Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the Month of December 2023
FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that is only happening now, which you can evaluate to see if it has happened or is currently happening, as some readings may happen straight away or can take time to take place, depending on each persons journey. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today today we’re going to do your horoscopes for December and we’re going to start off with this giving you energies for the beginning of December mid December and end of December then we’re going into the tarot to do all the houses that are in the um astrology chart that will go into every detail of each of your areas of your your being and then we’re going to do the last message here that comes in for Aquarius for December 2023 so let’s go first with the energies that we have for Aquarius please I’ve already mixed these cards but we’ll give them another mix perfect okay what have we got for Aquarius for beginning of December please beginning of dece O wisdom Aquarius wisdom at the beginning of December you’re going to find yourself very knowledgeable very determined and know exactly what it is that you want that’s a master number 22 you can’t add those together it’s someone that knows who they are knows what they want and through the knowledge and experience that they’ve learned through their past experiences they’re going to make some very in informative decisions and decisions that are going to be for the best um of their being so that’s the first one so there’s quite a few Intelligent Decisions coming through there Aquarius for you making some decisions at the beginning of December mid December what have we got for mid December selflove look at that mid December is a time for you to indulge in who you are look at your wardrobe look at your skin care your health your exercise your being your understanding of who you are what you want it’s all about investing time and money in yourself mid December it’s not about what everyone else needs it’s not about what help everyone else wants it’s about you looking at yourself and looking at how you can improve yourself make yourself feel better and how um you see yourself basically it’s about giving yourself love that you deserve end of December what have we got for end of December around the FES season and holiday season for Aquarius please Aquarius thank you fear Aquarius something happens around the holiday season or the festive season which has you a little bit fearful and for some it may be that you’re worried about getting the whole family together there may be disputes in the family that you’re worried whether that’s going to cause more arguments being together or if someone or is going to cause a certain situation at a family function little things like that that you worry about right now some of you also may be worried about the festive season and the holiday season coming up and that you’re finding it hard to make ends meet as it is let alone the pressure of having to buy people gifts or the pressure of having to go away like everybody else so there’s a certain fear here um of going into the festive and holiday season here let’s see what that is I really need to understand this fear so I’ll take this card away once I’ve done it but I need to understand what this fear is what’s the fear that you hold at the end of December for Aquarius please what’s the fear card telling us Aquarius for end of December money money the fear is all around money and it’s all around you not being able to like I said before to make ends meet and to feel and feeling the pressure of having to keep up with everybody else when it’s very limited the amount of money that you have for this time of
year okay all right so let’s go in and do the um H houses so house one is all about self so let’s see how you’re going to feel in yourself in December what’s your self feeling like in December house one for Aquarius Place how are you going to feel thank you the world in in December you’re going to feel like it’s now time to end everything I’ve been doing and focus on me it’s all about you in December you’ve come to the conclusion that everyone is there and then they’re gone or everyone is there for a good time but not necessarily when you really need them and Aquarius you’re going to decide deci side that you’re going to look after yourself in many occasions whether it’s to do with other people in your life other things other situations that pop up at the end of the the day it’s you that matters and it stops with you the decisions stop with you the going forward stops with you it’s what you now want what you decide to
do okay income how does the income look for December has two house two income what does that look like for Aquarius please for December you’re going to be quite stent with your money and when I say that I mean you’ve got you might have some money but you’re going to be very very rational when it comes to using your money you’re not going to go by emotions you’re going to have a budget and you’re going to stick to it right to the scent you’re not going to go over and you’re not going to allow the pressure of the festive season and holiday season put a bigger dent in your wallet than you can actually afford to have so you’re going to think very wisely and very smartly about what you buy who you buy for and how you’re going to spend your money you’re going to spend it very wisely and there’s going to be a lot of cuts that you’re going to make around the festive season and holiday season you’re cutting things that you don’t need anymore you’re you’re getting rid of things that you don’t need anymore and it’s and it’s all about if you buy anything it’s definitely going to be an a must as a need rather than a want you’re not going to get your wants you’re just going to focus on your needs what you need on a day-to-day basis to survive okay communication what’s communication like P three for Aquarius please December P three thank beautiful you’re going to feel quite calm within yourself you’re going to feel nurtured or you’re going to show a lot of nurturing you’re going to feel at peace you know that mother motherly love that’s what you’re going to have in December showing that motherly love the creative the creative person that you can be this is a Libra card but it’s your your um air sign companion so you’re going to use your creativity to make things work and at the same time being very creative and saving money you’re also going to show your love your nurturing your caring to others and others will probably show you that too back yeah but it’s going to be a time of you nurturing who you are nurturing your material things nurturing your feelings nurturing the ones that you love and spending time and quality time with people that mean a lot to you okay home what what do we got for home for Aquarius house for house for place home it rules the home for Aquarius money money is going to be a concern around the home but that’s okay you’re going to do what you need to do to preserve what you have you may spend a little bit of money around the home but you are going to think of very creative ways on how you’re going to uh decorate your home with very little money necessary okay what have we got for romance how does romance look for Aquarius please M there may be a new love on the on the cards Aquarius for those of you that are looking for someone there may be a new love coming your way in December you may meet someone that is going to offer you genuine need to want to get to know you genuine um affection and show you that there is still hope Hope For Love And for those of you that are married you may do something together that’s new you may decide that you’re going to go away together or you’re going to spend some quality time together in the holiday season which everyone gets a little bit more time to
do okay what else have we got what have we got for health how are we looking for
health health is um overall your health Aquarius is pretty already good look there may be little niggly stuff that has happened in the past that comes back to haunt you a little bit um like aches and pains and that may come back and be of a little bit of a concern but it’s nothing that’s going to be tragic or nothing that’s going to um ask you to be hospitalized I hope um but if you’re very concerned about these niggly pains or these niggly things that return which you’ve had before and now it comes back it could even be Co you may get Co in your socializing in December and that returns just to knock you out for a few days but nothing that’s going to require hospitalization I don’t see anything here that could be of huge importance however if you feel that you’re not comfortable with what you’re going through you need to go to a doctor or you need to go to a hospital it’s better to be safe than sorry so check anything out that’s of concern okay partnership and Friendship House seven what have we got for partnership and friendship for Aquarius please partnership and
friendship in the past Aquarius you may have had um friends or Partnerships that didn’t work out false promises people promising you the world and showing you something totally different but what the universe is saying is there’s someone new coming into your life that’s not only going to be a a gem in your life they’re going to be a beautiful friend that offers you a lot of love that you deserve they’re not there to muck you around and they’re not there to give you false promises it’s a genuine person that comes into your life in December that’s going to show you some love caring and
nurturing okay so what else have we got what have we got for house eight which is intimacy how’s your intimacy going to be oh Aquarius for some of you Three of Wands some of you you may decide to catch up with friends that are not living near you they may be living overwater which means overseas in another state in another country in another city and you may have you may be traveling in December to go and see these people and that makes all the sense because the holiday the holiday period is when everyone catches up with everyone so I do feel here that there may be a little bit of intimacy with someone that’s from another country another city or another state you’ll be sharing things with others that are um that are in another place rather than where you
live sorry I don’t one sec one card just got stuck to my elbow all right what else have we got Adventure what Adventure do you have coming for you in December what’s an adventure that’s coming ha Aquarius beautiful the death card and you’re probably thinking what beautiful how can you say beautiful to the death card the death card means that in your adventure you’re going to put things to bed that no longer suit you you’re going to try new things it’s a transformation card you may be looking at things in a different way looking at things and thinking about things in a totally different perspective you’re transforming what you thought and how you saw things to a new way of seeing things and a new way of thinking it’s a it’s a time in your adventure um to create new adventures create new things in your life get away from the old that no longer serve you bringing in the new will bring you Adventure that you so crave Aquarius career what have we got for career indecision about career you’re not sure about what you’re doing right now Aquarius you’re not sure whether you want to stay you want to go whether it’s fulfilling your needs if it’s not whether you can go elsewhere and get more money for what you’re doing there’s a a bit of uncertainty around the career um place in December it’s also a a it’s also a card of if you’ve applied for a new job then give it time give it time cuz the temperance is it’s a weighing it’s a weighing card it’s like wait and you’ll see that things do come through so don’t give up Gemini uh Gemini wow why am I saying Gemini when it’s an aquarius you may be dealing with a Gemini here or you may have a Gemini um Gemini hor um energy very strong in your chart so here Aquarius it’s all about you making decisions um or looking at things and really evaluating how valuable they are in your career and if you want to make that change for those of you that are waiting for a job then just wait a little bit longer it’ll come through it’s a card of patience it’s a card of wait it’s a card of decisions it’s a card of um just waiting and seeing how it all goes some of you are evaluating what you want to do and that’s perfect okay wishes what are long-term wishes for house 11 for Aquarius your long-term wishes for some of you here is to meet that beautiful person that takes you by other hand and show shows you what Love’s all about for many of you here you’re you’re wanting to meet your soulmate your soul partner that’s going to be a partner that’s always going to have your back you don’t need to worry about them being unfaithful or being Liars or anything like that you just want someone that’s going to be as genuine as they they show themselves to be and true to who they are you also want someone that’s going to accept you for who you are and love you the way you want to be loved and cared for others it’s your wishes if you’re in a relationship you’re probably wishing that you spend more time with your partner you spend more quality time with your partner you have a little bit more romance in your relationship for some of you you may be feeling that your Ro your relationship has stagnated and you’re wanting that spark to come up again in your romance and that’s your wish yeah what’s in your unconscious mind here Aquarius what’s something that you think think about but you don’t necessarily discuss and you’ve probably put that in the back burner thinking I don’t have time to deal with that right now maybe one day I’ll action it so let’s see what’s in the unconscious mind for Aquarius place for December house 12 unconscious mind for Aquarius for December thank you two what are you thinking about look at that for some of you you may be for some it’s a broken heart that you’re still mending it’s you thinking about you’ve put in the back burner um and you don’t really want to go back there because it was quite painful it was quite traumatic and for some of you you don’t want to deal with this broken heart but sometime Aquarius and and the best time would be now for you to face what you feel be o okay with your feelings in regards to that that episode with that person with that situation so that way you can clean slate and go into 2024 with a clearer understanding why things happen the way they did the the sooner we Face things and I know it’s easier said than done because when you’ve got a broken heart you’ve got a broken heart and the last thing you want to do is talk to other people socialize with other people go out you don’t trust anybody um and being there done that yeah so the thing is that somehow in your heart of All Hearts while you’re mending Your Heart part of that mending is going to be to face what happened and come to the realization that something’s have a purpose and a reason others here are wanting to find the love of their life you’re wanting to find that beautiful prince charming that comes into your life and takes you by by surprise and takes you away and shows you all the beautiful things that love has to offer and that’s that’s what someone’s got in their unconscious mind here tell me if this is you and if you can resonate with any parts of this reading okay Aquarius that’s your your December as a whole now let’s see what the last message for Aquarius placees what’s the last message we’ve got here for Aquarius one last message do you want Aquarius tonight thank you mountains stand your ground stand your ground in what you believe in Aquarius stand your ground in your opinions in what you want what’s good for you stand your ground if you’re ever faced with any challenges or people um combating you to change your opinion stand your ground stand your ground and know who you are know what you want and know what you believe in and don’t let others opinions others judgment sway you from being Who You Are well Aquarius that is that I hope you’ve enjoyed that December reading let me know in the comments if you’ve liked any of that and if you can relate to any of that lots of love and light your way and thank you so much
[Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)