Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 3

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 3, 2023

FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 3, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius how are you today my name’s Marie Rose from tarotreadingslive.com and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days for all the aquarians that are not sure yet we’re going to um do two energies then two tarot and then finish off with a message from the Moon deck okay if you’re not aware I have done the 2024 predictions and the um the December forecasts as well for your sign so you’re more than welcome to go into the channel and have a look at those so let’s see what energy comes up for Aquarius and let’s see what we’ve got for the next 7 to 14 days remember it’s a general reading it’s not going to um resonate with everybody check your moon and your ascendant sign as well energy for Aquarius please Aquarius the lovers it’s time for you to um enjoy either love in your life or you’re going to find love for your life number six is bringing stability into your life it’s like for some of you here it’s making a choice about relationships in your life that you have right now or encouraging you to spend more time with your loved ones especially your partner and if you don’t have one it’s about putting yourself out there and opening your heart to find a beautiful new person to enter your life for some Aquarius here you’ve shut yourself off from the world and from wanting to meet somebody in the fear of getting hurt but the universe is saying you need to let go of that not everybody is the same let’s see what else we have for your Aquarius what else do we have for Aquarius community put yourself out there Aquarius this is a time for you to put yourself out into the community do beautiful things for those of you for those that you love bring do things that are exciting have you know in a relationship it’s you’ll go through your good times and your challenging times but you need to have fun together and it’s like go out into the community go and see things do things do adventures together spend time together that’s valuable for those of you that don’t have a partner it’s you releasing those preconceived ideas that you’re not going to meet anyone or that there’s no one out there for you or that you haven’t met your soul partner yet and your list is so long put away the list go out and have fun get out into the community put yourself out there open open up to Opportunities open up to getting to know people and the universe is saying it’s time now Aquarius for you to let go of preconceived ideas of hurts and pains that you’ve had in the past in order for you to meet someone and for someone to fulfill and add to your beautiful life you need to allow yourself to release any ideas of not being able to find someone okay let’s go and see what else we have let’s see what the tarot is going to bring us about the lovers what do they trying to tell us here those was the first general messages but let’s see what the tarot

has Victorious look at that many aquarians are going to find victory in their love life Victory with the decisions that they make Victory with with finding a bond with somebody that you may feel that you’ve known this person before and you probably have in your past life nothing happens by mistake there’s always a purpose and a reason but for many of you here you’re going to meet somebody and someone that’s going to bring you a lot of love and a lot of care and respect make you the number one person in their life see those limelights that’s you you standing there and thanking your higher Creator your angels your guides your mentors for the person that they’ve brought into your life for others it’s you finding that your partner and your loved one or loved ones are a cherish in your life being grateful for who you have oh look there’s no mistake there’s the lovers card again there’s love in the air Aquarius get ready for those of you that thought you could not meet anybody that thought that you will never meet somebody just wait until the festive season and the holiday season there is absolutely someone here for you absolutely let me know in the comments if this is you hoping to find that beautiful person there is definitely someone meeting someone here A New Beginning A New Beginning that’s going to fulfill you fulfill your life bring a lot of pro Prosperity into your life they’re going to add to the happiness add to the the feeling of

belonging what do we got with Community here for Aquarius the choices you’re going to have choices there’s something that’s taking place around you that’s going to give you choices Aquarius you may choose to be part of an organization a social um social Gathering a Christmas party or a a seasonal party something that allows you to have choices I don’t think you’re only going to meet one person here I feel that there’s more than one person coming your way and if that’s the case open up to the possibility of finding that beautiful person for those of you already in a relationship it’s going to it’s like in the next 7 to 14 days it’s going to spark something new in your relationship and maybe a new a baby comes into your life maybe a new Prospect a new thing that you’re doing together King of Swords for some of you here there’s going to be some choices that you need to make and you’re going to need to think quite rational about that it’s got something to do with the community so you may be working with Community or you may be working or applying for a job in the community and a few choices are going to come up so those of you that are looking for work there is opportunities coming there for you use your rationality when making your

choice it’s like it’s like things are coming to the Forefront in the next 7 to 14 days for some of you it’s about moving away from a location or a job or a career or a project that you are no longer happy in it’s about you starting a new adventure a new life a new way where are you going to next Aquarius what is something that you’ve always wanted to conquer what’s something that your spirit and your soul is asking you to do it’s something to do with serving the community here so I don’t know what it is that you want to do or jobs that you you have in mind that you want to be part of but there’s definitely something there about you being part of the community and but you’re going to have choice ches and look at that Ace of Pentacles there is absolutely a new opportunity a new career a new job opportunity a possibility of growth of promotion in where you are but I do feel here that it’s you changing there’s a change here of career there’s a change here of the direction you want to go in there’s something new that you want to do here what else have we got for Aquarius pleas for the lovers love

side remember I said to you there is Victory here you’re going to find your prosperity in the next 7 to 14 days and it may not be for you to start in December because we’re going to the end of December now but this is for you to start a new adventure a New Prospect something you’ve wanted it’s going to be a victory for you and it’s something that’s going to be prosperous and abundant for some of you here you may start a business with your partner or with a loved one for someone else it’s you meeting someone at work you could meet someone at a work function you could meet someone at

work look at that as a child you may have asked for the most beautiful person to come into your life you’ve always had that dream of finding your Mr Right and that happens now in December to January for others it’s you’re a bit nostalgic maybe you’re living away from your partner at the moment and it at the in the festive season and holiday season this person returns and it’s like you’ve got so much to catch up on you’ve got so much you want to say so much you want to feel and do together it’s like for someone here you may have been separated from your partner for work reasons or for whatever reason it may be but it’s like you’re living away from your partner for some reason and that is going to bring a beautiful connection when that arrives when he arrives he or she for many of you here you want to start something new you want to start a new relationship but you have been through some difficult times you’ve been through some challenging relationships relationships that left you questioning whether you are going to ever meet the right person for you whether you are ever going to meet your soul partner and here Aquarius they say yes there is someone special out there for you you just need to believe and clear the Slate go in the same vibration if you want something new then you need a new vibration here you need to let go of the past hurts and allow yourself to love again and be

loved for those of you here that have applied for a job there is a decision that you’re going to need to make you may get some choices and I do feel that there’s there’s a decision between two roles here there’s going to be two opportunities two proposals here that you may need to choose from and you’re undecisive about which one to choose go with your intuition what makes you feel right what feels right when you heard about these two opportunities which one got you a little bit more excited than the

other aquarious place thank you you you are a hard worker you’re a hard worker and you know what you want you’re very precise with what you want and how you work you want to dedicate yourself and you are a beautiful thinker Aquarius you’ve got what it takes you work hard in the past you may not have been getting what you deserved or as much as you’ve deserved but this is you wanting growth you wanting change you wanting to invest your time and energy in something that’s going to be amazing for you something that’s going to interest you in working more and making more of a career of it it’s like you’ve got to the stage in your life where what you were doing before no longer serves you now you’ve lost the interest and that’s it you’re going to to take this new opportunity this new opportunity that closes one door and opens another is going to be exactly what you asked for exactly what you wanted and you’re not going to hesitate in moving where you were or where you still are is not completing you anymore it’s not fulfilling you anymore it’s time for that move it’s time for you to go on a new adventure on a new proposal take that opport opportunity and make it

yours and on the bottom of the deck Aquarius we have the Three of Wands which is you looking to all the possibilities and opportunities that are coming forward for some of you you may go on a holiday and get away from your day-to-day tasks the holiday season and the festive season is a great time to get away and go and broaden your horiz see what else is out there see what else what the world offers you for others you have this urge to move and you may get a job that is Interstate in another country in another city in another suburb but this is you having to travel for work or your work or this new job this new opportunity dealing with the public may involve you traveling tell me what it is Aquarius does this resonate with you so we’ve got two here one is a relationship issue and here the other one is career based so there’s two people here that I’m speaking

to break through the tension for some of you you may be facing some tension and they’re just saying break through that tension don’t be scared to make that move don’t be scared to let go don’t think too much either it’s it’s okay to think think it through and you have to think it through but when we think of it um think of an opportunity here whether it be in relationships or in career if we overthink it we start making up stories in our mind and our mind is very good at that whilst our mind is the most powerful thing we have it it is the most powerful thing as well that it could turn us away from opportunities or people that are meant to be in our lives so be careful with your vibration and your thoughts there Aquarius it’s important that you change that those thoughts to a positive positive thinking positive

vibration what else do we have for Aquarius please what else do we have for Aquarius there are definitely opportunities here for both love and career so if you’re looking for love and a new job it’s here Aquarius it is here no more messages one more push through the insecurity remember I said don’t be scared face things headon and if things are coming into your world that’s because they’re meant to cross your path you’re meant to be on that Journey you’re meant to give this person an opportunity to love and be loved nothing happens by mistake a Aquarius it’s time to allow yourself to be free and accept what the universe is giving you and on the bottom of the deck look at that lighten up it’s time to lighten up your world lighten up life and don’t take things all too seriously it’s yes as far as your career it needs to be serious but also look at it from a perspective of this is an opportunity of a lifetime I’m going to either take it or I’m going to stay where I am but whatever happens I’m not going to have regrets I’m going to do what feels right as far as relationships go lighten up open up you know just because you got Hur in the past doesn’t mean that everybody is going to hurt you you may just find that soulmate that person to love you the way you want to be

loved Aquarius I hope this is help somebody here lots of love and lot your way and let me know in the comments if this resonates thank you so much all the best


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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