Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 2

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023

FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me uh today we’re going to do your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days so remember it’s a general reading if it doesn’t make sense then release it and go and check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun today we’re going to do messages from Archangel Michael then go straight into Len deck then we’re going to go into corresponding with the tarot and finally a message from the angels for you okay all right so Aquarius I’ve already mixed these in your energy and let’s see what we have Aquarius I don’t know if you know but there’s 2024 predictions already on our Channel and which will also appear on this video and December forecast which will also appear on this video as well okay let’s see what we have for Aquarius energy for Aquarius please recognize the signs from above Aquarius there are signs coming your way there is something the angels are sending you messages and stay alert and open to the Divine guidance if there’s an answer or a solution that you need ask the universe to show you in a form of an object an animal or something you know repeated numbers butterflies feathers coins that you find if there is an answer that you need or a solution to a problem ask them to share that with you via connect with you via sh via different ways it could even be a dream but look out for feathers butterflies the same numbers happening all the time double numbers in a dream or coins that you find along the way a bird that looks at you in a different different way and captures your your attention there are signs coming recognize the signs what are they trying to tell you increase your knowledge if you’re not sure about this look at up and research what are my guides or Angels trying to tell me how do angels connect and it will tell you what to look out for Aquarius it’s something that someone here needs to learn more information about something the solution and the answer that you need requires you to look into it more get more information get more information it it’s all about more

information The Way Forward is open the open paths are there for you there there’s changes coming opening up paths for you it’s you finding the right answer the right solution but there are the paths are open they’re going to open new possibilities New Opportunities For You Aquarius you’re not trapped some of you are feeling that you’re trapped possibilities and opportunities abound I will guide you to personal and spiritual freedom

it’s time to play have fun for some aquarians here you’re you’re wasting a lot of time thinking about the same thing allow the process to take place ask the questions and ask the solutions they are there they will come but have a good time socialize interact with others it’s important now that you release that energy from being 24/7 that you allow yourself to play work hard but play as well it’s important that you look after that inner child of yours children don’t take things too seriously so there’s a time where you can be playful and not take things so seriously and then there’s other times where yes you’re hard at work looking for answers wanting Solutions so it’s about getting a balance here Aquarius finding the perfect balance okay what else have we got with Len Lio Aquarius please Aquarius a woman for some of you you’re finding you want to find Solutions in regards to a woman that in your life and it could be someone that is either not well or someone that needs help and you’re trying to get answers or you’re trying to get answers about this

person some of you it’s you connecting with someone that has passed that is a woman some of you have an angel or a mentor that is a woman that has either passed as your ancestor or is a guide that’s guiding

you for some of you you’ve been through some tough times you’ve been through lonely times you’ve been through times of questioning all of that brought you a lot of growth but now it’s time to see the bright side of it it’s time to learn that there’s more to life and there’s a beautiful abundance there for you allow yourself to see the other side of the coin it’s not all about work and no play it’s not all about suffering and no gratitude

the way is open be curious find the changes there’ll be change coming for you question your question the paths see what’s best for you the way forward is open it’s up to you your Cur curiosity to get you where you want to be find what path Suits You There are a there are many paths opening up there are changes taking place be curious about finding out which change is for you and that’s no mistake look at that look up five five that’s five and then you’ve got five here look up 55 Angel Number there’s a message there for

you look at that it’s time to play we’ve got time to play and the books it’s time that you learn to have fun learn to take things a little bit easier not so black and white there’s a lot of gray there it’s about it’s now time to allow yourself to have fun allow yourself to be free in the responsibility sometimes it’s it yes we need to have responsibility and look at that eight one and seven is eight six and two is eight look up 88 Angel 88 you’re getting double numbers here everywhere so maybe this reading was one of the messages that you needed to hear please share this with other Aquarius that need to hear

it the same numbers are coming through 2 and 6 8 1 and 7 8 then you had five and five here this is not a mistake it’s it’s time now to learn to have fun and release and let let the answers come to you

naturally do do your research have take time out to research different things find answers by asking the questions you’re actually not trapped for some of you you’re feeling that you’re trapped somewhere you’re not it’s that just that you’re not seeing what else is out there for you

I’m not going to use this card cuz it came out at the wrong time but be careful not to self- sabotage yourself to be tricked by certain people be to be lied to by certain people be aware of people around you that are lying or making you believe that you’re trapped making you feel like you’re trapped there’s someone there next to you or someone that you’re dealing with that is making you feel like you’re trapped and you’re not you’re not one decision can change the whole thing one choice one answer one

solution at the moment you can’t see anything but that card fell upside down you’re going to be able to see what you need to do you’re going to be able to see things for what they are for some of you you may be learning about a certain woman that you’re dealing with whether that be a mother a sister a daughter or someone of importance your wife partner you’re going to see very clear something that you couldn’t see


the death card came upside down and these cards are not upside down I can show you that now they’re all up like that the death card came upside down which means that you’re stopping your transformation from happening there’s more that you need to learn more that needs to be learned for you to be for you to be able to transform what you want in increase your knowledge about the people around you the things around you and what more you can learn about all of that your teaching your your knowledge is going to be key to turning this card over for some of you you’re still very much lost in the mountain you’re still in the dark Mountain not being able to see the sun yet the answer the solution

cuz death is transformation when you get the knowledge you need and and see yourself through that mountain that card’s going to turn which means it’s time to transform and release anything that is not good for you you’re hanging on to things that are still not good for you places that are not good for you people that bring you nothing but despair or chaos or question you so that’s why you’ve come upside down but you are going to see that very clearly soon because that card up there means that you can’t see a way forward you can’t see what needs to be seen that fell upside down which means you’ll be able to see it now you’ll be able to see what it is that’s stopping you from moving

forward here you’re going to maybe have some battles The Way Forward is open you’re not trapped you may have to go head to-head with anybody that is trying to manipulate you in thinking that you need to stay in a certain place be a certain way you may have changes look at that five and five 55 come on there are going to be changes that come through for you that you may need to battle with others but or others are going to argue with you thinking that you’re mad making these changes you need to do what’s right for you the path is open for you now Aquarius even with other people’s disapproval or different opinions or judgment you need to do what’s right for you you need to be aware of what is right for you look at these five55 look up angel 555 look up angel 55 555 there will be an answer there for you and look at the bottom look at the bottom the strength card make no mistake be strong in your conviction be strong in your beliefs be strong and stand firm to who you are don’t let anybody manipulate you or change your mind or say what you should and shouldn’t be doing you are in control of your power number eight and your

destiny eight and look at this Aquarius what did I say to you about numbers what did I say you about here double numbers triple numbers things that are the same number see here how we got triple four right here we’ve got triple five five 3 and two is five one and four is sorry one and four is five and that’s a number five right so you got three fives there then when we come to the last many people were meant to see this when you come to the last row you’ve got the strength card which is eight five and three is eight you got two and six which that is eight and you’ve got one and seven which that is eight down there it is no mistake that you’re watching this this

video there are answers for you you need to change the way you see things but everything’s going to become evident to you you’re going to see something clearly and I feel that there’s a female involved here whatever it is either this female helps you see something clear or this female um helps you with a a solution or an answer or this could be a female that something comes something becomes clear through this female

either way you’re going to see that there are paths here for you if you just increase that knowledge that you need to find that Sun at the top of the mountain it’s imp it’s pivotal for your growth for your stability that you find your answers because that’s what’s going to change and be true to who you are the other thing is you need to play you need to have time away from work time away from chores release that energy go and exercise go and be a child nurture that inner child that we all

have okay last two messages for Aquarius please I hope this makes sense Aquarius ask for help from others this lady could be it someone here lady may just come and help you with what it is that you need this could be a tarot reading that you do this could be speaking to a psychologist this could be speaking to a friend a mother a sister a spouse a partner ask others to help you see what you’re not

seeing Aquarius success you need to trust you need to trust that what you’re doing is right that where you’re going is right the solutions and answers that you need you you need are all about you learning more and releasing yourself and having fun everything else will work out broaden your horizons in your field of what you’re doing or the answers and solutions that you need find out more about that and have fun that’s it that’s what’s missing they are the pieces to your puzzle they are the answers to your solution learn more and have fun that’s it with that Aquarius lots of love and light let me know in the comments if this makes sense and stay tuned for more thank you


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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