Aquarius Horoscope Changes coming in July 2023
FREE Aquarius Horoscope Changes for the month of July 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Aquarius how are you today thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from today we’re here to do your reading for the next week let’s see what we have for Aquarius poised oops I tried to go poised to Aquarius poised you’re in a position of Stillness you’re in a position of at the moment I feel that there are aquarians here that are on our standby position waiting for something to happen or waiting for an answer to happen and you’re poised Where You Are very in tune with what you want and you’re very in tune with what’s to come however many of you here are standing in a third position just waiting for things to happen this position has brought you a lot of growth when we stand in one position that means we have time to observe we have time to communicate and we have time to really have a look at our circumstances on where we’re at [Music] here we have regeneration for many of you here you’re going to start to regenerate something that died off for some here it could be a relationship that’s Fallen apart for some it could be a career that’s Fallen apart for others it could just be a way of life what used to be is no longer and I lost a lot of people along the way I lost a lot of experience along along the way I lost myself along the way so for some of you here you’ve gone through situations that you felt like things died off are the people around you um moved away or you moved away from them things that were important to you today no longer are you’re in a different place in your life for different time in your life right now what used to matter no longer does but you are regenerating now that Vitality to make it what it is what you want it to be today the old has gone for the new to arrive a change in the wind I could feel that happening there are changes coming here and that is going to bring you a lot of growth you’ve grown through a process you’ve gone through a process of life that you’ve learned a lot and now you’re changing to a new process a new understanding a new life of what it is today I feel that many aquarians here are no longer the person they were 12 months ago or 24 months ago something that that happened a situation or through dealing with someone change your perspective and your position in your life
some of you are waiting for change to happen for some of you you’re waiting for this change to take place imagine
many of you here want to start something new many of you here want to start a generation regeneration of something that today makes sense to them but a lot of you here are saying what is it that I want what is it where do I belong I feel that some of you here have grown to another level that you’re asking now what do I do I’ve come this far what’s in it for me now where do I see my life going now what are my dreams and goals now and they’re saying imagine what it is that you want put it out into the universe take time to understand what you are trying to regenerate what is it that you imagine yourself doing and being powerful
is working in that same place what you want to be doing is being in the same place where you’re living is that what you want to be doing do you want to change from that have you outgrown that job that place that social life have you outgrown something that no longer makes sense for you some of you I feel here that are a little bit lost in your life right now you’re trying to find where you’re at and with the changes that have taken place it’s put you in a situation of what do I need what now what is it that makes me excited foreign [Music]
and it’s a message that comes through to ignite the passion and the life back into you for some of you you may meet that beautiful man or a beautiful woman with very high capability knows who they are very sure of themselves uh very opinionated at that but does bring a stability that some of you are craving someone that you can count on that will always have your back it’s not someone that’s here for a good time and not a long time it’s someone that brings stability into your life for many of you you’ve been through some relationships that were false promises and relationships that you thought were going to last the distance but they were all disappointing in some way shape or form and here the universe is saying don’t give up there’s still love for you so for those of you that are finding or thinking that you may not find someone please be assured there is someone there for you [Music] here I have to hide this because YouTube I had it um I had someone comment about not not covering the nudity but it’s not that I’m a prune um and I don’t want to show nudity I don’t care at all and I love this card but the thing is that YouTube are now canceling videos that have got nudity in them but the star comes to bring you light it comes to bring you a clear Direction and now I I feel that there’s quite a few aquarians here that are seeing things for what they are and not what you wished they were a lot of you are here are having a very after your poised positioning and your regeneration of knowing that you want change a lot of you here are starting to understand that things are becoming clearer for you
many of you went through some hard times dark nights and lonely ones of that but now I feel that there’s quite a few aquarians here that that’s all going to change there is life back in your life just be aware that aquarians in this kind very strong through just be aware that if you do meet someone that it’s the stable person because you’ve got two people here remember I said here you had two cups well you do you’ve got two possibilities here right here there’s two cups can you see that there and there and these two cups represent these two people one of them is going to be very very stable and the other one is going to be very passionate and flamboyant and fun but this one here is not here to stay he or she will just come into your life create all this passion and great times if you want to have fun it’s with this person if you want a serious relationship and and stability and for someone to have your back it’s that one there so you will meet two people you need to identify who they are in your case for many of you here you’ve lived you’ve been on your own for quite some time and this is going to be exciting to have this new person come into your life here and show you that there’s uh there’s life to be lived and there’s a lot of passion out there just don’t get your heart to too tied into that because you may get hurt in the end eight of Pentacles for many of you here you’re going to find this person quite attractive it’s someone that works extremely hard is very Financial financially stable and suits your lifestyle more you’re a hard worker as well Aquarius you know what you want and I feel that that whilst this person here it’s going to bring you a lot of passion and fun this person here is going to be very much like you and have the same sort of values as you of hard work and commitment and stability
for some of you here you’re not going to want that stability you’re going to want to have fun and you’re just going to throw yourself out there whatever comes comes and I feel that there’s some aquarians here that are at that stage of their life there’s a change that you want to happen in the wind and here it is that change this person brings you a huge amount of fun and not stability brings you a lot of fun and passion and ignites that passion within and the butterflies start going but I do feel that there are going to be some aquarians that say it’s time for a change I want to have some fun it’s going to make me grow because I’m going to learn from this person but I’m going to take that leap of faith I don’t want the stability right now now is time for fun and this may be for one Aquarius that has come out of the stable relationship that everything’s been too serious that now it’s time to have fun and this person is going to suit you to a t here for long enough you self-sabotage yourself now you see clearly that this was not all about you that it wasn’t you to blame there were circumstances that happened that got you to this place and now you see clearly of what happened in your past relationships in the empty promises and you’re having an understanding of that that’s part of your regeneration here remember we’re regenerating the the things that will lift our lives for a reason we’re imagining now what we want and the imagination is going to run wild for many of you you battle with yourself and you battle knowing what it is that you want you have this battle inside you of I know what’s right for me but I I just am in a time in my life where I want to have some fun
let’s see what else what are the messages come here for Aquarius
here you’ve been working extremely hard and you’re you’re going to be given a possibility to move up in the ranks I feel that it’s more like a um a proposal for you that’s coming through and that um is going to allow you to grow it may even be overseas I feel for some of you that you may travel to to another place to do this man holding a coin remember I spoke to you about someone that’s very stable and knows what they want well for some of you here this man will come and this man can come after you have the fun Aquarius but there is going to be someone you meet and it’s going to be a man that’s very financially secure and very financially able to do things so don’t give up there is someone here for you
you require action in your life for queries and this is now the time to change change what you’ve done change what you’re doing get some life back into your passion of wanting to go out again of wanting to meet new people you need the universe is saying here Aquarius if you want things to change you need to change them yourself you need to get up and get going get moving do things that you don’t do anymore allow yourself the freedom to meet other people a giant adjacent possibilities you will are going to have possibilities to move forward to meet new people to have a new job to have a a new possibility come into your life but they are going to be very different they’re going to be very different and we explained that before so it’s funny how the oracle cards are just coming out to say exactly the same thing chakra your base the most important thing in here Aquarius is that your base is strong and powerful and what I mean what do I mean by that is making sure the foundation of who you are is very strong that nothing is going to uh tilt you over if something goes wrong your your foundation is going to be absolute Paramount for it to be at its powerful strength you need to know who you are what you stand for and be comfortable 100 with yourself you’ve got to know yourself because you are going to meet or you could meet people the challenge who you are and when someone’s sure of who they are they don’t allow others to make them feel less than what they are or belittle them or go against their opinions everyone has got an opinion everyone needs to be heard and if you’ve got that Foundation solid then you will know how to handle yourself in situations that may that you may require to stand up for yourself so to speak I hope that’s made sense Aquarius I don’t know how many people this resonated with please let me know in the comments if it hasn’t please check your ascendant amend sign thank you so much lots of love bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)