Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast For April Week 4 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-april-2024/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/aquarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today today we’re here to bring you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au Aquarius please let me know in the comments as I read all the comments if this resonates with you and a like would be fantastic and pass it on to friends and family that need to hear this if they’re in aqu as well so let’s see what energies we have for you Aquarius first one life is a mystery love it what else have we got Bobcat Spirit life is a

mystery the Abundant universe will provide mhm love that we’re starting off

well claim your independ

end one more

please be at home be at home and on the bottom we have life is speeding up

okay B universe will provide claim your Independence you know what I get here Aquarius you know what energy is huge here right now it’s like out of nowhere something happens and it you may have asked for it or you may have been waiting for it but I feel here that something happens out of the blue there’s a phone call a message an email something that’s going to be super powerful for you and it’s going to be something that’s that happens out of the blue and brings you an opportunity of a lifetime it’s like this this missing key you know it’s like this door opens and says Aquarius you’re it and it’s and it’s like really and you’re going to question this it’s like it’s a mystery you start to question it you start to be curious about it and you’re thinking where did this come from how did this happen some of you you may have been waiting for it to happen but I feel that when it does happen it’s going to happen in a different way a different format and it’s like you’re waiting for a result but not only you going to get that result you get more or you get it in a different

way here it’s saying claim your Independence be at home and you know what I get here it’s like this opportunity or this thing that happens allows you to have more time more autonomy it’s like you get a job or you get a phone call or you get a a proposal or or or a

um uh another position at work that allows you to work from home and not only do you work from home you actually get more money for it it it’s like there’s a promotion here a new project a new position and you’re handed this position by Merit of course however they say to you you can be independent and work where you want with this position you can either choose to work at home or you can come into the office and work or you can do it your way you know it’s like whatever happens here Aquarius it’s like it gives you a huge Independence and you can work anywhere you want but saying that then you’ve got life is speeding up and time for beginner mind so as much as it gives you the independence and the autonomy to work wherever you want or do whatever you want in this circumstance it’s going to be a lot of work and things are going to happen where they want things quick and here they’re saying look at things from a beginner’s mind if you have to implement something put yourself in other people’s shoes so you could be teaching something you could be a trainer a teacher uh a student uh I don’t know I don’t know everyone’s going to be different but it’s like you need to put yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to do your job right in order to do this project Justice does that make sense if you put yourself in other people’s shoes here you’re going to be successful that’s what they’re trying to say here it’s going to be abundant it’s going to be a mystery because it’s come out of nowhere it’s like where you are or this this thing has just happened out of nowhere and it’s going to take you by surprise you’re going to question it but at the same time is it it gives you the independence and autonomy so let’s keep going I just wanted me to enforce that and I know I repeated myself then but it it’s they want me to just tell you it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay be careful with people around you who these are the two top cards things don’t happen for a reason so things don’t sorry things don’t happen by mistake they happen happen for a reason there’s a reason for everything so here they’re saying be careful with people around you trying to with this new thing that happens in your life those people around you may not be everything that they make out they are and when we least expected someone who we thought was okay um ends up being the person that tries to pull the mat under your feet from under your feet yeah I don’t know who that’s for but they they wanted me to say that so there you go what else have we got for Aquarius

please look at that going places you may have to travel in the next 7 to 14 days you may get notice or with this proposition or this project or this new job it may include travel for some of you here you may be thinking about going on a holiday to allow yourself to think and to spread out um see what else is out there for you Ace of Wands you’re definitely going ahead with something new there’s definitely something new here for you Aquarius you’re going to start something new and this thing I feel that you may be communicating with people from other countries you may have to uh present or support or provide products to another country or other countries king of Pentacles look at that this this position this project whatever it is this promotion not only is it going to claim your Independence but you’re going to earn more money too for someone else here you may decide that it’s time to open up your own business and you’ll decide where you work but you’re also going to de side and I feel here that you’re very very good at what you do and instead of working for other people you’re going to create your own business and create your own thing doing the same as what you’re doing but you’re going to work independently from

home and it’s going to be very prosperous Aquarius very prosperous look at that look at that the new beginning that brings a lot of financial reward is it going to be hard sure it’s going to be extremely hard because you’re going to have to work long hours and anyone that’s worked for themselves will can tell you like I can that when it’s your own business you work more hours than what you do when you’re working for somebody else because your mind never never shuts off look at that and I said that you’re going to work extremely hard but I do feel that you’re going to get the the reward for your hard work and even if you work from home you may find that you work more

hours don’t know who this is going to resonate with but someone here the message is and look at that taking your power into your own hands so if this is working for somebody else or or taking the Reigns and starting to work for yourself in your own business you’re going to conquer this you’re going to be in control of who you are what you’re doing and you’re going to know how to manage your time very very in charge and very uh very tuned in to what you’re

doing so I don’t know what you’re doing here Aquarius but it’s definitely going to very profitable you’re on the right path you’re thinking the right

way and for some of you here you may the mystery here for those of you that are are taking on working on your own this could have been a secret you are keeping from your current employment for others it’s definitely going to be a surprise something that you weren’t expecting that comes your way and you’re going to question okay what else have we

got choices this is going to allow you more choices this is going to allow you to have more things be able to buy more things decide where you go decide where you live decide what you want to do in life it’ll allow you to go on holidays it’ll allow you to do things you couldn’t do before so I do feel that not only is it going to be more time freedom um in how you work your agenda out it’s also going to give you more choices financially celebration you’re going to celebrate this and I do feel here that you may you may with this promotion you’re obviously going to to celebrate it with this new project this new business you’re going to celebrate the beginning of it and I do feel that you may um have to employ more people into this role or you’re going to be given an assistant the role is going to actually get bigger and bigger um and I do feel that you may have some help here or you’ll hire some help the four of Pentacles you’re very discret in you know as much as um as much as this is giving you Independence financially you’re going to be very very discret with those people around you you’re never going to discuss how much you earn how much you now get paid or or how much um Financial relief it’s giv you it’s like keep that to yourself you don’t share that with others because remember we said before sometimes it’s it’s important to keep things that you do to yourself keep the mystery away from others the hofan it’s it’s you finding your light at the end of the tunnel it you know you know what I get when I see this card the hierophant is about patience and that’s what they want you to have step by step patience everything happens at the at the right time and what they’re saying is you don’t have to rush to be successful you have to enjoy it you have to love it and you have to do it because you want to do it take step by step for your success to happen because step by step is what’s going to get you to the success that you dream about that goal that you dream about and don’t be disillusioned if sometimes it’s good and then there’s a roller coaster of good and bad good and bad because everything has its ups and downs and it’s just how we react to those that’s going to count Justice this is Justice it’s like finally I am in control of what I do finally I get to do it my way I get to have the autonomy that I wanted I get to work where I want I am in charge of what I need to do and I’m going to do it well and you’re going to do this role Justice you’re going to do this business Justice because you’ve got the discipline and the characteristic of hard work you know Aquarius that if you don’t work hard you don’t get much in return what we put in is what we get out look at that you’re going to be very rational and you’re going to take time out to connect make sure you ground yourself and working from home if that’s what you’re doing or or working in another place make sure you take time out you eat properly but connect connect with the Divine get get um grounded take your shoes off and go for a walk in a park ground yourself sit in a park allow yourself to see what’s around you listen to the birds it’s important that you have a balance in your life it’s too easy to work extremely hard and forget that you still got to live so they’re saying make sure that you take time out as well what else have we got for Aquarius last cards be real be real Aquarius always be real you know and look that full moon in Aquarius it’s your full moon you need to see things for what they truly are and if something’s not working that’s okay don’t be too proud too proud to say you need help or or or get in contact with people that can help you but just be

real trying to hide um things so you don’t look either one you don’t look silly or you’re not uh that you see for some people they try and hide things so they don’t seem like they’re not capable but here they’re saying be real when it’s not right it’s not right when it’s fantastic it’s fantastic but be true to who you are be

true believe in your good luck when we start believing Aquarius we Attract it so believe that this is going to be what’s going to take you to that next level believe you can buy that beautiful car that beautiful home that you’re going to be successful you’re going to be able to travel believe in your good luck because when you believe it and you truly believe it you attract

it work through your feelings absolutely you’re going to go through times Aquarius where you may feel this is absolutely me then you may go through times where you think oh my Lord what did I get myself into or is this really for me am I going to be able to uh achieve this am I capable of managing this am I way over my head stay firm stay real stay grounded one step at a time remember remember that one step at a time it’s important we get we don’t get too ahead of ourselves and it’s important that we stay grounded and honest with with ourselves if we can’t afford something then don’t don’t go and do it stay real with where you’re at and what you

want perfect Aquarius I hope this makes sense to somebody here lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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