Leo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For June 2024

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Free LEO Horoscopes | 0 comments

Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024

FREE Monthly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For June 2024. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Leo Horoscope for the Month of June and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-june-2024/

and horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hi everyone my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re going to start your June reading and we’re going to do the energy for June then we’re going to do three cards card one is going to be for career card two is for relationships and card three is going to be for finances so you can either pick that card that you’re interested in or or you can pick more than one or you can watch the whole video it’s up to you the whole video has a lot of messages for you but I understand that some people want to know only one section of the reading so I’m going to separate that reading for you then we’re going to finish it off with the last message for you as well I hope that all makes sense and in June our motto is going to be I am abundant I am prosperous and I am healthy so our mantra for June is going to be I am prosperous I am abundant and I am healthy write it in the comments below to bring that energy into

[Music] you okay Leo so we’re going to start off with your energy for June then we’re going to go into the cards and then we’re going to have a last message for you so let’s see what what energy we have here for Leo what energy do we have here for Leo Leo oh first one time for a nap and that jumped out Leo it’s time to take it easy June is going to be a time for you to relax for you to get some sleep for you to rejuvenate I don’t know what you’ve been going through but it’s time for you to take time to to delve into yourself take time out from all the chores that you’ve got and all the commitments and time to take time out to sleep I feel that a lot of you here are not sleeping well or you’re agitated because you’re really tired what else have we got here for June blessed you’re going to feel quite blessed in June so I don’t know what’s going to happen we’ll go through all the cards today but there’s going to be a blessing in June for you and you’re going to feel you’re going to feel a sense of being blessed in many

ways let’s see what else we have for Leo okay card number one number two and number three what have we got for card number one two and three for Leo please Leo card number one card number one career card number two relationships card number three for finances

okay okay card number one the world we’re talking about Korea someone here is going to either finish something that they’re doing finish a project have a closure on something you may decide that it’s time to move on from what you’re doing to start something you that you may also be traveling for work it’s a huge time now where you could be offered a job that involves travel or you may be moving overseas and working elsewhere in the world dealing with people from all over the

worldse do we have for Leo please six of Cups something from the past here I’ve got something that you’ve done in the past or you’re going to complete a cycle of what you wanted to do in the past or you’re going to complete a cycle to start something that you’ve always wanted to do in the past what else have we got four of Wands it’s going to be exciting June for you is going to be exciting this closure is actually not a bad thing this this opportunity here is not a bad thing at all it’s actually going to bring a a lot of excitement into your life you may be leaving the past behind and starting something new here deciding to go a different place and maybe that’s why you’re having the nap to rest before you take on this new adventure this new opportunity and being blessed you’re going to feel like everything’s falling into

place eight of swords for someone here you w happy with what you were doing this is a a thing of self- sabotaging you you you wanted to move or you want to complete something and that was eating it eating you it was like I need to put a a closure to this I need to close this chapter so I can begin my

new Eight of Cups absolutely you’re definitely leaving a place here you’re definitely going to do what you truly truly love you’re leaving the the past behind you’re leaving a place that didn’t fulfill you anymore didn’t make you happy

anymore June is going to open new doors and new opportunities for you Leo the moon you may be scared for this new beginning you may be scared of the unknown but you are so excited to start this new chapter close the the old and start the new yes does it bring you anxiety and worry about how things are going to work out absolutely but that’s all part of growth it’s all part of opening up new opportunities so there’s a lot of new growth here Leo for you a lot of new adventure and look at how excited you are yeah you’re leaving something that really disappointed you behind you’re leaving something that no longer makes sense to you or your life right now you’re leaving a place where you given it your all or you worked with family and now you’re moving away from that to find your own future your own destiny your own desires your

purpose card number two let’s see what we’ve got for card number two for Leo card number two which is relationships what have we got for card number two King of Swords you’re going to be very calculated in your relationships in June it’s like you are very sure about what you want and what you need it’s not you’re not going to use much emotion in your relationships in June it’s going to be very calculated very strategic how you deal with people or how you meet people I feel here that you may have gone through things in the past and that’s now made you aware or very cautious to show feelings you’re going to be looking at different prospects or opportunities in your relationships uh with a very specific need or want that you’re looking

for the tower for someone here uh there may be a breakup in a relationship and I feel here Leo that this has been something that you’ve given a lot of thought about you’ve thought a lot about this circumstance you’ve thought a lot about this move before you’re making this move but for someone here your life has fallen apart it’s either someone has left you or you’re intending to leave somebody in

June therefore you’re not showing much emotion you’re very much thinking about everything

Knight of Swords and I feel that you’re leaving you’re leaving a relationship that you’ve had enough of you’ve taken so much on but you’ve now realized that there’s no change in this relationship it’s like you’ve given this person an opportunity for so for so long to change to come together with you as a team and you’re finding that you’re the only one giving this relationship everything like I said you’ve thought about this a lot and now I feel you’re making the move now this relationship has brought you a lot of chaos a lot of conflict King Of Wands there’s no looking back you’re determined to move away You’re you you’ve gathered your strength over time this is not something that’s been on your mind for the last week this is not something that’s been on your mind for the last month Leah this is something that you’ve been wondering about and contemplating and planning and being strategic about how you do it but there’s no holding you back and I don’t think you’ll ever look back you’re strong you’ve had to find your own strength to in your mind get through this whole

process two you’re going to see that leaving this situation is going to bring you a lot of relief a lot of Independence a lot of uh peace for your soul more than anything you’re going to feel like you’ve you’ve made the right decision you know that this is the right decision because you’ve thought about this for so

long it brought you a lot of headaches a lot of worries a lot of anxiety a lot of Torment to to your

mind you felt look at that you felt like there was no way out of this and you didn’t see what was happening for quite some time but I feel now in June you’re going to see things for what they are a person for what they are and you’re going to make the decision you need to

make card number three what have we got for finances for Leo please what have we got for finances the hangman don’t spend anything that you shouldn’t spend this month in June Leo it’s asking you to hold your finances hold them don’t make any major moves don’t make any major decisions or purchases things that you might regret later on so right now it’s about holding your your money holding it tight and only buying what you extremely need the wants are not for

June two of Cups here it’s like there’s a a partnership in your finances either you and your partner are putting finances together to buy something that you really want like a house a car something that’s important to both of you so I feel here that you’re putting money together here that you’re holding off on all the spending right now and it’s for something that’s going to be combined or or a partnership here there you go you’re laying down the foundation you’re putting all your pennies all together and saving I I feel here that there’s a lot of saving here and it’s all for a common

purpose you’re working extremely hard it is by no mistake that you’re saving this all this money because you’re working extremely hard you may even work two jobs to bring all the money together and you I feel here I can see this this accumulating of money we need to get as much as we possibly can in order to make this move and it could be a house it could be a holiday I don’t know what you’re saving for but there’s definitely saving here and you’re working hard to aeve achieve this goal or this dream five of

Pentacles for some of you here you may have gone through a period of financial difficulty and I I do feel here that you’re very cautious that you don’t want to go back to that place you want to be secure you want to lay a solid foundation you don’t want to be out in the cold anymore or get to a stage where you don’t have money for yourself that you don’t have money to pay your bills you may have been in this position in the past and this is what scares you you work extremely hard to put everything together so you’re not out in the

cold Five of Swords you just don’t want the headaches anymore you want to be secure secure with your finances you want to be secure to the point where you don’t need to worry about your finances being out in the cold not knowing what’s next I do feel here that someone may help you in a to get a job that’s going to allow you to get out of this position either way it’s either you’re saving a ton of money to buy something that you really want a goal or a dream of yours or you’re getting a new job that’s going to allow you to get out of a place of Despair in June it your life changes and you’re going to feel blessed but there is someone here that’s going to help you get this job or help you get out of this

situation look at you there you’re you’re moving away from a a a hard time in your life and finding your ground again in June you will stand firm and stand strong and stand upright with proud with pride sorry with pride to how far you’ve come so I feel here your you’re moving away from a life of little and going to a more prominent life where you’re more stable and and the stability is going to give you the strength to combat anything that comes forward now let’s see the final message for Leo please what are the final messages for Leo please thank you final message for Leo if you believe Leo look at that if you believe you can achieve anything we need to change our mindset to being positive to attract positive if you think I’m never going to get there or I’m never going to get that job I’m never going to buy that house then that’s what you’re drawing to yourself if you believe that you’re going to get that job you’re going to buy that house you’re going to buy that car then you will it will happen there will ways that the Universe Works to make it

happen it’s up to you look at that you can change your circumstance just by changing your mindset your attitude and making things happen things are going to fall in your lap they’re going to come towards you you’re going to see where the opportunities are open the doors you’re going to find the doors are open

helpful people I said that to you someone’s going to help you out of a situation that you are in you’re not going to be in that situation anymore in June you’re going to find your feet and Stand

Tall that flew out Leo I don’t know if you saw it but that flew out don’t stop Don’t Stop Believing don’t stop pursuing don’t stop working towards a common goal don’t stop keep going don’t give up now’s not the time to give up in June do not stop getting yourself out there do not stop putting money away do not stop what you’re doing you’re on the right path what else do we have with the animal spirit for Leo please last message for Leah two cards please two cards thank you time to collaborate time to work together time to bring it all together time for it to all happen time to plan time to bring your goals and dreams into fruition time to have plans in place working together with other people starting

new if you if you’re getting a new job you’re going to be part of a team and working together is going to be so important be peace although you may have been through some tough times or you’re going through some tough times try and bring the peace into your life be peace everywhere you go remember that as much as we’ve got it hard sometimes life challenges us and life brings us a lot of lessons but it’s how we get up we may fall 10 times but if we get up 11 times then we’re ahead so be peace to whoever you meet and wherever you go look at that the bottom of the deck believe in yourself believe in yourself that’s the first thing you need to do with the belief you have in yourself everything is

possible I hope that makes sense Leo lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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