Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Forecast for January 2024

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello Aquarius how are you today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your spread for January I’m really really sorry we’re not doing the round table for January this year because I am flat stick I’m unated with a lot of readings so um uh we’re just going to do a message from Archangel Michael then we’re going to go into the two tarot and then finish it off with the moon reading Aquarius while I’m at it um I don’t have any I’ve only got a couple of windows open now for January uh the rest is not until after March the 13th or 15th I think I know it was around mid-march so totally um booked out until then so if you want to um if you want a reading in January Now’s the Time I’ve got a couple of Windows left um otherwise it’ll be after Janu after after March the 13th or 15th not sure yet but you can book that directly online we’ve got two websites it’s readings and psychics for all the Australian customers um and clients please you can ring on the phone that’s on the websites as well and that’s a landline okay let’s go what have we got for Aquarius please message from AR Angel Michael in for Aquarius I’ve already mixed these cards Let It Go Aquarius there’s something in January that you need to let go it’s something that’s been holding you back or that’s been stopping you from moving forward like you should let the situation okay it says this situation no longer serves you allow me to sever your energetic connections to the past so that you can embrace the future so it’s something that you’re doing that either one you know is not good for you or two it’s not working out the way you planned it’s something that you’re investing your time and energy into and it’s not giving you what you deserve it could be a relationship it could be a career it could be a new business that you started it could be a project that you started a course and for some reason something is just not right and they’re saying the reason it’s not right is time to let it go let it go Aquarius if it’s not working that’s because it’s not right one more please one more

message it’s almost over so something that um something that you may have been waiting on or you’ve been worrying about something that you wanted a solution on or an answer it’s almost over they’re saying here your current challenges will soon be resolved and you will be able to look to the future with a smile it’s like Aquarius don’t give up because you’re going to see that in due time everything’s going to be okay it’s not going to be where you are today so just know that and they’re saying it’s almost over the suffering the pain the worry the anxiety all those nights that you haven’t slept properly it’s almost over new calendar new year new

situation okay let’s see what we’ve got I’ve already need these cards for Aquarius but let’s see what we have bit of vitation there

Aquarius okay see what we have for Aquarius one first card the Crone for some of you here it’s you standing firm and it’s taking time out to understand where you are where you’re going and letting you’re really thinking about the situations that presented themselves in 2023 in January it’s not going to be any different you’re going to be very strong about what you want where you want to go and in your mind you know what you need to do there may be someone holding holding you back and that could be a child if you have a child you may want to do um a certain thing either go on holidays or career or um do something and study but there’s something that you’re going to need to work out before you can do that that’s what I get here it’s like it it’s you want to advance in something but something’s still holding you back you’ve got a responsibility for someone or something here

the three of water and the three of water is a celebration you’re going to celebrate once this thing is over whatever it is that’s worrying you whether it be a divorce a court case um something that was draining you draining you Aquarius it’s going to be over you were waiting for an answer or an end of a situation to just sort it myself out I get a desperation here of I just can’t wait till it’s over till we know what we’re doing so we can plan ahead it’s like you’ve planned stuff but something still hold you back well now in January it’s going to be sorted out and there’s going to be a lot of celebration around you so I feel here that once you let go and you allow yourself to plan but don’t don’t um hold yourself back for a particular thing if there’s something that you need to do go and do it find ways of getting it done but I feel that in January things are going to sort itself out look at that that’s you moving forward make no mistake you’re now able to move forward with certainty with accuracy more than ever before and nothing’s ever perfect Aquarius I’m not going to sit here and say to you that it’s going to be all r in January because it might not be or you might have a few speed humps along the way but you will reach what you want to reach you’ll achieve your dream and your goal once things sort themselves out and that brings celebration it’s like yes it’s finally over it’s finally a time where I can celebrate and I feel free to a certain extent I can finally let go of the worry the pain the suffering because even deep down even though you may not have been suffering enormously like a broken heart or anything like that but it it could be something that was draining your energy you thought about it all the time you thought about it when you woke up you thought about it when you went to bed it was forever there the beginning look at that the beginning of a new life of a new dream of a new goal a new career a place where you want to go and just start new like creating new things seeing new things [Music] exploring it’s you now being able to Aquarius let go of that thing that was holding you back that person that situation that circumstance that just just look at that it’s you feeling aligned not only are you going to create new dreams and new goals from here on in you’re going to align yourself you’re going to feel more stable more in control so in January Aquarius write this down in January something happens and that is the end of that worry that that sick feeling in your stomach that those nights of sleep where you couldn’t sleep properly and your mind just wondered to that situation to that person or to that circumstance all the

time it was something that you just wanted over you asked your guides and mentors so many times they listened now it’s time for you to look in the mirror Aquarius what do you see it’s okay that you and invest all your time looking after others worrying about others worrying about their situation their health making sure that everyone around you is account is taken care of but now they’re saying look in that mirror and look after the most important person which is you you for some someone here you’re also looking at something and you’re going to be able to see the real because for some time you may have been looking at something and fantasizing it to be something different now in January you’re going to see something for what it actually

is let’s see but I feel whatever ever happens here Aquarius it’s it’s a positive it’s going to bring alignment it’s going to allow you to let go of a situation that’s been on your mind for quite some time okay the crown please what have we got working hard and others just want a piece of you they either want a piece of your financial stability they want a piece of your time they drain you from you focusing on your own goals your own dreams there’s always people there or people wanting to know things or people asking you to do things it’s like now I’m going to find the stability that I need for too long I was blocked and I couldn’t see a way forward but now I need to find my stability I need to find what’s important for me despite others wanting my attention or or wanting from me things that I have what’s the the three of water what are we celebrating

here finally you stand firm you stand strong you stand firm you stand where you where you are and you know where you are even though there were challenging times in the past you know now where you’re going and what you’re doing you’re moving forward with more certainty even though that there’s still things to sort out and I don’t know what that is that’s going to be different for some but I think this celebration is going to bring you some strength some

determination reason to

believe remember I said to you that you’re going to find the Target now you’re going to find the when this when this situation is over you’re going to find your your place your peace look at the victory card there it’s like you’ve won a court case you’ve won a battle you’ve won an argument You’ve Won um a dispute you’ve won something that’s been going on for quite some time or Something’s Happened that’s fulfilled you and given you that Victory feeling the feeling of it’s done that prayer that wish has come true

tell me Aquarius what it is I’d be intrigued to know I love it when good news comes through look at that for some of you you may be worried about starting your creation and you may want to do some investigating and getting some more information in regards to a new project a new career make sure you do your homework and you understand all the pros and cons the Rights and Wrongs and what um that means for you so it’s not about rushing right now they’re saying Aquarius it’s great it’s great to create and your mind is going to explode in creating new things and going on New Paths but just take it slow don’t make any major moves or major decisions for now do your homework make sure that you understand all the pros and cons all the dos and

don’ts does that make sense for anyone

here look at that you’re going to find your stability and you’re going to start planning do I or do I not go overseas do I travel do I go and see new places new environments what do I do where do I live do I want to live where I am right now or do I want to move to another location another city another country and start a new life it’s you finding your balance your peace your Tranquility all your chakras aligned where is that place Aquarius for everyone it’s going to be different but it’s you evaluating what’s important to you what makes you feel at peace where you want to be where you want to live what you want to do what’s going to give you that internal peace look at that the beginning of a new chapter of a new Financial abundant chapter a new project a new career a New Prospect a new advancement a new promotion a new goal a new dream in January you set your mind and you set your goals and you set your dreams to a New Horizon a new place and a new situation

it’s like this Freedom that this this letting go and it’s almost over it’s like a it gave you freedom in January whatever it is that’s ending now Aquarius it’s going to give you Freedom the freedom that you felt that you didn’t have the freedom that always depended depended on this person or this situation resolving itself only you know what what that is okay Aquarius

please lighten up it’s now time to set yourself free out of that anguish and that worry and the sleepless nights and lighten up love life for what it is today love where you are what you have love that you’re free to to Free Yourself to expand to wherever wherever you want to go you set your destination you set your goals and your dreams and do it with lightness if it works out it works out if it doesn’t at least I’ll learned along the way things like that that’s just an example practice gratitude what did I say before just be grateful be grateful for what you have where you’ve been cuz where you’ve been has taught you a lot and where you’re going and the people around you they may have crossed your path but they left you with a lesson something that you’ll take with you forever and some of those lessons weren’t great no but some of those lessons made you the person you are today ready to conquer and the determination that you have within you came from

that look at that step up and Lead do what you want to do now Aquarius just lead life live life and love life step up and lead the life that you want no longer is it about somebody else something else step up and Lead because the only person that can change your life is

you Aquarius I hope that this has helped you in some way please send it to some Aquarius that needs to hear it lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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