Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics live.com.au we’re here to do your May forecast for 2024 I call in all your mentors and guides and with my mentors and guides we will bring you the message that needs to be brought today if it doesn’t resonate with you please feel free to release that energy and check your moon and your ascendant sign reading as there may be messages for there there for you lots of love let’s start we’re going to go with two oracles first then we’re going to go through the tarot and see what comes through for Sagittarius please for May 2024 thank you let’s see what we have Sagittarius what’s the energies coming no that came through sorry energy for Sagittarius please for May 202 for first one release what do you need to let go of Sagittarius in May there’s going to be a huge energy of you having to release something from your energy something that’s not good for you something that’s holding you back and here it’s asking you to release anything that holds you back and doesn’t let you move in the direction you want to go in so release is going to be the first one it’s like you’ve come to an end of a chapter and you need to release everything that that chapter has brought you it may have brought pain it may have brought um periods of anxiety not sleeping well due to the worry um and they’re saying release from that energy May is the start of a new month and it requires you to release anything that no longer serves you what else have we got for Sagittarius

please peace in order for you to get peace and close that chapter there’s going to be releasing releasing of energies of people of situations that no longer serve you a job that’s quite toxic in your life things that you need to let go of that have been holding you back or not letting you be who you want to be peace is going to be the the core of May and it’s going to allow you to let go of anything in the past bringing you peace tranquility into the month of May the masculine for some of you it’s about you finding the balance of the feminine side and the masculine side and here there’re saying with the masculine the masculine energy is more of a strategic energy it’s it’s like you’re going to strategize in May you’re going to make plans that you want to achieve you’re going to allow yourself to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you anymore in order for you to plan ahead so may may be a month of planning ahead with your head not with your heart it’s going to require a lot of strategic planning how you conquer something is going to to require a plan and on the bottom patience so Sagittarius here it’s asking you for a little bit of patience there is a world out there for you there are huge amount of opportunities for you what you need to let go of is anything that’s held you back like we’ve spoken about and I’m repeating myself again because I keep telling me the same thing so that’s going to be a huge thing for you I don’t think it’s going to be an easy path for them to repeat it time and time again it’s saying to me that it’s going to be more difficult to let go of something or some people in your life that you know are not bringing you positivity and they have repeated that constantly in my in in the messages that are coming through so that’s going to be your number one step release and then from there on in you’re going to start to find your peace and with that is going to allow you to be strategic in what you plan ahead and where you go what they’re saying is put plans in place and be patient with yourself allow yourself to go through the mourning of walking away from certain people or certain situations and it may be hard however be patient and realize that you’re going through a transformation and any transformation takes time effort and patience does that make sense to anybody here cuz that’s the message that they’re drilling home so let’s see what else have we got for Sagittarius

please imagination Release Yourself so that you can imagine the impossible everything that you see as impossible is absolutely possible so don’t give up have a huge imagination of where you want to go who you want to be what you want to do and stick with that don’t give up your imagination is going to take you to places that you may one day have thought were too hard to achieve so nothing is impossible Sagittarius here it’s you getting out of what you’ve been doing and allowing yourself the freedom to think big and your actions to be different so here it’s asking you for imagination be different do things differently see things different that’s how you’re going to reach that height reach those goals reach that dream

nourishment it’s important here Sagittarius that along the way you consolidate everything that um you have gone through all the memories release the Pain release the worry release what held you back and nourish yourself now it’s about looking after who you are you you lert a lot of things along the way and what they’re saying here for you to find your peace you need to nourish yourself allow yourself the freedom to understand what happened why it happened how you got here where you’re going to next understand that nothing’s your fault for someone here I get the energy that you’re blaming yourself for certain things for certain endings you may be blaming yourself for moving away or walking away from certain people and situations but don’t feel that there is nothing that is a mistake everything we do is for a purpose and I do feel here the energy that’s here Sagittarius is that you’re going to be pushed in a certain direction and if you don’t fight it you’re going to find your way it’s like you where you are is not where you belong who who you’re with is not who’s going to bring you what you

want nourish yourself take care of your well-being your mind your body your soul exercise breathe meditate allow yourself the freedom to feel feel go out into nature and allow yourself the time to look at different plants look at different birds appreciate the beauty this world has to offer which I don’t think a lot of you have


Ro the air all about the new beginning it’s like here you’re going to be in a strategic mind about starting something new a new life a new business a new proposal a new relationship ship it’s like this Whirlwind this huge Whirlwind you’re shaking things up that’s what I get here it’s like you’re shaking everything that you believed you’re shaking up you’re questioning everything that you once wanted you’re

questioning you’re thinking about things in a strategic way taking the emotions out of it all in May I don’t see you Sagittarius being very emotional I see you being very strategic and planning

planning and on the bottom balance look at that balance and patience it’s about you finding your Pure Balance finding the balance between what you want and what you have finding the balance between your social and your work life finding a Pure Balance of allowing people in but at the same time not letting them cross the line does that make sense to anyone here it’s it’s you defining your balance through the patience that you’re going to have to find your new way your new

life bringing changes in to your life that are going to give you a better balance a more secure Vision a more secure way of

living if you resonate with this let me know Sagittarius and comment as I do read all the comments below I’d love to hear from you what else have we got for Sagittarius

please the eight of Fire

you finding your passion you finding releasing everything that no longer serves you is going to give you this inner strength power determination like never before you’re going to feel this freedom of expansion you’re going to feel in May that you are capable of achieving anything you want the minute you let go of those chains that hold you back is the minute and the day that you’re going to realize how capable you are of achieving exactly what you

want your third eye is going to be sharp in May so any thoughts or intuition that you feel listen to those you’re going to get your inner soul is going to be communicating with you and it’s going to be it’s like you’re going to feel feel like doing certain things you you’re going to feel like being in certain places go and do it allow yourself the freedom to do

that the queen of air isn’t that funny and it fell on top of the masculine and the the riage which is the air turning the queen of air is you being very true to who you are in May you’re going to have this truthness about you that you’re going to say I’m no longer going to be who everyone else wants me to be I need to take the reins into my own hands of my life no one can make me feel appreciated if I don’t appreciate myself no one is ever going to respect me if I don’t respect myself so for that to happen I need to make changes I need to look at things in a different way I need to behave in a different way I need to allow myself to be who I want to be despite what others think it’s like this freedom of expression a freedom of it’s It’s you letting loose here it’s you allowing yourself to be who you want to be despite anything else or anyone else

the two of fire which is sometimes I I want to have that courage and I’ve got the courage I know what I need to do but then I wake up in the morning and I go really am I going to make those changes I don’t think I’m capable of doing that I don’t think I I want that I’m confused this is finding the balance between the two remember we spoke about that it’s being the in between to the two and here you’ve got two decisions you’re going to make to find your balance in between these two not cold and not hot the in between is what you’re going to go for the in between is what you’re trying to find I don’t want to go too far but I don’t want to stay where I am I need to find a middle ground that I’m going to be comfortable in does that make sense to anybody

here Sagittarius I hope that this made sense and if it doesn’t please check your moon and your ascendant sign but may is a month of freedom of allowing yourself to live the life you’ve always imagined lots of love and light thank you so much bye-bye


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