Aquarius Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 4 2023

by | Jun 3, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope for June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your horoscopes for June 2023 if this doesn’t resonate with you remember this is a general reading and if this doesn’t resonate send it back into the universe if it if it doesn’t resonate please visit your ascendant and your moonside as I have found of light that my moon sign is corresponding more to my circumstances so it’s so worthwhile going to see your moon and your ascendant sign to make sure that um there’s something there for you I also want to start off by sending you a big hug lots of love and appreciation your way if you’d like to leave a hug back I’d love that or a heart in the comments and thank you so much for being here let’s go universe energy for Aquarius players two cards thank you assessing yeah Aquarius in June 2023 a lot of you will be assessing people around you circumstances around you situations around you and you’ll be looking at things with a very fine eye you’ll be looking at how others interact with you you’ll be looking at how things come together and how situations arrive in your lap in June 2023 there may be things in your life right now that you want to change and that’s going to force your number nine is reassessment that’s going to force you to reassess where you’re at reassess where you want to go and reassess what you’re doing at this point in time

for some of you you may want to change careers for others you may want to change locations of living and that’s guide blossoming look at that 33 is the most beautiful spiritual number the universe has and blossoming is whatever you put your mind to Aquarius in June 2023 it’s going to Blossom you know what you want you want for some Aquarians here see how she’s playing that beautiful violin you want to be appreciated you want to be respected and you want someone that’s going to love you for who you are the relationships around you will Blossom and you will know what you want you’re not going to put up with anything that’s nothing but that you want romance you want to be serenaded you want to be loved and respected for exactly who you are so here we have assessing and reassessing things and then we’ve got others that are just knowing what they want they’re blossoming through wanting that stability because three and three is six and that’s bringing you stability you’re going to know what you want in June 2023 Aquarius things come to you and you will realize that things will become clearer for you in June what you had questions about or what you were doubting will all become a lot clearer in June

we’ve got a full moon around the fifth and sixth of June depending on what country you’re in and here this is the flower moon but the full moon here is going to bring you some fantastic news so be aware around the fifth and 6th of June you will start to get some really good news coming through an answer that you are waiting on for others you may meet that beautiful person around that time of the full moon

or you may receive a proposal around the time of the full moon so there is definitely beautiful news coming your way Aquarius for you

Tarot what does Aquarius need to know for June 2023 thank you

for a lot of you here the reason you’re assessing and you’re reassessing your life is that you have gone through a heartbreak someone has disappointed you or someone has betrayed your trust and left you with an absolute Broken Heart of disappointment but more so of pain you thought you had something worked out or someone worked out and they just came and tore your heart apart and walked out or something came to an end here and now you’ve had to reassess where you are you’ve had to really assess what you want in your future

that pain that broken heart this could also be this doesn’t necessarily have to do with a relationship but someone has severely disappointed you here has severely made you sad and really really blown that trust that you had

it could be someone from your past or it could be an X from your past but someone from your past has hurt you in some way has betrayed your trust in some way or has done something to really take you to another level that you didn’t think they were worthy of you didn’t think they would ever do something like that and they disappointed you to the point of now you having to reassess everyone and everything that you have in your life

I feel this could be someone that you could have grown up with for another group of Aquarius I told you that you’re going to be blossoming and meeting someone and here this is the celebration the three of cups two people coming together and are celebrating the love that they have for one another this could be a marriage it could be a wedding that you have in June 2023 it could be a wedding you’re going to or a wedding that or your wedding or a wedding you’re part of as a bridesmaid or a groomsman whatever it is there’ll be a lot of love around in June 2023 for this group for this group we have definitely got two groups here where we’ve got two different Journeys here so someone is still in the Journey of the disappointment and the Heartbreak and reassessing where they are and the other group here is going through the blossoming stage of now you have found yourself and now you’re starting to enjoy life again

celebrations make no mistake the four of Wands brings you lots of celebrations and I felt that so not only in celebrations to do with love so here we have got two groups and the this group here is there’s going to be a wedding or a celebration or engagement or something here that you’re going to celebrate bringing lots of happiness around you and in around the family

definitely for this one Two of Wands for that person that had their heart broken they are now are not only reassessing but they’re looking at where it takes them next they are trying to understand where their life is now and where they’re going to a lot of these people here that this Aquarius that I’m speaking to with the broken heart they’re starting to say what is what else is there out sorry what else is there for me out there where do I go from here a lot of you here are in a lonely State you’ve isolated yourself to give you time to think and many of you might even decide to travel to get away from the location you’re at or the people that are around you or the person that hurt you there is some of that that some of you will just want to take off and go and rebuild Who You Are

look at that there is going to be in this in this thing here you are going to have a clear indication of where to go next you are going to be given a Clear Vision from the universe to show you that there’s so much more out there for you than putting up with people that break your heart and disappoint you remember Aquarius that that was a lesson you had to learn take the lesson and not the pain you need to go through the pain and understand it and let it go do not take the pain with you do not give people that um glory to take the pain with you it’s their baggage they’ve got to carry that pain that they’ve caused you they’re the ones that had to answer for that not you so if you understand that you take the learning from the pain you went through and the Heartbreak take the learning but leave the pain behind that’s not your baggage you didn’t ask to be hurt the person or the people that hurt you are the people that need to answer for that their baggage not yours

things will become a lot clearer for those of you that were hurt by others the Knight of Wands just flew there is no question here that this these group this group here is going to move forward with this new person this new celebration it’s going to be an abundance of love and I don’t know what it is that’s here but for a query for some aquariuses here you are going to find the love of your life there’s going to be a very important person in your life here someone that’s wiser older knowledgeable and very experienced that means the world to you

this could be a parent that re that gets married or it could be a parent that has a huge birthday but there is a celebration here that brings people together this person here that you may meet or it could be someone older um Than You by by a few years and it but it is somebody that’s very wise with their money with their being then they are very sure of who they are they’re very confident they have got strong opinions and they are in control of their life not someone that’s just going to come and go for some of you here you’re going to um for some Aquarius is here you may get a job in another location or another state or another country and that will require you to go for others of you here you may get a new job um sorry you may go a different way and what I mean by that is that this celebration here may promote a moving you could be moving even the people that were hurt here you may be moving to another location another location that’s going to bring you stability that’s going to bring you growth and it’s going to bring you completion and and a completion of a cycle that you left behind and a new start so this can correspond to all site all all people here I do feel that this person here that was hurt may leave and may go and work some somewhere else may go and start a new life somewhere else

this celebration here may be that you’re moving to another location to live with your new partner and you’ll leave you’re leaving behind where you where you you live now if that makes sense

okay let’s see what the Gypsy has for us because the Gypsy has been very talkative in all star sign so let’s see what the Gypsy brings for Aquarius for June 2023. Tipsy what have you got for Aquarius June 2023 negotiations and excitement bonds being put together consolidating to to become one consolidating ideas properties um our ideals families there is a consolidation there of negotiations and here you are consolidating together maybe these people here that are celebrating there’s two families coming together but there are new contracts coming into your life new jobs these people here could be leaving and finding a new job elsewhere but you’re going to be very fortunate in whatever you choose to do Aquarius in June 2023 it’s going to bring you some negotiations and some some very profitable ideas coming your way just be careful with people that want you to join a scheme or be part of a scheme and they’re tricksters they’ll do a song and a dance to make to make you think that they’re trustworthy but they are absolutely not so please be careful with your money your negotiations and your contracts here we’ve got uh Beware anyone that’s signing contracts or agreeing to anything they’re buying in June 2023 any negotiations that involves paperwork please read the fine print please read the contracts from top to bottom from left to right because you don’t want to be stuck getting into something that’s very hard to get out of there is something to be aware of in those contracts so Aquarius please pay special attention to anything that requires a signature from you the paths are clearing themselves for a lot of Aquarius here and a lot of parts are being cleared and lit up there are New Paths to take so for some aquariuses he negotiations will be allowing you to open up New Paths and meet new people and do new business deals even

an ex returns be careful because this could be part of this trickster because it came underneath the money you may for some of you here you may have an X that returns and asks you for money that could be a possibility or someone from your past that has left without a word and now appears out of nowhere and wants you to help them financially so just be aware of that and be very careful of that too because people sometimes when they’re desperate they do things they normally wouldn’t do and they betray whoever it is that they have to in order to get their hands on some money so just be aware of that one more card thank you good luck you have luck on your side Aquarius in June 2023 the only thing is that you need to watch out for this person but there is a lot of lack here look at that 36 330. have a look at three as an angel number have a look at 33 as an angel number because there’s messages there for you and on the bottom of the deck we have the spirituality sort which is Archangel Michael’s sword and that comes to move away people that are wishing you bad or are there to trick you into something use that sword use that knowledge look and one and two is three there’s a lot of Threes happening here I don’t know what that is but it’s growth three means growth um so I don’t know what three means to you but whatever it is that you’re doing here is going to bring you a lot of growth aquarius so there is a group here of Aquarius that are into business just be careful of this person be careful of signing things that you’re not you’re not paying attention to okay what have we got for Aquarius place angels message for Aquarius placed for June 2023 take action take action Aquarius now is the time for you to allow yourself to Blossom in whatever plans you’re making in whatever things you’re doing in whatever negotiations you want to have it’s time to take action let it be just be super careful that all is above board but you have the universe blessing there saying take action even for these people that here are wondering here about moving away from their location and finding the light go reassess where you’re going reassess what you want and go for it ask your angels if you’re ever in doubt look at that you have got angels and mentors that guide you every day ask questions ask them to show you answers through dreams through objects that they put in your way and they will make it very clear ask your angels for the guidance you need ask them for the answers that you have so many questions on

Aquarius I hope that that’s resonated with a lot of people lots of love and light your way a big heart once again goes to you lots of love thank you bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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