Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast May Week 1 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May Week 1 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and I’d love to ask you um Capricorn to like the video and subscribe if you haven’t already as we bring you these beautiful messages and we want to reach millions of other people people so thank you in advance let’s see what energies we have for Capricorn please that’s one two look at that patience happy family Capricorn happy fames there’s going to be something that happens within the next 7 to 14 days that brings a lot of Happiness into your family and here we have patience so it’s like you’ve been waiting for something to happen something that’s going to benefit the family something that you’ve wanted to happen for quite some time and with the eclipse there’s a lot of changes coming through a lot of wishes being granted and this is something that’s very very close to your heart they’re asking here for patience because your family is going to be happy whatever it is that you’ve been wanting and look at these cards they’re very white pure and look at that rainbow it’s like you may have been through some tough times as a family but now the storm is over the rainbow comes through things that weren’t moving now will move things that you’re waiting on or answers or Solutions now arrive it’s like things come together now Capricorn what a beautiful beautiful energy here of abundance and it’s like I’ve had to have patience you’ve been waiting for something for so long Capricorn I don’t know what this is but your time is not their time the universe time has their own time they’ll bring it when they feel it’s right this is something that you’ve been hoping for and wishing for for so long I feel here that you’ve been waiting for this thing to take place for this answer for this solution for this situation to change what is it what have we got here the Capricorn place and I feel that it’s going to impact the whole

family look at that self self yourself this is saying connect with your intuition with yourself look after

yourself for someone here could be a health issue that you’re going through and you’re going to get the news that you’re okay that everything’s okay that the treatment went well that your your back your back you’re going to feel amazing again and that’s going to be huge relief and I feel here that you may have had a long treatment plan here for somebody for others it’s saying it’s time now to look after yourself whatever happens is going to bring us a huge self-satisfaction here

look at this emotional and intellect it’s like someone here knew that they were going to be okay and emotionally and physically and mentally you knew this was going to happen you were hoping this was going to

happen whatever it is that you going through it it affected you emotionally intellectually that your well-being look at that the strength you required strength through this thing I don’t know what you are going through Capricorn but whatever it is you had to have a lot of strength a lot of courage to get through this and for some of you it really did challenge you emotionally physically

what is it Capricorn that you were going through and there was a lot of patience required a lot of patience

required but I feel that this is about to

turn look at that the eight of water which is aligning all your chakras having an alignment of feeling fulfilled and happy again your emotions are going to settle down now knowing that you’re at peace and you’re going to feel the Tranquility within you a peace a Solitude like this this feeling of relief you know what it’s the feeling here of relief that’s what I got

here starting to feel yourself again like starting to feel like you again Journey it was a hard journey there were some really dark days in this journey there were some days of huge amount of Hope but there was a lot of dark days but here you are here you are at the end of The Journey the tested you that didn’t break you it tested you but it didn’t break you Capricorn you’re stronger than that tell me if this resonates with you and what it is that you’ve been through of late body and mind absolutely look at that now it’s time for you to look after your body and your mind put your mind at rest which in turn will bring a lot of peace to your body now it’s time for you to look after yourself Capricorn I don’t know what you’ve been through I don’t know what you’ve asked for or what you were you are hoping would happen but here it’s now time for self fulfillment peace tranquility and

wellbeing what is it that you’re going through Capricorn Heaven and Earth many of you connected with your higher being your higher Creator God Mary your angels your guides your mentors whoever it is Buddha Allah whoever it is that you believe in you connected with them and ask for your blessings to be brought down to earth you ask them to help you get through this

but you know what Capricorn you’re going to receive your answer you’re going to receive your you know what I got I get here there’s a huge relief there’s a huge relief

here look at that you gave you know what you had a lot of Courage a lot of determination a lot of strength but you never stopped giving and people I feel here that there’s one important person that helped you through this and you it may not be someone that’s living it may be someone in the spiritual World someone that helped you guide and guided you and gave you the strength and The Willpower to get through this but there is someone helping you here

the 10 of water finding the love the happiness the Fulfillment we’ve been talking about this is you at peace in very much gratitude getting connecting yourself with nature with the water elements with the Earth elements trees plants understanding how lucky you are I I feel here that you’ve got this huge relief and you’re saying how lucky am I to be given an a huge opportunity to be given what I’ve been asking

for it’s you feeling at peace with yourself

again look at that that’s the Ace of Swords you had to fight and fight hard you had to think fight and in your journey it wasn’t easy you saw some truth you felt empowered you never gave up on this journey you believed in this journey that you had to go

through you didn’t give up you pushed through it that mental capacity that you have to push you through anything you used every bit of it you knew you were going to be

okay I don’t know what it is that you’ve been through Capricorn but I feel this huge power of strength and courage and determination to win

here look at that the bottom of the deck is Union you had a huge support system here your family supported you you felt one you felt as if you had the encouragement the support of those that you loved which gave you the strength to keep fighting to keep

going look at that the offering someone has offered you a second chance someone has offered you some a gift that is very valuable for you I don’t know what it is that you’ve been through Capricorn but you are so forever grateful cuz I can feel that here your gratitude is beyond look at that now it’s time to heal to know who you are and how strong you are and where you’ve come from now it’s your time to heal to be at peace and to be very grateful to for Where You Are

there’s a huge thing here about the patience paid off and the happy family at the end of it that’s all you wanted to find your happiness again to be at peace and to be a total comfort with finding that happiness again feeling that happiness

again Capricorn I hide this just makes sense for somebody here lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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