Aries Horoscope by Marie Rose | For the Next 6 Months

by | Jul 17, 2023 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope for the Next 6 Months of 2023

FREE Aries Horoscope for the next 6 Months of 2023. I have also be released the Aries Horoscopes For the month of July and the Love & Relationships For July 2023. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Aries Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today I don’t know if you saw the shorts for my energies for the next six months for each star sign but yours came up with the man holding a coin and number four and three which is don’t give up it’s number seven so here Aries I think the main card here comes to those at the moment that are waiting on an answer there is a man that’s going to come through within the next six months and change things for you you may be waiting on a job proposal you may be waiting on some news to come through about your financial worries that you have at the moment it may be um a court case that you’re going through in regards to financial situation it could be a divorce it could be something that hasn’t gone so right obviously to being caught and but here I feel that a lot of Aryans here are going to have someone of a male nature or masculine nature can be a female as well remember it’s only an energy and this person is going to help you with your financial status this may be a bank situation it may be an inheritance it may be a court case that’s being finalized it may be a promotion or it could be a new business or career that you go into but there’s going to be a huge presence of a male or a masculine energy in a female the other one here that I got was the book and the Books open here so there’s really no secrets here into what is happening number two and six is eight which is strength and power I really feel that this answer that you’re looking for or this proposal or this new uh answer that comes through is going to help you feel strong again feel stable in your life again I feel that many of you here were struggling struggling financially and when this help comes and it says don’t give up is it’s going to bring you an internal power a power of understanding where you are a power of understanding now what you can do with the possibilities that you have number 10 down here says it comes to an end and then comes to something that’s been worrying you excessively for some of you here you’ve been worrying a lot about your finances and I really feel that the next six months is going to sort that out for you let’s see what else we have with the tarot

for Aries place for the next six months thank you so much can we tell for the next six months please what’s man holding a coin information on man holding a coin face thank you it could be a female and a very strong one at that here the Queen of Wands is about moving forward either you’re going to gain the strength from this answer or this help and you’re going to move forward with a huge amount of force knowing where you are in your life and knowing where you’re going the other one it could be a female with a very masculine energy the Queen of Wands is very strong and at times can use more of the masculine energy in her than the feminine so it’s about thinking rationally and about um making something come to fruition from this financial struggle that you’re currently going through it’s going to move you forward and there you go I feel that many of you here are leaving a situation that was Less Pleasant a lot of you here are walking away from a battle that you had to deal with and now you’re going to understand where it is that you need to go you’re going to come out of that a lot stronger a lot more powerful and a lot more wiser than what you were before the trust that you put in people isn’t going to be a hundred percent anymore you might only trust people 70 or 60 until they prove to you that they’re solid in their in their who they are and what they come to represent

the other card here was the nine of Wands the end of a cycle of you being on your knees the end of a cycle of you wondering what’s next what else is there for me what else is coming in for me and I’ve been through a battle I’ve been through the times of battle where I tried to make things work I’ve been through this torment of trying to finalize this situation it’s really been taxing on you and I think a lot of you here are feeling exhausted there are a lot of areas that are exhausted there from dealing with the situation that they’ve had to deal with and a lot of that comes from your financial struggle that you’ve had okay what else what have we got for the book please tell me what we’ve got for the book open book place what would you like to tell us about that or for the next six months what does that mean thank you the many of you um this opening of knowledge is going to take you to new places a lot of you here may be wondering about starting something new about what you’ve studied you’re going to put into practice what you’ve learned along the way uh what life has taught you what you have taught yourself and what education has taught you you’re going to use that to move and advance in a different direction to where you are now a lot of you are going to gain the confidence that you need many of you here were not confident to move forward but now that you’ve got the knowledge that you need you’re going to put that into practice [Music] Aries place for the next six months Wheel of Fortune things start to change areas things start to change as soon as you gain this knowledge and this helps you have the clear indication of what you need to do in order for you to move forward there is no mistake that there’s going to be change in your life in the next six months and that change is going to benefit you in a big way remember here we had two and six which is power and strength you’ve gained the power and the strength that you needed from the learnings that you’ve had whether they be life experiences or whether they be educational you’re going to use those to move forward but with certainty and this change is coming to put you exactly where you need to be Aries so a lot of change in the next six months series and I feel that that’s going to be for the best one more car place one more card for Aries foreign taking you out of a situation of feeling alone taking you out of the situation that was a struggle I feel that some of you here have been through a struggling situation and now that’s coming to an end this change that’s here brings you to a new beginning a new way of looking at things in a new way of expressing yourself a lot of you here were holding things back you’re in a place where your opinion didn’t matter you felt that your opinion didn’t matter you felt that people were not listening and that when the going gets tough there was no one there to hold your hand but here I really feel that these changes are going to bring the stronger you out of within and you’re going to learn that the only person really that you can depend on at the end of the day is yourself you can depend on your family a hundred percent but you need to feel totally comfortable with who you are in these changes this is going to take you to that place of I understand who I am today I’m not the same person I was six months ago this next six months is going to be a growing um time it’s going to be a time of expansion within your soul is going to expand you’re going to have a clearer understanding of where you’re at all very positive areas and a lot of you have gone through some struggles what else do we have what’s another message that we have for Aries with the moon cards let’s see what the moon cards are bringing we’re okay

push through any insecurity areas that that’s exactly what we’ve been talking about you pushing through finding the new you putting yourself out there about putting yourself out there with a huge amount of confidence push through any of the insecurities that have come through the experiences you’ve been through a lot of you here have lost yourself have lost your power and not only that you’ve lost who you truly are that’s either been taken away through bad experiences that you’ve been through by a person that was quite manipulative and didn’t really ask for your opinion or care about that but I feel a lot of you here are gaining the security the the the sense of my being again and a lot of you here are going to be two two totally different people from when you started the year off to what your next six months is going to be gaining that power to understand what you truly stand for and who you truly are [Music] attend to the details Aries there may be a few things that come in order for things to finalize themselves and you may have to pay attention to some of the details that are coming through this may be through paperwork contracts anything to do with your stability and security you really need to pay attention to all the details if you’re signing a contract please make sure that you read the fine print make sure that there’s no Clauses there that holds you back or ties you into something that you are not comfortable with you need to be totally comfortable and here with the full moon last quarter moon in Virgo is to ground yourself Virgo is all about grounding themselves at Earth and ground yourself really take the time to understand what it is that you’re signing that you’re getting into that you’re agreeing to anything that requires you to commit you just need to make sure that this is the vital piece to you releasing yourself in a very comfortable but very uh confident way foreign

deck and see what we’ve got thank you the dog number four number one and four which is five it’s change sorry that’s the fox sorry apologies that’s the Box

two and seven is nine which is re-assessing everything and the letter

God’s place and we’re going to it the cross which is nine reassessment as well

oh no card please thank you and the Beautiful stars look at that number seven don’t give up air is here we’ve got a situation where you may receive a message and this is why it was saying to look at all the details here you may receive a message from someone that’s going to trial try you out someone that’s going to try and pull wool over your eyes you know someone that um comes across is being really really nice however just be aware and cautious in everything that you sign any messages that you receive always be aware of what they stand for make sure that you understand everything that you’re signing and everything that you’re agreeing to because there are going to be details that need to be looked into

and don’t let anyone make you feel insecure if you need time to read things through you tell them you’re not ready to sign I’m going to take this with me and when I totally understand it I’ll bring it back to you if they say oh but we needed to no I don’t sign anything unless I understand it that’s where you gain that power back you need to be very firm with you being absolutely secure with what you’re signing and what you’re agreeing to or putting yourself into so there might be that situation there where you’re reassessing everything that’s important to you Aries in the next six months you’ve made some sacrifices in your life you’ve sacrificed your time your love for people um that are close to you for your family but now you’re starting to reassess that and say I need to find my inner peace I need to find what makes me happy I need to be in a place of security I need to be in a place that I’m confident in and whilst I’ve made all these sacrifices and let me tell you some of them were not easy at all sometimes you asked yourself when is this going to end sometimes there were situations that you had to sacrifice in order to make the through the day or the week but you did it because you are strong you’re going to reassess everything that you’ve been through and now you’re going to find your place the place where you want to be for some of you here you may travel and it may maybe to a location that you will find your peace you will find who you truly are so don’t give up because you’ve come a long way Aries and there’s still a little bit to go but let me tell you in the next six months things are going to totally change that you’re not going to feel like you did in the first six months [Music] okay what’s the last message we have for Aries Place one last message last message thank you for the next six months exchanging gifts and two and seven is reassessing and you’re going to do a lot of reassessing exchanging gifts is about exchanging the knowledge and that that you gained through life it’s exchanging what you have and where you’ve come from you’re going to share that with people that are going through the same thing as you or have been through the same thing as you I really feel here that the gift that you’re going to exchange is your experience and your knowledge you are going to be able to help a lot of people Aries in what you’ve been through and what you’ve done and now you’re going to exchange that with people that need a helping hand that need you to give them hope need you to guide them through the situation that they’re going through beautiful areas I feel that that is a beautiful reading although you’re still making your way through some of the things that you’re working through some of the things that you’ve gone through you are on the right path you’re on in the right direction you just need to gain that power back to you that knowledge that experience that you’ve been through use that to make you secure but also very knowledgeable about signing things only only when you’re comfortable lots of love and light areas I hope this has helped please pass this on to others if you are wanting a free reading in the two readings that we’re doing please put yes in the comments if you can just put yes in the comments below I will know that you’re interested in one of the free readings for the subscribers thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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