Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot November Week 2

by | Nov 6, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments
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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 2

FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 2. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to share the next 7 to 14 days for Aquarius please remember Aquarius it’s a general reading so it won’t resonate with everybody if it doesn’t resonate with you please check your moon and your ascendant sign with which is also your Rising Sun okay message for Aquarius please energy for Aquarius energy thank you anxiety Aquarius anxiety for some of you you’re reassessing where you are right now and what has happened and that’s giving you a little bit of anxiety you may feel in the next couple of weeks a little bit upset you may feel a little bit anxious about something or you’re in search of a change or an answer that is bothering you and that’s bringing a little bit of anxiety into your life and feeling like you just can’t make something happen you’re feeling like I want to make this move and I want to change but I feel stuck and I can’t change something or I can’t do something because of someone or something else and that’s bringing you a lot of anxiety they’re not knowing the not not being able to move they’re not being able to do

something a worry you’ve got to worry about someone or something and that’s creating a lot of anxiety unrest within man holding a heart for some of you here look at that you got two nines Aquarius I’m talking to somebody here 99 and n look up that as angel numbers see what that message is that’s bringing you this but for someone here it could be to do with a relationship obviously it’s it’s someone here is are you suffering Aquarius of a broken relationship someone that promised you the world and delivered nothing or promised you the world and delivered only half made you promises that they couldn’t keep broke your heart and walked away a relationship that you gave yourself to and thought it was going to work is that you

Aquarius let’s see what else we have here because it may be different things here I might have here a group of aquarians that are going through anxiety for one purpose but then I have got Aquarius here that are going through anxiety to do with a broken up a broken relationship let’s see what the tarot has here for us Aquarius pleas what have we got for aquar o rest you need to rest rest your mind and your

soul see the worry is not is not doing you any good mentally physically you’re feeling tired exhausted okay let’s see what else have we got here for Aquarius please break up in a relationship or marriage worried extremely worried about something look at that the

fool what else have we got with the fool what else have we got major Arcana thank you the two of Cups it is a relationship that we’re talking about here definitely for someone here and it’s you taking a risk to you know what I get here Aquarius I’ve got here with these two cards alone and I’ll put more cards down to find out more but the first thing I’ve got here is someone has been asked to take a risk in regards to a relationship that could be that someone has asked you to move in with them or has asked you to move to another location to be with them and you’re just not sure what to do you don’t know whether that’s a good a good move or whether that’s going to be a good move because you have got a life somewhere else or you are somewhere else and you’re wondering you’re wondering whether this is going to be worth it whether you should do it and leave all your life behind not only your job but your friends your family all your um supportive network is in one area and this is someone that you’ve been asked to move to another location to be with your with a new new person in your life with your partner in your life let’s see what else comes up

the Five of Swords this may have caused arguments between the two of you this may have been an issue between the two of you being a part in in different locations being away from each other or your your partner has had to move for work or for some reason or go back to their country and now they’re asking you to move as well see what else have we got thanks yeah Six of Swords this is someone definitely that’s been asked to move or they’re moving to another location to be with someone that they’ve met or or their husband or partner that has that have moved to another location however this person I’m connecting to is in a huge amount of anxiety because they don’t want to leave their support network they don’t want to leave their friends and family and their feeling that if they don’t leave then there may not be a relationship because this person has said to them well how are we going to make it work if you don’t move here with me if you don’t move to where I live I can’t leave where I am because I’ve got bigger bigger um bigger reason to stay here and that’s caused a lot of arguments between the both of you tell me if this resonates this must resonate with somebody from being given this message what else have we got let me know Aquarius if this resonates with you at least I know I’ve reached the right person the temperance you deciding whether to take that leap of faith or not am I going to take this risk am I going to do this am I going to make this move is it going to be worth it is it going to work the four of Wands for some of you you want to build a family with this person for some of you it’s I want this person person to be you know my partner or I want to be with this person however it’s a big ask to it’s a big ask look at this and you looking at all your options for someone here you’ve been having arguments and now you’re looking at different options how are you going to make this work how are my what are my options in this circumstance what are my options with this arguing you know I need to come up with some ideas but I’ve got all these options and I just don’t know what to do and the Six of Swords is you going to clearer Waters you making a decision the seven of Pentacles I do feel here that Aquarius that whoever it is that’s moving to another location don’t fear because here you’re reaping all that you’ve given into this relationship you’re actually going to be quite successful in this relationship this man holding the heart it could be a woman this is an energy whether this is a woman or a man holding your heart it could be that this person is going to bring you a lot of prosperity into your life it’s going to be a choice that is not going to be a bad decision but the only person that can make that decision is you I don’t see any bad cards here I do see that it has been an issue in your relationship and it has been something that you’ve been fighting about this is not to resonate with everybody King of Swords for some of you you may be dealing with a Libra a gemini or an aquarius like you or this is you not being sure which way to go but you’re going to take that leap of faith you’re going to go with the flow and although it’s caused you a lot of anxiety and a lot of unrest it’s something that you’re going to risk for some maybe for one person here I don’t know

the four of Pentacles you want to create something magic with this person and in in your heart you’re thinking do I do I take this risk with this person is this going to give me everything that I want I want a beautiful family I’ve got things inside that I haven’t discussed with this person do they want what I want is m is making this move going to be good for me I haven’t told them how stressed I am about it or I have but I’m keeping things inside that I haven’t discussed what else have we got for Aquarius please what are the choices that they have to make whoops look at that new beginning the job you may be worried about Job proposals but you’re going to have quite a few options here so don’t don’t um don’t feel that you’re not going to have um proposals because you will you’re going to have quite a few options in work um and you are going to find a new job or a new career in this new place so you will you will find your feet in this new place if that’s what you’re going to do and move and here 10 of Wands for some of you here you feel like you’re the one carrying all the burdens here you feel that even though I’m moving deep down in your heart you’re still thinking why is it that I’ve got to move what is it that I’ve got to carry all my stuff over to Another Place Another locations why do I have to make the sacrifice why is it me having to make this big step why is it me having to leave my family leave my friends and leave what I know today to be with this new person for others here you’re going to this is totally different to what we’ve been talking about but for others here you’re going to have a new opportunity to go to a new location where that’s going to bring you a lot of abundance and that’s going to be a financial abundance so you’re leaving one job and going to a new job you’re sick and tired of carrying people and and carrying responsibilities and not getting paid well well now you start to um you’re going to go to a new place that pays you

well okay and what have we got here yeah look at that speak your truth do what you want to do make the decision that you want to make think rationally about what you want to do and be honest with who you are I do see here you looking at other options and other opportunities to leave and you will find your abundance you’ll be you’ll land on your feet if that’s what you were worried about here Aquarius you’re going to make decisions very rationally and you’ll always have a plan A and A Plan B this anxiety is going to stop once you move if that’s the option you’re going to take and you’ll see that there’s going to be propositions coming up for you that things are all going to work out let’s see what l Mard has for Aquarius please what have we got for Aquarius thank you yeah you’re going to be okay number nine again you’re very big with number nine Aquarius that’s the third card with number nine this person is going although you’re in a lot of anxiety right now you’re going to be okay with this person they’re going to be a really good friend not only as a lover or a partner but also so as your best friend number 999 that is look up number nine there’s a message there for you if you’re ever in doubt number 9 99 and 999 look up those three numbers in angel numbers there’ll be a message for you and it’s a message that you need to hear one of those angels are trying to send you that message one more message please thank you I have for someone here you are leaving you are going to get on that ship and you’re going to make your way to your loved one your partner or that special someone that’s asked you to move and that’s going to bring you a lot of growth you’re going to learn a lot through your experience through your travels and through your move that you’re actually going to be okay on your own and here number three again growth look up 33 and three that’s also big for you that don’t worry too much about how what other people say what other people cuz you may have people beside you saying don’t go how do you know it’s going to work what if they’re not good for you what are you going to do then you’re giving your life away for this person for this new location for this new situation do what you need to do grow grow and don’t worry about other people’s judgment or gossip or opinions you need to make this call for yourself Aquarius you you need to make this call because it’s right for you don’t worry about what other people say or what other people think this is your decision your choices one last message please there you go I don’t know how many people that’s going to resonate with Aquarius but whoever it is will know let me know if this is you and if I’ve reached someone that needed to hear

this last message is Oracle wait for important information Aquarius there you go there’s some information that needs to come through or will come through in the next week or two and that’s going to make your mind up or re reassure you of something just wait wait for that important information to come through you’re going to know once you get this information any doubts that you’ve got will be expressed in this new information that comes through you will have a very clear understanding of what to do Aquarius thank you so much for being here lots of love and light and I hope I’ve been able to help someone thank you [Music]


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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