Aquarius Horoscope|Powerful Psychic Forecast June WK 4

by | Nov 6, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For June Week 4 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and today we’re here to do your reading remember if it doesn’t resonate with you Aquarius to check either your moon sign and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun as there may be messages for you there thank you to everybody that comments likes and subscribed thank you so much from the bottom of my heart let’s go what have we got for Aquarius please what’s coming up for

Aquarius Knight of Swords Aquarius in a hurry in a hurry to complete something to start something the Ambitions there I’m feeling this ambition to get involved to start something new to get on with it to go and do it look at that the Chariot what are you starting Aquarius this is someone who is determined to start something new determined to get up and just go for it it’s like you’ve been thinking about an idea for quite some time and here you’re saying that’s it I need to put plans into place I need to do this I need to go here I need to do that the five of cups

I need to leave for someone here it’s like you’re leaving this place you’re leaving this relationship you’ve had enough you’re disappointed it’s you’re no longer going to do this

anymore someone may resign in their job especially if you’re in a job the moment that is not fulfilling you that it’s not bringing you excitement happiness or joy anymore every day you go to work it’s a chore every day you go somewhere or to this place or you’re in this relationship it’s heavier and heavier and heavier for you every day it’s like someone is cutting a tie here I’m cutting my tie with this place with this person or with these people but I’m going I’m

moving king of Pentacles for some of you it could be a boss you’re cutting your tie with somebody who has not appreciated you that has not promoted you like you deserved that has not paid you your your bonuses what your worth your value your time your effort for somebody else you could be leaving somebody who is very materialistic and is all they worry about is making money and and and their money and they’re making you feel inferior they’re not giving you value or even appreciating what you bring to this place or to this relationship

oh dear Aquarius this is you feeling abandoned even though you know that you’re going to be financially worse off by doing this action it’s worth it it’s like my sanity is worth more than what I’m getting here I can no longer no longer be treated in this way I feel abanded I’m disappointed I feel like I don’t get what I deserve I’m not appreciated I’m not

valued and there’s a tower there is my the baby Tower which is not a baby this is you throwing the towel in this is you for the first time in a long time Aquarius standing up for you standing up for your values your morals your worth standing up to those that don’t appreciate you standing up to that person or that group or that place that doesn’t value

you this is you throwing in the tower and look at that and it’s no mistake the sun is directly underneath

it’s the right it’s the right move and if you don’t do it the universe is going to going to do it for you Aquarius if you don’t decide to make the changes the universe will do it for

you okay let’s see what else we have with Aquarius please Aquarius while I’ve got you we’ve got this new reading and it’s an audio reading and what that is is I record for you once you give me your details and you’ve booked I record for you how your next 12 months will look and I give you the opportunity to ask three main questions that you have in any area of your life apart from health I can have a broad look but you need to go and visit a professional if it’s about health but what this does is I give you an overview of what the next 12 months will look like and you get three questions as well all the details if you’re interested are below in the description so it’s called an audio reading okay let’s go what else have we got for Aquarius

please what else have we got for Aquarius feeling stuck

Aquarius look at that you’re leaving after giving something everything it’s like you’ve given your all to something or to somebody you’ve given your love you’ve given everything you’ve got to this place or this person but now you call the shots now you say enough is enough I’ve given you my

all for a long time you were indecisive of whether you should do this or not but this is you deciding what do I have to lose what are the pros and cons yes am I going to be worse off to begin with probably but is it worth my sanity is it worth my health is it worth my mental being my mental sanity some of you were even feeling sick or always feeling sick and this was draining your energy the queen of fire I take control I take control I believe in who I am I believe I’ve got a lot to offer I know how much I’m worth and this place this relationship this group is not worth me

I take control of my life again I take control of where I choose to

be with a lot of wisdom I’ve I haven’t done this overnight I’ve contemplated I’ve thought this through I’ve planned this out and I know that this is the best idea the best step and the best path that I can

take I see my value I honor

myself the queen of water look at that I do this because I believe in who I I am and the self love I have for myself under no circumstances am I going to allow somebody else or a place to treat me in a bad way to tell me my worth to not appreciate my efforts or even a thank you for everything that I’ve done I know who I am and that’s why I’m throwing the it’s enough I’ve had enough of this situation of this person of these people I know who I am and I love who I

am tell me if this is you Aquarius tell me if this is you someone that’s not being appreciated for some of you you may be dealing with so you’ve got the queen of fire which is you taking action and feeling passionate about your beliefs and about your rights this is you really standing firm in what you believe in and here this is you giving the love that you deserve to yourself but you may be dealing with somebody of an earth sign which is a Virgo a Taurus or a Capricorn someone who’s very materialistic and only worries about the profits only worries about the money side of things doesn’t care about the people or a partner that worries only about making more money or working and doesn’t give you what you deserve what else do we have for Aquarius

Place work home this is definely a change in either your work environment or your

home I feel here that you’re Gathering your things here you’re Gathering you’re making your

plans it was a hard Road there’s been so many dark days there’s been so many days that you’ve gone home or you’ve taken yourself away from those around you so that you can grieve how you feel and it’s not a grieve of someone passing this is a grieve of not being appreciated of not being looked after of not being

valued but those dark days are coming to an end Aquarius you see your value you know who you are and what you deserve and it’s definitely not walking amongst the

darkness isn’t that funny when I lift at that look what’s underneath it the Ace of Earth A New Beginning for some of you 100% it’s a do with work you are going to have a new opportunity and a new job come your way you know that for some of you you’ve already planned it and you’ve already got a job to go to

the cat spiritual number number 11 you were given the strength and the power to do this move Aquarius your guides and your mentors are saying to you you deserve more do what you need to do to find your happiness and get out of this place get out of this relationship cut what you need to cut that no longer serves you free yourself cut that cord do you remember I said to you about cutting a cord that’s

it and look at that the empowerment and the stability that you’re going to find is going to be enormous this is going to give you that passion and that strength to find your stability even leaving this place or this relationship is already going to make you feel

better what else do we have for Aquarius please Aquarius last messages vir oh all flying out take change sorry take charge with authority remember I said to you this is you acting with this huge power within you of belief of strategy of planning take charge with authority you determine what you do

next you taking control of your own life trust your talents in Changing Times trust that you will either find another job that you will find your purpose and your path that this is not by

mistake sometimes we find this strength within us and we we don’t know where it’s come from but it’s like we’re being guided guided while we make these transitions while we make these changes connect with your emotions it’s okay to feel upset Aquarius it’s okay to cry it out it’s okay to tell people what you think don’t hold it inside anymore and connect with your emotions allow yourself to feel what you’re going through without

shame do with your head held

high harnessed harness Mystic power we just spoke about that it’s like you you don’t know where this strength has come from but it’s here and you’re using it to the best of your ability to change your circumstances that have been eating you for quite some time

Aquarius with that I say amen and I close that reading thank you so much for being here today lots of love and lot your way bye bye


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