Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being you today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au let’s see what we have for Sagittarius pleas for the next 7 to 14 days I’ll call in my guides my mentors and my angels to help bring the messages through that Sagittarius needs to know right now so let’s go Sagittarius what is it that you need to know message from Archangel Michael trust in Divine Purpose this experience has Divine meaning healing will come know that you are on the path of growth so someone here is receiving healing I don’t know what it what it is that you’re going through right now Sagittarius but this is trust in Divine Purpose that everything that you’ve experienced you’ve gone through there is a reason and you may not see it as being a reason but there’s something here that you’ve leared from this situation there’s something here that’s made you a lot stronger a lot wiser and more determined than you were before so this didn’t happen by mistake this may may have been a lesson that the Universe wanted you to go through in order to bring out the better stronger more determined you ready for the next chapter in your life sometimes Sagittarius when we’re not ready to move to the next chapter the next part of our Lives we might think we are but the universe says or the Divine says here you’re ready but you don’t have this experience so unfortunately you you may have to go through a little bit of a hard time here or a hard time to learn that lesson because you’re going to need that for future future reference future development with that skill that you’ve learned with that strength that you’ve gained with that determination that you’ve found in yourself that you didn’t know you had now you’re

ready does that make strength does that make strength does that make sense Sagittarius does that make sense have you been through any have you been through a bit lately they’re saying don’t give up three and four trust in the Divine Purpose it’s not time want to give up they didn’t put you through that for you to give up they may have put you through something that you had to learn what else do we have here for Sagittarius please what’s the animal Oracle

saying life is a mystery sometimes we don’t see a purpose and a reason for what we went through sometimes we think I could have done without that really but life is a mystery and we don’t know what’s coming we don’t know what we’re going to need to be ready for so sometimes even though it was a hard time in your life or you’re still going through it just know that everything that you’ve been through everything that you’ve leared there’s definitely going to be a purpose and a reason for that life is a

mystery the internal growth and strength that you have today that you didn’t have you’re going to look at that be fearless and bold for some of you you may have have had to lose fear in a situation and be bold and upfront with somebody maybe you went through a situation of losing a friendship or a relationship but in that process you you gained you gained the the that skill of being bold and saying what you think speaking your truth losing the fear of not being able to say how you feel

does that make sense it’s like whatever you’ve been through you lost the fear that you once had you you’ve lost the the um you’re not timid anymore you now can speak your truth and you have no problem doing that where before you may have been a little bit worried or timed on how others were going to take what you had to say where today you speak your truth does that make sense it’s like you’ve learned a skill through what you went through that is going to be beneficial for you in life let’s see what we’re talking about here with the tarot wow what a mess there’s a lot of agitation here are you feeling agitated Sagittarius are you feeling like it you had to get out of your comfort zone in a situation it put you in a difficult situation let’s see what have we got for Sagittarius

please queen of Cups more

place Temperance patience we’ve got patience and queen of Cups which is you may have had to be patient with somebody for a long time or your patience ran out with a loved one a family a partner a

husband you may have gone through a hard time for some of you here someone here has left a situation that really stressed them and it could have been with someone that you loved it it’s definitely someone that you had a lot of admiration for so you may have left a relationship a marriage uh a family group a person in your family behind and be you lost your patience with this person your patience was tested with this person and I feel here that there’s a Sagittarius that has left this person this situation this family member behind because enough is enough you got to the point where you had the strength to stand up to yourself and stand up for yourself sorry for yourself and you had the strength to stand up to that

person for some of you here you dealt with a lot of rubbish you dealt with a lot of a lot of criticism a lot of judgment a lot of lies for some of you it’s a group of people and you finally had the courage to stand up and speak your

truth and although you can’t understand why this took place you can’t understand why they judged you the way that they did why they don’t like you this was all there for you to learn from that situation learn that not everybody is going to agree with who we are and we’re never going to make every person happy that we meet people cross our paths and leave our paths when they have taught us what we need to

know does this make sense to anybody quite deep Two of Pentacles you for some of you here you’re you’re still trying to come to comprehend end why things turned out the way they did why this person or this group of people or this situation worked out the way it did you’re still unsure about why all this took place and and some of you still are looking for answers you may be looking for answers what why this person left why these people moved away from you why this situation happened you’re still trying to make sense of why there’s a lot of why

here what else have we got for Sagittarius

please because it was just Justice Sagittarius it’s Justice you learned everything you had to learn and those those people that person can completed their cycle in your life now you’re going to be exposed to other people to other situations so you can learn more in your journey you’re you’re on a journey don’t forget and there are people that are going to come into our lives and stay for a long time and there are others that are going to come into our lives for a short time to teach us the lessons that we need to learn to make us stronger and more determined than ever

before what else have we got look at that and the strength card on the bottom make no mistake this was definitely definitely in your life to make you stronger I I uh you may in the past have been like I said before been afraid to speak your truth you may in the past have been afraid

to face people and say what you truly meant and felt you may in the past being timid in relationships and now you’re not this relationship this group of people this situation it taught you to be strong


stronger you took a while to speak your truth you dealt with quite a few things and and at times you thought I need to say what I need to say but you wouldn’t now today Sagittarius I feel that you’re able to speak your truth you no longer have to worry your patience is it taught you patience yes that that whole process taught you patience but it also taught you truth and I feel that there’s someone here that’s totally comfortable now with being who you are speaking your truth you feel comfortable that you don’t have to hide how you feel anymore

this person or this situation look at

that leaving a situation that was way too hard although you couldn’t see why this situation happened why this person left why you were ridiculed from this group why you were judged lied to today you walk away with your head held high learning all the lessons you had to but you’re no longer putting up with the rubbish or the unfairness let’s say that you had to deal

with what else do we have for Sagittarius please

it’s like all of a sudden you’ve gained your truth but you’ve gained that strength and you’ve gained the knowledge of how valuable you are you’re worthy of more king of

cups for some of you here you may have been dealing with a um a Scorpio a Pisces or a cancer Sagittarius for others it could have been someone who you had a lot of admiration for you loved dearly and deeply with your heart and you were patient and gave everything to this

person but unfortunately either they didn’t see it that way they didn’t give you in return what you deserved

but and and I feel here that some of you are still questioning and you want

answers it’s still there’s still something here that hasn’t that you’re not completely understanding

here tell me in the comments are you still looking for answers Sagittarius

[Music] this didn’t fall on that card by mistake enough is enough I have loved I have leared I have been patient I have given it my all but now it’s time for me to leave it’s time to me for me to go and find what I deserve what I want and I do that with strength conv ition and determination because I learned

that I learned that I don’t H deserve this I leared that I don’t have to put up with

this judgment you are being guided You Are Not Alone every step of the way you were never alone Sagittarius you’ve got guidance here you were given a lot of knowledge even that patience at times you don’t know where you got patience from but you were

helped but you also helped to make that final

decision about what you put up with and what you

want I hope that makes sense here Sagittarius to somebody lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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