Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For May Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days I hope everybody’s well and thank you so much for being here first we’re going to start off with an energy from Archangel Michael who’s my absolute favorite and there it is deeper insights are at hand your overall plan is good but the details need work reflect before moving forward so there’s something here that you may be planning to do Aquarius and what they’re saying is your plan is fantastic it’s good have a look at all the details that you need or the information that you need or something here that that is required before you move forward maybe a clearer understanding about something or something that’s missing that you’re going to need I don’t know what this is but that’s what they’re saying deeper insights are at hand maybe you’re going to learn that you need more I I don’t understand what you’re doing for everybody it’s going to be different but whatever it is here they’re saying you need deeper insights let’s see what we’ve got with the animal Oracle and see what energy comes through here for Aquarius please what have we got for Aquarius thank you

be fearless and bold don’t be scared don’t doubt yourself you’re capable that’s what they’re saying here Aquarius you are more than capable of doing what you have to do don’t be scared to put that first step forward don’t be don’t worry about what other people think what what they will say what their judgment will be it doesn’t matter this is you taking control this is you putting a step forward and doing it with no fear and being bold with the conviction of what you want to achieve who you want to be who is it that you want to be and they’re saying your idea is great if fear is what’s holding you back then they’re saying here Aquarius let that fear go that’s going to stop you from being who you truly are or what you’re capable of doing so there’s a certain there’s a certain feeling here of something is holding you back what is it that you’re trying to do Aquarius what’s holding you

back why why do you have a fear is what they’re asking

here look at that can you see that look at that believe in yourself believe in yourself that’s what’s missing your plan might be the most powerful plan you’ve got but unless you believe in yourself and have true conviction of who you are what you want and you believe in what you’re doing then there’s always going to be something missing so what they’re saying here is Aquarius you’ve got everything you need to make it successful but the most the the biggest thing here is that you need to believe in

yourself now is the time to let go of that fear let go of what other people think and and and or what people will think what people will say it doesn’t matter while you’re going and Galloping forward they’re still they’re still going to be where they are because they’re too worried about judging other people they’re too worried about what everyone else is doing that they’re totally forgetting about their own goals their own mission what have we got for Aquarius here

please the Six of Pentacles the five of Pentacles

one more card

please on top of that one the seven of swords look at

that Aquarius you know what I’m finding here that someone here has left a place you may have been in your life you may have either lost your job you may have lost a a stability basis that you had you’ve left a place you’ve left a situation you’ve left somewhere that gave you that stability of finances however it didn’t give you what you

wanted does that make sense to anybody here it’s like you in a place that you’re in a job that paid you this is an example you could have been in a job that paid you but what they took away from you was even more so you didn’t feel at peace you didn’t feel happy you didn’t feel complete you didn’t feel like you belonged in that place the only reason you were there was because they were paying you for a job that you were doing but everything else was

missing seven of Pentacles and I feel here that some someone here has decided that they need to do what they need to do they need to leave that place that no longer serves them no longer makes sense that I don’t belong to in that place I don’t belong to that place or with those people anymore I need to plant new ideas I need to look for a new job I need to put things in place now that I want to do and this is why they’re saying believe in yourself Aquarius you may have done things that you didn’t get appreciate appreciated you may have been in a place or doing something that you didn’t get the credibility you deserved and what they’re saying is you need to start believing in yourself and find something that’s going to be worthwhile to you something that’s going to be precious to you you’ve got a lot of gifts a lot of knowledge you can create your own you can create a new life you can go to a new place now’s the time to plant those

seeds six of Cups and it could be something from your past something that you’ve done before and you left you may have left somewhere before that paid you extremely well or you did something before in your life that you absolutely loved it was a your baby it was your thing and you left that behind to pursue other things however those other things that you pursued either one didn’t work out as you’d planned or they didn’t give you the compensation for the amount of work that you put in is this making sense to anybody here so you lost confidence that’s what I’m getting here it’s like you lost confidence in what you were doing because you didn’t get back from others what you gave out you you weren’t appreciated for all your hard work you didn’t feel like people appreciated what you

did what else have we got for here for Aquarius

please too many cards please too many cards what have we got for Aquarius please a lot of many of you here are agitated look at that the Queen of Pentacles upside down some of you here didn’t even receive the amount of money that you should have some of you here may have lost money if you started your own business and you were doing something and you were investing your time your energy and everything you had into this project into this career even in working for somebody else they gave you little bits not what you deserved and for many of you here you were forever in debt you you were you couldn’t keep your head above water Aquarius here and and for some here everything that you put in it it was like they didn’t give you the appreciation you didn’t get back what you gave out which which put you in a place of of Despair and and poverty really some of you were even not getting any money at all for for a business or a job or a project that you invested so much time in the moon you start to question yourself here you started to question whether you should keep doing this or not you had to dig deep into your soul to ask yourself is this where I really want to be is this what I’m meant to be doing because I keep on giving and giving and I don’t get anything in return it’s not it’s not generating the the the the money that I need it’s not generating the satisfaction that I

need you’ve lost yourself here

Aquarius and your confidence

you’re going to leave this place if you haven’t done so already you’re going to leave this place and start something new something that brings you a lot more strength something that brings you a lot more um Prosperity a lot more a recognition a lot more who you people will be more inclined to to give you what you need people will give you you’ll find a a lot more pleasure in this it’s like you may be leaving a place to start your own business or start your own project your own thing and here you’re leaving a place that didn’t fulfill you at all you’re now you you want to start this new thing but look at that you’re questioning whether you can whether you’re capable you’re scared about what if it doesn’t work out what if I keep on investing my time and I don’t get anything in

return look at that the end of a cycle that doesn’t serve you anymore and a beginning of a new Aquarius this is going to be a time where you realize that you’ve got so much more to offer you’re worth more than what you were getting you’re worth more than what people were giving you and I feel here that there’s an aquarius that is going to say enough is enough I’m not going to invest any more time into something that I’m not getting anything in return as much as I love it I can’t buy my things with love I need some some Financial benefit from doing what I was doing I need some Financial benefit to make it worthwhile doing what I wanted to do for some of you here it’s something that you loved but it it didn’t work out the way you had planned and and I feel that you’re going to close the door on this now it’s like it’s been going on for too long and now I realize that what I imagined what I dreamt of is not what’s worked

out the minute you let go and you do what you love or what you have loved there’s something in your past here and something that you’ve done in the past that made you successful that made you happy and I know You’ you’ve probably walked away from that that place or that project or that business that you once had but there’s something there that made you who you are today there’s still something there there that can make more of you

today it gave you a a belonging it gave you s satisfaction it gave you Financial abundance but it’s something that you’ve done in your past does that make sense to anybody here look at that two of Swords you’re leaving behind something that no longer makes sense something that doesn’t that you don’t see a way out of that you don’t it’s this is something that you can’t see H it it turning there’s a situation here or something that you’re involved in that you can’t see it turning it’s now time to leave I’m going to leave these people these vultures that just drain my energy and don’t give me anything in return that’s what I get here it’s like I need to leave these people that just suck my energy or suck my services and don’t give me in return what I

deserve Aquarius I hope this makes sense to somebody here but I do feel that you’re going to close the door on this thing that no longer serves you on this this project or this business and I really do feel that you can start your own thing you can do something totally different now if you just lose that fear and you value yourself for who you

are lots of love and light and I hope this makes sense to somebody thank you bye-bye


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