Libra Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for May

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for May Week 3 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/libra-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live we’re here to bring you your horoscope for the next seven 7 to 14 days the first one that F fell out was choose a new Direction it’s time to choose a new direction to go on A New Path a new adventure a new life open doors to new opportunities to new

possibilities you’ve got the magic that you need to start something new there’s something here that you know and you’re a leader in here it’s someone standing above and everyone below listening whatever it is that you do Libra you have got a knowledge you have got ah gift that you’ve been given that others will listen to It’s it’s like you can teach people something you can show people something you can communicate with others that’s where you’re meant to be where you feel that you can share with others your knowledge and your experience of everything you’ve been

through something here is important

listen to your intuition your intuition is telling you where you’re meant to be what you’re meant to be doing and I don’t know if it’s out of fear or if it’s out of Doubt for yourself that you haven’t yet started this new adventure this new step in your life this new possibility that you can become that can become a reality

okay let’s see what else have we got for Libra please for everybody’s going to be different but here you’re meant to be on a certain path that suit you better that’s what I’m getting from here Libra you even know yourself there’s something of huge importance for you something that you want to do deep down in your

heart let’s see

place the empress something hugely creative something that you’ve always wanted to start or you want to start your intuition is telling you what you would be good at your intuition is telling you what it wants to experience but due to fear or doubt self-doubt you haven’t committed this

yet some of you already imagined what you’d like to be doing but for some reason something holds you back but this is where you’re meant to be this is the new creation for you

Libra 10 of Swords leave something behind that no longer serves you you’re hanging on to something you know because it’s a comfort zone to you you feel comfortable in that spot you feel comfortable doing that thing you feel comfortable in that place with those

people but it’s not allowing you to be yourself to be who you came here to be the creative person the person that has got so much to share so much to do something is holding you

back the devil the self- sabotage the doubt the

fear not feeling capable of achieving something what are people going to say what are people going to do what if it doesn’t work

out what if I embarrass

myself I don’t know if I’m capable of

that nine of Cups the minute you let go of those fears and those doubts and the self- sabotaging you’re going to find a new world out there for you and this new is going to be exactly what you needed it’s going to fulfill you more than what you expected it’s where you’re meant to be it’s what you’re meant to be

doing five of Pentacles to get you out of a place of despair of loneliness of poverty in some cases some of you are investing so much time and effort into something or you’re working long hours and not getting back what you’re putting in not getting back as much as you should be getting doing the right thing this new creation is going to take you out of this place of

despair of loneliness of self

sabotaging for some of you here Libra you’ve lost yourself you’ve lost yourself in what you are doing to what you should be doing what your intuition is asking you to do it’s asking you to go in that new Direction it’s meant for you Libra it’s not by mistake that you’re feeling a certain way about a certain thing there’s a calling

here King of Swords you know you’ve given this a lot of thought you know what you’re doing right now or where you are or who you’re with it’s not for you you have given this a lot of thought you know exactly what you’d say you know exactly what you do

it’s having the stamina the determination to make it

happen Five of

Swords sometimes your self- sabotaging makes you doubt yourself makes you believe all those little words that are planted in your mind the negativity that the mind tells us so sometimes you wake up a certain way but very very soon those negative thoughts those negative feelings that self- sabotaging starts to creep in and before you know it you don’t do

it tell me if you can resonate with this reading Libra someone here is amazing with a a beautiful gift that they’re

self-doubting the fool take that risk the fool comes to say Libra take that risk you know you’ve got what it takes you know you can make this happen you are not just anybody you are creative you’re abundant you’re beautiful you’re ruled by Venus you’ve got some class about you you’ve got Integrity your fair justice justice is our our major Arcana card which we’re Fair we’re reasonable we want what’s right we want to do what’s right it’s taking the leap of faith to do what is right for you that’s what’s going to bring you the happiness that’s what what’s going to bring you the

Fulfillment an internal battle that goes on Libra I feel here that you for some of you here you may have conflict with others but for majority I feel this is a conflict within yourself you try and fight it although you know deep down in your heart what you’d like to be doing you fight that feeling because the self-doubt and the the negative thoughts come into your mind which then you end up putting aside what’s what’s not pleasant this huge fight within yourself and this self-doubt is too hard at at times so we put it aside and keep doing what we’re doing because that’s what you know that’s what’s comfortable even though it’s not giving you what you

deserve or how big you are someone here is settling for second best or settling for little things in life smaller things than what you’re capable of doing

does that make sense to anybody here Libra what else have we got for Libra please what’s the last two messages for

Libra the Abundant universe will provide look at that if you throw yourself out there Libra and give it a go the universe will take care of the rest you’ll see that you’ll be rewarded for your hard work you’ll be rewarded for your C creativity you’ll be rewarded for the creation that you bring into the world to

others there’s a lot here you’re meant to be doing that you you know you’d love to be doing

now is a lucky time Now’s the Time more than ever before Libra to initiate that new project that new adventure move to that new place create your abundance your happiness your fulfillment where your heart and your soul and your spirit are all aligned

how many of you are all aligned with what you’re with what you want to be

doing look at the bottom of the

deck not only once but twice take that leap of faith you’re meant to be doing what it is that your heart and soul is asking don’t let your mind play those negative games with you don’t allow those negative thoughts to Veer you off your your path to Veer you away from your abundance your dream and your wishes just

believe listen to your intuition Libra

I hope that makes sense to somebody here Libra honestly because this reading is beautiful sended to a Libra that needs to hear this that is doubting themselves lots of love and light thank you bye-bye


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