Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot For December

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023

FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 10 to 14 days Aquarius we’ve already got the December forecast and the 2024 predictions up in our channel so please view those they’ll also appear here in this video and click on to those after this video so you can see if you haven’t seen already okay today we’re going to do your horoscopes for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with an intent with um intention cards then we’re going to go into two lots of tarot and a message at the end for Aquarius so let’s go and put this forward and see what we have for Aquarius please okay first energy for Aquarius please what have you got in Aquarius please I’ve mixed all the cards Aquarius in your energy Cycles Aquarius if you’re going through anything right now just remember that everything has Cycles the moon card came out here for you there may be changes that have been on the horizon for you and those changes are coming in for a reason and a purpose everything has cycles and Tides go in and out the Moon is still very much in control in 2023 and this here um for December is showing you that there may be ups and downs in life but everything happens for a reason it brings in changes that we need to see it brings in changes that we need to adapt to and it also brings changes that are only going to complement our life in a better way even if you feel or you you don’t see a reason why that’s happening just remember that everything happens in Cycles so if you’re going through a bad time right now it’s only going to get

better okay what else have we got for Aquarius please what else have we got for Aquarius thank you what other energies do we have for

Aquarius thank you diversity and the forest remember that everything changes people change paths that we’re on change it’s important that we adapt to the diversity that comes into our life how things change but we don’t give up we never give up Aquarius remember these cycles that are coming through May test you and then you got the diversity card so that there may be things happening right now in your life that are very diverse and that you’re not enjoying at all but and let me know in the comments if this is you but just know that there are cycles that change and don’t give up through the diversity that presents itself in your life everything has a purpose and a reason and no one is going to leave you alone you’re not alone your mentors and your guides are are there to guide you through your journey for you to see look at this this jumped out of the deck the owl see things from a different perspective put an end to things that no longer serve you use your intuition to guide you on the right path in making the right decisions that are right for you use that owl concept of seeing things that no one else can hand of being able to complete a cycle and move on to a new change a new change that’s going to compliment who you are and be better for you in the long run it’s about you looking at the changes from a different perspective looking at what’s happening around you in a different way in a different light why am I going through this why is this happening to me just know that all the diversity that happens in our lives and not for us to give up it’s there for us to one pay attention to what’s important two see a different way of seeing things and understand that there’s always going to be different Cycles in our life some that are great some that are good and some that are not so

great and on the bottom we’ve got the flow how appropriate go with the flow you’ve got 32 here which is changes and you’ve got 22 sorry 23 here which is changes number five 55 look up angel number 55 on Google there’ll be a message there for you and it was by no mistake that you’ve got two waters flowing here it’s time for you to accept the change that are coming through and go with the flow if you learn to go with the flow things will be less painful for you things will be more accepting and you will understand later on why things took the took place in the manner that they did Aquarius you may be dealing with someone of a water sign which is um Scorpio Pisces or cancer here and the changes may be involving a person with a water sign here as

well very strong the element of water here so a Pisces Scorpio or a cancer may be involved with you here Aquarius in these

changes what else do we have for Aquarius please let me know in the comments if this is making sense so far if you’re in this place of change or not understanding what change is are taking place okay what have we got for Aquarius please

Aquarius Three of Wands it’s time for change it’s time for you to look out on the horizon and see what else is out there for you it’s time for you to take that trip that you’ve so wanted to take it’s time to you for you to leave a location that no longer serves you it’s time for you to travel and do what you want to do or it’s time for you to go to another place another city another country and resume what it is that you need to

do some of you are feeling a pull here a pull for change a pull for going somewhere else you’ve got an urge here to leave the chaos behind and and take a holiday go somewhere where there’s water where you see calm where you feel peace diversity what is the diversity telling us travel know that this diversity is only taking you forward the diversity that’s coming into your life or is in your life right now now it’s not for you to give up it’s for you to take that Leap Forward and do what you’ve always wanted to do do what you’ve always dreamt of doing and go forward with abundance with faith but more than anything go forward and don’t give up on what you’ve done so far on what you’ve worked for and what you’ve wanted to achieve don’t let anybody stop you from moving forward Aquarius this is your time your time to bring diversity back into your life to bring change to see things differently use your

intuition Aquarius please what else have we got for Aquarius thank you the high priestess and there again look at that water

there’s a huge amount of water here in your in your reading go to where there’s water Aquarius and allow yourself to take time to see how the water runs somewhere there you’re going to find an answer an inspiration a

thought peace tranquility you’re going to see something that you couldn’t see before you’re going to understand something that you couldn’t understand before the high priestess is all about you being in control of what happens next you setting yourself free from things that stopped you from moving forward and setting yourself free from a life that you no longer want to live seeing things differently understanding why things are happening use your intuition to guide you and on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the page of Wands A New Beginning a new vision a new understanding a new place of moving forward beginning something new and prosperous beginning something new that you’ve always wanted to do following that dream following that goal going with the flow allow yourself to go with the flow and if your soul and spirit are guiding you in a certain direction then go with that nothing happens by mistake there’s always a purpose and a reason what’s another we’re using the second deck now to clarify all of that Aquarius what have we got for Aquarius please Aquarius

Knight of Wands time to get on that horse and move forward leave a place behind that no longer serves you leave people behind that blocked you and stopped you understand your journey follow your heart and your soul into that change allow the new Cycles the new beginning to to come through Aquarius place for diversity and eight of Wands diversity and eight of

Wands for many of you here you spent a lot of nights crying a lot of lost sleep worrying about what’s going to happen about where you are right now and things are not with what they’re supposed to be wishing and hoping that things would change the universe has listened to this Aquarius they’ve seen you crying at night they’ve seen you unsettled in your sleep your mentors and your guides are here to say Aquarius it is time now to get on the back of that horse and ride to where you want to go do what you want to

do move forward and do what you want to do even if it’s it’s different to what your ancestors have done what your family has done go with what your heart and soul is asking you to do but the the biggest thing here is don’t give up Al intuition and high priestess what would you like to tell us about the intuition and the high

priestess giving it is time time now to give and to take the universe is giving you a chance to see things and do things that you’ve always wanted the universe is also closing a chapter for you but are you going to listen are you going to use your intuition you’ve been given a gift a possibility an opportunity that you’ve asked for what are you going to do with that Aquarius use your intuition when making decisions and know that you’ve been given this for a purpose and a

reason you have a mission here to complete it’s by no mistake that things are taking place the way that they

should and look at on the bottom of that deck the the devil and the eight of Swords this is where you’ve been you’ve been self sabotaging yourself telling yourself that you can’t move you can’t leave where in reality you can you’re just not seeing how Aquarius for some of you here you may have felt that there’s something of someone holding you back that there’s someone or someone sorry there’s someone or something locking you or blocking you from moving forward is that an illusion of yours or is it real and if it’s real then you will understand that you’re going to get an opportunity to allow yourself to get out of these ropes to get away from these Spades and the self- sabotaging that you’ve been doing if you have a dream or a goal believe don’t allow yourself to feel blocked and feel like you can’t move forward because of this person because of that

situation very soon look at that and the emperor you’re going to oh look at that look at that the emperor and the Ace of Wands straight underneath that it is time to move forward you’re going to be given an opportunity of a lifetime here Aquarius and you’re going to take your throne again when you believe and when you hold your head up high knowing your value the changes that are coming through are for you to go with the flow allow yourself to Follow That Dream allow yourself to follow that goal without hesitation without guilt and without fear you are an emperor you’re not here to be messed with you may have Aries very strongly in your sign as well which will give you that power to move forward what else have we got here for Aquarius please what else thank you bring love into the situation whatever it is that you’re dealing with bring love into the situation sometimes when we fight against the tide we argue and we don’t want to move because we’re in a comfort zone or we feel like we we have to stay here for a certain period for somebody or for something bring love into that situation allow yourself to live what you want to live and allow yourself to love what your where you are and who you you are know that changes are happening for a reason and that’s new moon in aquarius so that’s you what else have we got for Aquarius please one more message for Aquarius tell me in the comments if you can relate to this Aquarius are you feeling blocked and stuck show the world the real you Aquarius it’s not M it’s not a mistake look at this new moon in Aquarius which is you full moon in Aquarius it’s calling for you Aquarius it’s not a mistake bring love into the situation of what you’re going through and show the world the real you don’t hide who you are don’t be afraid to be who you are don’t be afraid to show your capability your gift your love you’ve got a lot to offer Aquarius yes it’s now time for you to

believe believe in who you are my love and this I am feeling this with you because my Rising Sun ascendant sign is in aquarius so I feel this energy with you it’s time for us to believe and know that the changes that are coming through are coming for a purpose and a reason let me know in the comments comments Aquarius if you are going through this if you can resonate with this if not check your moon and your ascendant sign lots of love and light thank you Aquarius


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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