Aries Horoscope by Marie Rose. Changes in July 2023

by | Jul 23, 2023 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Changes coming in July 2023

FREE Aries Horoscope Changes for the month of July 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

I would also suggest you to look back at the July Monthly Aries Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive throughout July 2023. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aries-horoscope-by-marie-rose-july-2023/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live I hope everyone is well today we’re going to see what the universe has to share with you for the next week so let’s see what we have for Aries please what have we got for Aries thank you the first one is a change in the Wind a change in the wind there is that’s your first one number three is growth we’ve got peace which is change as well

two cards please let’s see what else we have we’ve got Observer

this one is tick tock Aries from this start of this reading we’ve got a few of you here making a change right now there are things changing around you and you’re starting to move in the new direction that you’ve wanted to move in now that’s going to bring you some peace a lot of you hear a craving piece you want to go to a new location or you want to move to a new place that’s going to allow you to have that peace a lot of you here are craving this change craving change and peace and many of you here have been wanting this for a while it’s also going to bring you a lot of growth and with that growth I feel that it’s now time that you feel that it’s it’s you’re ready for change many of you have stayed in the same place for way too long and now you’re craving that change to happen and that’s going to bring the peace that you want for others here you’re looking for something and that could be looking for a job or you’re looking to start something new a new relationship a new career and you’ve been watching and observing what’s going on you’ve taken the Observer Outlook and here time is ticking I feel that for some areas here you’re feeling like you’re running out of time for some reason I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but you’re feeling like I’m running out of time I need to get this either agreed to or tied you know plans that need to be tied down so you know what you’re doing it’s all up in the air at the moment and I feel that you’re still looking to find the right place at the right time maybe you’re looking for homes a new home or you’re looking for a new job but I feel that time is ticking for some reason so I don’t know what that is let me know in the in the comments if this this is you this is also a general reading so don’t forget that um if this doesn’t resonate with you please leave it in the comments no sorry if this doesn’t resonate with you just check your ascendant and your moon sign if this does resonate with you then leave it in the comments and tell me what this is about because I feel that there’s some change and someone is looking for change for quite a few areas um I can see that some of you are looking for Change and some of you are craving peace and time is ticking so I feel like some of you may be on a time constraint for some reason and now you want to um put things in place so you’re more secure about what’s happening let’s see what the tarot has for you Tara got for Aries thank you the first one is the page of swords

what else have we got for Aries place thank you the Ten of swords

third one is tree sorry the three of swords

so a lot of thinking a lot of thinking going on in areas for some of you the Knight of Wands

the seven of the seven of Wands [Music] and the ace of cups and underneath that we have the Chariot which is moving forward and the empress look at that being creative and wanting to move forward with whatever it is that you’re doing Aries for some of you here I feel that there’s some something new that’s taking place and you want to change that because you’ve gone through a hard time in the past or you’ve got you’ve gone through a situation that needs to be changed and I feel that this change needs to be done because what you’ve what you’ve gone through now no longer serves you and here I feel that many of you have been either disappointed or disillusioned about an idea that you thought was going to work and in the end all that brought you was pain and sorrow for others here there’s going to be a message that comes through and it’s going to be a message for you to move forward it’s going to be a proposal that comes through for you or something that comes to be offered to you this could be someone that’s applied for a job the answer will come through now you need to just stand your ground and tell them how what you’re worth and obviously go in love you need to start something that’s going to bring you a lot of love and peace so I feel that Aries this reading here is definitely you moving on finding a new place gaining the peace that you’ve wanted for quite some time and I do feel like time is ticking so for some of you here it is a matter of getting this done and as soon as possible you want to tie things up and you don’t want to be living the life um that you had before

there’s something here that needs to be put to bed so you can rest in peace so you can rest and get on with your own life

foreign the four of Wands for many of you you’re going to find a beautiful time with your family there’s some changes coming for the family here and I feel that these changes have been waited waiting you’ve been waiting for these changes to come through for your family they’re going to bring you peace and I do feel that it’s something that you’ve wanted for quite some time the answers are going to come through

the page of Pentacles starting something new financially so this could be a new job for some of you it could be a new start in a new area for you it could be a start of a new business or a new adventure that you’ve wanted to do so for some areas here I do feel that there’s there’s Beginnings coming and there’s also this also could be that you’ve found out you’re pregnant um in the next couple of weeks and you’ll see that that’s going to bring a lot of happiness for your family it’s something that you’ve wanted for quite some time I do feel here that you may have been um wanting to fall pregnant and then that’s going to happen here what else do we have for Aries the five of cups for many of you you tried extremely hard in in one area of your life and you didn’t seem to find that right thing or the right answers coming through when now you’re going to start to see that things are going to start to move forward areas for you for some of you here it’s also about you standing up for your beliefs in some area of your life and and

about how you feel

for some of you um here as well there is there is also here that some of you have come out of a broken heart and you’ve gone through a relationship that tore you apart a little bit however there is going to be some new things coming on there is someone watching you and they are watching in anticipation and although you went through a relationship that challenged you that brought you a lot of pain and disappointment there is someone with their eye on you so for all you single ones maybe even married there’s someone that’s watching you and watch it and has been watching you and you’ll and I get the feeling here that someone here is watching your social media and seeing what you’re up to seeing what you’re doing they’re keeping tabs on how you’re going at the moment

The High Priestess a lot of you will get in touch with your spiritual side you want freedom you want Liberation for some of you here I feel that after many years or um or a long time of being stuck in a situation and really having to fight for everything that you have now is going to be the time that you want to free yourself and that freedom is going to come through Aries because I do feel that you’ve been looking for this for quite some time and time now is ticking sometimes we want things to happen yesterday and the universe is saying everything comes in good time and I feel that for some of you even though you’ve been through a hard time and you’ve been wanting this change to come through you’ve been wanting these answers to come through that everything has a time and a place and the universe is saying we’re going to give you that just be patient get in touch with your spiritual side and here we have the queen of cups someone here is going to help you through this stage that you’re in areas and I feel that it’s someone that you can count on it’s a female figure that is very loving this could be a mother an auntie a sister or someone that is very um close to you and they’re going to help you through the situation at times they’re going to give you their honest opinion and although sometimes that honest opinion can hurt it will be an honest opinion that you’re going to appreciate for the honesty

beautiful let’s say what we have for one of the last cards so we can close the reading one last card for Aries please thank you contract so for some of you here it may you are going to sign a contract in the next few days and or you could sign a job contract and that you’ve been waiting on time is ticking yes you need to make decisions but that is going to come through like I said so there may be contracts or agreements for some of you you may be in the jurisdictional area of court and you may be waiting on answers to come through

happy family so for many of you here you’re going to find that peace and that place of Harmony that place of love and that place that you’ve wanted for quite some time and here is the deceit card under the heart and the woman helping you there has been deceit in the past in your love life for some of you and that’s now going to come to an end you’re going to find that that with that help from that woman and um that that’s all going to work itself out here and I feel that now you’re going to after being deceived don’t give up because there is a lot more out there for you and a lot more pleasurable times ahead areas and Community I do feel that you’re going to spend more time out in the community you’re going to go to more events be part of a Social Circle that you weren’t part of before and here I really feel that a lot of people here are going to start going out again after this deception that they’ve been through and envy just be careful Aries that for some of you here that are going to make some moves and get a new job um open your horizons and move to New locations and changes that you don’t attract a lot of Envy there are people that we can trust but there are also people that want to know about our lives and all they want to know is for them to be able to take advantage of what we’re telling them and a lot of them do Envy us and sometimes what I say is if if there’s something in the process right now don’t tell people until it’s in concrete until you’ve signed all the paperwork or you’ve done all the appropriate steps patience look at that it is asking you to have patience things will come to you Aries just know that but the universe is saying please have patience don’t give up your decisions that you’ve made are all okay everything’s in process just um there are decisions that need to be made and behind the scenes things are working so be patient because things will happen at the right time at the right place all right I hope that’s helped if it hasn’t please if this hasn’t resonated with some people check your immune your moon and your ascendant sign lots of love and light thanks Aries bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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