Aquarius Horoscope | Powerful Tarot Insights for November

by | Nov 2, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius how are you today today we’re here to do your November forecast for 2023 so what I’m going to do today is use the 12 houses in the Zodiac uh astrology chat and tell you what those each houses like your money your home your romance your career your um unconscious thinking and feelings are and um and I’m going to bring that to you for November 2023 so let’s see what the main energy that we have for Aquarius is thank you remember Aquarius is a general reading however come back in the middle of November to see how this is all proc how this is all happening and resonates with you and if not check your moon and your ascendant sign remember if you want any personal private readings all the details are below in the description below okay let’s go Aquarius main energy for Aquarius please November 2023 main energy for Aquarius thank you Solutions Solutions Aquarius you’re going to find a lot of Solutions in November to questions that you had success that comes from objective compromise self-control and patience forgiving and healing energy so you’re going to find a lot of answers to those questions that will bring you the healing energies that you need so November it’s going to be a big month of changes that come through one and four is five which is changes but those changes and that those that news that comes through or anything like that is going to put your mind at ease it’s going to bring you the answers to the questions that you’ve had for quite some time I feel that maybe some of you here have been waiting for things to happen waiting for answers on on a few questions and here the solutions come through in November also remember that November Aquarius is a month where a lot of zodiac signs and a lot of people as such um start to look back on what 2023 brought them where they got to and now they’re starting to plan for 2024 so usually we find that November is a big sign for looking back reflecting and for making plans to move forward okay in another energy place for Scorpio sorry not Scorpio Aquarius sorry Aquarius you may you may have Scorpio in your sign or dealing with a Scorpio but that came up pretty quickly and I didn’t do Scorpio before you so I don’t know why Scorpio came in the fates so have faith in November that everything happens for a reason have faith in yourself in your power within in your confidence have faith that everything has a reason and a solution and everything happens for a purpose even though sometimes we can’t see that in November I feel that some of you are going to see that why things took so long why things happened the way that they did have faith in the process of what’s taking

place okay let’s see what we have for Aquarius please Aquarius for November in all the houses of the zodiac astrology cards thank you starting with house one which is yourself how are you going to be yourself in November what is Aquarius have for self in November Aquarius November please the house one thank you five of Pentacles Aquarius I don’t know what you’re going through right now but in November you may have a feeling of Despair to some extent loneliness Solitude you’re you’re finding it hard financially to make ends meet you may find yourself in November feeling that there’s going to have to be some solution to something that you’re going through and it’s something that’s weighing you down it’s something that’s making you feel like you’re in this situation on your own that there’s no there’s no one that can help you but what you’re not seeing is that there is going to be a solution that comes through and that’s why we got the solution that’s why we got have faith have faith that everything is going to work out I know that right now you can’t see a reason why but the strength that you’re gaining going through this process is going to help you with things that are going to come forward later on where are you with money let’s see how you’re feeling with money you’re waiting to collect money that belongs to you you’ve put out seeds you’ve planted seeds now you’re waiting for your Harvest for some of you you’re you’re waiting on some money to come through some money that’s owed to you or you’re waiting for some money that H that you haven’t seen in a while you’re waiting for that Harvest to come through it’s like you’re waiting for a job to come through for some of you you may be emplo unemployed and you’re waiting for this job you put out all your resumés but guess what in in November don’t be surprised if you get that job you get a job that brings you Financial stability again Aquarius although you may not see that right now there is a a there is something happening in November that’s going to change your financial stability something that you’ve worked on or something that you’ve put out into the universe asking for that for a return on what you’ve invested time into will bring back the money that you deserve what’s the communication like please communication for Aquarius in

November the four of Pentacles so Aquarius for some of you here you’re actually not discussing ing how you feel about a certain situation you’re not letting people know how you feel or you’re not letting people know how it’s bringing you down for some of you here you may also be hiding the fact that you’re struggling financially from your family and from your friends because you don’t want them to have pity on you or you don’t want them to worry about you so you for some of you here the communication you’re holding very close to your chest you’re not saying much about what’s happening around you you’re not saying saying much about what’s going on in your life right now and look at that it’s definitely finances whatever it is that you’re going through Aquarius it’s to do with finances your feeling that you you have put so much in and yet you’re not getting what you’ve given in return for some of you you’re you’re you’re losing your confidence and your power within because it’s challenging you what they’re saying is have faith there’s solutions for everything here Aquarius okay home what’s your home going to be like in in November house number four is home so what’s that going to be like in November for Aquarius please three of Pentacles look at that another another card of Pentacles and that is three of Pentacles you are safe saving you are putting up with a lot of things and saving every little penny that you’ve got in order to get yourself through to when that new job comes through when that new recognition comes through when that pay rise comes through when that promotion comes through you’re saving every little penny that you have you’re not being very free with your money but there’s definitely things here there’s some aquariuses here struggling with their finances at the moment it’s very little that comes in and what’s coming in you’re keeping very close to your chest you’re just waiting you’re waiting for your Harvest to come in you’ve done a lot of work and you’ve had little return you’re waiting for this to

happen okay let’s see what we’ve got for romance house five is romance what what’s aquarius’s romance look like how’s 53 Aquarius please romance in November 2023 thank you thank you the sun Aquarius you may not have all the money in the world that you desire but you’ve got romance coming into your life if you don’t have it already you will have it you know sometimes one area of our life is beautiful and the other area is not so great there’s it’s finding the balance between between the two but I feel that a lot of aquariuses here are going to have a very romantic November and although um there are worries it’s going to be a month of you seeing clearly what matters in life that yes you need money to live yes you need money to pay your bills but I feel that an aquarius here is either going to meet someone beautiful in their life or has someone beside them that’s beautiful okay let’s see what we have have for your health and routine Aquarius for November house six health and routine how does that look for Aquarius in November 2023 thank

you health have SE please thank you king of cups look I think Aquarius that your health is going to be okay if there’s anything that you notice you’re going to action it straight away you’re going to spend more time loving who you are and looking after yourself because you realize that if you don’t have health you won’t have anything so here Aquarius I have the feeling that you’ll be looking after yourself you’ll be exercising you’ll be doing things that improve your health in November 2023 it’s not going to be an issue at all and I do find that if any little things come up you’ll get that action straight away you’re not going to pull any punches you’re just going going to do what it is that you you need to do for some of you here in your finances you may also be dealing with um an earth sign and that is a Virgo a Taurus or a Capricorn or you may have that very big in your chart okay what have we got for overall relationships overall relationships which is house seven house seven for overall relationships for Aquarius please house seven for relationship sorry relationships for Aquarius November thank you the king of Wands overall your standing firm in your relationships you’re not allowing anybody to do or say anything that will put you off your track you know very much about what you want and you know how to go and get it it’s a matter of patience and waiting having faith because you’re very very intuitive Aquarius and not only that you’ve got the fire element in you which is to go get what you need to go get it may take time because we can’t control everything but I feel here that you’ve put out everything that you can control it’s only a matter of time before you sit in your throne again and have everything that you need around you you’ll be you’ll be comfortable you’re going to find your place again in November Aquarius especially those ones that were worried about finances you’re going to find the solutions to make that work okay what have we got for oh house number what are we up to house number eight we got house number eight for Aquarius which is intimacy and um debts your debts and Joint resources look at that the emperor you’re going to manage you’re going to pay off all your debts you’re going to take back the Reigns and the power through your knowledge and through your expertise I feel that you’ve been here before you’ve been in an area of struggle before and you knew how to get yourself out of it this is no different Aquarius you are going to find the solutions to master your financial difficulty that you’re facing right now for those of you that are you know how to do it you know what needs to happen and I do believe Aquarius that that’s only going to be a very little time have faith as Solutions are going to come through okay how are you with your spirituality and your Higher Learning and Adventure which is house nine page of cups look you always give your best you always help others and I feel that this is no different you want to help others and teach others certain things that you’ve leared in your life and that’s going to give you a sense of peace and Tranquility within so I do feel that you are going to start something new that allows you to help other people and allows you to share with others how you’ve been through things how you got through things that’s going to help your spirituality your self-esteem and make you feel a little bit more at peace with yourself you’re not going to allow your finances to overcome your life and your spirituality you do have faith okay what have we got for house 10 career house 10 career for Aquarius please for November house 10 career for November what does their career look like thank you Aquarius Three of Wands for some of you here you may be leaving a current job in order to get something that pays you better or you may be leaving a location that the life the life expenses are way too high I wouldn’t be surprised if you in your career start a new project a new um a new job that involves you dealing with people from overseas or going to another location for your job maybe this job that you get is a job that uh allows you to travel and go to different cities and places and countries but I do feel that a career here is going to be and you leave your current career and find something overseas in another city or in another state that pays you better or you can be dealing with people from overseas in your current role or this new role that you get because I really feel here that there’s either a promotion or you’re starting stting something new in November you’re setting the groundwork for you to be able to get the return okay what have we got with house 11 please for Aquarius for friendships friendships for Aquarius in November 2023 house 11 place for Aquarius thank you look at that the lovers look for some of your friendships they’re going to be amazing and you’re going to feel at ease you’re going to feel loved and that’s all going to be beautiful but for others you’re going to decide who you’re going to keep as your friends there are some friends there that you’ve got question marks over and those ones you’re going to make decisions on whether you continue to have their friendship or whether you continue to distance yourself from that friendship but whatever it is you’re going to decide who you keep with you who brings you lots of happiness and Tranquility into your life and who doesn’t so there’s going going to be an evaluation in your friendships of who you have and who you don’t in future reference okay let’s see what your unconscious mind is saying a little voice in your mind that keeps on going but you’re not understanding that that’s affecting you what is it that you secretly think of inside Aquarius house 12 unconscious mind oops unconscious mind for Aquarius please thir November 12 thank you the king of Pentacles that’s what you want you don’t want to be in this state of despair with your finances you want to be the king of Pentacles so I feel that in November Aquarius you’re going to do a lot of work and you’re going to want to conquer and get that Throne of the king of Pentacles you’re going from a despair card to being to wanting to be that is your aim that is the aim of the game in your mind that is where your determination lies I need to conquer what it is that I’m doing for me to reach that Throne that so belongs to me after all the hard work that I’ve put in I deserve to pick the fruits that that I deserve after all my hard work so you’re not sitting around on the couch eing popcorn you’re giving it everything you’ve got and this in your mind that’s what you want at the end of the day you just want stability financially where it allows you to do things that you want to do be who you want to be and it’s not the be all and end all but it is something that plays on your mind for quite some time and has so for quite some time okay what is a last message that we have for Aquarius please one more card for aquar Aquarius and then I’ll do one card for romance and we’ll close it up oops no that’s too many cards I can’t give them all that no one card please just one card for Aquarius please November 2023 what’s what’s the main message you want them to

have unlock the magic within it’s the magic Guardian Aquarius make no mistake unlock that magic that you have have within that’s what’s missing some people are holding back here you find that the Maj solution to your issue is that some of you are holding back from doing what you do best from being who you are the best from being true to who you are the minute you unlock the magic that you have within you’re going to see a big turnaround in what happens in your life and in November releasing that magic that you have within is going to be key to your success you’re magic Aquarius you are magic you need to believe and you need to unlock that magic that you have within I accept and I own that because Aquarius is my my Rising Sun which is my ascendant sign so I will accept that okay let’s see last message for romance please for Aquarius last last message for romance for Aquarius what is it something that they can want them to know okay soulmate yes this is your soulmate remember I said to you that even though you’ve got finances happening around you that romance brought in the sun Aquarius make no mistake for those of you that don’t have somebody you may just meet your soul soulmate for those of you that do have someone that more than likely is your soulmate because Aquarius doesn’t put up with rubbish they know what’s true they know who’s loyal and here Aquarius it is you meeting your soulmate or being with your soulmate although finances are important because we need that to live you have got one beautiful part of your life that’s that’s pretty magic and if you don’t you will so have faith that you’re going to meet that beautiful person allow the magic within you to shine Aquarius I hope that makes sense lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here today thank you


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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