Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For June 2024
FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hi everyone my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and psychics today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into
[Music] you hello beautiful Aquarius okay let’s start off with we’re going to start off with the energy first for Aquarius place and then we’re going to do the three cards so let’s see what we have for Aquarius what’s the energy we’ve got for Aquarius mentors guides and Angels please be me the energy you want to give Aquarius for the month of June that was quick by the book 11 by the book and number 11 Aquarius it’s going to be a very spiritual month for you a month where you will have certain feelings or you will have certain thoughts that no one could teach you so by the book is you’re not going to follow people you’re going to have this huge it’s like this six sense about you you’re going to feel certain things you’re going to know when someone is not being true you’re going to be in a place and you’re going to be observing people and you’re going to have this realization of who you can trust and who you don’t trust you’re going to have these thoughts that you never had before and no book could teach you that it’s like your intuition is going to be on a huge High spiritually in
June you’re going to to realize in June that oh lot of energy here there is a lot of energy Aquarius things that you do that you normally never did thoughts that you’ll have that you never even thought of before what else have we got you’re not going to do what everyone else is doing it’s like you’re going to change the way you do things or see things what did I say look at that a change in the wind you’re going to implement changes changes to what you say to what you do to where you go to who you go and see the way you work the way you talk the way you walk the way you dress it’s like you’re going to promote change in June and that’s all going to come to you from a higher source here it’s like like you’ve got this intuition this this thought process that that you’ve never had
before and this change is going to bring you growth one and three is all about growing about expanding about seeing things in a from a higher perspective you’re not thinking small anymore Aquarius it’s
big love it Aquarius I love it because that’s my ascendant sign which is my Rising Sun so I love it okay so what have we got so let’s see so let’s do card number one card number two and card number three we want three cards please for Aquarius we’re going to go into relation to Career relationships and finances please relationship career and finance starting off with career what card do we have for number one
career one for relationships and for finances for Aquarius let’s see what we’ve got a card number one Aquarius what have we got so this is your
career king of Pentacles in June Aquarius you’re going to own what you do you’re going to perfect what you do king of Pentacles is very sure about their finances what they want in their career what they have to do in their career to be successful what they have to implement into different projects to be successful F so you’re going to have a superb mind in June to bring you more career prospects more customers your way more ways of doing things in a way that brings Awards brings excitement brings promotion brings bonuses your way so you’re going to be very in tune with your career here in June you’re going to Partnerships look at that that just jumped out you may find that your you make decisions in June that changes things the decisions you make bring you more prospects in your career you may you may have a new um partnership you may you may get a new partnership if you’re if you’re about getting new clients you may get a new partnership that brings you a lot more success in June or you team up with somebody to make your career or your project more abundant more Pro more prosperous and talking of abundance and prosperous Aquarius in the comments below our our saying for June is I’m prospering I’m abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below I am prosperous I’m abundant and I am healthy because you’re going to be prosperous and abundant here what else do we have for career career for Aquarius nine of
Swords nine of Swords here Aquarius this is you in a place of Despair but in June that’s going to change it’s like you may have had to do things by the book before and that never worked you found yourself following and doing what other people were doing and that didn’t work in June remember I said to you that number 11 is spiritual it is a six sense intuition at your highest you’re going to get yourself out of this
place for someone else here you may you may have to make a change in June you may be dealing with somebody who is a Virgo a Capricorn or a Taurus as a boss as a business partner or you may be working for family or working with your partner that may bring a bit of clashing in June so be aware of that if you’re if you’re working not everyone does but if you’re working with your partner in a family business if you if you’ve got a business with your partner I feel that in in June they’re going to want to take control more control than what you have and that’s going to bring you to a place of sadness of being disappointed so there may be a few arguments in June with your partner over
work obviously that’s not for everybody you don’t you that’s not for everybody but for somebody else here what they’re saying is someone else here I don’t know how many but you may get a promotion or you may have an opportunity in June that your partner is not going to be very happy with so you may have wanted this opportunity for a long time but it’s going to take you away from home it’s going to make you travel it’s going to make you not be at home and that’s not that’s not what your partner wants and I feel that you may have an argument here about this this new possibility about this new opportunity I don’t feel that you’re both going to agree with that but anyway let’s see what else do we have for Aquarius
please Knight of Pentacles that’s you going in the direction of your abundance your Prosperity you’re now going to a place or implementing something that’s not only going to make you feel comfortable in your decisions but also going to open up new doors bring in new new prospects and customers that in turn will bring you more money it’s like you’re changing direction you’re changing in the direction that you’re going in remember we had a change in the wind here you’re changing how you do things or you’re changing the direction of where you’re going or what you’re doing
Aquarius what a card to get in your career what a card to get in your career I am excited this is you being the magician creating the magic your creating magic with your new way of doing things with your new thoughts your new ideas something here is taking place and it’s amazing in June Aquarius you will know that you’re on top of your game and whatever it is that you do it’s going to bring you a lot more happiness more stability and a huge amount of
comfort June is a good month the only thing that I is is to this group here which is not being able to take that opportunity or having an argument in a family business or with your partner but apart from that Aquarius look at this can you please look at these cards queen of Cups and Ace of Wands this is no mistake that these cards are here remember I said to you you’re going to get a six sense do you remember that a six sense look at you getting the messages from the Divine receiving the love the new thoughts the new ideas that are going to change everything for you in June connect with your guides with your spirit with your higher Creator connect with them allow them to help you give you the paths the ideas show you the way ask them they will not interfere in what you what you do or what you want it’s free will so if you want help you want new ideas you want new directions ask because out of nowhere you’re going to have a thought or a dream or something that happens that changes the way you think and see things which in turn changes the direction and what you do
next wow what a reading I hope you got a lot out of that Aquarius ious let me know in the comments if this is what you’ve been waiting card number two so card number two is the black torlan and it’s relationships so let’s see what we have for Aquarius for relationships in June 20124 please thank you guides mentors and Angels please bring in the messages for card number two high priestess your main card for your relationships for June is high priestess which means that you’re going to get a lot of information coming in a lot of you know what’s going to happen here Aquarius in June not only is your energy about spiritual six sense intuition changing the wind but it’s you’re going to in June have an understanding and see things in your relationships that you couldn’t before or you didn’t before you’re going to have more information come to you for example you may have you may be in a place where you decide that you’re no longer going to do it one way with you’re no longer going to be a certain way you’re no longer going to require a certain thing from your partner or you’re you are no longer going to go to a certain place because you know that there’s no prospects there new no new opportunity to find that Mr or Mrs Right like information is going to come to you that will lead you to different paths lead you to different places where you least expect it and it may take you to places that you never thought of going to before you know a friend of you says let’s go to this place you’ve never been there before and lo and behold you go there and you meet somebody new so open your mind to possibilities
and opportunities in June
Aquarius open up your mind and open your mind to new prospects that you would normally not go for
the Queen of Wands look at you it it’s going to be you’re you’re in your element you are in your element the most intuitive queen of all is the Queen of Wands this energy whether you’re a man or a woman it doesn’t matter but this energy is an energy of knowing feeling and doing and there is no stopping this energy no stopping it’s get out of my way I’m here and I’m here to make to make a difference to find someone new to complete who I am to add to my
Prosperity you’re not going to be a pushover in June you’re not going to fall for the little lies you’re not going to fall for the little romantic lines that that some use no you’re going to be very remember I said to you at the beginning you’re going to be very aware of who you can trust and who you
won’t the world some of you may go on a trip in June some of you will meet this person whilst you’re on a trip some of you may meet somebody who is from another another country who lives in another city another state another another place away from where you live right
now and that’s going to give you inspiration to know more about this
person oh look at this oh there’s cards blowing everywhere Aquarius look at this they told me to take the fool they told me to take it I’m going to take the three the fool is release the fears release that energy that doesn’t allow you to move forward release the fear the uncertainty the the worry about getting hurt release that go and take a leap of faith live let people let people in to get to know you you’ve got this wall up that very few can get through open up to different circumstances open up to different opportunities different people different cultures that come your way in
June the hangman for some of you you may be in observing not sure I’m not sure if I’m ready for this I’m not sure if I want this I’m not sure if this is for me if this person’s for me you will know Aquarius if it feels right it could be right if it feels wrong then you know what to do you’ve got the free will like you always have to make the decisions you want but here I feel that there’s an aquarius that is very um cautious very cautious about who they let
in 10 of Wands this is you at by the end of June walking away from a place a city or a country to make a new life for yourself with a new person somewhere else you may have left a relationship that was dictative that was manipulative that was narcissistic and you’re leaving to find your new your new life your new person your new place for some of you you may be moving locations and this is where you meet your new nothing happens by mistake Aquarius nothing happens by mistake and I feel here that some of you are moving moving either going on holidays to other countries or you’re moving to Another Place Another Country another
city but you will meet this new beautiful person there and open up to possibilities I hope that helps somebody that wants to know about card number two which is relationships okay card number three what have we got for Aquarius card number three the Page of Cups finances we’re talking about finances here and you got the Page of Cups which is you’re looking back at how you could have done things differently how you maybe should have invested your money how you maybe should have saved your money looking back at how you could have done things differently but we all know Aquarius that when we look back there’s not much we can do we can only look forward from here on in but I feel that some of you here with your finances you’re looking back at what you could have done differently how you could have done differently how you could have done it differently but here I feel that you’re looking at things that you did in the past that you may have thought were going to work out and they didn’t bring the finances that you wanted so let’s see what else we have you know you may have followed everybody else and in June remember we said at the beginning that there’s going to be you’re going to see things differently now do things differently now so what you did in the past is not what you’re going to do now what have we got for Aquarius in finance please card number three two of cups joining forces here you’re you’re joining forces with a partner or joining forces with a friend or a new partnership here the two of cups is you’re joining ideas opinions bank accounts projects combining combining together you’re working together for a purpose working together to save to buy something
and someone here is saying had I known in the past I would have done it that way or I should have bought something back then and the past is not going to help so here you’re now starting to combine your ideas your thoughts your wants your needs with somebody else with your partner with a friend with a family member it’s someone of huge importance to you someone that means something to you to Two of Pentacles look at that two and two Aquarius look up angel number 22 there’s a message there for you look up angel two together two means together bringing things together combining things together so your finances are going to be combined together and look at that look at that that heart two hands coming in together
so in your finances there’s something here about two two either it’s two jobs that you do two in a partnership with somebody else two opportunities coming your way to improve your
finances but there’s two options here you may have two options look at these the emperor oh the emperor you’re dealing here with somebody who is very very um sure about themselves their finances where they’re going what they want someone who’s very very good with their money someone who’s who’s in control of what they want you may be dealing here with someone like a father figure a um a financial advisor a bank
manager someone who is very uh prosperous very um how would I say very calculated in what they spend their money on which way to go this is someone that’s going to help you direct your
finances they can be if if this is a partner your partner may be an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius someone in the fire sign that knows how to make things happen what else have we got for Aquarius please strength the courage you need the strength and the courage to make this work you need to it’s like you’re going to take a risk here you’re going to partner up with somebody and that may be a risk and you’re worried about that you’re not sure whether this decision is good or not but and you’re not sure whether you should take this partnership or not and no one’s going to tell you whether you should or you shouldn’t Aquarius your your your intuition in June is super high if it feels right you may choose to give it a go if it doesn’t feel right then it’s probably a good idea that you don’t but you will know
the strength and the Courage the strength here this is a Leo card again so you’ve got another fire fire thing here fire sign here there’s a lot of fire here it’s
like a lot of urgency to get this done there’s an urgency here to either buy something invest in something make it work a new partnership a new a new project it’s all systems go
here one more place your finances are going to grow the change in the wind remember that doing things differently and not what everyone else is doing is going to be the difference using your intuition your guide your guidance ask your guides and your mentors to help you look at that the Queen of Wands please Aquarius that’s another fire sign that’s Aquarius Leo or
Sagittarius I feel that you’re going to take the the fire that those signs you’re either dealing with someone who is an Aries or Leo or Sagittarius or you’re going to or you’ve got it very strong in your sign in your chart or you’re going to take that con concept of moving forward get out of my way I’m here get out of my way I’m here to make it
happen you know for somebody else here for for one or two people here you may also be going through a
divorce and here you’re looking back at how things were how you did things how now you let things happen and here with the indecision about a partnership and here with two huge forces you and your partner are strong if that’s you going through a divorce right now trying to finalize a divorce then you you’ve got the strength and the courage to make it happen both of you do if this is a new business that you’re both investing your time and energy into and your finances it’s look at how strong that is you’re going to use all the strength and passion that you have to make this work your finances are going to take another level in June so I don’t know what you’re planning here Aquarius for June but I feel that you and a partner it could be a business partner it could be your your relationship partner but something here is going to take place and it’s going to be something that makes a difference here to your finances you can’t think about spilled milk it’s finished it’s done even though some of you are looking back but you’re going to make a decision that’s going to make the difference or a case here will be finalized and make the difference you may have to make decisions or
choices but only you will know Aquarius I hope that makes sense to somebody here we’re going to bring in some energies now to finish off for Aquarius placee last energies all help for Aquarius what is the last energy or help that you want to give Aquarius please
meditation brings answers we spoke about the intuition we spoke about your six sense we spoke about getting direction allowing your mentors your guides to give you
paths meditation is going to bring you the answers look at that not the right time so someone here that was looking back is thinking Why didn’t it work back then if it might not have been the right time when now there’s a change in the wind now may be the right time to implement what didn’t work back then what didn’t happen back
then and doing it a different way not by the book choose a new Direction look at that choose a new Direction so this is them saying to you Aquarius if if you want it make it happen if you want it make it happen but do it differently do it another way go down a different path with different ideas and no you’re going to have to say a few NOS in June Aquarius be ready for that and that’s okay it’s all part of it it’s part of growing it’s part of taking a
stance two more cards for Aquarius what’s the animal spirit got for Aquarius please for the month of June let’s see what else we’ve got for Aquarius for the month of jun
please clear out the Clutter it’s time to get rid of anything and everything that either one doesn’t work or doesn’t serve you anymore if it doesn’t have a purpose in your life and you haven’t used it get rid of it you don’t need old hanging around this is a new chapter a new way a new you and new and new thoughts new
ideas the old doesn’t belong anymore it’s number 10 10 is closing of a chapter ready to start a
new doing it a different way you might still do the same thing just do it differently be Fearless and bold be fearless and bold don’t be scared what have you got to lose Aquarius get yourself out there if you feel that you want to do it go and do it if you feel that it’s right then go and do it obviously if it’s with well within the law of course you can’t just go and do whatever you want in life but you’ll know what direction to take your life in whether it be career relationships or finances but bold and be Fearless that’s your message for June I hope that’s helped Aquarius lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)