Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For May 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today we’re calling in all your guides and mentors with my guides and mentors to bring you the energy that we need for Aquarius plays for the month of May we’re going to start off with two oracles and then go into the tarot so I hope you get the message that you’re looking for Aquarius remember if it doesn’t resonate to check your moon and your ascended sign as there may be a message for you there so let’s see what we have for Aquarius please message for Aquarius thank you for the month of May Focus it’s time now to focus Aquarius focus on where you want to go focus on what you want in your life as your focus is going to bring in that transformation that you’re looking for the changes that you want are going to come in through your focus we’ve got the butterfly there and number one and four there number one and four is change the butterfly is transformation it’s like in May Aquarius something’s going to take place with the focus that you have to bring something into light it’s something you’ve wanted to achieve or it’s a change you’ve wanted to make and in May that’s going to become very prominent focus on what it is that you want because May delivers Faith have faith that nothing happens by mistake have faith that everything has a purpose and a reason and as much as you may have been through some hard times challenging T times OB obstacles they’re saying those obstacles don’t last forever faith is what’s going to make you and or break you faith is going to bring you through the hard times don’t lose your faith keep focused on who you are what you want your belief system your

intuition there’s a faith that’s that’s bigger than anything Aquarius here and for some of you I feel you crying I feel the tears here it’s like I believe I believe there’s going to be a change I believe that what’s meant for me is going to come my way

o what have you been asking for Aquarius what have you been asking for because here I have someone who has been asking for something that they want so

much keep focused and have

faith self-reflection look at how powerful you are for someone here you’re not seeing yourself as a strong competent amazing person that you are you’re seeing yourself as someone who may or may not achieve that may not be capable all those doubts that you put into your mind self-reflection is about you looking deep within having faith in yourself and determination to understand that everything you want is possible you just need to believe I don’t know if you can hear my dog snoring there but there’s a snore in the background so Aquarius it’s about you being true to who you are and I know I say this all the time but now self belief is above all

else you are capable you are more capable than what you think and

know balance it’s time for balance in your life someone here has lost the balance has lost the purpose has lost the reason there’s an aquarius here that has been pushed to the edge with certain complications with certain chaoses with certain conflict in your life someone that’s at their end of patience here and what they’re saying is that you need to have faith and focus on what happens next only you can close this chapter and begin a new

thises this make sense Aquarius to most people here have you given up on yourself this is someone that’s given up on themselves that’s given up on believing that they can achieve that’s given up on thinking that they are powerful that what they do and who they are are is what’s going to bring them their success you’ve stopped believing in yourself here

Aquarius you’ve stopped seeing that powerful person that you

are got a headache so I don’t know if some of you here have got a headaches but that’s just come on ancestors remember your ANC an cestors did a certain amount of work they’re saying find your light amongst your ancestors because they were not weak they were focused they are strong they have an internal power that they’ve given you they’re trying to push you forward Aquarius go back to your ancestors and they were powerful people except you came here to outdo what your ancestors were not capable of doing you came here to

shine and they’re saying to you Aquarius Focus

[Music] Focus look at that persistence persistence be persistent in what you’re doing don’t give up your persistence is what is going to take you to the next level your persistence is what is going to take you to where you want to be have faith that you’ve got what it takes you’ve lost yourself Aquarius you’ve given up on yourself here don’t give up on you you are all you have gain that persistence that power within and have faith that everything that you want is going to be going to come your way you’re going to be who you want to

be without persistence and Faith you may lose your way by losing that focus and looking at yourself in a different light to what you truly

are Untamed number 437 which is don’t give up you you need to be Untamed now don’t let anybody put you into a certain place tell you you should be a certain way force you to be something you’re not put you down and make you believe you’re not worthy don’t let anybody

anybody make you doubt who you are don’t let any any situation doubt who you are Aquarius it’s what I said before it’s not how many times you get knocked down it’s how many times you get up all humans have knockdowns have disappointments are disillusioned by others by situations but it’s only the tough the determined that get up again time and time again everything that happens brings us a lesson everything that happens has a purpose but it’s the learnings we take from those things that we’ve leared and go forward to make our

future navigation you’re being navigated Aquarius you’re being navigated to reach your dream and your goals you have navigation here from the Stars saying Aquarius follow your path keep focused follow your path and don’t give up the end of a cycle that was less desirable is here for you the end of something that destroyed you disappointed you made you question yourself your worth your values that’s coming to an end follow your path the navigation they’re trying to navigate you your guides your mentors your ancestors are trying to navigate you to the place where you will shine

for some Aquarius you you may decide you may have decided to stay in the one place and that one place is not giving you what you want that’s because it’s not meant for you so don’t be disappointed by it understand it does that make sense to anybody here so far

let go of the preconceived ideas don’t allow anybody to determine who you become who you are you determine that

Aquarius what have we got for Aquarius here

please king of water for some of you Aquarius you may be dealing with a Scorpio a Pisces or a cancer or they may be saying to you he take that lesson of a king of water who nurtures cares loves themselves before they can achieve anything or help anybody you need to love who you are understand who you are follow your passions your determination who you are Aquarius is going to

count if this is a relationship keep focused keep determined it’s going to take place you’re going to find your relationship you’re going to find your destiny here you’re going to find the person that’s meant for you

knowledgeable Aquarius you are more knowledgeable than what you know you’ve learned a lot from your past experiences and I feel here that they’re calling you to share those any Aquarius that are teaching or going to teach or going to create a YouTube channel or create a course or go and study it’s your time it’s your time reflect on what you’ve leared reflect on how much you know and the focus here is do what you need to do do what you want to do despite what others think what others say to you you’ve got a lot to teach a lot to teach

and do it with love do it with love

Aquarius the four of

water it’s time now to see the real you it’s time to put away all the doubts you have it’s time for you to see how much you have to offer the beauty you have inside the knowledge you have gained and put out into the world the real

you let go of that fear that holds you back let go of

that question that you have inside you you’re not seeing the real you you’re not seeing the real capability that you have you’re not seeing the inner strength and power that you can share with others you’re not seeing your value you’re not seeing who you truly are and that’s bringing a lot of Doubt into your path look at that the balance look at that the cloud your mind is clouded with things that people have said to you with things that you’ve experienced with situations that have questioned your own capability and value all that is clouding your mind see yourself for who you truly are and how much you have to

offer I don’t know if that’s going to make sense to anybody here but in May it’s an Awakening awaken yourself to your gift your talent your value and your worth Aquarius lots of love and light your way thank you for being here bye-bye


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