Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot for the Year of 2024

by | Dec 4, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Yearly Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024

FREE Yearly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius how are you today we’re here to do your reading for the next year which is 2024 so these are predictions for 2024 this may resonate with people as we go along the year so save this video so you can go back and see from January to December what I’ve said here and see if this resonates with you throughout the year we’re all going to to your energies first so three energies first for 2024 and then we’re going to do lomad deck which is the um gypsy deck from January to December followed by a a compliment of the tarot from January to December and then finally we’ll have a message for you okay so let’s go Aquarius what have we got for Aquarius place for 2024 Aquarius 2024 please thank you what would you would you like to tell us for Aquarius for 2024 energies thank you first one is why Aquarius in 2024 you may have some questions and um you’ll be wondering why things happen why that happened why um you’ve been put in this situation why you need to do that there’ll be a lot of wise in uh 2024 for you but I’m sure that there’s going to be answers that come through so let’s see what else what other energies come through and we’ll find out why that why yeah okay second energy for Aquarius Aquarius please or you will understand a lot of wise you’ll understand why things turned out the way they did Treasure Island look at you Treasure Island you may be wondering why things took so long to find your Treasure Island you may be wondering why things turned out the way that they did or you had to go round about the long way to find an answer but everything had a process and a purpose for that last energy for Aquarius please last energy because you’re going to find your abundance and you’re going to know exactly where you’re going and message in a bottle look at that you receive a message and this message can be from people um that are in another country another city another state cuz there’s water there but it also can be a message that comes to you that’s going to bring you a lot of abundance and you may know then why things took time why things happened the way that they did you may have questions today that you have no answers for or you’re in despair about a certain thing but you’ll understand why things are taking the place that they are nothing happens for by mistake nothing aquarius so everything that happens happens for a reason okay let’s see what we have with lad please for Aquarius from January to December Aquarius we’re cing for that’s correct from January to December January please what have we got for January thank you the bouquet beautiful a gift that comes your way February February something new that you begin in February March please or a child March oops I’ll take the first one that fell and it’s the crops in March beautiful what have we got for April the Stars Things become clear may please may for April May the beginning of a new adventure May June please June the key you find your answers and solutions to the wise remember we had why here you find the answers and solutions to the wise okay July thank you

July the book the book there for you for July learnings August Place August first one place You’ got cards flying out the garden

okay September please for Aquarius September the fox October please for Aquarius October I’m going to take the first one take both okay they told me to take both so it’s the snake with the man in October there’s a a snake with a man November please the whip the Whip for November and Aquarius I’m laughing because this is my ascendant sign which is my Rising Sun so I’m with you in this reading I am so with you December the dog beautiful look at that okay so let’s see we we’re going to see what our challenging months are going to be and what our messages are here and I’ll compliment that now with the tarot so be patient with me and then we’ll go into it and explain every month for you and see what comes out of that January please bouquet bouquet the eight of Michael beautiful February please for the child February thank you the Ace of Michael March for the crops March for the crops thank you three of Raphael

beautiful April for the Stars April what’s going to become clear eight of Gabriel how beautiful and a may may for the new beginning what are we starting new may may what’s this new adventure I want to know what’s this new adventure for may may please for Aquarius the horse new Adventure New Beginning oh okay The Chariot I love this Aquarius no wonder it took so long to come out it was right at the bottom of the pack okay then we’ve got June what have we got what’s the key for June what’s the key for June thank you Knight of Ariel beautiful July the book what are we learning what are we learning in July what does that mean what does that mean for the book in July thank you the book for

July seven of

Michael okay for August please Garden August thank you strength okay strength for

August September please for the fox September for the fox September the two of mon

okay I want to know about this man and this snake for October place what do you mean by that thank you the queen of

Michael November for the whip

November the Knight of Michael and the last one December and then we’ll go straight into it the dog please the dog what did you mean by that new beginnings look at that okay let’s go Aquarius in January let’s see what we’ve got in January we’ve got a beautiful gift coming our way and you can be free from this it’s like something comes in January that sets you free it’s something that’s been holding you back and answers that you didn’t have solutions that you couldn’t find and you had a lot of questions about a lot of things why is it taking so long why is this happening why is this why do I feel stuck why am I in this position and here you’re going to find out in January a new a new answer a new solution where you find the answer to opening up new doors New Opportunities new possibilities and a new life in total see here how she’s opening up her gate she’s was opening up the gate she found the solution and the answers that she needed to be able to get in to this place she found the answers and solutions to be able to get this opportunity get the answers why why you are asking why in January you get a message a gift or something that explains a lot to you and explains why things took the time that they did okay that’s January February what have we got for February February is a new beginning you speak your truth and you start something new you want to now be true to who you are for many of you here you’ve put your life on hold you’ve put your dreams on hold you’ve put your goals on hold in February after this gift of knowing why and why things took the time that they did why things happened the way that they did you now are free to do what you want free to come up with new ideas new Concepts New Perspective a new project a new career a new social life a new Venture a new goal a new dream something new that is so important to you and that may be a childhood dream of yours it could be something that you’ve always wanted to do you’ve always had this dream and this goal of achieving and that’s in February Aquarius in March you’re going to celebrate Some Cuts that happen in your life something happens where you start to put a closure to things that no more or no longer serve you a chapter of your life that you went through that you no longer want to revisit it’s a chapter that many things happened and you came to terms with all of that but now you’ve planted new seeds and your you’re going to be super excited about what takes place next it’s like you’re turning a page in a book and saying now I start my chapter and I’m super excited about starting this new Venture being in this new place making these new plans having a new dream a new goal it’s like you’re excited about starting a new chapter and closing one that no longer serves

you in April in April Things become very clear and here you’re going to have very important insights in April Things become very clear for you don’t give up on what you’ve started or what your dreams are things may take place and you may receive communication that qu makes you question whether you’re on the right path whether you’re doing the right thing or whether you’re uh thinking correctly or whether you’re looking at things correctly and they’re saying keep going you will see very very clearly from communication that you receive or things that happen that you are on the right path keep going and don’t give up that’s in April

yeah oh sorry I’ll put that the other around so that’s April for you Aquarius in June in June there is no d out there is no doubt you may receive a message in June that makes you want to put things into place there is no stopping you here June is your month to make it work you may receive a message in June that sets you free it sets you free of UH responsibilities it sets you free um to do what you want to be where you want to see things that you want it sets you th free for a lot of things in June you will get an urge a determination to move forward with something like never before you know deep in your heart and your soul that this new beginning is right for you and there is no stopping you no stopping you aquarius so that’s May in May in May you I will you will either um enroll into something start something or whatever it is but in May is your big month big month of putting things into place putting processes into place new ideas knowing exactly where you’re going in June you find the key you know what makes you happy you know that you’re going to be okay you actually feel now Master number 33 it’s like this spiritual guidance that’s guiding you to the right place to the right thing and you start to put plans in place if you haven’t done so already you go with the plan that you’ve come up with you go with your new ideas and there’s no stopping you here you have found the opportunity here where you’re able to do your thing you’re on your mission now to find your Treasure Island and many of you will understand why things took the time that they did you needed to be in the right place at the right time for things to take place

so that’s June in June you become very aware of that you are in the right place at the right time in July you learn you take to learning in July you will start something new a new course a new learning a new language learning a new process learning new Solutions learning new things that you didn’t know before you are going to be in a better place but it’s going to give you more possibilities whatever you learn or you start to learn in July is actually going to open paths for you so whatever it is that you want to learn Aquarius you do that it’s going to be so important for you to open up those paths all that learning that you start in July is going to take you to paths you were not able to go to

before in August you may have to deal with something that happens around uh decisions that you need to make you may have to make some real tough decisions in August and that may be that you need to decide what’s more important in a situation you’ll understand why things turned out the way that they did for some of you it’s you making decisions and having the strength to believe in those decisions don’t let any anyone question you don’t let anyone put their opinion or their two Bob’s worth you don’t know you don’t want to know what others think this is a decision that you need to make Aquarius it’s a decision that you need to stay with and H be strong you got number 11 there the strength within you will take you to new places to new things making decisions that you need to make but you need to be strong to make those decisions so you may have to make a decision that takes you out of your comfort zone but know that that is there’s a reason for that yeah so know that there’s a purpose and a reason for everything here okay in September they’re the two choices so you need to you’ve got changes coming up in September as well and August and September is time for you to make changes and make choices without doubt and you will understand the why this needs to happen and there is no getting out of these decisions and there’s no getting out of these circumstance it’s going to be changes that bring upon decisions that you need to make whether that’s a decision to move to another location move homes move jobs move get out of relationships that no longer serve you um changes that you need to make that are right for you now in October this is the month I was worried about um Aquarius and that’s because we’ve got a snake and a man here and the first thing that came to me with that is that you may have a partner or a boyfriend or a man that’s very important in your life that may either one be going through health problems and you’re going to need to support them through this which means you’re going to need to stand super strong in October and that being super strong is to help this person that’s going through a transformation they may be going through a transformation in their health they may be going through a transformation in their career or they may be going through a transformation in what they believe in and you’ll need to stand super strong by this person the other thing here is for one or two people is that your partner your husband may do the wrong thing by you in October and I need to be honest Aquarius I’m not going to sit here and tell you how everything’s going to be pretty there there’s there could be a possibility of you being either lied to or um taken for granted your kindness and your heart taken for granted in October and you will not stand for that I can tell you that now you’re going to take your spade and you’re going to cut it as soon as you know about it it’s not going to be a thing that you let go for many months it’s not going to be a thing that you think twice about it’s going to be something that you cut out of your life very very quickly and very accurately so October is a month to maybe Be watchful there and I’m not saying that everybody is going to go through that cuz it’s only one or two people remember I said that so don’t go and ask your husband or your partner if they’re cheating on you in October because that may not be the case it’s going to be for one or two people

here Aquarius in November you cut something out of your life and something and for those of you that are cutting out a partner that may be it but some of you may be le cutting out friendship in your life people in your life jobs in your life a new career a a you’re cutting out an old career to start a new whatever it is that you’re doing you’re on A New Path you’re here ready to go and start something new you’re ready to go and find what else is there out there in my life for me I’m going to cut things out that no longer serve me I’m going to cut things people out of my life that only bring me negativity and I’m going to find my new life somewhere else in another place with somebody else or in um a place that I want to go to a new life a new career a new job a new romance anything that you’re cutting out and moving

on in December there you are with New Beginnings you will have a very beautiful person beside you and this does doesn’t have to be a partner this can be an absolute loyal friend that you’ve had for many years or you’ve found and you start new beginnings with this person this could be a new marriage it could be a new friend it could be a new partner it could be a new job it could be new alliances a new partnership anything it’s New Beginnings that you start and you will find someone that’s very loyal and very honest with you so in December get ready to meet new people be in new situations and move forward to a brand new life with someone beside you that will have your back and you know that they’ll do the right thing by

you okay Aquarius there you go well that’s your year Aquarius in in a nutshell really that’s 2024 it may resonate with you it may not check your moon and your ascendant sign and keep the video so that you can come back to it um as we go through in 2024 what’s the final message here that we have for Aquarius please okay that fell out pretty quick embrace the energy of Peace no matter what you do in 2024 Aquarius it’s time for you to embrace the energy of Peace it’s time for you to embrace and accept things happen for a reason see the wise in everything why this happened why this person did what they did to me and understand that everything has a purpose and a reason Aquarius they’re also asking me to go back and I’ll come back to that card go back to this October which has been meddling in my mind and they know it so they said go back and explain that this could be also a child a son you may have have a son that changes and transforms in some way shape or form and you need to be there for them it’s someone of great importance to you and this son or this partner remember I said you will have an important person in your life that’s a male that may be going through a transformation this could also be a father a husband a son or a brother but you need to be there for them in October so something will come out that of this that you may need to be there it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s always a wrong thing here it just means that someone may need your support in October right so embrace the energy of Peace in everything that you do in 2024 Aquarius I hope that this is a message that people need to hear and this will guide you through 2024 let me know as you start 2024 whether this is making sense for you you and come and visit this reading throughout 2024 it’s important I’ll also have it up in our website on our website in psychic.com.au this will also be there because I do post all the horoscopes on that um website because we’ve got two taror readings live.com for our International clients and um psychics live.com for all the Australian clients okay thank you so much for all your love and light and see you soon bye-bye

[Music] Aquarius

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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