it’s a Zone where you can actually be who you are release all that energy and just be in peace and mind and there is no no peace like home and Aries most areas not all not all depending on what other signs you have in your chat but some areas are very high bodies their their home bodies and they love being at home so this month may be at a time where you you you are going to take on new changes you are going to do new things but there is no Pace like home a lot of those changes could also be that you change your home around you do or you move homes you move locations you move cities and you make a new home somewhere else okay here is that is your energy for July 2023 we’re going to go into the Tara but before we do that I want to announce that we have some great things happening in July 2023 I always celebrate mid-year celebration the year has gone so quick and we’ve got the back half of the year to be able to tune into what we truly want and now we’re going to offer you offer two subscribers a 30 minute reading with myself so if you’re not subscribed now would be a good time to do so it costs you nothing and whilst it costs you nothing it really helps our Channel grow so if you’d like to subscribe and to our current subscribers we are offering two readings that will be um that will be announced at the first week of August so for July get in your subscriptions stay subscribed and in August the first week of August we’re going to announce two winners of two free readings also I like to give back and I like to help people that’s why I’m here all the time so in July we’re actually going to do a 50 50 discount on all 30 and 60 Minute readings for July all the description to that and all the details and pricing are in the description below so please visit the description below for all the details and there is a 50 off on all 30 and 60 Minute readings however it needs to be booked in I can’t just let it go because last time we did this it was horrendous so all 30 and 60 Minute readings 50 off but please look at the description below for pricing and for the way that you need to book I need to schedule these books bookings in and I’ll only be able to do 5 five maximum six per day as it really takes a lot of energy plus I have my current clients so I hope that all makes sense lots of love and we’re going to get into your tarot reading now let’s go what about for Aries for July 2023 the Two of Pentacles decision summer some areas here will be making decisions and you’ll have options here Aries you’re going to have a couple of options here and you’re going to decide what’s best for you whatever you decide is going to be quite positive I see a rainbow in both decisions here I feel that some of you here are going to have a decision to go to another place another location and move that could be for work or it could be to start a new life and here we have asked you about the change so there are changes coming in for Aries here the three of Pentacles some of you here are really starting to focus on your savings on how you’re going to do things and some of you are going to be extremely smart with your savings and saving money for a rainy day you’re going to be careful here some of you of how much you spend and what you spend it on getting the best benefit for your money is what you’re after in July 2023 Aries for some here I really feel that some areas here it is a move for work it’s going to be a move that’s going to benefit you very much in your financial stability in your financial bringing in and here the change is going to be something that you will struggle with at the at the at first to find a way on how you will do this whilst maintaining your home and your family but I really do feel that at the end of it with the security that it’s going to bring you many of you will decide to move on the Knight of Swords coming up with new ideas new places new people new adventure you’re ready to go forward for some areas here I feel that you’re going to open up your wings in July 2023 you’re you’re sick of living the same old same old every day you’re going to want to have new adventure in your life you’re going to want to go and see new places come up with new ideas and you’re going to benefit from those ideas a lot of you will will say enough is enough and I’ve lived this for way too long it’s time that I start to live my life for a lot of you here you’ve been making sacrifices for family sacrifices for others and not really doing what you want to do I feel that in July 2023 you’re going to start to have that urge to do things differently the high priest is listening to your intuition listening to your wisdom and opening up those wings for better opportunities for better drive for better possibilities a lot of areas here will be opening up themselves to new adventures new places and new people even

if we go for areas

the Knight of Wands ready to move forward you’ve got two nights here one that is ready to move forward and with these Grand ideas there is see here we’ve got the Knight of Swords and the Knight of Wands that’s two nights and nights are movement their places their new ideas and here with the Knight of Wands you’re ready to go here you’re getting ready to set yourself up to move here you’re getting yourself set up to take on the new possibilities do the new things that life brings you but here you’re already on the move you are making the move that you’ve always wanted to make or you’re making a move that’s going to allow you to have better Prosperity better stability and bring in better possibilities for a better life I feel it’s all about a growth your Soul’s yearning for new things areas for some of you

okay what else have we got for Aries please do this what else have we got

you see what this one is The Wheel of Fortune absolutely I have no doubt Aries July 2023 for you is going to be about change you’ve got here open up to change you’ve got here the number five of change in the home and here You’ve Got The Wheel of Fortune all those three cards are based on change there is movement here if you fail to make that change Aries or if you’re hesitant or you’re procrastinating on some change the will of Fortune will force you to make that change this change is actually going to be great for you it’s going to be something that you need that’s going to bring Prosperity into your home and it’s going to allow you to think differently be different and you’ll feel that different energy a lot of you here are already feeling that energy of change coming you’re feeling that energy of Adventure and that you want change things for where they are now

a lot of change areas for for some of you here there’s a lot of change and look at the bottom of that the moving forward card it’s going to be prosperous prosperous of what you do and the prosperity is going to bring in stability for what you do hear the strength for some of you it’s going to require strength I know that some Aries don’t like change they don’t like going to new places meeting new people or even changing their whole our surroundings but here Aries it’s going to be what’s best for you you’re going to need strength to come up with or to go with the flow to go with that idea of change you’ll you’ll see that the hardest part of the change that’s coming in is that first step once you’ve made that first step the rest is going to be a lot easier for you that is going to require some strength and I feel that there’s some areas here that making this change they’re leaving important things and people behind and that’s what’s the hardest thing here Aries you know attach themselves to their family and their surroundings and here with the change that’s what’s going to be hard but you need to stand firm Aries for some areas here I feel that there’s decisions that you need to make that you’re going to need to stand firm you need to stand strong there are some areas here that are going to make some significant changes in their life and the decision is going to be a bit of a struggle to make that decision however I feel that the universe is helping you here and it’s saying use your wisdom and your intuition you’ve got what it takes stand firm and be strong in the decisions you’ve got to make for some of you here I feel that you may may be leaving a place that has meant a lot to you for a long long time and it could be that you have had this place from childhood or an area that you grew up in but now you’re being asked to move or to leave and go with a partner go to another country with your partner for work whatever it may be the Judgment there is a calling here for you to change with the judgment and the high priestess and the strength Aries there is a huge amount of calling here for you to make this change or make that decision that you’ve wanted to make for a long long time there are some areas here that have been procrastinating on making a powerful decision in their lives due to fear or the unknown or whatever it may be but the universe is saying police series now is the time for you to make this change because we are going to send you the Wheel of Fortune which means it’s going to be a force change go with the change and don’t fight the tides this Wheel of Fortune is like the tide it comes in and it takes you to a new place a new surrounding a new environment to a new circle of friends if we fail sometimes to understand why that change or we resist against that tide the tide pushes you anyway whether you want to or not so I feel here that some of you have just got to take that leap which I’m surprised I haven’t got the fool here I feel that this is a struggle this change comes with struggle this change comes with this big decisions that impact your life for some of you here it could be that you are making a change to move away from an environment that’s not so healthy for you but the calling is for you to change for you to take on that change and take on that new thing that’s come through let’s say what we have for your relationships because nothing came here up about relationships except for change there’s a lot of change going on but let’s see what the universe has for areas for relationships for July 2023 or major event relationships are major events let’s say what we have relationship or major events one card for relationships and one card for major events there you go decisions there’s going to be some choices that you need to make whether that be relationships or major events that’s going to require you to make decisions so those decisions are hugely important at the moment areas and we’ve got change in decisions throughout your reading so make no mistake the changes in the and the the choices that you make are going to be very important right now stand still if you don’t feel like making that change right now in June we’re still in June so going into July make sure that you prep yourself up for change you write all your pros and cons you have an understanding of what that change means for you and where you see yourself going

see what other advice we have for areas so we can close up and get you an angel as well what are their advice and that flu off so let me go get that

fork in the road decisions isn’t that bizarre you’re going to have two choices mainly two choices and we said that here with the terror see how the Oracle of the tarot speak with one another there is no mistake here Aries that there are books there is a fork in the road and two decisions that need to out of two things two situations two places two uh possibilities you’re going to need to make a choice you’re going to need to make decisions based on that

so get ready to evaluate what you need to do what is it that you need to do you’re consolidating say one and three there you’re consolidating all your ideas and all your wishes um and the pros and cons and then making that decision going into the the decision that you’ve made that fork in the road is going to be very decisive in your in your path one more card please for Aries thank you chop wood chop wood is all about when you’re chopping wood you’re getting it ready for the fireplace you’re getting it ready for something and here chopping wood is about you going through the whole process of this movement going through the decisions you’re making here four and two is stability finding the stability key points that you have coming from this decision what is it that drives you here what is it that you’re doing that’s going to take you to this place what has this place got to offer you what is this new home got to offer you this new group I feel here the people are changing locations they’re changing jobs but it’s all for the best and chop wood means that you would need to chop go through the whole process of doing that in order to achieve something down down the path something in the future is going to be all based on those decisions that you make chopping wood is about you spending the time to really look at the situation all the pros and the cons foreign

we have for the universe what Universe sorry what Angel is the universe going to send Aries what Angel there is

Aries Angel of Music you know whenever you’re down whenever you’re feeling down whenever you’re feeling in doubt whenever you’re scared or you’re in fear turn on some music it’s amazing what music does for us it lifts your vibration it takes you to another place and there’s messages in music you’ll be surprised that lyrics bring us messages from the universe that we didn’t even think of before listen to music when you’re down or making that decision listen to music as that may bring you answers to the questions you’re asking some lyrics in music are giving us the answers but we don’t see that you know how sometimes you listen to music and you go this is my song I can relate to this song so much then listen to music because there will be a song that you can relate to and that will bring you some answers that you’re very unsure of right now Aries lots of love and light remember to subscribe to be in the running for those free readings there’s two half an hour readings for free to two of our subscribers also if you want a personal Reading Please go on to the description below or the prices are there as we’ve got the 50 off for July only so lots of love and light and take care thank you bye-bye [Music] thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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