Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 4
FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 4. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days it may go over a few days it may be less a few days but it’s thereabouts yeah let’s see what we have for you Aquarius thank you
Aquarius First Energy is surrender surrender surrender to the Divine surrender to what you believe in surrender to who you want to be or surrender to the changes that are taking place Aquarius you’ve got internal power and belief and now it’s time for you to surrender to your knowledge to your determination and to you your inner voice your
place what we talking about here release isn’t that funny because and look at discernment Aquarius there’s something going on that you can’t see clearly through and some of you are questioning whether this cycle is for you and for some you’re going to close a cycle finish a relationship walk away from something that no longer serves you you’re you’re you’ve been trying and trying and trying in either a relationship or a career that you don’t see any results in and that’s making you question whether you’re on that right path you need to take those clouds away from your eyes so you’re able to see the prosperity that lies ahead it’s an end of a cycle that no longer serves you end of relationships that no longer serve you people that have come into your life that have played a part in your life but now you understand they don’t play play or have a place in your life today that’s part of the release you’re releasing things now that no longer serve you you’re releasing relationships Partnerships social Gatherings Social Circles careers projects anything that you see that no longer serve you part of that growth and part of that reassessment of your life is to release what’s not working the other thing I found interesting here is we’ve got surrender and then release so surrender to what’s not working surrender to what you want to do where you want to be and if that if there are people or situations stopping you from accomplishing what you’ve got or where you want to go to release that energy release those people that those situations it’s about surrender hindering to the fact that you have some people or someone or something in your life right now that you know deep down in your heart are no good for you and that’s calling for release whether it’s a person a situation A circumstance a job whatever it is in your life for everyone it will be a different thing as everyone’s on different Journeys let me know if you can correspond with that or that resonates with you in some way shape or form that you know deep down in your heart you’ve got something that needs to go or someone that needs to go Aquarius also if you’re not a subscri to all our subscribers thank you so much for all your love your likes your comments I read every single comment and I do comment back and for those of you that aren’t um that aren’t subscribed it would be a good time right now as in the next week we will release December horoscopes which are a round table and then we’re going to release the 2024 forecast horoscopes and that’s going to be a double it’s going to be a double lot of cards that go out and you can visit that throughout the year to determine the month what’s happening in that month okay let’s go what have we got for Aquarius please Aquarius thank you 10 of Cups abundance if that’s what you want to achieve there’s things that need to happen if that’s what you want in your life you’ve got to surrender that there’s something that is affecting you from achieving that you’ve got to surrender to the realization that some people or something is stopping you from having that beautiful relationship or that beautiful time with your partner and the love that you
Justice and Six of Swords it is only just that you leave a certain situation or person that is not bringing you that happiness that you’re choosing for some of you you dream of having a family with a lot of happiness and for and you’re not getting that right now which is only questioning which is only making you realize that you need to come to the realization that you need to surrender to the fact that that person’s never going to make you happy therefore you’re going to need to release them release them or what they’re doing or something about
them you’re dreaming about what you want but what you have right now is not that at
all king of Pentacles you may be with someone at the moment that all they care about is money all they seem to care about is material things you’re not getting the love the time the nurture that you so deserve in your relationship you’re just with someone that is very materialistic and very money hungry and that’s all they think about this could also be in a career you know that you want to spend more time with your family however your boss could be so materialistic and money making that they don’t care how you feel they don’t care that you don’t spend time with your family they don’t care that you don’t have time for your family this is what’s making you want to leave this situation this relationship or this circumstance no longer do you want to be part of this anymore for some of you you may be dealing with um an earth sign which is Virgo Taurus or Capricorn so that may either be one your partner right now or it could be a boss that you’re dealing with that’s a Virgo Taurus or Capricorn very money orientated doesn’t have much emotion is very rational look at that you’re going to achieve what you want the minute you surrender to the knowledge that what you’ve got right now whether in any situation of your life whatever you have that’s not working you need to release the minute you do that you’ll see that things change quickly they change overnight because you’ve made a decision that you’re no longer going to put up with this person or this career or this boss this partner you want more you want Justice look at that Queen of Wands you’re going to take the approach of the Queen of Wands which is listen no more will I put up with this you either do it this way and we work together to achieve something you’re going to read someone the right act you’re going to tell somebody exactly how you feel there is no more walking on eggshells there is no more guessing no no more guessing it’s very just that you say it the way it is you take that fire energy and you could have Aries um sorry you could have Aries Leo or Sagittarius in your star sign or you could be dealing with someone as well that is an Aries a Leo or Sagittarius but you make it very very just that no longer are you going to be pushed around by materialistic attitudes that there’s more to life than just material you need you need money everyone needs money but I feel that this is someone that’s way being pushed way over look at that you’ve got magic Aquarius you’ve got magic don’t question your magic don’t qu question your capability move on if this place you’re in you’re working in if this project that you’re a part of if this partnership that you’ve got or this relationship that you’ve got no longer serves you release it release it as much as it’s hard and you’re going to have to surrender to that thought you in the long run will be so much better off release what is not good for you you release it you’ll create your own magic elsewhere you’ll stand up on your own two feet
elsewhere you don’t need to be mistreated the seven of Swords that’s you walking away absolutely and I do feel that this if this is a partner or a boss it is someone that that that I’m speaking to here that is dealing with an earth sign which is your ver your Taurus or your Capricorn someone that is very materialistic you’re walking away from this situation no longer do I want to live like this no longer do I have to watch every penny that I spend no longer do I just worry about working working working and don’t have anything else in my life I don’t want a part of that I want to live my
very strong here four of Wands I want to spend more time with my family I want the pleasure of having my family beside me I know what’s important to me I know what I want in my life and this person or this situation is stopping you from having this the happy ever after it’s now time to put a stop to that Aquarius they’re stopping you from the happy ever
after it’s you surrendering to the idea that this is never going to happen that this person look at that and you’re moving you are moving forward and not at 5 km no no this is someone that is speeding over the speed limit to get out of this situation you are in that car and you are in that carriage and you’re you are not looking back out of
here out of here I’m done done and dusted done and dusted no
more I’m not going to let my inner child go through this anymore you’re yearning for more you want more you want happiness you want Adventure you want to be loved you want to love you want life you want dreams dream you want dreams to become reality the dreams that you had as a child you want to make those dreams reality you want to live goals that you’ve always had you will master in this new place new location that you leave to you’re going to feed that inner child of yours and and say your dreams are not
dead for some of you here you’ve always had dreams that you didn’t accomplish now is going to be the time to do that
oops and there’s the two of cups make no mistake someone is walking out of a relationship here a relationship that is no worth no longer worth having a relationship that is only based on money and material material stuff no emotion No Love No Romance the only way that you two connected was through material things you’re letting go of that now it’s no longer it’s important but it’s not no longer the most
important it’s someone that’s fed up with living life working and not enjoying
it and with a person that’s very very materialistic down the path or now you’re going to speak your truth you’re going to lift that sword and speak your truth Aquarius this is your card yours Libra and Gemini here and you’re going to make a decision Aquarius you may have Libra gemini or or it may be well this Aquarius Libra and Gemini so this is definitely you but you may also have Libra or Gemini as well in your sign because decisions is balancing it out which is Libra balancing out what’s important the Justice card here is Libra as well so you may have those signs very strong and you’re going to become your own Master the decisions you make and the truth that you put out there is going to allow you to get to the emperor in control of your own destiny a master of what you want and who you
are this is an aquarius that is not going to back down now this is an aquarius that is on a mission and they they’re surrendering to what’s not working they’re surrendering to the thought of it’s no longer going to work but they’re going to release they’re going to release cuz they know they need to they’re surrendering to the thought of releasing whatever it is you’re looking for stability internal power understanding Focus you’re going to find your stability Aquarius through this you’re going to end up finding your stability and there’s the man figure that’s the end of a cycle with this energy if you’re a man it’s going to be a woman if you’re a woman it could be a man if you’re a woman it could be another woman if you’re a man it can be another man it doesn’t have um gender this is completing a cycle with someone that you’re dealing with in a love relationship or in something to do with something that once upon a time you loved which could be a career a social scene someone in the family look at that New Horizon New Dawn new home new location you’re leaving where you are today to build your
new okay one last message for Aquarius please you’re on the Move On The Move is going to be your title Aquarius because this is someone that is going to be on the Move doesn’t matter what circumstance you’re in right now you know within your heart and soul you’ve come to the realization that you need to
release feel loved and comforted that’s all you want you just want to feel Lov and comforted not driven by success only or money only there’s more to life that you want to live and feeling loved and comforted is one big thing here tell me if you can resonate with this reading take charge with authority don’t be scared Aquarius you’re not a scared sign you’re an adventurous sign you’re a determined sign you know what you want and the last thing you’re going to do is allow someone to walk all over you call what happens to you next you’re not going to allow that take charge with authority become the Lord in your own
life Aquarius with that I want to say thank you so much for being here lots of love and light your way look out for the 2024 forecast and the December forecast which is Round Table lots of love thank you so much Aquarius bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)