Aquarius Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast AUGUST

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For AUGUST Week 3 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For August Week 3 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of August and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics today we’re here to bring you your energy for today and the next seven days to 14 days so at the end if it doesn’t if this doesn’t resonate with you check your moon and your ascendant sign oh energy for look at that unlikely Aquarius the first card unlikely what’s unlikely what are you not sure about what are you questioning about [Music] yes someone here is not sure about something so spirit is saying to you it’s unlikely the angels are saying it’s unlikely that that’s going to happen it’s unlikely that that person will do this or that’s going to take place and someone is asking a question and the answer is yes it’s here look at that on the bottom of the deck big happy changes so there’s great things coming here Aquarius there’s great things coming

here let’s see what’s this unlikely and yes what are you trying to tell me what are you trying to tell Aquarius

the temperance patience uncertainty gaining balance in your

life Tranquility [Music]

peace it’s like someone’s worried about something the three of swords look at that broken heart disappointment a painful experience someone who hurt you someone who took your your peace away your Tranquility away someone who made you upset in a big way this is a painful card here this is a card of disappointment of disillusion I thought it was going to be a certain way and this is how it turned out I gave it my everything and this is what they did to me I never expected to receive this and this is what I

got the Chariot either you’ve left a situation or you’ve left a situation to find your peace after being so disillusioned and disappointed with people’s actions or a situation and this is either you leaving or someone has

left and now you’re looking for answers like how did this happen how did this

happen the devil look at that someone who promised you the world and tricked you into believing something and what you got was something totally different does that Co coincide with anybody here does that make sense to anybody it’s like here the 10 of Wands the burden you’ve had to carry look at that this is someone who’s not only in pain in disappointment disillusioned with a whole aspect or situation or a person here but it’s someone who who was very hurt and was promised the world and promised a lot of things however this person is no longer to be seen so I’m left here carrying all these burdens I’m carrying all the responsibilities I’m carrying all this hurt and this pain when all this person did was come into my life turn it upside down break my heart and then took off after promising me so much now I’m left here trying trying to find answers make some sense of what happened and more than anything trying to find a balance in my life again try to find my peace what [Music]

happened does this make sense to anybody here Aquarius it’s like someone made you believe something or someone or you had maybe false expectations based on what they said to you and now you find out that it’s it’s not that at all that all this time you feel betrayed because you feel like all this time you’ve been believing this scenario when this person no longer makes part of your life or has decided that that’s no longer valid but they forgot to tell you about

it so in the meantime you’re wasting your time your energy Your Love you’re nurturing you’re caring look at that the sun everything becomes clear now everything becomes clear now it’s like the minute I take time out to see everything that’s happened and connect all the dots now I see how this happened now I there were things that happened that I ignored or there were things that happened that I didn’t think too much

of the death card look at that the three of swords with the death card that’s you now having to transform what used to be no longer is so now I need to transform into somebody else into my real version of myself which I lost along the way this is somebody that who lost themselves lost themselves to words to action actions to believing to situations to a person to

people but everything’s clear now I’m now clear that everything that no longer serves me needs to


go the [Music] hangman Aquarius here it’s about not making any moves right now it’s about understanding how you feel um taking time to build again build your your inner strength and your inner power again because I feel here that it was taken away from you and it’s time for you to just take time out take time out with somebody leaving it’s time for you to take time out it’s about you now and you get up at 7 a.m. if you want to you get up at 10:00 a.m. if you want to you know that song I don’t even know how that song goes anymore um anyway there’s a song similar to that it’s whatever I want that’s what I’ll do whatever I need that’s what I’m going to take my time and do it’s going to take a long time for me to heal myself yes because I didn’t expect it but I’m going to stand firm even if I start to see things in a different perspective understand things in a different light things are all going to make sense

here and Aquarius just remember I don’t know if I said Pisces before but I I was about to say Pisces so you may be dealing with a Pisces here or you’ve got Pisces very strong in your sign so you’ve got that caring that nurturing that loving soft heart and someone just walked all over it six of cups do you know what I feel that you’ve been taken advantage by someone from your past this could be someone who you’ve been with for a long time this could be an next partner this could be someone who you’ve know since you were children this could be somebody that you’ve had children

with look at that remember I said it’s time now to heal the hermit it’s a major Arcana card this is saying Aquarius it’s time for you to take time out get a deep understanding of what you went through through of what happened what they did who you are and what they did to you but also about releasing all of that it’s like anything we have to mourn a loss before we can actually get up dust ourselves off and start to rebuild ourselves so if you have to mourn a loss here and it doesn’t mean that people have died you can mourn a loss of a relationship you can mourn something that a family member did to you which you totally didn’t expect that you have had at work you may have been dealing with someone at work whatever happens here Aquarius is you taking the time out now to really understand what you what you went through what’s happened and really take time out to understand who you are and see the truth for what it

is and the minute you do that you’re going to get to a point whether it being in two days three days a week two weeks where you pick yourself up and you go enough is enough you’ve taken too much away from me to even deserve another five minutes of my energy and my time and you can forgive that person in your heart you don’t have to forgive them face to face you don’t even have to tell them that you forgive them but when you get to that stage where you can forgive them because you understand that it’s their their baggage to carry not yours then you free yourself from that cord it’s like you’re cutting an umbilical cord away from that person there’s no more karmic energy

I hope that makes sense to somebody here Aquarius tell me if this makes sense to you like the video comment if you don’t want to comment leave a little heart for me and I’ll put a little heart back for

you oh we’ve got cards that went flying here let’s see what animal spirit is going to come out for you cuz I’m hoping you’re going to get like the bear or something someone something super strong here come on let’s see what we got for Aquarius what have they given us the turtle slow and steady wins the race absolutely remember I said to you take your time take your time healing it’s important that healing process is the most important aspect of the whole thing that took place the healing is what is going to make you

and take your time doing it there is no time limit on us healing the dolphin spirit this and that are true you’re going to dissect everything you’re going to see how things now make sense but when we’re in it we fail to see it because we’re too close to the situation sometimes we don’t see things for what they truly are because we’re too close to them when we step away from them or when things happen that’s when we get a true value or a true sense for what was going on the C Spirit Miracles are endless Aquarius at some stage in your life after you’ve gone through this whole process and some of you are going through it some of you um have gone past it everyone’s on a different Journey but you’ll get to a point where you’ll think you know what that was a blessing that that person left my life because you’re going to find if it’s a person or a situation even but you’re going to find you’re in a better place later that when you look back you’re going to say thank God that that happened I must have had my mentors and my guides working with me because look at me today I would never have got here had I not gone through that I hope that makes sense lots of love and light Aquarius thank you so much bye-bye


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