Gemini Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For May

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 3 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/gemini-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/gemini-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to bring you your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days if you haven’t done so already would love you to subscribe and become part of our beautiful Channel and thank you once again for liking sharing and sharing your comments which I always read so thank you in advance Gemini let’s see what in what en oh nervous nervous look for a sign ask your

angels wow I don’t take three but I’m going to because it was full on trust trust there are here Gemini I get the feeling that you need to trust a process trust a person trust something is going to work out trust that what you’re feeling is right trust that what you’re thinking is right let’s see look for a sign something you’re going to find out something you’re going to see something it’s going to be a sign of whether you’re right or not of whether there’s something here there’s a sign here maybe someone’s asked for a sign and you’re going to get that that Gemini you’re going to get a sign the sign that you’ve asked

for and underneath we’ve got ask your angels if there’s Clarity that you need ask your guides and your mentors and your angels for some direction some light some sign that’s going to give you Clarity on a particular situation or a decision that you need to make

wow okay let’s see there’s an opportunity here for somebody an opportunity in case you’re for someone here you may be wondering whether to give a business a go or to go in a certain direction or try something and they’re saying there’s a huge opportunity here but if you’re not sure ask your angels they will give you a sign trust that you will be guided you’re not alone okay Gemini please what do we do got for Gemini for you don’t know if that makes sense to anybody here page of Swords you’re learning something it’s like you’re joining the dots you’re going to have your there’s information or a message or something that comes towards you that starts to join the dots something that you weren’t clear about something that you didn’t know or something that you were questioning you’re going to be able to join the dots through some information or a message that you

receive seven of Cups there’s some choices that you’re going to have to make decisions you’re going to have to make where do I go what do I do with this what’s right for

me the lovers for some of you it’s a relationship and it can be a love relationship or it can be a relationship that you have with somebody else there’s decisions here around this relationship there’s decisions here based on this relationship that’s around this relationship

maybe you’ve leared something about somebody and now you need to make the choices based on what you’ve leared or what you’ve

heard this is your card here The Lover’s card the decision making this could also be decisions you’ve got to decide between one or two you’ve got to and this is not lovers but you’ve got to decide between this path or that path you’ve got to decide what you want to do with this relationship with this

partnership there’s someone here questioning something king of Cups and it could be a relationship here the king of Cups you you may be dealing here with a Pisces Scorpio or a cancer this king of Cups maybe you’re going to need to make a decision in regards to somebody that you love that means the world to you and I feel here that it could be to do with movement you you may have to ask there’s movement here see there’s a boat here ignore my dog if you can hear them as he’s there’s a boat here in the background it’s like either this person is moving away or you’re following this person or you’re going to meet this person for others it’s not for others it’s just a decision that you have to make in regards to this partnership this

relationship you may be questioning whether this person’s right for you whether you’re in the right partnership the right relationship the

hierophant I feel like you’ve gone through quite a bit here with this person

this is not someone who you’ve just met this is someone that you’ve you’ve made memories with

you’ve you’ve built foundations with and there’s an in there’s information here in regards to this

person a truth is told that’s what I’m getting here that a truth is

told Queen of

Swords it’s like I knew all along there was something someone here is someone here is is thinking about all the choices now that they need to make all the decisions that need to take place and what’s important to

you it’s like your your evaluating what you’re doing and where you’re going next there’s an evaluation here of this certain circumstance or relationship Three of Wands look at

that Three of Wands here there’s someone leaving a relationship or there’s someone looking out and wondering whether they stay or they they go whether it’s worth investing more time and money into this person into this situation or is it time to Let It

Go does that make sense to anybody

here energy is superb look at that ace of cups a new beginning for some of you here you’re questioning whether for one or two people you’ve met someone new and you’re questioning whether this person is right for you whether you should trust this person whether this person comes with good intentions whether this person is worth spending time and energy

with are they here for the right reasons or are they going to be like everybody else there’s some choices you need to make here for for someone else you may have to make a choice about following a loved one to Another Place Another Country another city or state meeting up with somebody who of huge importance to you in another

place three of

cups for some of you here you’ll be celebrating a new love a new a new adventure a new moving to a new place you’ll be celebrating a new beginning but for others here the news that you learned or the message that you got could have been that this person may have been with somebody else at the same time and that is what’s going to make you decide whether you stay or go I think for some of you you’re still in shock someone has betrayed your trust and they may not have had an affair it could be just a betrayal a lie something that they hid from

you but I feel here that you suspected that already so this is not for everybody it’s for someone who had this hug huge feeling that something wasn’t

right tend to the small


sometimes thinking about all the little things that happened now you’re starting to put everything together everything is starting to make sense now now that you know it’s like you’re connecting all the dots

turn knowledge into wisdom whatever you’ve learned whatever you’ve heard whatever’s come your way it’s come for a reason and a purpose turn that into wisdom rather than wanting to get upset or even turn it into how am I going to win this challenge how how am I going to turn this around to suit me how am I going to do things my

way know your worth absolutely it’s exactly that it’s it’s knowing your worth and not allowing the other person this situation to keep eating at you but knowing your worth is there starting to turn the knowledge and what you’ve learned into wisdom how you’re going to achieve this conquer this to suit you I hope that makes sense Gemini lots of love and light thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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